So I wanted to create a chatbot using python and i am , I tried this code
this is a screenshot of the code and the problem:
...But I'm always having this Warning and I Don't Know Why :
WARNING: No match found for input: LOAD AIML B
You need to have botdata\standard in the same path as you run in your Python script.
I suggest you use python-aiml as it's most updated. The old PyAIML was last updated around 10 years ago, link to Github. Steps below assuming you're a Windows user and have Anaconda environments enabled.
Install pip install python-aiml
Copy files from C:\Users\your-username\Anaconda3\envs\env-name\Lib\site-packages\aiml\botdata\standard and create a standard folder in your Python script's root and paste all those files.
The code you need:
import aiml
k = aiml.Kernel()
k.respond("LOAD AIML B")
while True:
k.respond(input("Enter your message: "))
Otherwise just cd to that aiml package location and keep your python script there. The screenshot below on how I loaded in my terminal and working proof.