服务器显示error 1,Dell 12代服务器出现 CPU 1 has an internal error (IERR)错误

/admin1-> help


show [] [] []

[== ]

set [] [] =

cd [] []

create [] [=]


delete []

exit []

reset [] []

start [] []

stop [] []

version []

help [] []

load -source [] []

dump -destination [] []

/admin1-> racadm


racadm help

help [subcommand] -- display usage summary for a subcommand

arp -- display the networking ARP table

clearasrscreen -- clear the last ASR (crash) screen

closessn -- close a session

clrraclog -- clear the RAC log

clrsel -- clear the System Event Log (SEL)

config -- Deprecated: modify RAC configuration properties

coredump -- display the last RAC coredump

coredumpdelete -- delete the last RAC coredump

eventfilters -- Alerts configuration commands

fwupdate -- update the RAC firmware

get -- display RAC configuration properties

getconfig -- Deprecated: display RAC configuration properties

getled -- Get the state of the LED on a module.

getniccfg -- display current network settings

getraclog -- display the RAC log

getractime -- display the current RAC time

getsel -- display records from the System Event Log (SEL)

getsensorinfo -- display system sensors

getssninfo -- display session information

getsvctag -- display service tag information

getsysinfo -- display general RAC and system information

gettracelog -- display the RAC diagnostic trace log

getuscversion -- display the current USC version details

getversion -- display the current version details

ifconfig -- display network interface information

inlettemphistory -- inlet temperature history operations

lclog -- LCLog operations

frontpanelerror -- hide LCD errors - color amber to blue

netstat -- display routing table and network statistics

ping -- send ICMP echo packets on the network

ping6 -- send ICMP echo packets on the network

racdump -- display RAC diagnostic information

racreset -- perform a RAC reset operation

racresetcfg -- restore the RAC configuration to factory defaults

remoteimage -- make a remote ISO image available to the server

serveraction -- perform system power management operations

set -- modify RAC configuration properties

setled -- Set the state of the LED on a module.

setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties

sshpkauth -- manage SSH PK authentication keys on the RAC

sslcertdelete -- delete an SSL certificate on the iDRAC

sslcertview -- view SSL certificate information

sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the RAC

sslresetcfg -- resets the web certificate to default and restarts the web server.

testemail -- test RAC e-mail notifications

testtrap -- test RAC SNMP trap notifications

testalert -- test RAC SNMP - FQDN trap notifications

traceroute -- print the route packets trace to network host

traceroute6 -- print the route packets trace to network host

usercertview -- view user certificate information

vflashpartition -- manage partitions on the vFlash SD card

vflashsd -- perform vFlash SD Card initialization

vmdisconnect -- disconnect Virtual Media connections

vmkey -- Deprecated: perform vFlash operations

license -- License Manager commands

debug -- Field Service Debug Authorization facility commands

raid -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W RAID connected to the server.

hwinventory -- Monitoring and Inventory of H/W NICs connected to the server.

nicstatistics -- Statistics for NICs connected to the server.

fcstatistics -- Statistics for FCs connected to the server.

update -- Platform Update of the devices on the server

jobqueue -- Jobqueue of of the jobs currently scheduled

systemconfig -- Backup &/or Restore of iDRAC Config and Firmware


idRacInfo -- Information about iDRAC being queried

cfgRemoteHosts -- Properties for configuration of the SMTP server

cfgUserAdmin -- Information about iDRAC users

cfgEmailAlert -- Parameters to configure e-mail alerting capabilities

cfgSessionManagement -- Information of the session Properties

cfgSerial -- Provides configuration parameters for the iDRAC

cfgOobSnmp -- Configuration of the SNMP agent and trap capabilities

cfgRacTuning -- Configuration for various iDRAC properties.

ifcRacManagedNodeOs -- Properties of the managed server OS

cfgRacSecurity -- Configure SSL certificate signing request settings

cfgRacVirtual -- Configuration Properties for iDRAC Virtual Media

cfgActiveDirectory -- Configuration of the iDRAC Active Directory feature

cfgLDAP -- Configuration properties for LDAP settings

cfgLdapRoleGroup -- Configuration of role groups for LDAP

cfgLogging -- Group Description for group cfgLogging

cfgStandardSchema -- Configuration of AD standard schema settings

cfgIpmiSerial -- Properties to configure the IPMI serial interface

cfgIpmiSol -- Configuration the SOL capabilities of the system

cfgIpmiLan -- Configuration the IPMI over LAN of the system

cfgIpmiPef -- Configuration the platform event filters

cfgServerPower -- Provides power management features

cfgServerPowerSupply -- Provides information related to the power supplies

cfgVFlashSD -- Configure the properties for the vFlash SD card

cfgVFlashPartition -- Configure partitions on the vFlash SD Card

cfgUserDomain -- Configure the Active Directory user domain names

cfgSmartCard -- Properties to access iDRAC using a smart card

cfgServerInfo -- Configuration of first boot device

cfgSensorRedundancy -- Configure the power supply redundancy

cfgLanNetworking -- Parameters to configure the iDRAC NIC

cfgStaticLanNetworking -- Parameters to configure the iDRAC NIC

cfgNetTuning -- Group Description for group cfgNetTuning

cfgIPv6LanNetworking -- Configuration of the IPv6 over LAN networking

cfgIPv6StaticLanNetworking -- Configuration of the IPv6 over LAN networking

cfgIPv6URL -- Configuration of the iDRAC IPv6 URL.

For Help on configuring the properties of a group - racadm help config






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