msl3等级烘烤时间_湿敏等级MSL Moisture sensitivity levels Classifications



标准全文请见 J-STD-020E.

(1) Purpose:

identify the classification level of nonhermetic surface mount devices (SMDs) that are sensitive to moisture-induced stress so that they can be properly packaged, stored, and handled to avoid damage during assembly solder reflow attachment and/or repair operations.


(2) ‘popcorn' phenomenon:

The vapor pressure of moisture inside a nonhermetic package increases greatly when the package is exposed to the high temperature of solder reflow. Under certain conditions, this pressure can cause internal delamination of the packaging materials from the die and/or lead-frame/substrate, internal cracks that do not extend to the outside of the package, bond damage, wire necking, bond lifting, die lifting, thin film cracking, or cratering beneath the bonds. In the most severe case, the stress can result in external package cracks. This is commonly referred to as the‘popcorn’phenomenon because the internal stress causes the package to bulge and then crack with an audible ‘‘pop.’’


(3) Procedure:

Sample preparation---Initial electrical test---Initial inspection (OM+SAT) ---Bake---Moisture Soak---Reflow---Final inspection (OM+SAT) ---Final Test


1.Sample preparation:

Reclassification (Qualified Package without Additional Reliability Testing): minimum sample of 22 units from two nonconsecutive assembly lots.

Classification/Reclassification and Rework: minimum sample of 11 units from two nonconsecutive assembly lots.

Sample units shall have completed all manufacturing processing required prior to shipment.




2. Initial inspection(OM+SAT):

Perform an external visual (at 40X) and acoustic microscope examination on all components to establish a baseline for the cracking/delamination criteria。

此40X并不是定义这个倍率下能看到的crack 或者delam才算是fail,当看到疑似异常时,往往有必要用高倍显微镜或者SEM去检查确认。同理 Final inspection.

Note: This standard does not consider or establish any accept/reject criteria for delamination at initial/time zero inspection.


3. Bake: Bake the sample for 24 hours minimum at 125 +5/-0 °C.

Note 2: If a bake test is interrupted for greater than 15 minutes; then the total time of the interruption should be excluded from the bake time. The interruption time should be accounted and no greater than 1 hour, then re-incorporated to ensure minimum of 24 hours. For instance, if the interruption was 45 minute, then the total bake test time would be 24 hours and 45 minutes. If greater than 1 hour the bake should be restarted for a full 24 hours.


4. Moisture Soak:

Place devices in a clean, dry, shallow container so that the package bodies do not touch or overlap each other. Submit each sample to the appropriate soak requirements shown in Table 5-1.




Floor Life: The allowable time period after removal from a moisture barrier bag, dry storage, or dry bake and before the solder reflow process.

如上面的表格所示,我的理解是所谓的floor life指的是特定条件下的“安全用料期限”,此处用这样形容有别于“保质期”。仔细对比 不同等级下floor life 和 test time,会发现MSL2a~MSL5a 下,floor life=standard tmie-24hrs,这不难理解:因为这些level下温湿度条件都是30 °C/60% RH,而24hrs正是对应MET(manufacturer’s exposure time)。拿MSL3 来说,产品实际的“floor life”就是192hrs,去掉MET24hrs,则留给用户的只剩下168hrs。此外,Level 1 的floor time 为Unlimited,但并不是说这样的产品永远都是好品, floor life并不能保证不出现湿气相关以外的失效,比如长期储存引起的失效。

Accelerated Equivalent Soak: A soak at a higher temperature for a shorter time (compared to the standard soak), to provide roughly the same amount of moisture absorption.

拿MSL3 的Soak条件来讲:30 °C/60% RH 192hrs 和 °60C/60% RH 40hrs 的条件下样品吸收的湿气量等同。比方说,fast precond情况:周一晚上进 bake 24hrs,那么加上soaking 40hrs,在加上reflow的时间等等,本周四就能有 fast precond的结果;而换成Normal条件需要等下周三。所以在很多工厂里面为了尽快拿到precond的结果,通常normal 和fast条件的实验同时进行,如果fast的结果是fail 了,就可以尽快让产线调整参数或者更换材料等。 那么问题来了,fast 和normal 条件下的结果会不一样么?比如fast precond pass, normal precond fail,在实际实验中真的有这样的可能出现,我个人的理解是:还是以normal precond的结果为准,因为fast precond的过程中由于时间短,误差造成的影响更大,比如说打开温湿度箱时腔体内部的条件需要一定的时间来达到设定值,这个过程容易带来误差。


关于eV: Active energy.我翻阅了JESD22-A120B。文中只是介绍了理论的计算公式并阐述道与材料的Tg(Glass Transition Temperature)有关:



5. Refolw:

Not sooner than 15 minutes and not longer than 4 hours after removal from the temperature/humidity chamber, subject the sample to 3 cycles of the appropriate reflow conditions. The time between reflows shall be 5 minutes minimum and 60 minutes maximum.

通常建议是,每次进行reflow之前,先跑一遍profile,看是否符合要求,有的客户会有特殊要求,比如特殊的ramp up rate 等。




Reflow profile 的几个重要参数:

1. Tp: Peak temperature;

2. ts: preheat time;

3. tp: the time when Tc-5<T<Tp;

4. Ramp up/down rate;

(Classification Temperature (Tc): The maximum body temperature at which the component manufacturer guarantees the component MSL as noted on the caution and/or bar code label)


Tc和Tp 的关系取决于面对的是用户还是制造厂:


下面展示一个实际的profile:(通常需要三个或更多的测温点,来确保乘放IC的盘子上所有位置都满足要求,并且测温点要放在IC package上。


(4) Failure Criteria after Reflow Simulation:

A device is considered a failure if it exhibits any of the following:

a. External crack visible using 40X optical microscope. It is highly desired to use 100X optical magnification or low vacuum scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to better observe any cracks that could be precursors to problems during the stress of operational life.

b. Electrical test failure.

c. Internal crack that intersects a bond wire, ball bond, or wedge bond.

d. Internal crack extending from any lead finger to any other internal feature (lead finger, chip, die attach paddle).

e. Internal crack extending more than 2/3 the distance from any internal feature to the outside of the package.

f. Changes in package body flatness caused by warpage, swelling, or bulging not visible to the naked eye per JESD22-B101.

(5) Criteria Requiring Further Evaluation---delam

Metal Lead-Frame Packages:

a. No delamination on the active side of the die.

b. No delamination on any wire bonding surface including the downbond area or the lead-frame of lead on chip (LOC)devices.

c. No delamination change >10% along any polymeric film bridging any metallic features that is designed to be isolated(verifiable by through transmission acoustic microscopy).

d. No delamination/cracking >50% of the die attach area:

1. In packages with exposed die pad used for thermal conductivity or

2. For devices that require electrical contact to the backside of the die

e. No surface-breaking feature delaminated over its entire length. A surface-breaking feature includes lead fingers, tie bars,heat spreader alignment features, heat slugs, etc.

Substrate Based Packages (e.g., BGA, LGA, etc.):

a. No delamination on the active side of the die.

b. No delamination on any wire bonding surface of the laminate.

c. No delamination change >10% along the polymer potting or molding compound/laminate interface for cavity and overmolded packages.

d. No delamination change >10% along the solder mask/laminate resin interface.

e. No delamination change >10% within the laminate.

f. No delamination/cracking change >10% through the die attach region.

g. No delamination/cracking between underfill resin and chip or underfill resin and substrate/solder mask.

h. No surface-breaking feature delaminated over its entire length. A surface-breaking feature includes lead fingers, laminate,laminate metallization, PTH, heat slugs, etc.

Note 1: On substrate based packages, the C-mode acoustic image is not easy to interpret. Through Transmission Acoustic Imaging is recommended to supplement and verify the C-mode images because it is easier to interpret and more reliable. Ifit is necessary to verify results or determine at what level in the package the cracking/delamination is occurring, crosssectional analysis should be used.





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