
【单选题】Rhymes and songs can be used to help parents ______with their babies. (5.0分)

【单选题】There has been a great deal of ______ surrounding his disappearance. (5.0分)

【单选题】U4CON 2-3

【单选题】A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ________. (5.0分)

【单选题】U4CON 2-2

【单选题】U4NR 3-2

【口语题】Listen to the paragraph 3&4 of B1U1 and upload your reading. (10.0分)

【单选题】U4PAS 2-2

【单选题】They won the award for the most ________ new brand of the year. (5.0分)

【单选题】_____ exciting event it is! That really rocked!

【单选题】--I'm happy to meet so many Chinese here! --Yes. _____ of the students in this school are from China.

【单选题】--_____ the guests _____ back, please let me know at once. --Yes, sir.

【单选题】U4PAS 2-3

【单选题】U4CON 1-2

【单选题】--_____ you_____ the movie Transformer? --Yes, I have. I saw it last night.

【单选题】Hard ______she tried, she failed to pass the exam . (5.0分)

【单选题】Don't forget ____ door when you leave the classroom.

【单选题】The Web allows us to converse by email, a form of communication that often makes us more ________ about what we say. (5.0分)

【单选题】I feel the _______to be outside when spring comes. (5.0分)

【单选题】--When do you play football? --______

【单选题】Many jobs require you _____ a uniform and tie long hair ____.

【单选题】--What ____ John _____? --He is tall and thin.

【单选题】________the children are excited — this is the first time they have been onboard an airplane. (5.0分)

【单选题】U4CON 2-4

【单选题】The policy had repeatedly come under strong _____ on Capitol Hill. (5.0分)

【单选题】U4NR 3-3

【单选题】English is spoken in many countries, ____ Britain, America and Canada.

【单选题】U4PAS 1-5

【单选题】He went to the badminton club ________ during his school days. (5.0分)

【单选题】--Have you ever been to Lijiang? --Yes. I think LIjiang is ____ city in China.

【单选题】--You're so good a dancer. Are you interested in dancing? --Of course. I _____ a member of the dancing club at school.

【单选题】_________ all our efforts to keep the old theatre, the authorities decided to close it. (5.0分)

【单选题】Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area _______ the accident at the nuclear power station some years ago. (5.0分)

【单选题】U4CON 1-1

【单选题】--May I ask about my ______? --Sure. 1500 yuan a month. After three months, you'll get 2000 yuan a month.

【单选题】U4PAS 3-3

【单选题】Here are some tips _____ what to wear _____ your first day at your internship.

【单选题】U4CON 2-1

【单选题】--Did Betty tell you _____? --No, she didn't.

【单选题】This cream is supposed to help _______ your skin. (5.0分)

【单选题】The second Youth Olympic Games ____ in Nanjing in August, 2014.

【单选题】U4PAS 3-5

【单选题】Mike is among the top three interns in the hotel. He _____ finishes his work on time.

【单选题】--I like playing basketball very much. --______. He often plays basketball after school.

【单选题】When the house is on fire, you should stay ____ and tell the operator your name and address.

【单选题】--________ --I paid twelve pounds altogether for the bill.

【单选题】--Hi, Tom, I've left my schoolbag at home. --Don't worry. I'll ____ it for you.

【单选题】Who are ready to believe are easy to ______ . (5.0分)

【单选题】--I ______ play the piano when I was only five years old. --Oh, you are really good.

【单选题】It’s_______that the managing director is only in his early thirties. (5.0分)

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### 回答1: 你好!以下是我的回答: public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World, my name is 姓名, my no is 学号."); } } 请将以上代码保存为 文件,然后在命令行中使用 javac 命令编译该文件,再使用 java 命令运行编译后的 class 文件即可在控制台输出指定的内容。 ### 回答2: 要在记事本中编写第一个Java程序,需要按以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开记事本(Notepad)软件。 2. 创建一个新文件。 3. 在新文件中输入以下Java代码: ``` public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "姓名"; // 将姓名替换为你的真实姓名 String studentNo = "学号"; // 将学号替换为你的真实学号 System.out.println("Hello World, my name is " + name + ", my no is " + studentNo + "."); } } ``` 4. 将文件保存为``,确保文件后缀是`.java`。 5. 打开命令提示符(CMD)。 6. 使用`cd`命令导航到保存``的文件夹目录。 7. 使用`javac`命令编译Java程序。如果一切顺利,不会有任何错误提示。 8. 使用`java HelloWorld`命令运行编译后的Java程序。 9. 在命令提示符窗口中,你将看到输出的结果:`Hello World, my name is 姓名,my no is 学号.`(注意替换为你的真实姓名和学号)。 请确保你已经正确安装并设置了Java开发环境,以及将`javac`和`java`添加到系统路径中。如果没有正确设置,你可能会遇到错误或无法识别命令。 希望以上步骤能够帮助你在记事本中成功编写并运行第一个Java程序。 ### 回答3: 要在记事本中编写第一个Java程序并在控制台输出指定字符串,按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开一个文本编辑器,比如记事本。 2. 输入以下Java代码: ```java public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = "姓名"; String studentNo = "学号"; System.out.println("Hello World, my name is " + name + ", my no is " + studentNo + "."); } } ``` 3. 保存文件,并将文件名命名为 ``(注意后缀为 `.java`)。 4. 打开命令提示符 (CMD)。 5. 使用 `cd` 命令导航到保存 `` 的文件夹。 6. 编译 Java 程序,输入以下命令并按下回车键: ``` javac ``` 7. 等待编译完成,如果没有错误提示,则表示编译成功。 8. 运行 Java 程序,输入以下命令并按下回车键: ``` java HelloWorld ``` 9. 在控制台中将输出以下内容:`Hello World,my name is 姓名,my no is 学号.`。 10. 检查输出,确保输出正确的姓名和学号。 这样,你就成功在控制台输出了指定的字符串 "Hello World,my name is 姓名,my no is 学号."。


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