if (X - Center_X)^2 + (Y - Center_Y)^2 < Radius^2:
Circle = pygame.draw.circle(Window, Blue, (Center_X, Center_Y), Radius, 0)
以下是我在评论中所描述的内容,以及对Michael Anderson在评论中指出的更大矩形内正确处理圆形情况的更改:
import math
def collision(rleft, rtop, width, height, # rectangle definition
center_x, center_y, radius): # circle definition
""" Detect collision between a rectangle and circle. """
# complete boundbox of the rectangle
rright, rbottom = rleft + width/2, rtop + height/2
# bounding box of the circle
cleft, ctop = center_x-radius, center_y-radius
cright, cbottom = center_x+radius, center_y+radius
# trivial reject if bounding boxes do not intersect
if rright < cleft or rleft > cright or rbottom < ctop or rtop > cbottom:
return False # no collision possible
# check whether any point of rectangle is inside circle's radius
for x in (rleft, rleft+width):
for y in (rtop, rtop+height):
# compare distance between circle's center point and each point of
# the rectangle with the circle's radius
if math.hypot(x-center_x, y-center_y) <= radius:
return True # collision detected
# check if center of circle is inside rectangle
if rleft <= center_x <= rright and rtop <= center_y <= rbottom:
return True # overlaid
return False # no collision detected
来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191007/1865293.html