-了解Booting Sequence
Exynos 4412 SCP has 64 KB ROM (iROM) and 256 KB SRAM (iRAM) as internal memory.
The boot loader is comprises the first and the second boot loaders. The characteristics of these boot loaders are:
- iROM: It is a small and simple code to initializes basic system functions such as clock and stack.
- First boot loader (BL1): It is chip-specific and stored in external memory device.
- Second boot loader (BL2): It is platform-specific and stored in external memory device. User should build and store this in an external memory device. It is not provided by Samsung.
Boot block diagram
- iROM reads the OM pins to find the booting device. The OM register provides the OM pin and other information required for booting.
- iROM loads BL1 image from a specific booting device to internal 256 KB SRAM. The booting device is selected by Operating Mode (OM) pins. According to the secure boot key values, iROM may do an integrity check on BL1 image.
- BL1 initializes system clock, and DRAM controller. After initializing DRAM controller, it loads OS image from the booting device to DRAM. According to the secure boot key values, BL1 can do an integrity check on the OS image.
- After the booting completes, BL1 jumps to the operating system.