Spotlight on: Developing for visionOS聚焦:针对visionOS开发

What’s it like to develop for visionOS? For Karim Morsy, CEO and co-founder of Algoriddim, “it was like bringing together all of the work we've built over many years.”
为visionOS开发是什么感觉?对于Algoriddim的首席执行官兼联合创始人Karim Morsy来说,“这就像是把我们多年来建立的所有工作汇集在一起。

Algoriddim’s Apple Design Award-winning app djay has long pioneered new ways for music lovers and professional DJs alike to mix songs on Apple platforms; in 2020, the team even used hand pose detection features to create an early form of spatial gesture control on iPad. On Apple Vision Pro, they’ve been able to fully embrace spatial input, creating a version of djay controlled entirely by eyes and hands.
Algoriddim的苹果设计奖获奖应用djay长期以来一直为音乐爱好者和专业DJ在苹果平台上混合歌曲开创新方法; 2020年,该团队甚至使用手势检测功能在iPad上创建了早期形式的空间手势控制。在Apple Vision Pro上,他们已经能够完全接受空间输入,创建完全由眼睛和双手控制的djay版本。

“I've been DJing for over twenty years, in all sorts of places and with all sorts of technology, but this frankly just blew my mind,” says Morsy. "It's a very natural way to interact with music, and the more we can embrace input devices that allow you to free yourself from all these buttons and knobs and fiddly things — we really feel it's liberating.”

“It’s emotional — it feels real.”

It’s a sentiment shared by Ryan McLeod, creator of Apple Design Award-winning puzzle game Blackbox. “You have a moment of realizing — it's not even that interacting this way has become natural. There is nothing to ‘become natural’ about it. It just is!” he says. “I very vividly remember laughing at that, because I just had to stop for a moment and appreciate it — you completely forget that this [concept] is wild.”

Blackbox is famous on iOS for “breaking the fourth glass wall,” as McLeod puts it, using the sensors and inputs on iPhone in unusual ways to create dastardly challenges that ask you to do almost everything but touch the screen. Before bringing this experience to visionOS, however, McLeod had his own puzzle to solve: how to reimagine the game to take advantage of the infinite canvas offered by Vision Pro.
正如麦克劳德所说,Blackbox在iOS上以“打破第四堵玻璃墙”而闻名,它以不寻常的方式使用iPhone上的传感器和输入,创造出卑鄙的挑战,要求你做几乎所有的事情,除了触摸屏幕。然而,在将这种体验带到visionOS之前,McLeod有自己的难题要解决:如何重新构想游戏,以利用Vision Pro提供的无限画布。

“You really have to go back to those first principles: What will feel native and natural on visionOS, and within a person’s world?” he says. “What will people expect — and what won’t they? How can you exist comfortably like that, and then tweak their expectations to create a puzzle, surprise, and satisfaction?”

After some early prototyping of spatial challenges, audio quickly became a core part of the Blackbox story. While McLeod and sound designer Gus Callahan had previously created sonic interfaces for the iOS app, Spatial Audio is bringing a new dimensionality to their puzzles in visionOS. “It’s a very fun, ineffable thing and completely changes the level of immersion,” he says. “Having sounds move past you is a wild effect because it evokes emotion — it feels real.”
在一些空间挑战的早期原型之后,音频很快成为Blackbox故事的核心部分。虽然McLeod和声音设计师Gus卡拉汉此前曾为iOS应用程序创建过声音界面,但Spatial Audio为他们在visionOS中的难题带来了新的维度。“这是一个非常有趣,难以形容的事情,并完全改变了沉浸的水平,”他说。“让声音从你身边经过是一种狂野的效果,因为它能唤起情感--感觉真实的。”

“It will take you minutes to have your own stuff working in space.”

As someone who had exclusively developed for iOS and iPadOS for almost a decade — and had little experience with either 3D modeling or RealityKit — McLeod was initially trepidatious about trying to build an app for spatial computing. “I really hadn’t done a platform switch like that,” he says. But once he got started in Xcode, “there was a wild, powerful moment of recognizing how to set this up.”
作为一个专门为iOS和iPadOS开发了近十年的人-并且对3D建模或RealityKit几乎没有经验- McLeod最初对试图构建一个空间计算应用程序感到不安。“我真的没有做过这样的平台转换,”他说。但是,一旦他开始使用Xcode,“就有一个疯狂的、强大的时刻来认识如何设置它。”

visionOS is built to support familiar frameworks, like SwiftUI, UIKit, RealityKit, and ARKit, which helps apps like Blackbox bring over a lot of their existing codebase without having to rewrite from scratch. “What gets me excited to tell other developers is just — you can make apps really easily,” says McLeod. “It will take you minutes to have your own stuff working in space.”

Even for developers working with a more complex assortment of frameworks, like the team behind augmented reality app JigSpace, the story is a similar one. “Within three days, we had something up and running,” says CEO and co-founder Zac Duff, crediting the prowess of his team for their quick prototype.
即使对于使用更复杂的框架的开发人员,比如增强现实应用JigSpace背后的团队,故事也是类似的。“在三天之内,我们就有了一些东西并开始运行,”首席执行官兼联合创始人Zac Duff说,并称赞他的团队的快速原型的能力。

One member of that team is JigSpace co-founder Numa Bertron, who spent a few days early in their development process getting to know SwiftUI. “He’d just be out there, learning everything he could, playing with Swift Playgrounds, and then he’d come back the next day and go: ‘Oh, boy, you won’t believe how powerful this thing is,’” Duff says.
该团队的一名成员是JigSpace的联合创始人Numa Bertron,他在开发过程的早期花了几天时间了解SwiftUI。达夫说:“他只是在那里,学习他能学的一切,和斯威夫特游乐场一起玩,然后第二天他回来说:”哦,孩子,你不会相信这东西有多强大。“

Though new to SwiftUI, the JigSpace team is no stranger to Apple’s augmented reality framework, having used it for years in their apps to help people learn about the world using 3D objects. On Vision Pro, the team is taking advantage of ARKit features to place 3D objects into the world and build custom gestures for scaling — all while keeping the app’s main interface in a window and easily accessible.
虽然JigSpace团队对SwiftUI并不陌生,但他们对苹果的增强现实框架并不陌生,多年来一直在他们的应用程序中使用它来帮助人们使用3D对象了解世界。在Vision Pro上,该团队利用ARKit功能将3D对象放置到世界中,并构建自定义手势进行缩放-同时将应用程序的主界面保持在窗口中并易于访问。

JigSpace is also exploring how people can work together with SharePlay and Spatial Personas. “It's a fundamental rethink of how people interact together around knowledge,” says Duff. “Now, we can just have you experience something right in front of you. And not only that — you can bring other people into that experience, and it becomes much more about having all the right people in the room with you.”
JigSpace还在探索人们如何与SharePlay和Spatial Personas一起工作。“这是对人们如何围绕知识进行互动的根本性反思,”达夫说。“现在,我们可以让你在你面前体验一些东西。不仅如此,你还可以把其他人带到这种体验中来,而且更多的是让所有合适的人和你在一起。”

“You want to feel at home.”

Shared experiences can be great for education and collaboration, but for Xavi H. Oromí, chief engineering officer at XRHealth, it’s also about finding new and powerful ways to help people. While Oromí and his team are new to Apple platforms, they have significant expertise building fully immersive experiences: They were creating apps for VR headsets as early as 2012 in order to assist people in recognizing phobias, physical rehabilitation, mental health, and other therapy services.
分享经验对于教育和合作来说是很好的,但对于Xavi H。XRHealth的首席工程官Oromí说,这也是为了寻找新的、强大的方法来帮助人们。虽然Oromí和他的团队是苹果平台的新手,但他们拥有构建完全沉浸式体验的重要专业知识:他们早在2012年就为VR头显开发了应用程序,以帮助人们识别恐惧症,身体康复,心理健康和其他治疗服务。

Vision Pro immediately clicked for Oromí and the team, especially the fluidity of immersion that visionOS provides. “Offering some sort of gradual exposure and letting the person decide what that should look like — it’s something that’s naturally very integrated with therapy itself,” says Oromí.
Vision Pro立即为Oromí和团队赢得了好评,特别是visionOS提供的沉浸感。“提供某种渐进的暴露,让人决定应该是什么样子-这是自然的东西,非常与治疗本身相结合,”Oromí说。

With that principle as their bedrock, the team designed an experience to help people with acrophobia (fear of heights), built entirely with Apple frameworks. Despite having no prior development experience with Swift or Xcode, the team was able to build a prototype they were proud of in just a month.

In their visionOS app, a person can open a portal in their current space that gives them the feeling of being positioned at a significant height without fully immersing themselves in that app’s environment. For Oromí, this opens up new possibilities to connect with patients and help them feel grounded without overtaxing their comfort level. “You want to feel at home,” says Oromí, “The alternative before [in a completely immersive experience] was that I needed to remove the headset, and then I totally broke the immersion.”

It also has the added benefit of giving people a way to stay true to themselves. In some of their previous immersive experiences on other platforms, Oromí notes, patients’ hands and bodies were represented in the space using virtual avatars. But this had its own challenges: “We had a lot of patients saying that they felt their body was not theirs,” he says. “It’s very difficult for our society that’s so diverse to create representations of avatars that match everyone in the world... [In Vision Pro], where you can see your own body through the passthrough, we don’t need to create a representation.”
它还有一个额外的好处,那就是给人们一种忠于自己的方式。Oromí指出,在他们之前在其他平台上的一些沉浸式体验中,患者的手和身体在空间中使用虚拟化身来表示。但这也有自己的挑战:“我们有很多病人说,他们觉得他们的身体不是他们的,”他说。“对于我们这个如此多样化的社会来说,创造出与世界上每个人相匹配的化身是非常困难的。[In Vision Pro],您可以通过passthrough看到自己的身体,我们不需要创建表示。”

When combined with SharePlay, people can stay connected and supported with their virtual therapists while pushing their boundaries and challenging common fears. “Years from now, when we look back,” Oromí says, “we will be able to say it all started with the launch of Vision Pro — it’s where we truly enabled real virtual therapy.”
当与SharePlay相结合时,人们可以与他们的虚拟治疗师保持联系和支持,同时突破他们的界限并挑战共同的恐惧。“多年以后,当我们回首往事时,”Oromí说,“我们可以说,这一切都始于Vision Pro的推出-这是我们真正实现真实的虚拟治疗的地方。”

“You’re off to the races.”

When the SDK arrives later this month, developers worldwide will be able to download Xcode and start building their own apps and games for visionOS. With 46 sessions focused on Apple Vision Pro premiering at WWDC, there’s a lot of new knowledge to explore — but Duff and McLeod have a few supplemental recommendations.
当SDK在本月晚些时候发布时,世界各地的开发人员将能够下载Xcode,并开始为visionOS构建自己的应用程序和游戏。在WWDC上有46场会议专注于Apple Vision Pro的首映,有很多新知识需要探索-但Duff和McLeod有一些补充建议。

“Pick up SwiftUI if you haven't yet,” says McLeod, noting that getting to know the framework can help developers add core platform functionality to their existing app. He also suggests getting comfortable with basic modeling and Reality Composer Pro. “At some point, you're gonna want to come off the page,” he says. But, he notes with a smile, you don't need to become a 3D graphics expert to build for this platform. "You can get really far with a simple model and [Reality Composer Pro] shaders."
McLeod说:“如果你还没有学过SwiftUI,那就学一学吧。”他指出,了解SwiftUI框架可以帮助开发人员在现有应用程序中添加核心平台功能。他还建议开发人员熟悉基本建模和Reality Composer Pro。他说:“在某种程度上,你会想从书页上下来。”但是,他笑着说,你不需要成为一个3D图形专家来构建这个平台。“你可以用一个简单的模型和[Reality Composer Pro]着色器走得很远。”

Duff mirrors these recommendations, adding one last framework to the list: RealityKit. “If you’re transitioning from [other renderers] there are some fundamental changes you have to get to know,” he says. “But with those three things, you’re off to the races.”





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