
这是目前难度最高的一个作业,主要难点在于树的平衡,树的平衡依赖于调试输出的图形化,也就是输出二叉树的实现,二叉树的输出技巧性比较强,一般人很难直接想到控制台可以打印二叉树。后面的测试结果显示本文实现的AVLTree 4次战胜std::map






by inserting one record at a time to the tree. It then provides the following menu:

1. Search for a record

2. Insert a record

3. Delete a record

4. List all records

5. Exit






#pragma once


#ifndef _BINARY_TREE_H_


#pragma once


#pragma once


#pragma once


#pragma once




Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
The tree is(in-order):
             ---(06115, 105, "Yuba, CA")
         ---(06113, 438, "Yolo, CA")
                 ---(06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA")
             ---(06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA")
                 ---(06107, 577, "Tulare, CA")
     ---(06105, 0, "Trinity, CA")
                 ---(06103, 25, "Tehama, CA")
             ---(06101, 172, "Sutter, CA")
         ---(06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA")
                 ---(06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA")
             ---(06095, 570, "Solano, CA")
                 ---(06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA")
 ---(06091, 0, "Sierra, CA")
                 ---(06089, 29, "Shasta, CA")
             ---(06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA")
                     ---(06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA")
                 ---(06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA")
                     ---(06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA")
         ---(06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA")
                 ---(06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA")
             ---(06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA")
                     ---(06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA")
                 ---(06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA")
     ---(06069, 94, "San Benito, CA")
                 ---(06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA")
             ---(06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA")
         ---(06063, 0, "Plumas, CA")
                 ---(06061, 162, "Placer, CA")
                     ---(06059, 6214, "Orange, CA")
             ---(06057, 26, "Nevada, CA")
                     ---(06055, 225, "Napa, CA")
                 ---(06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA")
                     ---(06051, 19, "Mono, CA")
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
                 ---(06047, 341, "Merced, CA")
             ---(06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA")
         ---(06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA")
                 ---(06041, 399, "Marin, CA")
             ---(06039, 221, "Madera, CA")
                 ---(06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA")
     ---(06035, 1, "Lassen, CA")
                 ---(06033, 32, "Lake, CA")
             ---(06031, 205, "Kings, CA")
                 ---(06029, 875, "Kern, CA")
         ---(06027, 8, "Inyo, CA")
                 ---(06025, 295, "Imperial, CA")
             ---(06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA")
 ---(06021, 36, "Glenn, CA")
                 ---(06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA")
             ---(06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA")
         ---(06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA")
                 ---(06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA")
             ---(06011, 60, "Colusa, CA")
     ---(06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA")
             ---(06007, 150, "Butte, CA")
         ---(06005, 1, "Amador, CA")
             ---(06003, 0, "Alpine, CA")
                 ---(06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA")
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
Please input the code of the state:
Find : 06105, 0, "Trinity, CA"
time elasped:0
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
Please input the scale number for test:100000
Insert 100000 times to AVLTree cost 30 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to std::map cost 19 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to BST cost 27367 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from AVLTree cost 5 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from std::map cost 9 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from BST cost 26900 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from AVLTree cost 7 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from std::map cost 8 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from BST cost 6 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to AVLTree cost 49 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to std::map cost 42 milliseconds,
Insert 100000 times to BST cost 33 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from AVLTree cost 24 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from std::map cost 30 milliseconds,
Search 100000 times from BST cost 24 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from AVLTree cost 30 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from std::map cost 37 milliseconds,
Delete 100000 times from BST cost 32 milliseconds,
The compare result have written to compare.txt
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
The tree is(in-order):
             ---(06115, 105, "Yuba, CA")
         ---(06113, 438, "Yolo, CA")
                 ---(06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA")
             ---(06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA")
                 ---(06107, 577, "Tulare, CA")
     ---(06105, 0, "Trinity, CA")
                 ---(06103, 25, "Tehama, CA")
             ---(06101, 172, "Sutter, CA")
         ---(06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA")
                 ---(06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA")
             ---(06095, 570, "Solano, CA")
                 ---(06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA")
 ---(06091, 0, "Sierra, CA")
                 ---(06089, 29, "Shasta, CA")
             ---(06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA")
                     ---(06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA")
                 ---(06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA")
                     ---(06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA")
         ---(06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA")
                 ---(06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA")
             ---(06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA")
                     ---(06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA")
                 ---(06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA")
     ---(06069, 94, "San Benito, CA")
                 ---(06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA")
             ---(06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA")
         ---(06063, 0, "Plumas, CA")
                 ---(06061, 162, "Placer, CA")
                     ---(06059, 6214, "Orange, CA")
             ---(06057, 26, "Nevada, CA")
                     ---(06055, 225, "Napa, CA")
                 ---(06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA")
                     ---(06051, 19, "Mono, CA")
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
                 ---(06047, 341, "Merced, CA")
             ---(06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA")
         ---(06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA")
                 ---(06041, 399, "Marin, CA")
             ---(06039, 221, "Madera, CA")
                 ---(06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA")
     ---(06035, 1, "Lassen, CA")
                 ---(06033, 32, "Lake, CA")
             ---(06031, 205, "Kings, CA")
                 ---(06029, 875, "Kern, CA")
         ---(06027, 8, "Inyo, CA")
                 ---(06025, 295, "Imperial, CA")
             ---(06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA")
 ---(06021, 36, "Glenn, CA")
                 ---(06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA")
             ---(06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA")
         ---(06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA")
                 ---(06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA")
             ---(06011, 60, "Colusa, CA")
     ---(06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA")
             ---(06007, 150, "Butte, CA")
         ---(06005, 1, "Amador, CA")
             ---(06003, 0, "Alpine, CA")
                 ---(06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA")
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].
List all records( see also in file ListAllRecordsData.txt):
06001, 3648, "Alameda, CA"
06003, 0, "Alpine, CA"
06005, 1, "Amador, CA"
06007, 150, "Butte, CA"
06009, 1, "Calaveras, CA"
06011, 60, "Colusa, CA"
06013, 1372, "Contra Costa, CA"
06015, 19, "Del Norte, CA"
06017, 90, "El Dorado, CA"
06019, 1242, "Fresno, CA"
06021, 36, "Glenn, CA"
06023, 42, "Humboldt, CA"
06025, 295, "Imperial, CA"
06027, 8, "Inyo, CA"
06029, 875, "Kern, CA"
06031, 205, "Kings, CA"
06033, 32, "Lake, CA"
06035, 1, "Lassen, CA"
06037, 22851, "Los Angeles, CA"
06039, 221, "Madera, CA"
06041, 399, "Marin, CA"
06043, 1, "Mariposa, CA"
06045, 102, "Mendocino, CA"
06047, 341, "Merced, CA"
06049, 0, "Modoc, CA"
06051, 19, "Mono, CA"
06053, 1122, "Monterey, CA"
06055, 225, "Napa, CA"
06057, 26, "Nevada, CA"
06059, 6214, "Orange, CA"
06061, 162, "Placer, CA"
06063, 0, "Plumas, CA"
06065, 1784, "Riverside, CA"
06067, 1809, "Sacramento, CA"
06069, 94, "San Benito, CA"
06071, 1920, "San Bernardino, CA"
06073, 5351, "San Diego, CA"
06075, 2039, "San Francisco, CA"
06077, 795, "San Joaquin, CA"
06079, 171, "San Luis Obispo, CA"
06081, 1743, "San Mateo, CA"
06083, 721, "Santa Barbara, CA"
06085, 5889, "Santa Clara, CA"
06087, 373, "Santa Cruz, CA"
06089, 29, "Shasta, CA"
06091, 0, "Sierra, CA"
06093, 4, "Siskiyou, CA"
06095, 570, "Solano, CA"
06097, 655, "Sonoma, CA"
06099, 576, "Stanislaus, CA"
06101, 172, "Sutter, CA"
06103, 25, "Tehama, CA"
06105, 0, "Trinity, CA"
06107, 577, "Tulare, CA"
06109, 3, "Tuolumne, CA"
06111, 1130, "Ventura, CA"
06113, 438, "Yolo, CA"
06115, 105, "Yuba, CA"
Please input menu:
0 : Draw the tree.
1 : Search a record.
2 : Insert a record.
3 : Delete a record.
4 : List all reacords.
5 : Exit.
6 : Compare AVLT with BST use [insert/ find/ delete].


1 可以看出二叉搜索树在插入排序数据后退化为单链表,在Insert和Search的时候耗时非常高。平衡二叉树不存在这个问题,对于排序数据和随机数据都一样支持的很好。

2 从测试结果可以看出AVLTree整体上和std::map一个水平,四次用时超越std::map





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


