




句型转换(下) 考点四:祈使句和感叹句的转换 做题技巧总结:改为祈使句,必须记住:肯定的祈使句,是原形动 词开头,否定的祈使句是“Don't”开头,后跟原形动词。(主语是I或we时,句子开头用let me或let's)。改为感叹句,必须记住,强调的是名词,句首用What,What后的名词前可以有形容词;强调的是形容词或副词,句首用 How,后面必须紧跟形容词或副词。1. It was a very exciting week. (改为感叹句)_______ ________ exciting week it was!   2. Paul has made great progress in chemistry this term. (改为感叹句)_______ _______ progress Paul has made in chemistry this term!   3. It is convenient to send and receive messages on a mobile phone. (改为感叹句)             it is to send and receive messages on a mobile phone!4. The river pollution is serious in our country today. (改为感叹句)________ _________ the river pollution is in our country today!5. Damin's wife smiles happily in the photo. (改为感叹句)________ _________ Damin's wife smiles in the photo! Keys:  What an   What great   how  convenient   how serious      how happily  考点五:主动语态变为被动语态(简单涉及即可) 做题技巧总结:准确判定句子成分,找出句中的主语和宾语谓语动词变为“be+动词的过去分词”形式,这里的be除了与原句在时态上保持一致外,还要与句子的人称和数保持一致。 考点六:同义句转换 同义句转换考察形式比较多样,可采用以下方法:(一)替代法 1、同义词(短语)2、反义词(短语)3、短语替代从句(二)合并法 1、并列连词 2、从属连词 3、直接引语变间接引语(三)转换法 1、句型转换 2、语态转换(四)综述法 1:运用同义词或同义词组这类题目首先要注意比较上下两句,找出需要改动的地方,运用同义词或同义词组进行转换。还要注意把握两句的时态、数的单复和主谓一致等。e.g.I got a letter from my brother last weekend.= I heard from my brother last weekend.例1:Did you have any problems in working out the math problem? (同义句转换)Did you have _________ in _________ the math problem? 答案:difficulty, solving 2:运用反义词或反义词组这类题目可以否定句中的动词或形容词,是两句意思相符。仍然要注意动词时态一致。e.g.  She failed the English exam last time.= She didn’t pass the English exam last time.例1:All of the questions are easy.(同义句转换)______ _____ the questions is _______ 答案:None, of ,difficult 3:动词短语转换成介词短语此类题目关键就是使用恰当的介词短语,还要注意动词时态一致。e.g. Yesterday Mr. King went to New York by air.= Mr. King flew to New York yesterday.例1:Tom used a brush to clean his shoes.(同义句转换)Tom _______ his shoes ________ a brush. 答案:cleaned ,with 4:单句转换成复句,或者复句转换成单句此类题目需要熟悉一些重要的句型和短语。例如:too… to …; so …that…; not… until…等。还要注意了解相关转换类型,如:without短语与if/ unless条件状语从句的转换;enough to …与so …that …的转换;too…to…,not…enough to…, so…that …not…的相互转换等。e.g. She found him a very clever student.= She found that he was a pretty clever student.例1:The boy is too young to go to school.(同义句转换)The boy is __________ young ________ he __________ go to school.The boy isn’t _______ ____________ _________ go to school. 答案:so, that, can’t; old ,enough ,to 5:同一单词的不同词性相互转换此类题目要求学生在记单词的时候要理解它们的词性,功在平时。e.g.  He promised to help us.= He made a promise to help us.例1:What he said surprised us.We __________ ____________ _________ his words. 答案:were, surprised, at 6:并列复合连词连接或改写原句此类题目特别要注意时态的一致,主语和谓语在数上的一致。还要对象一些短语比较熟悉,例如:either…or…, both…and…., neither… nor…; not only… but also…。还有一些句型,例如:So + 动词+主语;…, too.等。e.g. Maria has been to Shanghai, so has Kate.= Both Maria and Kate have been to Shanghai.例1:She can’t answer the question, neither can I.______ she ______ I ______ answer the question._____ ______ us _____ answer the question. 答案:Neither, nor, can; Neither, of, can 7:主动语态与被动语态的转换此类题目要注意时态的一致,主语和谓语在数上的一致,短语的完整性。特别注意有些主动语态中生的省to 不定式改为被动语态后要还原不定式符号to.e.g. Father made his children work hard every day.= The children were made to work hard every day.例1:We must look after old people well.Old people _____ _____ _____ ____ well. 答案:must, be, looked, after 8:动作动词与状态动词的相互转换此类题目既要要求对一些动作动词(常是瞬间动词)相关的状态动词(常是非延续动词)很熟悉,还要注意时态的变化,通常是一般现在时变为现在完成时。特别注意瞬间动词不能与表示一段的时间状语联用;有些句子在变化时主语要作一定的调整。e.g.I borrowed this book from the school library three weeks ago.= I have kept this library book for three weeks.例1:It’s about ten minutes since he left the room.He _____ the room ten minutes _____.He ____ _____ _____ _____ the room for about ten minutes. 答案:left, ago, has, been, away, from 9:宾语从句与动词不定式之间的转换e.g.Please tell me how I can get to the nearest post office.= Could you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?此类题目要求学生明白疑问词与动词不定时连用的含义,构成不定时结构如:how to…,when to…, what to…, where to…等。还要注意一些含动词不定式的短语,如:ask sb.(not) to do sth., tell sb. (not) to do sth.等。例1:Can you let me know when they will start?Could you please tell me ____ ______ ___? 答案:when, to, start 10:直接引语和间接引语间的转换e.g.“Listen carefully, Jack.” Said the Math teacher.= The math teacher asked Jack to listen carefully.此类题目要注意陈述语序和疑问语序间的转换、时态的变化、人称代词的变化、物主代词的变化,以及一些时间、地点甚至指示代词的变化。例1:“ What are you doing here in the classroom?” he asked.He asked me ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ in the classroom. 答案:what, I, was, doing, there 11:含形容词的短语和含副词的短语间的转换e.g. The rain was heavy last night.= It rained heavily last night.此类题目关键就是理解句子含义,灵活地运用相关的不同词性的词或短语。例1:The wind is very strong outside.It is _________ __________ outside. 答案:blowing, strongly 12:陈述句与感叹句及两种形式感叹句间的转换e.g. The boy drew a very beautiful flower.= How beautiful a flower the boy drew!= What a beautiful flower the boy drew!此类题目要求学生能够完全掌握what和how引导的感叹句的构成,并能灵活运用。例1:She is quite a clever girl._______ _________ the girl is! _______ ______ _______ girl she is! 答案:How, clever; What, a, clever 13:形容词、副词三种等级之间的转换此类题目需要学生能够熟悉形容词、副词的构成规律,能够灵活运用一些有关形容词和副词比较等级的句型结构,如:(1)more and more…,(2) the +比较级+of the two …; (3)The +比较级…, the +(另一词)比较级…。特别要清楚表示最高级范围的结构,如:(1)in+组织/单位,(2)of +与主语同类别的人或物。表示排除主语的结构,如:(1)the other +名词复数;(2)any other +名词单数。表示相同性质比较的结构,as+形容词/副词(原级)+as; not as/so …as….。解题时注意交换句子主语,用反义词进行改写;或者用比较级表示最高级含义。e.g.   Henry is taller than the other students in our class.= Henry is the tallest student in our class.例1:Joe is shorter than any other student in his class.Joe is ________ _________ _________ all the students in the class._______ else is taller than Joe in the class.________ else is ______ short _______ Joe in the class. 答案: the, shortest, of;  Everyone/Everybody;Nobody, as/so, as 14:“祈使句+and/or …”结构与if 条件状语从句间的转换此类题目要注意句子的肯定与否定,正确使用and 和or。e.g.  If you run a little faster, you’ll catch up with your classmates.= Run faster, and you’ll catch up with your classmates.例1:Be more careful, and you can get better grades next time._______ you ________ more careful, you can get better grades next time. 答案:If, are 15:形式主语/宾语it和不定式主语/宾语及从句、动名词间的转换e.g. Talking to you is nice.     = It’s nice talking to you.例1:That he didn’t come worries us all. _______ worries all of us _________ he didn’t come 答案:It, that 1718644a4ed65662c8791b09c1cc6f1e.png

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