我们将看到的下一个决策语句是if / else语句。这种说法的一般形式是 -if(condition) {
statement #1
statement #2
} else{
statement #3
statement #4
下面是一个if / else语句的例子 -class Example {
static void main(String[] args) {
// Initializing a local variable
int a = 2
//Check for the boolean condition
if (a<100) {
//If the condition is true print the following statement
println("The value is less than 100");
} else {
//If the condition is false print the following statement
println("The value is greater than 100");
在上面的例子中,我们首先将一个变量初始化为值2.然后我们评估变量的值,然后决定应该执行哪个println语句。上面的代码的输出将是The value is less than 100.