

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer.layers import *
import numpy as np
import os, io, time

model_file_name = "./model_cifar10_tfrecord.ckpt"
resume = False  # load model, resume from previous checkpoint?

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = tl.files.load_cifar10_dataset(shape=(-1, 32, 32, 3), plotable=False)

print('X_train.shape', X_train.shape)  # (50000, 32, 32, 3)
print('y_train.shape', y_train.shape)  # (50000,)
print('X_test.shape', X_test.shape)  # (10000, 32, 32, 3)
print('y_test.shape', y_test.shape)  # (10000,)
print('X %s   y %s' % (X_test.dtype, y_test.dtype))
print('~~~~~~~~~data information~~~~~~~~~~~~')

def data_to_tfrecord(images, labels, filename):
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
        print("%s exists" % filename)
    print("Converting data into %s ..." % filename)
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(filename)
    for index, img in enumerate(images):
        img_raw = img.tobytes()
        ## Visualize a image
        # tl.visualize.frame(np.asarray(img, dtype=np.uint8), second=1, saveable=False, name='frame', fig_idx=1236)
        label = int(labels[index])
        ## Convert the bytes back to image as follow:
        # image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (32, 32), img_raw)
        # image = np.fromstring(img_raw, np.float32)
        # image = image.reshape([32, 32, 3])
        # tl.visualize.frame(np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint8), second=1, saveable=False, name='frame', fig_idx=1236)
        example = tf.train.Example(
                    "label": tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[label])),
                    'img_raw': tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[img_raw])),

## Save data into TFRecord files
data_to_tfrecord(images=X_train, labels=y_train, filename="train.cifar10")
data_to_tfrecord(images=X_test, labels=y_test, filename="test.cifar10")

def read_and_decode(filename, is_train=None):
    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename])
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
    features = tf.parse_single_example(
        serialized_example, features={
            'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
            'img_raw': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),

    img = tf.decode_raw(features['img_raw'], tf.float32)
    img = tf.reshape(img, [32, 32, 3])

    if is_train == True:
        img = tf.random_crop(img, [24, 24, 3])

        img = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(img)

        img = tf.image.random_brightness(img, max_delta=63)

        img = tf.image.random_contrast(img, lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

        img = tf.image.per_image_standardization(img)

    elif is_train == False:
        img = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(img, 24, 24)

        img = tf.image.per_image_standardization(img)
    elif is_train == None:
        img = img

    label = tf.cast(features['label'], tf.int32)
    return img, label

batch_size = 128
model_file_name = "./model_cifar10_advanced.ckpt"
resume = False  # load model, resume from previous checkpoint?

with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
    sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True))
    x_train_, y_train_ = read_and_decode("train.cifar10", True)
    x_test_, y_test_ = read_and_decode("test.cifar10", False)

    x_train_batch, y_train_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
        [x_train_, y_train_], batch_size=batch_size, capacity=2000, min_after_dequeue=1000, num_threads=32)  # set the number of threads here
    # for testing, uses batch instead of shuffle_batch
    x_test_batch, y_test_batch = tf.train.batch([x_test_, y_test_], batch_size=batch_size, capacity=50000, num_threads=32)

    def model(x_crop, y_, reuse):
        W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=5e-2)
        W_init2 = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.04)
        b_init2 = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.1)
        with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse):
            net = tl.layers.InputLayer(x_crop, name='input')
            net = tl.layers.Conv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), act=tf.nn.relu, padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, name='cnn1')
            net = tl.layers.SignLayer(net)
            net = tl.layers.MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool1')
            net = tl.layers.LocalResponseNormLayer(net, depth_radius=4, bias=1.0, alpha=0.001 / 9.0, beta=0.75, name='norm1')
            net = tl.layers.BinaryConv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), act=tf.nn.relu, padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, name='cnn2')
            net = tl.layers.LocalResponseNormLayer(net, depth_radius=4, bias=1.0, alpha=0.001 / 9.0, beta=0.75, name='norm2')
            net = tl.layers.MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool2')
            net = tl.layers.FlattenLayer(net, name='flatten')  # output: (batch_size, 2304)
            net = tl.layers.SignLayer(net)
            net = tl.layers.BinaryDenseLayer(net, n_units=384, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d1relu')  # output: (batch_size, 384)
            net = tl.layers.SignLayer(net)
            net = tl.layers.BinaryDenseLayer(net, n_units=192, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d2relu')  # output: (batch_size, 192)
            net = tl.layers.DenseLayer(net, n_units=10, act=tf.identity, W_init=W_init2, name='output')  # output: (batch_size, 10)
            y = net.outputs

            ce = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y, y_, name='cost')
            L2 = 0
            for p in tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('relu/W', True, True):
                L2 += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.004)(p)
            cost = ce + L2

            # correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(y), 1), y_)
            correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.int32), y_)
            acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

            return net, cost, acc

    def model_batch_norm(x_crop, y_, reuse, is_train):
        """ Batch normalization should be placed before rectifier. """
        W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=5e-2)
        W_init2 = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.04)
        b_init2 = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.1)
        with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=reuse):
            net = InputLayer(x_crop, name='input')

            net = tl.layers.Conv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, b_init=None, name='cnn1')
            net = tl.layers.BatchNormLayer(net, is_train, act=tf.nn.relu, name='batch1')
            net = tl.layers.MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool1')
            net = tl.layers.Conv2d(net, 64, (5, 5), (1, 1), padding='SAME', W_init=W_init, b_init=None, name='cnn2')
            net = tl.layers.BatchNormLayer(net, is_train, act=tf.nn.relu, name='batch2')
            net = tl.layers.MaxPool2d(net, (3, 3), (2, 2), padding='SAME', name='pool2')
            net = tl.layers.FlattenLayer(net, name='flatten')  # output: (batch_size, 2304)
            net = tl.layers.DenseLayer(net, n_units=384, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d1relu')  # output: (batch_size, 384)
            net = tl.layers.DenseLayer(net, n_units=192, act=tf.nn.relu, W_init=W_init2, b_init=b_init2, name='d2relu')  # output: (batch_size, 192)
            net = tl.layers.DenseLayer(net, n_units=10, act=tf.identity, W_init=W_init2, name='output')  # output: (batch_size, 10)
            y = net.outputs

            ce = tl.cost.cross_entropy(y, y_, name='cost')
            L2 = 0
            for p in tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('relu/W', True, True):
                L2 += tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.004)(p)
            cost = ce + L2

            correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.int32), y_)
            acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

            return net, cost, acc

    # with tf.device('/gpu:0'):  
        # network, cost, acc, = model(x_train_batch, y_train_batch, False)
        # _, cost_test, acc_test = model(x_test_batch, y_test_batch, True)
    # network, cost, acc, = model(x_train_batch, y_train_batch, False)
    # _, cost_test, acc_test = model(x_test_batch, y_test_batch, True)     
    network, cost, acc, = model_batch_norm(x_train_batch, y_train_batch, False, is_train=True)
    _, cost_test, acc_test = model_batch_norm(x_test_batch, y_test_batch, True, is_train=False)

    # n_epoch = 50000
    n_epoch = 5
    learning_rate = 0.0001
    print_freq = 1
    n_step_epoch = int(len(y_train) / batch_size)
    n_step = n_epoch * n_step_epoch

    # with tf.device('/gpu:0'): 
    #     train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
    train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)

    if resume:
        print("Load existing model " + "!" * 10)
        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        saver.restore(sess, model_file_name)


    print('   learning_rate: %f' % learning_rate)
    print('   batch_size: %d' % batch_size)
    print('   n_epoch: %d, step in an epoch: %d, total n_step: %d' % (n_epoch, n_step_epoch, n_step))

    coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
    step = 0
    for epoch in range(n_epoch):
        start_time = time.time()
        train_loss, train_acc, n_batch = 0, 0, 0
        for s in range(n_step_epoch):
            err, ac, _ = sess.run([cost, acc, train_op])
            step += 1
            train_loss += err
            train_acc += ac
            n_batch += 1

        if epoch + 1 == 1 or (epoch + 1) % print_freq == 0:
            print("Epoch %d : Step %d-%d of %d took %fs" % (epoch, step, step + n_step_epoch, n_step, time.time() - start_time))
            print("   train loss: %f" % (train_loss / n_batch))
            print("   train acc: %f" % (train_acc / n_batch))

            test_loss, test_acc, n_batch = 0, 0, 0
            for _ in range(int(len(y_test) / batch_size)):
                err, ac = sess.run([cost_test, acc_test])
                test_loss += err
                test_acc += ac
                n_batch += 1
            print("   test loss: %f" % (test_loss / n_batch))
            print("   test acc: %f" % (test_acc / n_batch))

        if (epoch + 1) % (print_freq * 5) == 0:
            print("Save model " + "!" * 10)
            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            save_path = saver.save(sess, model_file_name)
            tl.files.save_npz(network.all_params, name='4.6.2_model.npz', sess=sess)
            # and restore it as follow:
            # tl.files.load_and_assign_npz(sess=sess, name='model.npz', network=network)



[TL] Load or Download cifar10 > data\cifar10
X_train.shape (50000, 32, 32, 3)
y_train.shape (50000,)
X_test.shape (10000, 32, 32, 3)
y_test.shape (10000,)
X float32   y int32
~~~~~~~~~data information~~~~~~~~~~~~
Converting data into train.cifar10 ...
Converting data into test.cifar10 ...
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (128, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch1: decay:1.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch2: decay:1.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL] InputLayer  model/input: (128, 24, 24, 3)
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn1: shape:(5, 5, 3, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch1: decay:0.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool1: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] Conv2dLayer model/cnn2: shape:(5, 5, 64, 64) strides:(1, 1, 1, 1) pad:SAME act:identity
[TL] BatchNormLayer model/batch2: decay:0.000000 epsilon:0.000010 act:relu is_train:False
[TL] PoolLayer   model/pool2: ksize:[1, 3, 3, 1] strides:[1, 2, 2, 1] padding:SAME pool:max_pool
[TL] FlattenLayer model/flatten: 2304
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d1relu: 384 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/d2relu: 192 relu
[TL] DenseLayer  model/output: 10 identity
[TL]   [*] geting variables with relu/W
[TL]   got   0: model/d1relu/W:0   (2304, 384)
[TL]   got   1: model/d2relu/W:0   (384, 192)
[TL]   param   0: model/cnn1/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 3, 64)      float32_ref
[TL]   param   1: model/batch1/beta:0  (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   2: model/batch1/gamma:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   3: model/batch1/moving_mean:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   4: model/batch1/moving_variance:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   5: model/cnn2/W_conv2d:0 (5, 5, 64, 64)     float32_ref
[TL]   param   6: model/batch2/beta:0  (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   7: model/batch2/gamma:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   8: model/batch2/moving_mean:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param   9: model/batch2/moving_variance:0 (64,)              float32_ref
[TL]   param  10: model/d1relu/W:0     (2304, 384)        float32_ref
[TL]   param  11: model/d1relu/b:0     (384,)             float32_ref
[TL]   param  12: model/d2relu/W:0     (384, 192)         float32_ref
[TL]   param  13: model/d2relu/b:0     (192,)             float32_ref
[TL]   param  14: model/output/W:0     (192, 10)          float32_ref
[TL]   param  15: model/output/b:0     (10,)              float32_ref
[TL]   num of params: 1068682
[TL]   layer   0: model/cnn1/Identity:0 (128, 24, 24, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   1: model/batch1/Relu:0  (128, 24, 24, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   2: model/pool1:0        (128, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   3: model/cnn2/Identity:0 (128, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   4: model/batch2/Relu:0  (128, 12, 12, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   5: model/pool2:0        (128, 6, 6, 64)    float32
[TL]   layer   6: model/flatten:0      (128, 2304)        float32
[TL]   layer   7: model/d1relu/Relu:0  (128, 384)         float32
[TL]   layer   8: model/d2relu/Relu:0  (128, 192)         float32
[TL]   layer   9: model/output/Identity:0 (128, 10)          float32
   learning_rate: 0.000100
   batch_size: 128
   n_epoch: 5, step in an epoch: 390, total n_step: 1950
Epoch 0 : Step 390-780 of 1950 took 515.877306s
   train loss: 3.543596
   train acc: 0.346534
   test loss: 2.900318
   test acc: 0.453225
Epoch 1 : Step 780-1170 of 1950 took 501.759281s
   train loss: 2.757720
   train acc: 0.439463
   test loss: 2.425451
   test acc: 0.517829
Epoch 2 : Step 1170-1560 of 1950 took 500.589279s
   train loss: 2.387224
   train acc: 0.493369
   test loss: 2.143382
   test acc: 0.548177
Epoch 3 : Step 1560-1950 of 1950 took 510.120896s
   train loss: 2.156212
   train acc: 0.523518
   test loss: 1.943987
   test acc: 0.575621
Epoch 4 : Step 1950-2340 of 1950 took 502.445682s
   train loss: 1.988670
   train acc: 0.543169
   test loss: 1.789174
   test acc: 0.599659
Save model !!!!!!!!!!
[TL] [*] 4.6.2_model.npz saved
[Finished in 2801.4s]




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