s = re.sub(r'', lambda m: replacement_dict.get(m.group()), s)
lambda m: replacement_dict.get(m.group(), m.group())
# fallback to just leaving the word there if we don't have a replacement
s = "this is stuffthis is other stuff"
d = {'othertag': 'blah'}
#this doesn't work because `group` returns the whole match, including non-groups
re.sub(r'', lambda m: d.get(m.group(), m.group()), s)
Out[23]: 'this is stuffthis is other stuff'
#this output isn't exactly ideal...
re.sub(r'', lambda m: d.get(m.group(1), m.group(1)), s)
Out[24]: 'sometagthis is stuffblahthis is other stuffclosetag'
#this works, but is ugly and hard to maintain
re.sub(r'', lambda m: ''.format(d.get(m.group(1), m.group(1))), s)
Out[26]: 'this is stuffthis is other stuff'
#lookbehind/lookahead makes this nicer.
re.sub(r'(?<=)', lambda m: d.get(m.group(), m.group()), s)
Out[27]: 'this is stuffthis is other stuff'