监听查询事件, 打印query log
在开发环境, 打印出每次请求的SQL, 方便做sql分析优化。
首先新增一个log channel 单独保存 query log, 这里就叫做 query
vim config/logging.php
'channels' => [ …………………… 'daily' => [ 'driver' => 'daily', 'path' => env('LOG_PATH', storage_path('logs/')) . 'laravel.log', 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), 'days' => env('LOG_MAX_FILES', 14), ], 'query' => [ 'driver' => 'daily', 'path' => env('LOG_PATH', storage_path('logs/')) . 'query.log', 'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'), 'days' => env('LOG_MAX_FILES', 3), ], ……………… ],
在 app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:boot()中增加代码
public function boot() { //仅在 local 环境生效(取值于.env文件中的APP_ENV)。 if (app()->environment('local')) { //加入这一行代码是为了配合自定义函数 getLastSql() 简化打印最后一条sql,当然也可以直接查看sql日志。 DB::connection()->enableQueryLog(); // DB::connection('mysql_other')->enableQueryLog();//如果有多个库,需要执行多次 //自动记录sql日志 DB::listen(static function ($query) { $sql = str_replace(['%', '?'], ['%%', '%s'], $query->sql); if ($query->bindings) { $sql = sprintf($sql, ...array_map(static function ($val) { return is_string($val) ? "'{$val}'" : $val; }, $query->bindings)); #这里指定 channel 为 query $log = "ConnectionName: {$query->connectionName}; Use Time {$query->time}; SQL:"; $log .= PHP_EOL . $sql; Log::channel('query')->info($log); } }); } }
然后测试,要确保 php的用户对 env(‘LOG_PATH’, storage_path(‘logs/’)) 有写入权限
[2022-09-05 07:24:07] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 14.86; SQL: select * from `user` where `account` = 'admin' limit 1 [2022-09-05 07:24:19] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 6.65; SQL: select * from `user` where `id` = '1' limit 1 [2022-09-05 07:24:20] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 0.73; SQL: select * from `user` where `id` = '1' limit 1 [2022-09-05 07:24:20] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 3.49; SQL: select * from `user` where `id` = 3 and `username` = '张三子' and `account` = 'zhangsan' and `mobile` = '' and `email` = '' [2022-09-05 07:24:25] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 7; SQL: select * from `user` where `id` = '1' limit 1 [2022-09-05 07:24:25] local.INFO: ConnectionName: mysql; Use Time 0.89; SQL: select * from `user` where `id` = '1' limit 1
if (!function_exists('getLastSql')) { /** * 调试方法:打印最后一条SQL * @param string $connection * @return string */ function getLastSql(string $connection = ''): string { $queryLogs = DB::connection($connection)->getQueryLog(); $query = $queryLogs ? array_pop($queryLogs) : []; $sql = $query ? str_replace(['%', '?'], ['%%', '%s'], $query['query']) : ''; if (!empty($query['bindings'])) { $sql = sprintf($sql, ...array_map(static function ($val) { return is_string($val) ? "'{$val}'" : $val; }, $query['bindings'])); } return $sql; } }