关于java中数据类型叙述正确的是( )_关于Java中数据类型叙述正确的是:


【填空题】9. Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as ____.

【填空题】4. Satan is the hero in Milton’s masterpiece __________.


【单选题】该数据集的“臭氧”列的平均值是多少? 排除该计算中缺少的值(代码为NA)。 What is the mean of the Ozone column in this dataset? Exclude missing values(coded as NA) from this calculation.

【单选题】该数据帧的“臭氧”列中缺少多少个值? How many missing values are in the Ozone column of this data frame?

【单选题】假设我有一个定义为x Suppose I have a list defined as x

【单选题】26. The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ____.

【单选题】29. _____was known as “the poets’ poet”. Edmund Spenser C. John Donne D. John Milton

【单选题】提取数据帧的 最后 2行并写出。输出是什么? Extract the last 2 rows of the data frame and print them to the console.What does the output look like?

【单选题】28. The following description fit into Milton EXCEPT _____.

【单选题】若已定义 byte[ ] x= {11,22,33,-66} ;


【单选题】22. __________was one of "the university wits", and was famous for his prose romance Euphues .

【填空题】8. The Puritans belived in ________ of life.

【单选题】提取数据帧的前2行,然后将其打印到控制台。输出格式如何? Extract the first 2 rows of the data frame and print them to the console. Whatdoes the output look like?

【单选题】下面语句执行后,i 的值是: for( int i=0, j=1; j < 5; j+=3 ) i=i+j;

【填空题】( ) 光有利于植物的伸长生长;( )光促进蛋白质及花青素的合成。

【单选题】5 月(即"Month" = 5)的最大臭氧值是多少? What was the maximum ozone value in the month of May (i.e. Month = 5)?

【判断题】1. With the establishment of the bourgeois dictatorship, Charles II became the Protector of the English Commonwealth.

【单选题】假设我有向量x Suppose I have a vector x

【单选题】Portia, the heroine in "_ _____"is one of Shakespeare's ideal women-beautiful, prudent, cultured and capable of rising to an emergency.

【单选题】如果我有两个向量 x If I have two vectors x

【填空题】积温分为( )和( )。

【单选题】在R中,以下哪一项不是原子数据类型。 In R the following are all atomic data types EXCEPT.

【单选题】27. “The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” is an example of ______.

【填空题】( )现象是一种光形态建成反应,是在( )的进化过程中形成的。

【单选题】void 的含义:

【单选题】23. ___________ was the founder of English materialist philosophy and modern science.

【单选题】25. The most distinguished literary figure of the 17 th century was _____, who was a critic, poet, and playwright.

【单选题】第47行中的臭氧值是多少? What is the value of Ozone in the 47th row?

【单选题】此数据帧中的观测数(即行数)是多少? How many observations (i.e. rows) are in this data frame?

【填空题】2. In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, _______ occupies the most important place.

【单选题】如果我在R中执行表达式x If I execute the expression x

【单选题】开发R的统计学家就职于: R was developed by statisticians working at:



【填空题】1. Restoration created a literature of its own, that was often ____ and _________, but on the whole ________and ___________.

【填空题】7. England became a commonwealth under the leadership of _________.

【单选题】. _____ , as a declaration of people’s freedom of the press, has been a weapon in the later democratic revolutionary struggles.

【单选题】R 中向量的关键属性是: A key property of vectors in R is that:

【单选题】.From the following , choose the one which is not Francis Bacon’s work.

【单选题】在为本测验提供的数据集中,数据集的列名分别是什么? In the dataset provided for this Quiz, what are the column names of thedataset?

【单选题】表达式 x What is the class of the object defined by x

【单选题】提取数据帧中臭氧值大于31,温度(Temp)值大于90的行的子集。该子数据集中Solar.R的平均值是多少? Extract the subset of rows of the data frame where Ozone values are above 31and Temp values are above 90. What is the mean of Solar.R in this subset?

【单选题】Shakespeare’s greatest comedies are the following works except__ __.

【单选题】1. Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called “romances” and all end in reconciliation and reunion.

【单选题】设有定义 int i = 6 ;,则执行以下语句后,i 的值为:

i += i - 1;

【单选题】下列语句序列执行后,k 的值是: int i=10, j=18, k=30; switch( j - i )

{ case 8 : k++; case 9 : k+=2; case 10: k+=3; default : k/=j; }

【单选题】30. One of Chaucer’s main contributions to English poetry is ______.

【单选题】Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, and its essence is____ ___.





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