【FRRouting User Guide】【Basic 】(八)Route Maps

对于路由反射器将route-map应用到反射路由,请确保在router bgp 模式下包含bgp route-reflector allow-outbound-policy。

Matching Conditions

route-map entry 可以可选地指定一个或多个条件,如果要进一步考虑条目,则这些条件必须被匹配,如由匹配策略所控制的那样。如果route-map entry 没有明确指定任何匹配条件,则它始终匹配。

Set Actions

route-map entry 可以指定一个或多个设置操作来设置或修改route的属性。

Matching Policy

这将指定满足或不满足匹配条件时隐含的策略,以及要采取的 route-map 操作(如果有)。这两种可能性是:

  • permit: 如果entry 匹配,则执行设置的操作。然后完成处理route-map,允许route,除非退出策略操作另有指示。
  • deny: 如果entry 匹配,则完成对route-map 的处理并拒绝该route (return deny)。

匹配策略被指定为命令的一部分,该命令定义 route-map中的有序条目。见下文。

Call Action


Exit Policy

如果entry 匹配,entry 可以选择性地指定要采取的替代退出策略,而不是退出route-map并允许route的常规策略。这两种可能性是:

  • next: 继续处理 route-map entries。
  • goto N: 跳转到route-map 中顺序>=N的第一个route-map 条目。不允许跳转到上一个条目。

如果没有匹配的条目,route-map的默认操作是拒绝。I.e. route-map的最后一个条目基本上有一个空拒绝条目,该条目与所有路由匹配。要更改此行为,必须将空许可证条目指定为route-map中的最后一个条目。


 MatchNo Match


  • Apply set statements
  • If call is present, call given route-map. If that returns a deny, finish processing and return deny.
  • If Exit Policy is next, goto next route-map entry
  • If Exit Policy is goto, goto first entry whose order in the list is >= the given order.
  • Finish processing the route-map and permit the route.


The route is denied by the route-map (return deny).


goto next route-map entry

  • show route-map [WORD]

Display data about each daemons knowledge of individual route-maps. If WORD is supplied narrow choice to that particular route-map.

  • clear route-map counter [WORD]


Route Map Command

  • route-map ROUTE-MAP-NAME (permit|deny) ORDER


Route Map Match Command

  • match ip address ACCESS_LIST


  • match ip address prefix-list PREFIX_LIST


  • match ip address prefix-len 0-32


  • match ipv6 address ACCESS_LIST
  • match ipv6 address prefix-list PREFIX_LIST
  • match ipv6 address prefix-len 0-128
  • match ip next-hop address IPV4_ADDR


  • match ipv6 next-hop IPV6_ADDR

这是特定于BGP的匹配命令。这是特定于BGP的匹配命令。匹配指定的ipv6\u addr。

  • match as-path AS_PATH
  • match metric METRIC


  • match tag TAG


  • match local-preference METRIC

Matches the specified local-preference.

  • match community COMMUNITY_LIST
  • match peer IPV4_ADDR


  • match peer IPV6_ADDR


  • match peer INTERFACE_NAME


  • match source-protocol PROTOCOL_NAME


  • match source-instance NUMBER


Route Map Set Command

  • set tag TAG

在匹配的路由上设置一个标记。此标记值可以来自(1-4294967295)。另外,如果您使用--enable realms 配置选项编译。来自(1-255)的标记值作为域值发送到Linux内核。然后可以应用路由策略。请参阅tc手册页。

  • set ip next-hop IPV4_ADDRESS

将BGP next xthop地址设置为指定的IPV4_ADDRESS。输入和输出route-maps。

  • set ip next-hop peer-address

Set the BGP nexthop address to the address of the peer. For an incoming route-map this means the ip address of our peer is used. For an outgoing route-map this means the ip address of our self is used to establish the peering with our neighbor.

  • set ip next-hop unchanged

Set the route-map as unchanged. Pass the route-map through without changing it’s value.

  • set ipv6 next-hop peer-address

Set the BGP nexthop address to the address of the peer. For an incoming route-map this means the ipv6 address of our peer is used. For an outgoing route-map this means the ip address of our self is used to establish the peering with our neighbor.

  • set ipv6 next-hop prefer-global

For Incoming and Import Route-maps if we receive a v6 global and v6 LL address for the route, then prefer to use the global address as the nexthop.

  • set ipv6 next-hop global IPV6_ADDRESS

Set the next-hop to the specified IPV6_ADDRESS for both incoming and outgoing route-maps.

  • set local-preference LOCAL_PREF

Set the BGP local preference to local_pref.

  • set local-preference +LOCAL_PREF

Add the BGP local preference to an existing local_pref.

  • set local-preference -LOCAL_PREF

Subtract the BGP local preference from an existing local_pref.

  • set distance DISTANCE

Set the Administrative distance to DISTANCE to use for the route. This is only locally significant and will not be dispersed to peers.

  • set weight WEIGHT

Set the route’s weight.

  • set metric <[+|-](1-4294967295)|rtt|+rtt|-rtt>

Set the BGP attribute MED to a specific value. Use +/- to add or subtract the specified value to/from the MED. Use rtt to set the MED to the round trip time or +rtt/-rtt to add/subtract the round trip time to/from the MED.

  • set as-path prepend AS_PATH

Set the BGP AS path to prepend.

  • set community COMMUNITY

Set the BGP community attribute.

  • set ipv6 next-hop local IPV6_ADDRESS

Set the BGP-4+ link local IPv6 nexthop address.

  • set origin ORIGIN <egp|igp|incomplete>

Set BGP route origin.

  • set table (1-4294967295)

Set the BGP table to a given table identifier

  • set sr-te color (1-4294967295)

Set the color of a SR-TE Policy to be applied to a learned route. The SR-TE Policy is uniquely determined by the color and the BGP nexthop.

Route Map Call Command

  • call NAME

Call route-map name. If it returns deny, deny the route and finish processing the route-map.

Route Map Exit Action Command

  • on-match next
  • continue

Proceed on to the next entry in the route-map.

  • on-match goto N
  • continue N

Proceed processing the route-map at the first entry whose order is >= N

Route Map Optimization Command

  • route-map optimization

Enable route-map processing optimization. The optimization is enabled by default. Instead of sequentially passing through all the route-map indexes until a match is found, the search for the best-match index will be based on a look-up in a prefix-tree. A per-route-map prefix-tree will be constructed for this purpose. The prefix-tree will compose of all the prefixes in all the prefix-lists that are included in the match rule of all the sequences of a route-map.

Route Map Examples

A simple example of a route-map:

route-map test permit 10
 match ip address 10
 set local-preference 200

This means that if a route matches ip access-list number 10 it’s local-preference value is set to 200.

See Miscellaneous Configuration Examples for examples of more sophisticated usage of route-maps, including of the call action.























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