becon帧 wifi_WireShark对于WIFI数据帧的分析


1 【No.】0.000000000【Time】 HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) (TA)【Source】 10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4 (10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4) (RA)【Destination】802.11【Protocal】20【Length】Request-to-send, Flags=.........【Info】

RTS帧 (Request-to-send) 固定20字节 【2 Frame Control】 【2 Duration】【6 RA】【6 TA】【4 FCS】

b4 00 【2 Frame Control】

de 01 【2 Duration】

10 0e 0e 20 6a f4【6 RA】

18 4f 32 0f a4 ed【6 TA】

00 00 00 00【4 FCS】

Frame 1: 20 bytes on wire (160 bits), 20 bytes captured (160 bits)

802.11 radio information

PHY type: 802.11n (7)

Bandwidth: 20 MHz (0)

Data rate: 1.0 Mb/s

Channel: 1

Frequency: 2412 MHz

Signal strength (percentage): 39%

Signal strength (dBm): -77 dBm

Noise level (percentage): 18%

Noise level (dBm): -87 dBm

IEEE 802.11 Request-to-send, Flags: .........

Type/Subtype: Request-to-send (0x001b)

Frame Control Field: 0xb400

.... ..00 = Version: 0

.... 01.. = Type: Control frame (1)

1011 .... = Subtype: 11

Flags: 0x00

.... ..00 = DS status: Not leaving DS or network is operating in AD-HOC mode (To DS: 0 From DS: 0) (0x00)

.... .0.. = More Fragments: This is the last fragment

.... 0... = Retry: Frame is not being retransmitted

...0 .... = PWR MGT: STA will stay up

..0. .... = More Data: No data buffered

.0.. .... = Protected flag: Data is not protected

0... .... = Order flag: Not strictly ordered

.000 0001 1101 1110 = Duration: 478 microseconds

Receiver address: 10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4 (10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4) //RA地址 在该网络(STA外发)下相当于AP的地址

Transmitter address: HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) //TA地址 相当于STA的地址

Frame check sequence: 0x00000000 [incorrect, should be 0xbd0ede44] // FCS 4字节 用于检查数据的完整性

[Good: False]

[Bad: True]

2【No.】0.000309000【Time】XX【Source】HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) (RA)【Description】802.11【Protocal】14【Length】Clear-to-send, Flags=.........【Info】

CTS帧 (Clear-to-send) 固定14字节【2 Frame Control】 【2 Duration】【6 RA】【4 FCS】


【1.MAC Header (1.1Frame Control帧控制位#2字节#  1.2Duration/ID时长#2字节#   1.3 Address1地址#6字节#  1.4 Address2地址#6字节#

1.5 Address3地址#6字节#  1.6 SequenceControl#2字节#   1.7 Address4地址#6字节# )  】30字节

【2.Frame Body(具体由MAC Header决定内容)】 0--2312 可变字节

【3.FCS  Frame Check Sequeue  帧校验序列】用于保障帧数据的完整性  4字节

【c4     00 】 1.1  Frame Control域

1100 0100    0000 0000

1100 0100    0000 0000

b7  b6  b5  b4  b3  b2  b1  b0  ||  b15  b14  b13  b12  b11  b10  b9  b8

b0 b1 = 0 0  ; Protocol Version    b0 b1代表802.11MAC帧版本号 目前值是 0

b2 b3 = 1 0  ; Type 该帧的类型描述   b2b3 =00 管理Manage帧   b2b3 = 01 数据Data帧      b2b3 =10 控制Control帧   b2b3 = 11 保留

b4 b5 b6 b7 = 0 0 1 1; SubType ,用于与 Type 一起 决定 该帧 具体属于什么帧    这里的type=10 控制Control帧 subtype = 0 0 1 1 决定了该帧是CTS帧

b8 = 0 ; To DS 该位只用于数据类型为Data帧    如果为数据帧  b8b9 = 00 同一个IBSS中  一个STA 到另一个 STA

b9 = 0 ; From DS  该位只用于数据类型为Data帧   b8b9 = 01  代表来自AP的数据帧     b8b9 = 10 发往AP的MAC帧   b8b9 = 11 仅Mesh BSS支持 不讨论

b10 = 0; More Fragments  表示数据是否分片    该位只用于数据类型为Data帧 或者 Manage帧   b10 = 0不分片   b10 = 1分片

b11 = 0;Retry      b11 = 0表示该帧不是重传帧       b11 = 1表示该帧是重传帧

b12 = 0;Power Managerment      b12 = 0;表示发送该帧的STA处于活跃状态      b12 = 1;表示发送该帧的STA处于省电状态

b13 = 0;More Data  和b12指定的省电模式有关  b13 = 0表示 STA已经接受完数据     b13 = 1 表示 AP还缓存着还未发送给STA的数据

b14 = 0; Protected Frame 表示数据是否加密    b14 = 0不加密     b14 = 1加密

b15 = 0; Order 指明接收端必须按顺序处理该帧    b15 = 0 不需要按顺序接受该帧        b15 = 1 需要按顺序接受该帧

【a4            00  Duration】 1.2  Duration/ID时长#2字节#

1010 0100     0000 0000

对于在 Frame Control中 type 和 subtype 决定的 PS-POLL帧  b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 = 1 0 0 1 0 1  该字段 表示AID值 最后2位必须为1,前14位取值 1-2007

对于其他帧  该字段 表示 离下一帧 还剩多时间   单位是  微秒

0000 0000 1010 0100  对应是   164 微秒  一百万分之一秒

a15 ...  a1

【18  4f  32  0f  a4  ed   Address】 1.3  Address地址#6字节#

MAC Address 6个字节 48位组成 由两部分组成 0--23位 是厂商代码 OUI组织唯一标志  后24位 是厂商制造的网卡的统一编号

第48位(U|M位)比较关键    如果b47 =0 表示的是【单播】地址    b47 =1 表示的是【组播】的地址   如果地址全为1 FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF【广播】地址

第47位(G|L位)用来表示MAC地址是全球唯一还是  本地唯一的  b46 =0代表全球唯一   b46 =1 本地唯一

MAC 头部分共含有四个Address 五种地址定义

BSSID: AP的MAC地址   b46=1 代表全球唯一    b47 = 0 代表单播

DA: Destination Address DA 目的地址   用来描述最终MAC数据包的接受者   可以是单播也可以是组播 b47=0 b47=1 都可以

SA: Source Adddress SA  源地址  用来描述最初发出Mac数据包的STA的地址   一般只有单播 b47 =0

TA: Transmitter Address 发送STA地址的AP的地址 一般描述 将MAC数据包发送到 另一个AP覆盖内的 中的STA地址

RA: Receiver Address 接收STA地址的AP的地址  描述接收MAC帧的

网络类型    Address1(接收端)      Address2(发送端)     Address3(辅助)      Address4

IBSS          DA                     SA                  BSSID             未使用

To AP         BSSID                  SA                   DA               未使用

From AP       DA                     BSSID                SA               未使用

18  4f  32  0f  a4  ed

18 = 0001 1000  4f = 0100 1111   32 = 0011 0010   0f = 0000 1111    a4 = 1011 0100     ed = 1110 1101

a0=0            a08=1            a16=0            a24=0             a32=0              a40=1

a1=0            a09=1            a17=1            a25=0             a33=0              a41=0

a2=0            a10=1            a18=0            a26=0             a34=1              a42=1

a3=1            a11=1            a19=0            a27=0             a35=0              a43=1

a4=1            a12=0            a20=1            a28=1             a36=1              a44=0

a5=0            a13=0            a21=1            a29=1             a37=1              a45=1

a6=0            a14=1            a22=0            a30=1             a38=0              a46=1

a7=0            a15=0            a23=0            a31=1             a39=1              a47=1

1.6 SequenceControl#2字节# 16位

b0 b1 b2 b3: 代表片段编号 Fragment Number 用于控制分片帧  如果MAC帧数量太大 MAC层会分片发送

b4.b5..b15: 代表 帧顺序编号Sequence Number STA每次发送数据帧都会设置一个帧顺序编号控制帧没有编号(太短) 重传帧不使用新的编号

【No.】0.000309000【Time】XX【Source】HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) (RA)【Description】802.11【Protocal】14【Length】Clear-to-send, Flags=.........【Info】

十六进制 : c4  00 a4 00 18 4f 32 0f    a4 ed 00 00 00 00

二进制:  【c4                00 Frame Control】            【a4            00  Duration】

1100 0100      0000 0000                     1010 0100     0000 0000

【18           4f            32             0f           a4         ed    RA】

0001 1000    0100 1111     0011 0010     0000 1111     1010 0100   11101101

【00             00           00            00   FCS】

0000 0000    0000 0000     0000 0000     0000 0000

Frame 2: 14 bytes on wire (112 bits), 14 bytes captured (112 bits)

Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information (22)

Arrival Time: Sep 22, 2016 15:01:56.375736900 ?й???????  // 到达时间

[Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]

Epoch Time: 1474527716.375736900 seconds    // Epoch 新纪元时间 1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC 开始所经过的秒数

[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000309000 seconds] //与上一帧捕获时间间隔

[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000309000 seconds]//与上一帧展示时间间隔

[Time since reference or first frame: 0.000309000 seconds]  // 与第一帧时间间隔

Frame Number: 2  // 捕获的第几帧

Frame Length: 14 bytes (112 bits) // 帧长度

Capture Length: 14 bytes (112 bits) // 捕获的帧长度

[Frame is marked: False]   // 帧是否

[Frame is ignored: False]    // 帧是否忽略

[Protocols in frame: wlan_radio:wlan]  //帧使用的协议

[Coloring Rule Name: Checksum Errors] //着色规则

[Coloring Rule String [truncated]: eth.fcs_bad==1 || ip.checksum_bad==1 || tcp.checksum_bad==1 || udp.checksum_bad==1 || sctp.checksum_bad==1 || mstp.checksum_bad==1 || cdp.checksum_bad==1 || edp.checksum_bad==1 || wlan.fcs_bad==1 ||]

802.11 radio information   //WIFI信号相关信息

PHY type: 802.11n (7)  // 使用802.11n WIFI协议

Bandwidth: 20 MHz (0)  //带宽

Data rate: 1.0 Mb/s  //数据传输速率

Channel: 1     //信道号

Frequency: 2412 MHz  //信道频率

Signal strength (percentage): 34%  // 信号强度 百分比

Signal strength (dBm): -76 dBm // 本机的信号强度dBm的(分贝毫瓦)一般用负数表示,正常范围是从-110dBm的(差)到-50dBm的(好)信号的变化

Noise level (percentage): 13% // 信噪强度 百分比

Noise level (dBm): -86 dBm// 信噪强度 dBm 一般用负数表示

IEEE 802.11 Clear-to-send, Flags: .........  // CTS(14字节 Clear To Send)允许发送回应帧

Type/Subtype: Clear-to-send (0x001c)

Frame Control Field: 0xc400

.... ..00 = Version: 0

.... 01.. = Type: Control frame (1)

1100 .... = Subtype: 12

Flags: 0x00

.... ..00 = DS status: Not leaving DS or network is operating in AD-HOC mode (To DS: 0 From DS: 0) (0x00)

.... .0.. = More Fragments: This is the last fragment

.... 0... = Retry: Frame is not being retransmitted

...0 .... = PWR MGT: STA will stay up

..0. .... = More Data: No data buffered

.0.. .... = Protected flag: Data is not protected

0... .... = Order flag: Not strictly ordered

.000 0000 1010 0100 = Duration: 164 microseconds // 一百万分之一秒 164微秒

Receiver address: HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) //该MAC地址前24位的厂商是 HonHaiPr 鸿海科技集团

Frame check sequence: 0x00000000 [incorrect, should be 0x8af051cc]

[Good: False]

[Bad: True]

3【No.】0.000499000【Time】10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4 (10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4) (TA)【Source】 HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed) (RA)【Destination】802.11【Protocal】34【Length】802.11 Block Ack, Flags=.........【Info】

Block ACK帧 (Request-to-send) 字节可变 【2 Frame Control】 【2 Duration】【6 RA】【6 TA】【4 FCS】

Block Ack通过将一帧一确认的普通传输方式修改为连续传输多个帧然后一次确认多个帧的方式,来提高MAC层的传输效率。


94 00 【2 Frame Control】

3e 00 【2 Duration】

18 4f 32 0f a4 ed 【6 RA】

10 0e 0e 20 6a f4 【6 TA】

05 00 【2 Block Ack Request Contro 一些属性值】

90 96 【2 Starting Sequence Control (SSC) 】

ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 【8】

00 20 【2 XXX】

00 00 00 00 【4 FCS】

Frame 3: 34 bytes on wire (272 bits), 34 bytes captured (272 bits)

Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information (22)

Arrival Time: Sep 22, 2016 15:01:56.375926900 ?й???????

[Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]

Epoch Time: 1474527716.375926900 seconds

[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.000190000 seconds]

[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000190000 seconds]

[Time since reference or first frame: 0.000499000 seconds]

Frame Number: 3

Frame Length: 34 bytes (272 bits)

Capture Length: 34 bytes (272 bits)

[Frame is marked: False]

[Frame is ignored: False]

[Protocols in frame: wlan_radio:wlan]

[Coloring Rule Name: Checksum Errors]

[Coloring Rule String [truncated]: eth.fcs_bad==1 || ip.checksum_bad==1 || tcp.checksum_bad==1 || udp.checksum_bad==1 || sctp.checksum_bad==1 || mstp.checksum_bad==1 || cdp.checksum_bad==1 || edp.checksum_bad==1 || wlan.fcs_bad==1 ||]

802.11 radio information

PHY type: 802.11n (7)

Bandwidth: 20 MHz (0)

Data rate: 24.0 Mb/s

Channel: 1

Frequency: 2412 MHz

Signal strength (percentage): 34%

Signal strength (dBm): -78 dBm

Noise level (percentage): 18%

Noise level (dBm): -85 dBm

IEEE 802.11 802.11 Block Ack, Flags: .........

Type/Subtype: 802.11 Block Ack (0x0019)

Frame Control Field: 0x9400

.... ..00 = Version: 0

.... 01.. = Type: Control frame (1)

1001 .... = Subtype: 9 // 对应该项在图片中不存在,新加入?

Flags: 0x00

.000 0000 0011 1110 = Duration: 62 microseconds

Receiver address: HonHaiPr_0f:a4:ed (18:4f:32:0f:a4:ed)

Transmitter address: 10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4 (10:0e:0e:20:6a:f4)

.... .10. = Block Ack Type: Compressed Block (0x02)

Block Ack Request Control: 0x0005

.... .... .... ...1 = BAR Ack Policy: Immediate Acknowledgement Required

.... .... .... ..0. = Multi-TID: False

.... .... .... .1.. = Compressed Bitmap: True

.... 0000 0000 0... = Reserved: 0x0000

0000 .... .... .... = TID for which a Basic BlockAck frame is requested: 0x0000

Block Ack Starting Sequence Control (SSC): 0x9690

.... .... .... 0000 = Fragment: 0

1001 0110 1001 .... = Starting Sequence Number: 2409

Block Ack Bitmap: ffffffffffffffff

Frame check sequence: 0x00000000 [incorrect, should be 0x80029083]

13【No.】0.025490000【Time】 【Source】 02:f8:1c:b0:fc:32 (02:f8:1c:b0:fc:32) (RA)【Destination】802.11【Protocal】20【Length】 Acknowledgement, Flags=........C【Info】

ACK帧 Acknowledgement 固定14字节 【2 Frame Control】 【2 Duration】【6 RA】【4 FCS】

0000 d4 00 00 00 02 f8 1c b0 fc 32 00 00 00 00

d4 00 【2 Frame Control 】

00 00 【2 Duration 】

02 f8 1c b0 fc 32【6 RA 】

00 00 00 00 【4 FCS】

Frame 13: 14 bytes on wire (112 bits), 14 bytes captured (112 bits)

Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information (22)

Arrival Time: Sep 22, 2016 15:01:56.400917900 ?й???????

[Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]

Epoch Time: 1474527716.400917900 seconds

[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.001313000 seconds]

[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.001313000 seconds]

[Time since reference or first frame: 0.025490000 seconds]

Frame Number: 13

Frame Length: 14 bytes (112 bits)

Capture Length: 14 bytes (112 bits)

[Frame is marked: False]

[Frame is ignored: False]

[Protocols in frame: wlan_radio:wlan]

[Coloring Rule Name: Checksum Errors]

[Coloring Rule String [truncated]: eth.fcs_bad==1 || ip.checksum_bad==1 || tcp.checksum_bad==1 || udp.checksum_bad==1 || sctp.checksum_bad==1 || mstp.checksum_bad==1 || cdp.checksum_bad==1 || edp.checksum_bad==1 || wlan.fcs_bad==1 ||]

802.11 radio information

PHY type: 802.11n (7)

Bandwidth: 20 MHz (0)

Data rate: 1.0 Mb/s

Channel: 1

Frequency: 2412 MHz

Signal strength (percentage): 76%

Signal strength (dBm): -64 dBm

Noise level (percentage): 68%

Noise level (dBm): -65 dBm

IEEE 802.11 Acknowledgement, Flags: .........

Type/Subtype: Acknowledgement (0x001d)

Frame Control Field: 0xd400

.... ..00 = Version: 0

.... 01.. = Type: Control frame (1)

1101 .... = Subtype: 13

Flags: 0x00

.... ..00 = DS status: Not leaving DS or network is operating in AD-HOC mode (To DS: 0 From DS: 0) (0x00)

.... .0.. = More Fragments: This is the last fragment

.... 0... = Retry: Frame is not being retransmitted

...0 .... = PWR MGT: STA will stay up

..0. .... = More Data: No data buffered

.0.. .... = Protected flag: Data is not protected

0... .... = Order flag: Not strictly ordered

.000 0000 0000 0000 = Duration: 0 microseconds

Receiver address: 02:f8:1c:b0:fc:32 (02:f8:1c:b0:fc:32)

Frame check sequence: 0x00000000 [incorrect, should be 0xd414b32f]

[Good: False]

[Bad: True]

54.Beacon frame

54【No.】0.188058000【Time】 Tp-LinkT_d4:30:e2【Source】Broadcast【Description】802.11【Protocal】181【Length】Beacon frame, SN=3412, FN=0, Flags=........., BI=100, SSID=ceshi_BD1_cuihongwei【Info】

0000 80 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff d0 c7 c0 d4 30 e2 ..............0.

0010 d0 c7 c0 d4 30 e2 40 d5 80 e1 40 ac 00 00 00 00 ....0.@...@.....

0020 64 00 31 04 00 14 63 65 73 68 69 5f 42 44 31 5f d.1...ceshi_BD1_

0030 63 75 69 68 6f 6e 67 77 65 69 01 08 82 84 8b 96 cuihongwei......

0040 8c 12 98 24 03 01 01 05 04 00 01 00 00 07 06 43 ...$...........C

0050 4e 20 01 0d 20 2a 01 00 30 14 01 00 00 0f ac 04 N .. *..0.......

0060 01 00 00 0f ac 04 01 00 00 0f ac 02 00 00 32 04 ..............2.

0070 b0 48 60 6c dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 .H`l...P.....P..

0080 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02 dd 18 00 50 ...P.....P.....P

0090 f2 02 01 01 03 00 03 a4 00 00 27 a4 00 00 42 43 ..........'...BC

00a0 5e 00 62 32 2f 00 dd 09 00 03 7f 01 01 00 00 ff ^.b2/...........

00b0 7f 00 00 00 00 .....

Frame 54: 181 bytes on wire (1448 bits), 181 bytes captured (1448 bits)

Encapsulation type: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN with radio information (22)

Arrival Time: Sep 22, 2016 15:01:56.563485900 ?й???????

[Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]

Epoch Time: 1474527716.563485900 seconds

[Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.001705000 seconds]

[Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.001705000 seconds]

[Time since reference or first frame: 0.188058000 seconds]

Frame Number: 54

Frame Length: 181 bytes (1448 bits)

Capture Length: 181 bytes (1448 bits)

[Frame is marked: False]

[Frame is ignored: False]

[Protocols in frame: wlan_radio:wlan]

[Coloring Rule Name: Checksum Errors]

[Coloring Rule String [truncated]: eth.fcs_bad==1 || ip.checksum_bad==1 || tcp.checksum_bad==1 || udp.checksum_bad==1 || sctp.checksum_bad==1 || mstp.checksum_bad==1 || cdp.checksum_bad==1 || edp.checksum_bad==1 || wlan.fcs_bad==1 ||]

802.11 radio information

PHY type: 802.11n (7)

Bandwidth: 20 MHz (0)

Data rate: 1.0 Mb/s

Channel: 1

Frequency: 2412 MHz

Signal strength (percentage): 100%

Signal strength (dBm): -20 dBm

Noise level (percentage): 100%

Noise level (dBm): -20 dBm

IEEE 802.11 Beacon frame, Flags: .........

Type/Subtype: Beacon frame (0x0008)

Frame Control Field: 0x8000

.... ..00 = Version: 0

.... 00.. = Type: Management frame (0)

1000 .... = Subtype: 8

Flags: 0x00

.... ..00 = DS status: Not leaving DS or network is operating in AD-HOC mode (To DS: 0 From DS: 0) (0x00)

.... .0.. = More Fragments: This is the last fragment

.... 0... = Retry: Frame is not being retransmitted

...0 .... = PWR MGT: STA will stay up

..0. .... = More Data: No data buffered

.0.. .... = Protected flag: Data is not protected

0... .... = Order flag: Not strictly ordered

.000 0000 0000 0000 = Duration: 0 microseconds

Receiver address: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)

Destination address: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)

Transmitter address: Tp-LinkT_d4:30:e2 (d0:c7:c0:d4:30:e2)

Source address: Tp-LinkT_d4:30:e2 (d0:c7:c0:d4:30:e2)

BSS Id: Tp-LinkT_d4:30:e2 (d0:c7:c0:d4:30:e2)

.... .... .... 0000 = Fragment number: 0

1101 0101 0100 .... = Sequence number: 3412

Frame check sequence: 0x00000000 [incorrect, should be 0x54cabeba]

[Good: False]

[Bad: True]

IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN management frame

Fixed parameters (12 bytes)

Timestamp: 0x00000000ac40e180

Beacon Interval: 0.102400 [Seconds]

Capabilities Information: 0x0431

.... .... .... ...1 = ESS capabilities: Transmitter is an AP

.... .... .... ..0. = IBSS status: Transmitter belongs to a BSS

.... ..0. .... 00.. = CFP participation capabilities: No point coordinator at AP (0x0000)

.... .... ...1 .... = Privacy: AP/STA can support WEP

.... .... ..1. .... = Short Preamble: Allowed

.... .... .0.. .... = PBCC: Not Allowed

.... .... 0... .... = Channel Agility: Not in use

.... ...0 .... .... = Spectrum Management: Not Implemented

.... .1.. .... .... = Short Slot Time: In use

.... 0... .... .... = Automatic Power Save Delivery: Not Implemented

...0 .... .... .... = Radio Measurement: Not Implemented

..0. .... .... .... = DSSS-OFDM: Not Allowed

.0.. .... .... .... = Delayed Block Ack: Not Implemented

0... .... .... .... = Immediate Block Ack: Not Implemented

Tagged parameters (141 bytes)

Tag: SSID parameter set: ceshi_BD1_cuihongwei

Tag Number: SSID parameter set (0)

Tag length: 20

SSID: ceshi_BD1_cuihongwei

Tag: Supported Rates 1(B), 2(B), 5.5(B), 11(B), 6(B), 9, 12(B), 18, [Mbit/sec]

Tag Number: Supported Rates (1)

Tag length: 8

Supported Rates: 1(B) (0x82)

Supported Rates: 2(B) (0x84)

Supported Rates: 5.5(B) (0x8b)

Supported Rates: 11(B) (0x96)

Supported Rates: 6(B) (0x8c)

Supported Rates: 9 (0x12)

Supported Rates: 12(B) (0x98)

Supported Rates: 18 (0x24)

Tag: DS Parameter set: Current Channel: 1

Tag Number: DS Parameter set (3)

Tag length: 1

Current Channel: 1

Tag: Traffic Indication Map (TIM): DTIM 0 of 0 bitmap

Tag Number: Traffic Indication Map (TIM) (5)

Tag length: 4

DTIM count: 0

DTIM period: 1

Bitmap control: 0x00

.... ...0 = Multicast: False

0000 000. = Bitmap Offset: 0x00

Partial Virtual Bitmap: 00

Tag: Country Information: Country Code CN, Environment Any

Tag Number: Country Information (7)

Tag length: 6

Code: CN

Environment: Any (0x20)

Country Info: First Channel Number: 1, Number of Channels: 13, Maximum Transmit Power Level: 32 dBm

First Channel Number: 1

Number of Channels: 13

Maximum Transmit Power Level (in dBm): 32

Tag: ERP Information

Tag Number: ERP Information (42)

Tag length: 1

ERP Information: 0x00

.... ...0 = Non ERP Present: Not set

.... ..0. = Use Protection: Not set

.... .0.. = Barker Preamble Mode: Not set

0000 0... = Reserved: 0x00

Tag: RSN Information

Tag Number: RSN Information (48)

Tag length: 20

RSN Version: 1

Group Cipher Suite: 00-0f-ac AES (CCM)

Group Cipher Suite OUI: 00-0f-ac

Group Cipher Suite type: AES (CCM) (4)

Pairwise Cipher Suite Count: 1

Pairwise Cipher Suite List 00-0f-ac AES (CCM)

Pairwise Cipher Suite: 00-0f-ac AES (CCM)

Pairwise Cipher Suite OUI: 00-0f-ac

Pairwise Cipher Suite type: AES (CCM) (4)

Auth Key Management (AKM) Suite Count: 1

Auth Key Management (AKM) List 00-0f-ac PSK

Auth Key Management (AKM) Suite: 00-0f-ac PSK

Auth Key Management (AKM) OUI: 00-0f-ac

Auth Key Management (AKM) type: PSK (2)

RSN Capabilities: 0x0000

.... .... .... ...0 = RSN Pre-Auth capabilities: Transmitter does not support pre-authentication

.... .... .... ..0. = RSN No Pairwise capabilities: Transmitter can support WEP default key 0 simultaneously with Pairwise key

.... .... .... 00.. = RSN PTKSA Replay Counter capabilities: 1 replay counter per PTKSA/GTKSA/STAKeySA (0x0000)

.... .... ..00 .... = RSN GTKSA Replay Counter capabilities: 1 replay counter per PTKSA/GTKSA/STAKeySA (0x0000)

.... .... .0.. .... = Management Frame Protection Required: False

.... .... 0... .... = Management Frame Protection Capable: False

.... ...0 .... .... = Joint Multi-band RSNA: False

.... ..0. .... .... = PeerKey Enabled: False

Tag: Extended Supported Rates 24(B), 36, 48, 54, [Mbit/sec]

Tag Number: Extended Supported Rates (50)

Tag length: 4

Extended Supported Rates: 24(B) (0xb0)

Extended Supported Rates: 36 (0x48)

Extended Supported Rates: 48 (0x60)

Extended Supported Rates: 54 (0x6c)

Tag: Vendor Specific: Microsof: WPA Information Element

Tag Number: Vendor Specific (221)

Tag length: 22

OUI: 00-50-f2

Vendor Specific OUI Type: 1

Type: WPA Information Element (0x01)

WPA Version: 1

Multicast Cipher Suite: 00-50-f2 AES (CCM)

Multicast Cipher Suite OUI: 00-50-f2

Multicast Cipher Suite type: AES (CCM) (4)

Unicast Cipher Suite Count: 1

Unicast Cipher Suite List 00-50-f2 AES (CCM)

Unicast Cipher Suite: 00-50-f2 AES (CCM)

Unicast Cipher Suite OUI: 00-50-f2

Unicast Cipher Suite type: AES (CCM) (4)

Auth Key Management (AKM) Suite Count: 1

Auth Key Management (AKM) List 00-50-f2 PSK

Auth Key Management (AKM) Suite: 00-50-f2 PSK

Auth Key Management (AKM) OUI: 00-50-f2

Auth Key Management (AKM) type: PSK (2)

Tag: Vendor Specific: Microsof: WMM/WME: Parameter Element

Tag Number: Vendor Specific (221)

Tag length: 24

OUI: 00-50-f2

Vendor Specific OUI Type: 2

Type: WMM/WME (0x02)

WME Subtype: Parameter Element (1)

WME Version: 1

WME QoS Info: 0x03

0... .... = U-APSD: Disabled

.... 0011 = Parameter Set Count: 0x03

.000 .... = Reserved: 0x00

Reserved: 00

Ac Parameters ACI 0 (Best Effort), ACM no, AIFSN 3, ECWmin 4, ECWmax 10, TXOP 0

ACI / AIFSN Field: 0x03

.00. .... = ACI: Best Effort (0)

...0 .... = Admission Control Mandatory: No

.... 0011 = AIFSN: 3

0... .... = Reserved: 0

ECW: 0xa4

1010 .... = ECW Max: 10

.... 0100 = ECW Min: 4

TXOP Limit: 0

Ac Parameters ACI 1 (Background), ACM no, AIFSN 7, ECWmin 4, ECWmax 10, TXOP 0

ACI / AIFSN Field: 0x27

.01. .... = ACI: Background (1)

...0 .... = Admission Control Mandatory: No

.... 0111 = AIFSN: 7

0... .... = Reserved: 0

ECW: 0xa4

1010 .... = ECW Max: 10

.... 0100 = ECW Min: 4

TXOP Limit: 0

Ac Parameters ACI 2 (Video), ACM no, AIFSN 2, ECWmin 3, ECWmax 4, TXOP 94

ACI / AIFSN Field: 0x42

.10. .... = ACI: Video (2)

...0 .... = Admission Control Mandatory: No

.... 0010 = AIFSN: 2

0... .... = Reserved: 0

ECW: 0x43

0100 .... = ECW Max: 4

.... 0011 = ECW Min: 3

TXOP Limit: 94

Ac Parameters ACI 3 (Voice), ACM no, AIFSN 2, ECWmin 2, ECWmax 3, TXOP 47

ACI / AIFSN Field: 0x62

.11. .... = ACI: Voice (3)

...0 .... = Admission Control Mandatory: No

.... 0010 = AIFSN: 2

0... .... = Reserved: 0

ECW: 0x32

0011 .... = ECW Max: 3

.... 0010 = ECW Min: 2

TXOP Limit: 47

Tag: Vendor Specific: AtherosC: Advanced Capability

Tag Number: Vendor Specific (221)

Tag length: 9

OUI: 00-03-7f

Vendor Specific OUI Type: 1

Type: Advanced Capability (0x01)

Subtype: 0x01

Version: 0x00

Capabilities: 0x00

.... ...0 = Turbo Prime: False

.... ..0. = Compression: False

.... .0.. = Fast Frames: False

.... 0... = eXtended Range: False

...0 .... = Advanced Radar: False

..0. .... = Burst: False

.0.. .... = CWMin tuning: False

0... .... = Boost: False

Default key index: 0x7fff





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


