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原创 section35

defining restful routesGet vs Post requestshtmljsabout the data. there's an easy way to access the data, just like if we have a query string data, it automatically parsed(解析) and included on req.queryin the case of a post request, the object, this re

2022-06-14 10:16:07 72 1

原创 section34

creating dynamic HTML with templatingtemplating allows us to define a present "pattern " for a webpage, that we can dynamically modify wifor example, we could define a single search template that displays all the results for a given search term. we dont kn

2022-06-13 10:16:47 70

原创 section32+33

引用module比如有math.jsapp.js里面可以写const math = require('./math');//需要路径找到文件如果math.js里面没有module.exports="hello" 这个 输出的是空的,不是我们想要的,有就输出hello 也能直接用exportsmath.jsapp.jsrequiring a directoryNPM(node package manager)NPM is really two things:a library of thousan

2022-06-13 04:46:04 62

原创 section30+31

terminal1. fasr than GUI2. access: the terminal provides a mainline into the heart of our computer, give us access to area we normally dont interact with.3. tools: tools are installed and used via command line

2022-06-09 03:27:37 71

原创 score keeper +section27

Bulma-- css framework,可代替bootstrap不强迫人用Jquerythe call stack调用栈asynchronous javaScript异步异步JavaScript - 学习 Web 开发 | MDNThe mechanism the JS interpreter uses to keep track of its place in a script that calls multiple functionshow JS knows what f

2022-05-29 08:14:21 50

原创 javascript events

events responding to user inputs and actionsinline event<button onclick ="alert('u click me!')> click </button>onclick propertyhtml<button id="v2"> click </button><script src="app.js"></script>app.jsco

2022-05-23 12:07:11 86

原创 front end 1

reference:JS-DOM - LilyLiya - 博客园DOM( document object model)the DOM is a javascript representation of a webpage. It is your JS window into the contentsof a webpageIt is just a bunch of objects that you can interact with via JSthe document object.

2022-05-01 11:47:00 177

原创 javascript 9

new javascript featuresDefault paramsfunction rollDie(numSides = 6) {return Math.floor(Math.random() *numSides) +1}//default is set to 6function greet (person, msg ="hey there"){}//default greeting: hey therespreadspread syntax allows a

2022-05-01 06:16:04 161

原创 javascript 8

array methodforEachconst nums = [9, 8, 8, 7];nums.forEach(function (n) { console.log(n * n)});//81,64,64,49nums.forEach(function (el) { if (el % 2 === 0) { console.log(el) }//8,8})MAPCreate a new array with the results of

2022-05-01 04:13:21 115

原创 javascript 7

functionsreusable proceduresfunctions allow us to write reusable, modular codewe define a chunk of code that we can then execute ar a later point//definefunction funcName(){//}scope: the location where a cariable is dedined dictates where we

2022-04-30 11:43:49 1354

原创 javascript 6

objectobjects are collections of propertiesproperties are a key-value pairrather than accessing data using an index, we can custom keys.const fitBitData ={ totalSteps :20200, totalMiles: 211, name:"mick"};Object accessfitBitData["

2022-04-29 21:57:49 1229

原创 javascript5 array

array: ordered collection of valuescreatinglet students = [];let colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'];let stuff = [true, 68, 'cat', null];array accesscolors[0]modify arraycolors[0] = 'blue';Array methodspush - add to end;pop - rem

2022-04-29 03:48:13 55

原创 Javascript 4

section 16 javascript decision making> ,<,>=,<=,==,!=,===,!=====//strict equality!==//strict non-equality10>1; //true'a'<'b'//true1=='1'// true1==='1'//falsenull == undefined //truedouble equals==:checks for equality of v

2022-04-28 23:14:31 491

原创 Javascript string

let greeting = ' leave me alone plz ';greeting.trim()// 'leave me alone plz';//remove the spaces and just get the core of the string.greeting.toUpperCase();greeting.toLowerCase();greeting.trim().toUpperCase();let tvShow = 'catdog';tvShow.indexof(.

2022-04-28 10:53:39 873

原创 JavaScript 2

variablebefore ES6 we use the var keyword.let name = 'Amy';console.log(name);//varable name cannot be a reserved key word//should be meaningful//cannot start with a number(1name)//cannot contain a space or hyphen(-)//are case-sensitivelet

2022-04-28 05:36:06 431

原创 JavaScript note for “Programming with Mosh“

Reference:JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners: Learn JavaScript in 1 HourECMAScript is the specification. It has updated over years and the famous one is ES2015/ES6.JavaScript is the programming language.THE recommadation editor : VSCODE.add ectensio

2022-04-28 04:33:37 102

原创 prescan学习笔记1

1 场景建设中 树后面跟着的是年份2 build以后打开simulink 然后在左边的文件栏中找到cs.slx的文件把他拖到右边去 这时候会弹出一个窗口类似这种 在这里可以加入算法 修改动力学模型3可以给车加入air sensor 弹出这个 可以进行配置重新build一下 sim regenerate一下 可以看到架构里多了一个传感器 输出距离 偏角等4 点击一下 架构上面的弹出可以搜索scope...

2018-07-15 11:48:08 7221 3



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