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翻译 奥德赛修改器_我的奥德赛发现最受欢迎的python函数

奥德赛修改器介绍(Introduction)The other day while I was running some zip() with some lists through a map(). I couldn’t stop noticing how much my Python style over the years has changed.前几天,当我通过map()运行带有某些列表的...

2020-10-15 19:35:39 448

翻译 西雅图Airbnb价格与其他决定因素之间的关系

介绍(Introduction)Airbnb is an internet marketplace for short-term house and apartment rentals. It allows you to, rent (list) out your house for a week while you are away, or rent out your empty bedroo...

2020-10-15 19:24:40 730

翻译 jira 史诗 故事 任务_史诗般的数据提取任务

jira 史诗 故事 任务Special thanks to the person on twitter who messaged me with this question and is letting me use it as a starting point of a post. Poking at real scenarios is real fun, and I can always t...

2020-10-15 19:15:03 2027

翻译 数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈_零堆栈数据科学家第二部分秋天

数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈In Hollywood, it is known that the sequels are rarely better than the original movie/parts. Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy is a notorious exception. I believe that this post is yet another...

2020-10-15 19:04:22 435

翻译 matlab离群值算法_什么是离群值如何检测和删除它们对离群值敏感的算法

matlab离群值算法In statistics, an outlier is an observation point that is distant from other observations.在统计中,离群点是与其他观测值相距较远的观测点。These extreme values need not necessarily impact the model performance or ...

2020-10-15 18:54:29 6952

翻译 在尝试使用预登录握手确认_不确定如何找到您要寻找的内容尝试图分析

在尝试使用预登录握手确认You have probably heard it many times already, but the amount of data in the world is growing at an incredible rate. This is in large part due to data storage having become so cheap that w...

2020-10-15 18:43:33 417

翻译 数据集市的3种建立方法_建立推荐系统的3种方法

数据集市的3种建立方法It’s no doubt that Recommendation systems are one of the most obvious ways to enhance user experience on various platforms, as well as introduce Machine Learning into a company. Hence, many...

2020-10-15 18:32:36 1462

翻译 分步式数据库_创建真实数据科学项目的分步指南

分步式数据库As an inspiring data scientist, building interesting portfolio projects is key to showcase your skills. When I learned coding and data science as a business student through online courses, I dis...

2020-10-15 18:23:05 182

翻译 ols回归_在幕后将ols ridge回归和pca联系起来

ols回归引擎盖下(Under The Hood)I am writing a new series of (relatively short) posts centered around foundational topics in statistical learning. In particular, this series will feature unexpected discover...

2020-10-15 18:12:23 452

翻译 机器学习 建立模型_数据科学家如何在现实生活中建立机器学习模型

机器学习 建立模型The web is already flooded by data science and machine learning related resources nowadays. There are numerous blogs, websites, YouTube videos, and forums that are providing useful informatio...

2020-10-15 18:03:01 1253

翻译 语料库建立_通过挖掘covid 19科学语料库建立对病毒的理解

语料库建立At the time I publish this, we are entering the 9th month since COVID-19 froze the world. Since early January we all experienced it differently: some of us were lucky and got locked up in our hou...

2020-10-15 17:53:44 819

翻译 流光溢彩 diy_您需要的只是流光溢彩

流光溢彩 diy苹果| GOOGLE | 现货| 其他(APPLE | GOOGLE | SPOTIFY | OTHERS)Editor’s note: The Towards Data Science podcast’s “Climbing the Data Science Ladder” series is hosted by Jeremie Harris. Jeremie helps ...

2020-10-15 17:43:23 309

翻译 python sqlite_python熊猫和sqlite

python sqliteThe SQLite database is a built-in feature of Python and a very useful one, at that. It is not a complete implementation of SQL but it has all the features that you need for a personal dat...

2020-10-15 17:32:42 141

翻译 cc和毫升换算_必须了解数字分析师的毫升技术,第2部分客户生命周期价值

cc和毫升换算As pointed out in Part 1 where we covered the concept of Association Analysis, analytics is increasingly becoming more augmented and relational. As a digital analyst, it's better for us to be a...

2020-10-15 17:23:08 891

翻译 心脏病预测

ABSTRACT:抽象:I am creating a Data Analysis Project on Heart Disease Prediction. The project uses raw data in form of a .csv file and transforms into Data Analysis. This project is an attempt of data a...

2020-10-15 17:12:43 1690

翻译 我如何构建网络刮板工具来分析多伦多的公寓价格

Condos have always fascinated me and in the city, I live, they are perhaps the first (or realistic) option that comes to the mind of many first-time home-buyers. Unless you have been living under a ro...

2020-10-15 17:02:32 222

翻译 啤酒瓶啤酒盖换啤酒_这里或那里的啤酒

啤酒瓶啤酒盖换啤酒In this project, we aimed to identify one or more optimal locations to open a new brewery in the twin cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. As there already exists a vibrant community ...

2020-10-15 16:52:44 81

翻译 python大数_使用python的金融大数定律

python大数重点(Top highlight)大数定律:(The Law of Large Numbers:)Have you ever wondered how casinos make money? The law of large numbers is a concept well known right from the early stages of Statistics. But...

2020-10-15 16:43:18 636

翻译 nlp 论文生成摘要_nlp365 nlp论文的第114天总结了科学文献的摘要系统

nlp 论文生成摘要内置AI NLP365(INSIDE AI NLP365)Project #NLP365 (+1) is where I document my NLP learning journey every single day in 2020. Feel free to check out what I have been learning over the last 257 da...

2020-10-15 16:33:00 384

翻译 考拉解析_考拉毫升

考拉解析实用指南(A Practical Guide)Pandas is considered a de-facto data analysis library written in python. Most of the data scientists or machine learning engineers start with Pandas and Numpy before moving...

2020-10-15 16:22:19 1396

翻译 360代码卫士扫描_神经卫士如何建立其X射线ct扫描AI生产线

360代码卫士扫描实例探究(CASE STUDIES)Neural Guard produces automated threat detection solutions powered by AI for the security screening market. With the expansion of global trends like urbanization, aviation,...

2020-10-12 14:56:18 295

翻译 python受保护属性_python即将受到挤压

python受保护属性重点(Top highlight)Python was released in the 1990s as a general-purpose programming language.Python于1990年代作为通用编程语言发布。Despite its clean syntax, the exposure Python got in its first decade wa...

2020-10-12 14:45:40 301

翻译 机器学习预测股票_是否进行基础投资工作,以尝试通过机器学习预测股票成功...

机器学习预测股票Like most of you, I have a strong interest in making more money and growing my savings faster. And as I’ve started my career over the last 2 years, I’ve been seeking advice on how to best mana...

2020-10-12 14:35:05 365

翻译 dev 饼形图_是时候与饼形图分手了

dev 饼形图重点(Top highlight)My old high school recently sent out their alumni magazine which featured the VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) results of the Class of 2018. The report was lovely and w...

2020-10-12 14:25:14 221

翻译 ai人工智能数据处理分析_数据科学AI和沙丘

ai人工智能数据处理分析Why talk of Data Science, AI and Dune in the same breath?为什么要同时谈论数据科学,人工智能和沙丘?When you have read this article I hope you will know better. 阅读本文后,希望您能有所了解。If you have not seen the trailer...

2020-10-12 14:14:51 260

翻译 糖尿病预测

Since I did a little side project last time (if you haven’t checked it out yet, here is the link), I have realized that working on a project on my own helps a ton. So “Oops, I did it again.” I once mo...

2020-10-12 14:03:55 788

翻译 机器学习和统计学和数据发掘_面向数据科学和机器学习程序员的5项最佳数学和统计学课程...

机器学习和统计学和数据发掘Hello guys, if you are learning Data Science and Machine learning and looking for some refresher courses to improve your Mathematics and Statistics skills then you have come to the right ...

2020-10-12 13:53:28 418

翻译 描述性预测和描述性分析

How can healthcare organizations use their big data assets into actionable clinical intelligence? To lower costs and improve outcomes, healthcare organizations have invested heavily in pooling in as m...

2020-10-12 13:43:02 2346

翻译 数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈_零堆栈数据科学家第一部分

数据结构堆栈 内存堆栈We live in an era of uncertainty. It is uncertain how economy will go on the aftermath of COVID-19 (fast/slow recovery, where and which industry sectors will be more affected, etc.). It is ...

2020-10-12 13:32:53 164

翻译 超现代可视化的故事sankey chart

Data Science has been gaining momentum over the past couple of years. It’s undoubtedly one of the hottest fields in today’s time. In this article, I am going to discuss about an essential part of Data...

2020-10-12 13:23:18 700

翻译 沃尔玛logo_刮沃尔玛商店的位置

沃尔玛logoStore location information for major retailers such as Walmart has increasingly become an important signal of a community, town, or city’s overall health in these challenging COVID-19 times.在这些...

2020-10-12 13:12:39 157

翻译 分子 原子 电子 质子_受质子碰撞启发的大量数据文本挖掘

分子 原子 电子 质子Many of us trapped in our increasingly disheveled home offices realize the difficulty in sifting through information. Trying to find urgent pieces of key information in an avalanche of note...

2020-10-12 13:03:34 257

翻译 aws emr使用_使用aws emr和step函数来处理非常宽的矩阵

aws emr使用我们的任务(Our Mission)Our brains are what make us human. They give rise to our thoughts, actions, movements, and desires, store our memories, and enable us to navigate our world every day. Yet d...

2020-10-12 12:53:09 500

翻译 在fomc会议中建模主题趋势

补习班(HANDS-ON TUTORIAL)The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is an important part of the US financial system. It meets 8 times per year and the minutes from these meetings are scrutinized the world...

2020-10-12 12:44:02 574

翻译 动态库 隐式调用和显式调用_关于键入显式,隐式和静态与动态的所有内容

动态库 隐式调用和显式调用Although programming often gets a reputation as a very complex activity, in the simplest definition it is relatively easy to understand. All programming centers around moving data and pro...

2020-10-12 12:34:22 240

翻译 主动学习python中的标签

Hi folks,嗨伙计,Today we are going to understand how active learning can be used in data labeling. 今天,我们将了解如何在数据标记中使用主动学习。Machine learning algorithms require -generally lots of- enough amount of data t...

2020-10-12 12:24:33 248

翻译 西雅图的车祸严重性

Coursera数据科学顶点项目(Coursera Data Science Capstone Project)介绍(Introduction)In year 2010, there were 32,999 people killed, 3.9 million were injured, and 24 million vehicles were damaged in motor vehicle...

2020-10-12 12:14:50 471

翻译 异常检测时间序列_使用analalize库进行时间序列异常检测

异常检测时间序列Time series data have a wide range of application cases — from tracking key performance indicators (KPI) and understanding business trends to advanced modeling and forecasting. Anomaly detecti...

2020-10-12 11:54:42 552

翻译 hadoop集群数据存储_使用分布式存储和hadoop集群管理海量数据

hadoop集群数据存储Stepping into the world of Big Data and Distributed Computing进入大数据和分布式计算世界Recently, I started my journey as the ARTH Learner in the program “ARTH -2020” under the guidance of ‘The World Re...

2020-10-12 11:44:31 2176

翻译 德国科学家命名的定理_数据科学定理

德国科学家命名的定理Result that has been proved to be true in all times with evidence & facts & equations !!!!经过证据,事实和等式证明,结果始终都是真实的!“Universal” applies to universe meaning it will work universally. Re...

2020-10-12 11:34:57 352



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