opencv 4.0.0教程系列01.1-core模块-mat_the_basic_image_container

Mat - The Basic Image Container {#tutorial_mat_the_basic_image_container}


Goal 目标

We have multiple ways to acquire digital images from the real world: digital cameras, scanners, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to name a few. In every case what we (humans) see are images. However, when transforming this to our digital devices what we record are numerical values for each of the points of the image.
我们有多种方法可以从现实世界中获取数字图像:数码相机,扫描仪,计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像等等。 在每种情况下,我们(人类)看到的都是图像。 然而,当将其转换为我们的数字设备时,我们记录的是图像的每个点的数值。


For example in the above image you can see that the mirror of the car is nothing more than a matrix containing all the intensity values of the pixel points. How we get and store the pixels values may vary according to our needs, but in the end all images inside a computer world may be reduced to numerical matrices and other information describing the matrix itself. OpenCV is a computer vision library whose main focus is to process and manipulate this information. Therefore, the first thing you need to be familiar with is how OpenCV stores and handles images.


OpenCV has been around since 2001. In those days the library was built around a C interface and to store the image in the memory they used a C structure called IplImage. This is the one you’ll see in most of the older tutorials and educational materials. The problem with this is that it brings to the table all the minuses of the C language. The biggest issue is the manual memory management. It builds on the assumption that the user is responsible for taking care of memory allocation and
deallocation. While this is not a problem with smaller programs, once your code base grows it will be more of a struggle to handle all this rather than focusing on solving your development goal.

Luckily C++ came around and introduced the concept of classes making easier for the user through automatic memory management (more or less). The good news is that C++ is fully compatible with C so no compatibility issues can arise from making the change. Therefore, OpenCV 2.0 introduced a new C++ interface which offered a new way of doing things which means you do not need to fiddle with memory management, making your code concise (less to write, to achieve more). The main downside of the C++ interface is that many embedded development systems at the moment support only C. Therefore, unless
you are targeting embedded platforms, there’s no point to using the old methods (unless you’re a masochist programmer and you’re asking for trouble).

The first thing you need to know about Mat is that you no longer need to manually allocate its memory and release it as soon as you do not need it. While doing this is still a possibility, most of the OpenCV functions will allocate its output data automatically. As a nice bonus if you pass on an already existing Mat object, which has already allocated the required space for the matrix, this will be reused. In other words we use at all times only as much memory as we need to perform the task.Mat is basically a class with two data parts: the matrix header (containing information such as the size of the matrix, the method used for storing, at which address is the matrix stored, and so on) and a pointer to the matrix containing the pixel values (taking any dimensionality depending on the method chosen for storing) . The matrix header size is constant, however the size of the matrix itself may vary from image to image and usually is larger by orders of magnitude.
关于Mat, 您需要了解的第一件事是,您不再需要手动分配其内存并在不需要时立即释放它。虽然这样做仍有可能,但大多数OpenCV函数都会自动分配其输出数据。如果您传递一个已经存在的Mat对象(已经为矩阵分配了所需的空间),那么这将被重用,这是一个很好的额外好处。换句话说,我们在任何时候都只使用我们执行任务所需的内存。Mat基本上是一个包含两个数据部分的类:矩阵头(包含信息矩阵的大小等,用于存储的方法,在解决矩阵存储,等等)和一个指向包含像素值的矩阵的指针(采取任何维数取决于选择的方法来存储)。矩阵头大小是恒定的,但是矩阵本身的大小可能因图像而异,并且通常要大几个数量级。

OpenCV is an image processing library. It contains a large collection of image processing functions. To solve a computational challenge, most of the time you will end up using multiple functions of the library. Because of this, passing images to functions is a common practice. We should not forget that we are talking about image processing algorithms, which tend to be quite computational heavy. The last thing we want to do is further decrease the speed of your program by making unnecessary copies of potentially large images.

To tackle this issue OpenCV uses a reference counting system. The idea is that each Mat object has its own header, however the matrix may be shared between two instance of them by having their matrix pointers point to the same address. Moreover, the copy operators will only copy the headers and the pointer to the large matrix, not the data itself.

Mat A, C; // 创建矩阵头
A = imread(argv[1], IMREAD_COLOR); // 分配矩阵

Mat B(A); // 调用拷贝构造函数,浅拷贝

C = A; // 赋值运算符,浅拷贝

All the above objects, in the end, point to the same single data matrix. Their headers are different, however, and making a modification using any of them will affect all the other ones as well. In practice the different objects just provide different access method to the same underlying data. Nevertheless, their header parts are different. The real interesting part is that you can create headers which refer to only a subsection of the full data. For example, to create a region of interest (ROI) in an image you just create a new header with the new boundaries:
最后,所有上述对象都指向同一个数据矩阵。它们的矩阵头不同,但是修改它们中的任何一个对象的数据也会影响所有其他对象的数据。实际上,不同的对象只是为相同的底层数据提供不同的访问方法。然而,他们的矩阵头部分是不同的。真正有趣的部分是您可以创建仅涉及部分数据的矩阵头。 例如,要在图像中创建感兴趣区域(ROI),您只需使用新边界创建新矩阵头:
Mat D (A, Rect(10, 10, 100, 100) ); // 使用一个矩形
Mat E = A(Range::all(), Range(1,3)); // 使用行和列边界
Now you may ask if the matrix itself may belong to multiple Mat objects who takes responsibility for cleaning it up when it’s no longer needed. The short answer is: the last object that used it.This is handled by using a reference counting mechanism. Whenever somebody copies a header of a Mat object, a counter is increased for the matrix. Whenever a header is cleaned this ounter is decreased. When the counter reaches zero the matrix too is freed.

Sometimes you will want to copy the matrix itself too, so OpenCV provides the @ref cv::Mat::clone() and @ref cv::Mat::copyTo() functions.
有时您也希望复制矩阵本身***(也就是包括矩阵数据)***,因此OpenCV提供了@ref cv:: Mat::clone()和@ref cv::Mat::copyTo()函数。
Mat F = A.clone(); // 深拷贝
Mat G;
A.copyTo(G); // 深拷贝
Now modifying F or G will not affect the matrix pointed by the Mat header. What you need to remember from all this is that:

  • Output image allocation for OpenCV functions is automatic (unless specified otherwise).
  • You do not need to think about memory management with OpenCVs C++ interface.
    您在使用OpenCVs C++接口时不需要考虑进行内存管理。
  • The assignment operator and the copy constructor only copies the header.
  • The underlying matrix of an image may be copied using the @ref cv::Mat::clone() and @ref cv::Mat::copyTo() functions.
    用@ref cv::Mat::clone()和@ref cv::Mat::copyTo()函数复制图像数据,实现深拷贝。
    Storing methods


This is about how you store the pixel values. You can select the color space and the data type used.The color space refers to how we combine color components in order to code a given color. The simplest one is the gray scale where the colors at our disposal are black and white. The combination of these allows us to create many shades of gray.
For colorful ways we have a lot more methods to choose from. Each of them breaks it down to three or four basic components and we can use the combination of these to create the others. The most popular one is RGB, mainly because this is also how our eye builds up colors. Its base colors are
red, green and blue. To code the transparency of a color sometimes a fourth element: alpha (A) is added.

There are, however, many other color systems each with their own advantages:

  • RGB is the most common as our eyes use something similar, however keep in mind that OpenCV standard display
    system composes colors using the BGR color space (a switch of the red and blue channel).
  • The HSV and HLS decompose colors into their hue, saturation and value/luminance components, which is a more natural way for us to describe colors. You might, for example, dismiss the last component, making your algorithm less sensible to the light conditions of the input image.
  • YCrCb is used by the popular JPEG image format.
  • CIE L*a*b* is a perceptually uniform color space, which comes handy if you need to measure the distance of a given color to another color.
    CIE L*a*b*是感知上均匀的颜色空间,如果您需要测量给定颜色与另一种颜色之间的距离,用它会很方便。
    Each of the building components has their own valid domains. This leads to the data type used. How we store a component defines the control we have over its domain. The smallest data type possible is char, which means one byte or 8 bits. This may be unsigned (so can store values from 0 to 255) or signed (values from -127 to +127). Although in case of three components this already gives 16 million possible colors to represent (like in case of RGB) we may acquire an even finer control by using the float (4 byte = 32 bit) or double (8 byte = 64 bit) data types for each component. Nevertheless, remember that increasing the size of a component also increases the size of the wholepicture in the memory.
    每个颜色空间都有自己的有效域。有效域决定了使用的数据类型。我们如何存储分量决定了我们对其有效域域的控制。可能的最小数据类型是char,表示一个字节或8位。这可能是无符号的(因此可以存储0到255之间的值)或有符号(值从-127到+127)。虽然在三个分量的情况下,这已经提供了1600万种可能的颜色来表示(如在RGB的情况下),我们可以通过使用浮点(4字节= 32位)或双(8字节= 64位)数据来获得更精细的控制每个分量的类型。 不过,请记住,增加分量的大小也会增加内存中整个图片的大小。

Creating a Mat object explicitly

In the @ref tutorial_load_save_image tutorial you have already learned how to write a matrix to an image file by using the @ref cv::imwrite() function. However, for debugging purposes it’s much more convenient to see the actual values. You can do this using the << operator of Mat. Be aware that this only works for two dimensional matrices.
在@ref tutorial_load_save_image教程中,您已经学习了如何使用@ref cv::imwrite()函数将矩阵写入图像文件。 但是,出于调试目的,查看实际值会更方便。您可以使用* Mat的\ <\ <运算符来完成此操作。请注意,这仅适用于二维矩阵。

Although Mat works really well as an image container, it is also a general matrix class.Therefore, it is possible to create and manipulate multidimensional matrices. You can create a Mat object in multiple ways:


  • @ref cv::Mat::Mat Constructor

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp constructor

    For two dimensional and multichannel images we first define their size: row and column count wise. Then we need to specify the data type to use for storing the elements and the number of channels per matrix point. To do this we have multiple definitions constructed according to the following convention:

    CV_[The number of bits per item][Signed or Unsigned][Type Prefix]C[The channel number]

    For instance, CV_8UC3 means we use unsigned char types that are 8 bit long and each pixel has three of these to form the three channels. This are predefined for up to four channel numbers. The @ref cv::Scalar is four element short vector. Specify this and you can initialize all matrix points with a custom value. If you need more you can create the type with the upper macro, setting the channel number in parenthesis as you can see below.

  • Use C/C++ arrays and initialize via constructor

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp init

    The upper example shows how to create a matrix with more than two dimensions. Specify its dimension, then pass a pointer containing the size for each dimension and the rest remains the same.

  • @ref cv::Mat::create function:

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp create

    You cannot initialize the matrix values with this construction. It will only reallocate its matrix data memory if the new size will not fit into the old one.

  • MATLAB style initializer: @ref cv::Mat::zeros , @ref cv::Mat::ones , @ref cv::Mat::eye . Specify size and data type to use:

    Matlab风格的初始化:cv::Mat::zeros,cv::Mat::ones, cv::Mat::eye, 可以指定size和type
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp matlab

  • For small matrices you may use comma separated initializers or initializer lists (C++11 support is required in the last case):

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp comma

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp list

  • Create a new header for an existing Mat object and @ref cv::Mat::clone or @ref cv::Mat::copyTo it.

    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp clone

    You can fill out a matrix with random values using the @ref cv::randu() function. You need to give the lower and upper value for the random values:
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp random

Output formatting

In the above examples you could see the default formatting option. OpenCV, however, allows you to
format your matrix output:

  • Default
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-default

  • Python
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-python

  • Comma separated values (CSV)
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-csv

  • Numpy
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-numpy

  • C
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-c

Output of other common items

OpenCV offers support for output of other common OpenCV data structures too via the << operator:

  • 2D Point
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-point2
  • 3D Point
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-point3
  • std::vector via cv::Mat
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-vector
  • std::vector of points
    @snippet mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp out-vector-points

Most of the samples here have been included in a small console application. You can download it from
or in the core section of the cpp samples.

You can also find a quick video demonstration of this on



  • cv::Mat M(…)
    Mat M(2,2, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,0,255));
    创建一个2*2,uchar类型,3通道的图像,每个像素的初始值为B/G/R = 0/0/255

  • M.create
    M.create(4,4, CV_8UC(2));

    此处通道数由3变成2之后,初始值由B/G/R = 0/0/255变成了255/255,这个变化的机制是怎么样的呢?

  • init

    int sz[3] = {2,2,2};  
    Mat L(3,sz, CV_8UC(1), Scalar::all(0));


  • matlab样式初始化

    Mat E = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64F);
    Mat O = Mat::ones(2, 2, CV_32F);
    Mat Z = Mat::zeros(3,3, CV_8UC1);  


  • comma
    Mat C = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0);
  • list(c++11)
    C = (Mat_<double>({0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0})).reshape(3);
  • clone
    Mat RowClone = C.row(1).clone();
  • randu
    Mat R = Mat(3, 2, CV_8UC3);
    randu(R, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(255));

Non-template variant of the function fills the matrix dst with uniformly-distributed random numbers from the specified range:
@param dst output array of random numbers; the array must be pre-allocated.
@param low inclusive lower boundary of the generated random numbers.
@param high exclusive upper boundary of the generated random numbers.
@sa RNG, randn, theRNG
CV_EXPORTS_W void randu(InputOutputArray dst, InputArray low, InputArray high);

  • output
    out << "R (default) = " << endl <<        R           << endl << endl;
    cout << "R (python)  = " << endl << format(R, Formatter::FMT_PYTHON) << endl << endl;
    cout << "R (numpy)   = " << endl << format(R, Formatter::FMT_NUMPY ) << endl << endl;
    cout << "R (csv)     = " << endl << format(R, Formatter::FMT_CSV   ) << endl << endl;
    cout << "R (c)       = " << endl << format(R, Formatter::FMT_C     ) << endl << endl;  

enum FormatType {
FMT_CSV = 2,
FMT_C = 5

  • point和vector
    Point3f P3f(2, 6, 7);
    vector<float> v;
    v.push_back( (float)CV_PI);   v.push_back(2);    v.push_back(3.01f);
    vector<Point2f> vPoints(20);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < vPoints.size(); ++i)
        vPoints[i] = Point2f((float)(i * 5), (float)(i % 7)); 
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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