- Example program for the usage of the bar code parameter
- ‘contrast_min’.
- 通过设置这个参数,在低对比度的类条码结构中可以减少寻找一维码的时间
*如果条码有较高的对比度时,也可以用来减少错误信息 - This parameter can be used to reduce the runtime of find_bar_code
- in the presence of a low contrast bar-like structures in an image.
- Moreover ‘contrast_min’ can also be used to reduce the number of
- false positives if the expected barcodes have high contrast.
- 创建一维码读取句柄
- Create bar code reader model
create_bar_code_model ([], [], BarCodeHandle)
set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘element_size_min’, 1.5) - 初始化
- Initialization
dev_update_off ()
dev_close_window () - 读取和显示没有任何可见条码的样本图像
- Read and display example images without any visible bar codes
read_image (Image, ‘barcode/25interleaved/25interleaved_zeiss1’) <