
There just are so many of us in Women Emerging from Isolation who have skills we would gladly share with others. So that many more women emerge from this period of isolation, and from our isolation over the centuries, with a stronger combined voice for women.

I’m reminded of the proverb “they tried to bury us without realising we are seeds”!

That’s why WELearn makes sense. It will host a series of workshops on different themes, of different length, for different groups. Each workshop will be run by a woman who volunteers her time and knowledge. Participants will be women who are members of WE, there is no fee (the women running the workshops do this for love) but participants must make some donation to WEI big or small.

The WELearn will be hosted in a specific LinkedIn group, hung off my profile.

Those who want to participate in a WELearn, have to:

- Apply through the WEI LinkedIn group

- Once accepted, they will be let into the WELearn group for the duration of the session, and for two weeks after it ends to allow each participant to review all the discussions, materials and peers – to start putting their learning into practise

- Then they will leave the WELearn group and a new workshop and participant group will join to go through the same process.

I am very, very excited about this addition to #WomenEmerging. Women sharing and empowering each other.

The first WELearn will be run by Omnia on storytelling and public speaking. Omnia is a woman for whom I have infinite admiration. I am so noisy, I have always secretly wanted to have Omnia’s calm, her gentle voice makes you feel you could jump to the moon. As you will have seen in her film this week , she has learnt the hard way to tell her story. She has discovered, through a hard leadership journey, just how crucial it is for leaders to do so.

I believe that stories are the most important part of any talk. Save me from slides, favour me with stories. They are what people remember. How they are told, brought to life, how they reveal vulnerability, and draw together messages. I learnt this early on from a master of storytelling. I was lucky. Omnia is going to make more women lucky.

The ten women she accepts on to the first workshop will be blessed. And for the rest of us, we cannot wait to hear your stories. If you would like to volunteer to run a workshop in the future, do message me.

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