每日英语听力 Day4

Welcome to the listening time podcast. Hey everybody this is corner and you are listening to the episode 129 of the listening time podcast. Thank you all for listening. I hope you’re all doing well. I hope that your English learning is going great. And at a->the time that is->this episode is released, it will be the week of Thanksgiving here in the US. And so, that’s what I want to talk about today. I’m gonna talk about Thanksgiving. I’ll talk about this holiday, the origin->origins of the holiday. Some of the food that people like to eat here on Thanksgiving. And I’ll talk some of the things that I’m thanking->thankful for from this year, form 2023. So hopefully you’ll enjoy this episode. And a lot of people are cruious->curious about Thanksgiving. Because it’s not something you have all around the world.

It’s more of an original->a rigional thing in the US I think in the->\ Canada. I’m not sure where else. But you don’t have Thanksgiving all over the world. So a lot of people are curious about this topic. If they've’ never celebrated Thanksgiving in the US before. So I->we’ll talk about that today and remember that if you feel ready to practice with real conversations in which I speak to a native speaker. and we talk nomally and naturally. Then make sure to sign up for my US conversation podcast. I release one new episode every month and it’s a long conversation between you and me and someone else from a different part of US. And of course you have the transcript for each episode and you also have the definations of key words and phrases that we use during the conversation. So if you’re interested in that, be sure to click on the link in the episode description below this episode. That’s patreon.com/USconversations.

And if you want my training on your pronounciation and your listening, then make sure to join my membership, so you can get my specialized training. to help you pronounce better in English->English better. And also, listen and understand more effectively. so the link is also in the description below this episode and if you like this episode please share it with anyone you know who is learning English and give it a five-star rating and write a review. Alright let’s get started.

Are your ears ready? you know what time it is. It’s listening time.

Okay, let’s talk about thanksgiving! First, let me talk about a little bit origins about->of Thanksgiving. Where it comes->came from. So it’s generally believed that Thanksgivings are originate->originated in the year 1621, so what was happening in->at that time? Well there were English settlers who we will->would call pilgrims that came along->over from->on the main->may flower ship. This was may be the most famouse ship that was->went back and forth between Enrope and what’s now the US right? That they were->went back and forth between Enrope and American right?

and so these pligrims are the people came studying->who came starting in 1620 I belive and they all sit around 1620s->then all throughout the 1620s they came taking this mayflower ship and they establish Plymouth colony And that’s Massachusetts. okay? So this’s one of the most famous colonies that the English settlers establsihed in the US.

It was the second permanent colony in the American. So it was one of the most significant ones and so these pilgrims who established the Plymouth Colony they work->were in contact with some of the native people. So specifically for this thanksgiving story we are talking about the Wampanoag people. So these are native Americans who were here prior to the English settlers coming. When we say prior to something, we are saying before something. So prior to the mayflower bring the pilgrims over these Wampanoag people were already there and of course there are->was a lot conflicts in->contat between the settlers and these natives.

and in 1621 that->there was an autumn harvest feast. So autumn refers->referring to the season of course, and harvest referring to the crops you grow on you land and you harvest them and you can eat then and use them in different ways. That is the harvest part and then the->a feast. A feast is just means->just refers to a big meal that you have with multiple people, right? so, they had an autumn harvest feast with the pilgrims and the Wampanoag people. And that was what most people believe to be the first Thanksgiving meal was that meal that feast that they shared.

I don’t know if this is accurate. And I think that no one can say 100% for sure if this is accurate. But i think that’s what is generally considered to be true.So that’s a little bit about the first thanksgiving.

So now what’s the Thanksgiving about? Because at that time it was an antumn feast and it was between two different groups of people right. and it->there was some significant to that, that the natives is eating with the settlers and ashare this meal together. Nowadays, that’s not a->the thing that most people think about. When they think about Thanksgiving. now Thanksgiving is generally thought of to be a day where you get together with your family. You eat an amazing meal and you show gratitude to->for the things that you have.





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