

v.  [rɪ'muːv] ( removes; removed; removing )


vt. 移走; 排除   take away from a place or take to another place; get rid of

vi. 迁移; 移居   go to live or work in another place

vt. 开除   dismiss



2.remove既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与to或into连用,表示“搬到”“搬进”某地; 与from连用表示“从…移走〔除掉〕”。remove用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。



remove a causes of disease  消除疾病的根源

remove an error  消除差错

remove a lid  揭开盖子

remove a name  除名

remove a tumour  切除肿瘤

remove bandages  解掉绷带

remove brush  清理毛刷

remove controls on prices  取消限价

remove control panel  移动式控制台

remove difficulties  克服困难

remove dish  把盘子拿走

remove fear  消除恐惧

remove flaw  清除缺陷

remove furniture  搬走家具

remove graffiti  清除乱涂乱画的痕迹

remove grease  去掉油迹

remove heat  去除热量,放热

remove misgiving  消除疑虑

remove mountains  移山

remove objections  消除反对意见

remove pain  去痛

remove pictures  把画取下

remove problem  解决问题

remove rubbish  清除垃圾

remove sb's coat  脱上衣

remove sb's doubts  消除疑虑

remove sb's gloves  脱掉手套

remove sb's hand  移走某人的手

remove sb's hat  脱帽

remove sb's shoes  脱鞋

remove stains  清除污迹

remove superfluous hair  剪去多余的头发

remove suspicion  消除怀疑

remove the causes of war  消除战争的根源

remove the dirt  去掉灰尘

remove troop  调动军队

remove unpleasant impression  消除不良印象


remove cautiously  小心地移开

remove clumsily  笨重地移动

remove dexterously  熟练地移动

remove easily  容易移开

remove forcefully  有力地移动

remove forcibly  强行移走

remove promptly  迅速地拿走

remove quietly  悄悄地移走

remove skillfully  巧妙地排除

remove slyly  巧妙地排除

remove suddenly  突然开除

remove surreptitiously  偷偷地排除

remove swiftly  迅速地移开

remove temporarily  暂时地移走

remove out  移〔搬〕出


remove from  从…中移开〔拿走〕,将(某人)撤〔免〕职

remove from a military base  撤出军事基地

remove a student from a university  将一学生开除出大学

remove sb from office  把某人撤职

remove sb from school  把某人开出学校

remove sb's hand from sb's shoulder  把手从某人的肩上移开

remove into  搬进〔到〕

remove into a new house  搬进新房子

remove into the country  搬到乡下去

remove to(把…)  迁移到,搬到,把(军队)调往

remove to a hospital  送到医院

remove soldiers to the front  调兵上前线


remove from(v.+prep.)

1.从…中移开〔拿走、除掉〕 take sth away from sth; get rid of sth unwanted from sth

▲remove from sthThey have removed from this town.他们已迁离此城。

▲remove sb/sth from sthThey removed their weapons from the gun racks.他们从枪架上收走了枪。

He removed his hand from the man's collar.他挪开抓住那人衣领的手。

Please remove the cloth from the table.请把桌子上的桌布拿掉。

Imes removed his greatcoat from the cloakroom.艾姆斯从衣帽间取出他的大衣。

Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.请把你的包从座位上拿开好让我坐下来。

She removed mud from her shoes.她擦去了鞋上的泥浆。

How can I remove the stains from my coat? 我上衣上的墨迹怎样才能去掉?

They had to remove the ashes from the burner first.他们得先把炉内的灰清除掉。

This mixture can remove stains from metal and china.这种混合剂能去除金属和瓷器上的污迹。

Remove my name from your mailing list.请把我的名字从你们的邮寄名单上去掉。

They used the method of removing the burning brands from under the boiling cauldron.他们使用了釜底抽薪的办法。

Nothing can remove him from the memory of his people.什么也不能把他从人民的记忆中抹掉。

Reference books must not be removed from the reading room.参考书不得从阅览室拿走。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The boy is removed from school.这个男孩被学校开除了。

The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza.暴徒们被强行驱逐出广场。

He will probably be removed from the list of candidates for these bodies.他的名字可能会从这些团体的候选人名单中去掉。

2.将(某人)撤〔免〕职 dismiss sb from a position, usually of responsibility

▲remove sb from sthThey removed him from his position.他们撤销了他的职务。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The corrupt official was removed from office.那个贪官被免职了。

He was suddenly removed from command.他突然被免去指挥权。

remove into(v.+prep.)

搬进〔到〕 move into some place

▲remove into sthWe are going to remove into a new house.我们将要搬到一栋新房子里去。

▲remove sth into sth

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The body will be removed into one of the cold storage chambers.尸体将被移到一个冷冻间里。

remove out(v.+adv.)

移〔搬〕出 take sth out

▲remove sth out (of sth)

They removed the pump out of the room.他们将这台泵从室内搬出。

remove to(v.+prep.)

1.(把…)迁移到,搬到 take sth to some place

▲remove to sth

They have decided to remove to a warm climate.他们已决定搬到一个气候温暖的地方居住。

I am going to remove to a new house.我将搬到一栋新房子里去。

▲remove sth to sth

He removed his desk to another office.他把自己的写字台搬到另一间办公室。

▲remove from sth to sth

They removed from Xidan to the western suburbs last year.去年他们从西单搬到西郊。

They removed from the city to the countryside.他们从城市迁到了农村。

2.把…调往 dispatch sth to some place

▲remove sth to sth

The general has removed the troop to the front.将军已把这支部队调往前线。




Our office has removed.我们的机关迁址了。



Let me remove the milk jug.我来把牛奶缸子拿开。

They removed royal jelly for medicinal use.他们把蜂王浆取出用作药品。

They all came to help remove the stones.他们都来帮忙搬石头。

The tea-ladies came in to remove the cups.端茶小姐进来端走了茶杯。

Let's remove the obstacles.咱们来把这些障碍撤掉。

Bleach removes colour.漂白剂可以去掉颜色。

Milk is put through a clarifier to remove any foreign matters.牛奶要经过一个澄清器来除去杂质。

The traveller removed his wet coat.旅行者脱掉了身上的湿外衣。

People remove their hats in a theatre.人们在影剧院里要脱帽。

He removed all traces of having been there.他抹去了他曾到过那里的所有痕迹。

He removed all the evidence of his crime.他销毁了他犯罪的全部证据。

I am going to do all I can to remove the unpleasant impression you have of me.我要尽力消除你对我的不良印象。

Completion of this work will remove the threat of drought and waterlogging.完成了这项工程,将消除旱涝威胁。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The threat of redundancy was suddenly removed.裁员的威胁顿时消除了。

Hidden boulders have been removed by dynamiting.暗礁都用炸药炸掉了。

He was later removed by the board of directors.后来他被董事会撤职了。


▲v-ed as o-Compl.

Doctors advised me to have it removed.大夫都劝我把它割掉。

The accident victim had to have his leg removed.事故的受害者不得不截去一条腿。


remove, alienate, divert, divorce

这四个词的共同意思是“脱离”。其区别是:remove强调所处位置上的“脱离”,常用于指脱离生产、实际等; divert原意指方向上的“改变”,引申表示“转移”某人的注意力等; alienate和divorce的意思相同,用于指和经常在一起的人或物相“脱离”,如脱离人民、群众等。例如:

By adopting this policy, they risk alienating many of their supporters.他们采取这个政策,就要冒着同许多支持者疏远的风险。

The outbreak of the North war has diverted public attention away from other national problems.北方战事的爆发已把公众的注意力从其他全国性问题上转移开来。

It is difficult to divorce politics from sport.把政治与体育完全分开是很难的。

remove, move, shift, transfer




[误]  Our family was removed there in 1980.

[正]  Our family removed there in 1980.

[正]  Our family moved there in 1980.

[析]  remove作“搬家”解时为不及物动词,无被动语态。用于搬家时, move比remove常用。


[同义词]   carry, convey, dislodge, displace, eliminate, move, take away, take off, transfer

[词源]  <拉丁语removere(远离)

软件介绍: USB Safely Remove 5.3.3简体中文特别版,直接安装后即是正式版,不需要注册码。USB Safely Remove是一款USB设备安全删除工具。设备电源管理:设备停止后断开电源,注意!当该选项启用后,在极少数的情况下某些设备可能无法正常的工作。请在明白您正在做什么的情况下使用。驱动器检测:显示不需要停止的USB设备,如果你不想看到无法删除的可插拔USBy几回,请禁用此功能,例如鼠标、打印机等。显示所有存储设备:你可以操作所有(包括不允许停止的)存储设备,当无法在停止菜单中看到SATA或火线驱动器时,你可以开启本功能。支持自定义皮肤,你可以选择你喜欢的皮肤。支持定义全局热键,全局热键是一组快捷键,可以在任何程序中使用,你可以使用该快捷键来显示设备停止菜单。盘符管理: 当没有媒体插入时隐藏盘符 (系统设置),当你使用读卡器时,该功能十分有用,通常读卡器会在系统中创建多余的空的驱动器,使用此功能,你将只会看到插槽中插入记忆卡的盘符,而不会看到空的盘符。不允许将以下的盘符指定为热插拔设备,这将阻止WINDOWS分配指定的盘符给热插拔设备,例如闪存USB驱动器等。如果你使用网络驱动器,这将很有用,用法:E,G,H。固定盘符列表,将显示所有固定盘符,如果你手边没有设备或设备丢失,你可以在此管理这些盘符,你可以选择取消固定徐徐以便于其他驱动器使用。开启冗余日志,该功能会增加大量的信息到程序的日志文件中。建议在需要支持服务时开启。注意!开启该功能后,程序的日志会快速的增长。




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