每日英语听力 Day6

And then with the turkey there is white meat and dark meat. So I prefer dark meat because it has more flavor. But some people like white meat so the turkey has both it has white meat and dark meat and people when->will normally ask you do you want white or dark? right? In my opinion if you eat white meat then you should pair it with this cranberry sauce. when i say that you pair with->\ something with something else. this means that you put the two things together.

So I think that the white meat is a little bit dry and without a lot of flavor. so I like to pair with it->it with the cranberry sauce and this ehances the experience the flavor of the turkey. So craneberry sauce is another one that people will immediately associated with Thanksgiving usually.

And another one could be sweet potato casserole this is one of my favorite dished because it is not a dessert. However, it’s sweet so it’s kind of an interesting side dish where you have these sweet potatoes which are in general sweet right?

And then you can also put things like brand->brown sugar or marshmallows or things like that, that can make it even sweeter. if you don’t know what the->a marshmallow is, this is that white soft food that you usually roast over fire when you campaign->are camping this is a mashmelon. so some people add marshmallow to this sweet potato casserole and it’s really delicious. I have never had a bad sweet potato casserole.

It’s gonna->knid of hard to go wrong with this dish so that’s a->\ another one where if you say that people immediatly think of Thanksgiving or Christmas.

And one other one that I like is green bean casserole. So this’s another casserole that you bacol->bake in the oven and is->it's with green beans and other things. Usually this is associated with holidays with Thanksgiving Christmas etc. That’s another one.

And then there’are other dishes that we can have at other times during the year but there’re also very related to these two holidays.

So for example marshpotatoes->mashed potatoes and grevy->gravy. you can eat them->that any time->anytime through out->throughout the year.

However it’s hard for me to imagine a Thanksgiving meat without mashed potatoes and without gravy. So that’s one that is not just perticular to Thanskgiving. However, I can’t imagine Thanksgiving without it. And there’re other things like dinner role->rolls. a roll that mis with -> in this context refers to a piece of bread. it is usually very flafy->fluffy on the inside it’s soft and delicious you add butter to it. It’s really good, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.

By the way, when we say that your mouth is watering, we are saying that you’re salivating you mouth is producing some saliva because you are imagining you are->\ eating something. we say your mouth is watering.

And one of the most popular desserts that we eat during Thanksgiving is pie. Things like pumpkin pie pecan pie apple pie, we have tons of different pies. That’s one of my favourite desserts that we eat during Thanksgiving and there’re many other dishes that are associated with Thanksgiving or with Chrastmas. Those are just a handful of them and some of my favorites. And now I want to talk a little bit about what i’m thankful for this year. because on Thanksgiving it’s good to express gratitude. it’s good to say what you thank->are thankful for and to reflect on this->these blessing that you have in your life.

So, there’re many things that I thank god for this year that i just really appreciate. One of the things that comes to mind is the end of my wife’s immigration process. So at the very end of last year we finished the immigration process for my wife and this year is the year that we have established ourselves in the US maybe I'm->me being a citizen and she is->\ being a redident.

So we have been waiting for that process to end for so long. We constantly thought about the immigration process and often->\ it was often stressful to wait and go through the next step in the process and then wait and then have to travel for an interview and do all of these different things and we hated that feeling of not being sure where we were gonna live in the future and just being in this process and so when she finally finished the process and we moved up here. This was really a huge progress->relief for us.





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