英语面试准备(01) - 读招聘广告


  • Wow, so many jobs online! Let’s get started what does this say.
  • As a marketing specialist, you should have minimum 3 years of relevant experience.
  • Well, I guess I have to skip this one.
  • I’m pretty inexperienced with marketing.
  • This one looks good.
  • We are looking for a creative professional who can make our content stand out.
  • You will be in charge of social media accounts.
  • Hmm, I’m not sure.
  • I see myself as a creative person, but managing social media accounts? It sounds demanding.
  • I hope this one works.
  • You will be responsible for driving traffic to our site. 引流
  • You will need to develop ideas for marketing campaigns.
  • Frequent business trips may be required.
  • No way! I hate business trips!
  • Oh, this is harder than I expected I can’t do this alone.
  • Come to my rescue! 来帮助/拯救某人


Minimum: the smallest amount possible.

This job needs a minimum five years of experience in sales.

Relevant: If something is relevant, it is related to the subject at hand. 在手边/手头

His working experience is not relevant to this job.

Demanding: If something is demanding, it requires lots of effort.

This job has very demanding schedule.

Creative: A creative person can often offer original ideas.

We are looking for someone creative to develop marketing ideas.

Inexperience: To be inexperienced means to lack experience or knowledge.

He’s very inexperienced in managing a team.

Traffic: can mean the amount of people visiting a website or an app.

His job is mainly to drive traffic to their website.


The marketing specialist should have minimum 3 years of relevant experience, So Lucy has skip this job because she’s pretty inexperienced with marketing.

Applicants for the second job will be in charge of social media accounts. 负责

Although Lucy sees herself as a creative person, managing social media accounts is too demanding for her.

Besides, she hates business trips, so the last job won’t fit.


to develop: to develop something means to create and improve it.

She is good at developing ideas for advertisements.

to communicate: means to share information or ideas.

He communicates very well with this colleagues.

to maintain: means to keep it in the same.

A company needs to maintain good relationships with its business partners.
It is important to maintain a good company culture.

to assist: means to help them.

She assists her manager with his schedule.

to promote: means to make people know about it.

He needs to promote his ideas to his manager.
It can be expensive to promote a new product.

to identify: means to find it.

Companies need to identify opportunities in the market.


When a company wants to fill a position, it will post a job description.
A job description lists the position’s job title, responsibilities, and so on.

The job title is the name of the position. It shows the role and the level of the position.

Responsibilities list the main tasks the employee will deal with.

For example, the responsibilities of a salesperson may include: Promote and sell products to current and positive customers.

Develop and maintain strong business and customer relationships.
Requirements include work experience, educational background, and skills.

For example: Minimum three years experience in sales, bachelor’s degree required, basic knowledge of MS Office.

A job may also require soft skill such as creative thinking and communication skills.

A job description can also include information about working conditions or salary range.

So be sure to read them carefully.

If you find you are a good fit for the job, stop waiting and apply for it.

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