【机器学习课程-华盛顿大学】:4 聚类和检索 4.4 MoG混合高斯模型编程测试

1 k-means和MoG都容易出现局部最优解






def EM(data, init_means, init_covariances, init_weights, maxiter=1000, thresh=1e-4):
    # Make copies of initial parameters, which we will update during each iteration
    means = init_means[:]
    covariances = init_covariances[:]
    weights = init_weights[:]
    # Infer dimensions of dataset and the number of clusters
    num_data = len(data)
    num_dim = len(data[0])
    num_clusters = len(means)
    # Initialize some useful variables
    resp = np.zeros((num_data, num_clusters))
    ll = loglikelihood(data, weights, means, covariances)
    ll_trace = [ll]
    for it in range(maxiter):
        if it % 5 == 0:
            print("Iteration %s" % it)
        # E-step: compute responsibilities
        resp = compute_responsibilities(data, weights, means, covariances)

        # M-step
        # Compute the total responsibility assigned to each cluster, which will be useful when 
        # implementing M-steps below. In the lectures this is called N^{soft}
        counts = compute_soft_counts(resp)
        # Update the weight for cluster k using the M-step update rule for the cluster weight, \hat{\pi}_k.
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        weights = compute_weights(counts)
        # Update means for cluster k using the M-step update rule for the mean variables.
        # This will assign the variable means[k] to be our estimate for \hat{\mu}_k.
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        means = compute_means(data, resp, counts)
        # Update covariances for cluster k using the M-step update rule for covariance variables.
        # This will assign the variable covariances[k] to be the estimate for \hat{\Sigma}_k.
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        covariances = compute_covariances(data, resp, counts, means)
        # Compute the loglikelihood at this iteration
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        ll_latest = loglikelihood(data, weights, means, covariances)
        # Check for convergence in log-likelihood and store
        if (ll_latest - ll) < thresh and ll_latest > -np.inf:
        ll = ll_latest
    if it % 5 != 0:
        print("Iteration %s" % it)
    out = {'weights': weights, 'means': means, 'covs': covariances, 'loglik': ll_trace, 'resp': resp}

    return out



def log_sum_exp(Z):
    """ Compute log(\sum_i exp(Z_i)) for some array Z."""
    return np.max(Z) + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(Z - np.max(Z))))

def loglikelihood(data, weights, means, covs):
    """ Compute the loglikelihood of the data for a Gaussian mixture model with the given parameters. """
    num_clusters = len(means)
    num_dim = len(data[0])
    ll = 0
    for d in data:
        Z = np.zeros(num_clusters)
        for k in range(num_clusters):
            # Compute (x-mu)^T * Sigma^{-1} * (x-mu)
            delta = np.array(d) - means[k]
            exponent_term = np.dot(delta.T, np.dot(np.linalg.inv(covs[k]), delta))
            # Compute loglikelihood contribution for this data point and this cluster
            Z[k] += np.log(weights[k])
            Z[k] -= 1/2. * (num_dim * np.log(2*np.pi) + np.log(np.linalg.det(covs[k])) + exponent_term)
        # Increment loglikelihood contribution of this data point across all clusters
        ll += log_sum_exp(Z)
    return ll
def compute_responsibilities(data, weights, means, covariances):
    '''E-step: compute responsibilities, given the current parameters'''
    num_data = len(data)
    num_clusters = len(means)
    resp = np.zeros((num_data, num_clusters))
    # Update resp matrix so that resp[i,k] is the responsibility of cluster k for data point i.
    # Hint: To compute likelihood of seeing data point i given cluster k, use multivariate_normal.pdf.
    for i in range(num_data):
        for k in range(num_clusters):
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            gdi = weights[k] * multivariate_normal.pdf(data[i], means[k], covariances[k])
            gdall = sum([weights[kidx] * multivariate_normal.pdf(data[i], means[kidx], covariances[kidx]) for kidx in range(num_clusters)])
            resp[i, k] = gdi/gdall
    # Add up responsibilities over each data point and normalize
    row_sums = resp.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    resp = resp / row_sums
    return resp
def compute_soft_counts(resp):
    # Compute the total responsibility assigned to each cluster, which will be useful when 
    # implementing M-steps below. In the lectures this is called N^{soft}
    counts = np.sum(resp, axis=0)
    return counts
def compute_weights(counts):
    num_clusters = len(counts)
    weights = [0.] * num_clusters
    for k in range(num_clusters):
        # Update the weight for cluster k using the M-step update rule for the cluster weight, \hat{\pi}_k.
        # HINT: compute # of data points by summing soft counts.
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        weights[k] = counts[k]/sum([counts[i] for i in range(num_clusters)])

    return weights
def compute_means(data, resp, counts):
    num_clusters = len(counts)
    num_data = len(data)
    means = [np.zeros(len(data[0]))] * num_clusters
    for k in range(num_clusters):
        # Update means for cluster k using the M-step update rule for the mean variables.
        # This will assign the variable means[k] to be our estimate for \hat{\mu}_k.
        weighted_sum = 0.
        for i in range(num_data):
            # YOUR CODE HERE
            weighted_sum += resp[i,k]*data[i]
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        means[k] = weighted_sum/counts[k]

    return means
def compute_covariances(data, resp, counts, means):
    num_clusters = len(counts)
    num_dim = len(data[0])
    num_data = len(data)
    covariances = [np.zeros((num_dim,num_dim))] * num_clusters
    for k in range(num_clusters):
        # Update covariances for cluster k using the M-step update rule for covariance variables.
        # This will assign the variable covariances[k] to be the estimate for \hat{\Sigma}_k.
        weighted_sum = np.zeros((num_dim, num_dim))
        for i in range(num_data):
            # YOUR CODE HERE (Hint: Use np.outer on the data[i] and this cluster's mean)
            weighted_sum += resp[i,k]*np.outer(data[i]-means[k],data[i]-means[k])
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        covariances[k] = weighted_sum/counts[k]

    return covariances




images = gl.SFrame('images.sf')
import array
images['rgb'] = images.pack_columns(['red', 'green', 'blue'])['X4']

# Initalize parameters
init_means = [images['rgb'][x] for x in np.random.choice(len(images), 4, replace=False)]
cov = np.diag([images['red'].var(), images['green'].var(), images['blue'].var()])
init_covariances = [cov, cov, cov, cov]
init_weights = [1/4., 1/4., 1/4., 1/4.]

# Convert rgb data to numpy arrays
img_data = [np.array(i) for i in images['rgb']]  

# Run our EM algorithm on the image data using the above initializations. 
# This should converge in about 125 iterations
out = EM(img_data, init_means, init_covariances, init_weights)
ll = out['loglik']






weights = out['weights']
means = out['means']
covariances = out['covs']
rgb = images['rgb']
N = len(images) # number of images
K = len(means) # number of clusters

assignments = [0]*N
probs = [0]*N

for i in range(N):
    # Compute the score of data point i under each Gaussian component:
    p = np.zeros(K)
    for k in range(K):
        p[k] = weights[k]*multivariate_normal.pdf(rgb[i], mean=means[k], cov=covariances[k])
    # Compute assignments of each data point to a given cluster based on the above scores:
    assignments[i] = np.argmax(p)
    # For data point i, store the corresponding score under this cluster assignment:
    probs[i] = np.max(p)

assignments = gl.SFrame({'assignments':assignments, 'probs':probs, 'image': images['image']})





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