


matlab 数值积分的实现时域积分和频域积分积分操作主要有两种方法时域积分和频域积分,积分中常见的问题就是会产生二次趋势。关于积分的方法,在国外一个论坛上有人提出了如下说法,供参考。Double integration of raw acceleration data is a pretty poor estimate for displacement. The reason is that at each integration, you are compounding the noise in the data.If you are dead set on working in the time-domain, the best results come from the following steps.Remove the mean from your sample now have zero-mean sampleIntegrate once to get velocity using some rule trapezoidal, etc.Remove the mean from the velocityIntegrate again to get displacement.Remove the mean. Note, if you plot this, you will see drift over time.To eliminate some to most of the drift trend, use a least squares fit high degree depending on data to determine polynomial coefficients.Remove the least squares polynomial function from your data.A much better way to get displacement from acceleration data is to work in the frequency domain. To do this, follow these steps.Remove the mean from the accel. dataTake the Fourier transform FFT of the accel. data.Convert the transformed accel. data to displacement data by dividing each element by -omega2, where omega is the frequency band.Now take the inverse FFT to get back to the time-domain and scale your result.This will give you a much better estimate of displacement.说到底就是频域积分要比时域积分效果更好,实际测试也发现如此。原因可能是时域积分时积分一次就要去趋势,去趋势就会降低信号的能量,所以最后得到的结果常常比真实幅值要小。下面做一些测试,对一个正弦信号的二次微分做两次积分,正弦频率为 50Hz,采样频率 1000Hz,恢复效果如下时域积分频域积分可见恢复信号都很好(对于 50Hz 是这样的效果) 。分析两种方法的频率特性曲线如下时域积分频域积分可以看到频域积分得到信号更好,时域积分随着信号频率的升高恢复的正弦幅值会降低。对于包含两个正弦波的信号,频域积分正常恢复信号,时域积分恢复的高频信息有误差;对于有噪声的正弦信号,噪声会使积分结果产生大的趋势项(不是简单的二次趋势) ,如下图对此可以用滤波的方法将大的趋势项去掉。测试的代码如下 测试积分对正弦信号的作用 clcclearclose all 原始正弦信号 ts 0.001;fs 1/ts;t 0ts1000*ts;f 50;dis sin2*pi*f*t; 位移 vel 2*pi*f.*cos2*pi*f*t; 速度 acc -2*pi*f.2.*sin2*pi*f*t; 加速度 多个正弦波的测试 f1 400; dis1 sin2*pi*f1*t; 位移 vel1 2*pi*f1.*cos2*pi*f1*t; 速度 acc1 -2*pi*f1.2.*sin2*pi*f1*t; 加速度 dis dis dis1; vel vel vel1; acc acc acc1; 结频域积分正常恢复信号,时域积分恢复加入的高频信息有误差 加噪声测试 acc acc 2*pi*f.2*0.2*randnsizeacc; 结噪声会使积分结果产生大的趋势项 figureax1 subplot311;plott, dis, title位移ax2 subplot312;plott, vel, title速度ax3 subplot313;plott, acc, title加速度linkaxesax, x; 由加速度信号积分算位移[disint, velint] IntFcnacc, t, ts, 2;axesax2;hold onplott, velint, r,legend{原始信号, 恢复信号}axesax1;hold onplott, disint, r,legend{原始信号, 恢复信号} 测试积分算子的频率特性 n 30;amp zerosn, 1;f [530 4010480];figurefor i 1lengthf fi fi; acc -2*pi*fi.2.*sin2*pi*fi*t; 加速度 [disint, velint] IntFcnacc, t, ts, 2; 积分算位移 ampi sqrtsumdisint.2/sqrtsumdis.2; plott, disint drawnowendclosefigureplotf, amptitle位移积分的频率特性曲线xlabelfylabel单位正弦波的积分位移幅值以上代码中使用 IntFcn 函数实现积分,它是封装之后的函数,可以实现时域积分和频域积分,其代码如下 积分操作由加速度求位移,可选时域积分和频域积分function [disint, velint] IntFcnacc, t, ts, flagif flag 1 时域积分 [disint, velint] IntFcn_Timet, acc; velenergy sqrtsumvelint.2; velint detrendvelint; velreenergy sqrtsumvelint.2; velint velint/velreenergy*velenergy; disenergy sqrtsumdisint.2; disint detrenddisint; disreenergy sqrtsumdisint.2; disint disint/disreenergy*disenergy; 此操作是为了弥补去趋势时能量的损失 去除位移中的二次项 p polyfitt, disint, 2; disint disint - polyvalp, t;else 频域积分 velint iomegaacc, ts, 3, 2; velint detrendvelint; disint iomegaacc, ts, 3, 1; 去除位移中的二次项 p polyfitt, disint, 2; disint disint - polyvalp, t;endend其中时域积分的子函数如下 时域内梯形积分 function [xn, vn] IntFcn_Timet, anvn cumtrapzt, an;vn vn - repmatmeanvn, sizevn,1, 1;xn cumtrapzt, vn;xn xn - repmatmeanxn, sizexn,1, 1;end频域积分的子函数如下(此代码是一个老外编的,在频域内实现积分和微分操作)function dataout iomegadatain, dt, datain_type, dataout_type IOMEGA is a MATLAB script for converting displacement, velocity, or acceleration time-series to either displacement, velocity, or acceleration times-series. The script takes an array of waveform data datain, transforms into the frequency-domain in order to more easily convert into desired output form, and then converts back into the time domain resulting in output dataout that is converted into the desired form. Variables ---------- datain input waveform data of type datain_type dataout output waveform data of type dataout_type dt time increment units of seconds per sample 1 - Displacement datain_type 2 - Velocity 3 - Acceleration 1 - Displacement dataout_type 2 - Velocity 3 - Acceleration Make sure that datain_type and dataout_type are either 1, 2 or 3if datain_type 3 errorValue for datain_type must be a 1, 2 or 3;elseif dataout_type 3 errorValue for dataout_type must be a 1, 2 or 3;end Determine Number of points next power of 2, frequency increment and Nyquist frequencyN 2nextpow2maxsizedatain;df 1/N*dt;Nyq 1/2*dt; Save frequency arrayiomega_array 1i*2*pi*-Nyq df Nyq-df;iomega_exp dataout_type - datain_type; Pad datain array with zeros if neededsize1 sizedatain,1;size2 sizedatain,2;if N-size1 0 else datain horzcatdatain,zeros1,N-size2; endend Transform datain into frequency domain via FFT and shift output A so that zero-frequency amplitude is in the middle of the array instead of the beginningA fftdatain;A fftshiftA; Convert datain of type datain_type to type dataout_typefor j 1 N if iomega_arrayj 0 Aj Aj * iomega_arrayj iomega_exp; else Aj complex0.0,0.0; endend Shift new frequency-amplitude array back to MATLAB format and transform back into the time domain via the inverse FFT.A ifftshiftA;datain ifftA; Remove zeros that were added to datain in order to pad to next biggerst power of 2 and return dataout.if size1 size2 dataout realdatain1size1,size2;else dataout realdatainsize1,1size2;endreturn 本文转自新浪了凡春秋的博客,博主了凡春秋,中国科技大学。关联阅读A 互相关cross-correlation中的一些概念及其实现 B 振动信号预处理的几个问题滤波、积分、泄漏等 C 振动信号的预处理去趋势项和五点三次平滑法 D 动力学方程数值解法直接积分法(Newmark 类)





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