
Specially, IHD accounted for 31.75% (798,777) of the all-cause deaths in eastern European in 1990, which increased to 34.96% (969,015) in 2016. 


Figure 1 compares the yearly percentage changes in stroke mortality rates during 1970-1985 for men and women in each country. 

 In the most recent decade, the general pattern was for larger annual decreases in mortality than overall or in previous decades in nearly all countries. 

Although absolute mortality rates among young adults are low compared with older age groups, in percentage terms, CHD mortality rates (up to 45 years) deceased between 1980 and 2009 at an equal or greater rate than for all ages.

Thyroid cancer incidence rates increased over the study period (from 4.56 per 100 000 person-years in 1974 to 14.42  per 100 000 personyears in 2013), increasing 3.6% (95% CI, 3.2% to 3.9%) per year, on average.
在研究期间,甲状腺癌发病率从1974年的4.56/10万人增加到2013年的14.42/10万人,平均每年增加3.6% (95% CI, 3.2% - 3.9%)。

Thyroid cancer incidence increased, on average, 3.6% per year (95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%) during 1974-2013 (from 4.56 per 100 000 person-years in 1974-1977 to 14.42 per 100 000 person-years in 2010-2013).
在1974-2013年期间,甲状腺癌发病率平均每年增加3.6%[95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%](从1974-1977年的4.56/10万人增加到2010-2013年的14.42/10万人)。

IHD mortality increased, on average, 3.6% per year (95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%) during 1990-2017 (from 4.56 per 100 000 person-years in 1990 to 14.42 per 100 000 person-years in 2017).
在1990-2017年期间,IHD死亡率平均每年增加3.6%[95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%](从1990年的4.56/10万人增加到2017年的14.42/10万人)。
During 1990-2017, IHD mortality increased, on average, 3.6% per year (95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%) (from 4.56 per 100 000 person-years in 1990 to 14.42 per 100 000 person-years in 2017).
在1990-2017年期间,IHD死亡率平均每年增加3.6%[95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%](从1990年的4.56/10万人增加到2017年的14.42/10万人)。
IHD mortality increased, on average, 3.6% per year (annual percent change, 3.6% [95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%]) during 1990-2017.
在1990-2017年期间,IHD死亡率平均每年增加3.6%(APC为3.6% [95% CI, 3.2%-3.9%])。

Rates increased 6.7% per year during 1997-2009, but did not increase during 2009-2013. 

Thyroid cancer incidence rates increased for all sex, race, and age groups. 

Significant increases were observed for PTC (APC=4.4%), follicular thyroid cancer (APC=0.6%), and medullary thyroid cancer (APC=0.7%). 

 PTC incidence increased significantly for every stage and tumor size category. 

During 2009-2013, incidence rates did not increase significantly for overall, localized, stage I, or small ( 2 cm) PTCs, while there was no evidence of a reduction in the increase for regional, distant, or large PTCs.
在2009-2013年期间,总体、局部、I期或小(2 cm) PTCs的发病率没有显著增加,而区域、远处或大型PTCs的发病率没有减少的迹象。

in the earliest calendar years  最初的日历年
consistent with  与...一致

Thyroid cancer incidence-based mortality increased, on average, 1.1% annually during 1994-2013 , from 0.40 per 100 000 personyears in 1994 to 0.46 per 100 000 person-years in 2013. 

Positive APCs were observed for most demographic subgroups and statistically significant for patients who were female, white, black, and diagnosed after age 79 years.  
大多数人口统计学亚组 APCs 大于零,且女性、白人、黑人、79岁后确诊的患者 有统计学意义。

By histologic type, the annual increase in incidence-based mortality rates was restricted to patients diagnosed with PTC (1.7% [95% CI, 0.6% to 2.9%). 
根据组织学类型,以事件为基础的年死亡率的增加仅限于PTC患者(1.7% [95% CI, 0.6%至2.9%])。

Positive APCs were observed for PTCs of all known stages at diagnosis, but were statistically significant only for patients with distant disease (APC, 2.9% [95% CI, 1.1% to 4.7%]), stage IV disease (APC, 12.9% [95% CI, 7.2% to 19.0%]), or both. 
所有已知诊断阶段的PTCs均呈阳性,但仅对远处病变(APC, 2.9% [95% CI, 1.1%至4.7%])、IV期病变(APC, 12.9% [95% CI, 7.2%至19.0%])或两者均有统计学意义。

Positive APCs occurred for PTCs of all known sizes, with significant increases for tumors smaller than or equal to 2 cm and tumors that were greater than 2 cm to less than or equal to 4 cm.

The incidence rate for unstaged PTC increased by 0.07 (95% CI, 0.04 to 0.10) from 1974 to 2013.
PTC with unknown tumor size declined by 0.57 (95% CI, 0.49 to 0.65) from 1974 to 2013.
The unstaged PTC mortality rate declined by 0.01 (95% CI, 0.01 to 0.01) from 1974 to 2013. 
The mortality rate for PTCs with unknown tumor size decreased by 0.02 (95% CI, 0.00 to 0.04) since 1998-2001.
1974-2013年,未分级PTC的发病率增加了0.07 (95% CI, 0.04 - 0.10)。
1994-2013年,肿瘤大小未知的PTC下降了0.57 (95% CI, 0.49 - 0.65)。
1974-2013年,未分级PTC的死亡率下降了0.01 (95% CI, 0.01 - 0.01)。
1998-2001年,肿瘤大小未知的PTC的死亡率下降了0.02 (95% CI, 0.00到0.04)。

IHD mortality from 1990 to 2017 showed an upward trend during 1990–1994, with an annual percentage change (APC) of 0.56, followed by a downward trend from 1994 to 2012 and then a stabilization from 2012–2017 with slow growth (APC = 0.16). 
The rate was higher from 1990 to 1994 (APC = 1.88), followed by a continuous rise during 2006–2017, with an APC of 0.55. 

1990-2017年,IHD死亡率显示上升的趋势,在1990年1994年,年度百分比变化(APC)为0.56,随后在1994-2012年呈下降趋势,然后从2012-2017年趋于稳定,增长缓慢(APC = 0.16)。
1990-1994年,该比率更高(APC = 1.88),随后在2006-2017年间持续上升,APC为0.55。


2020年,全球因IHD死亡人数超过900万, 与1990年相比,死亡人数几乎翻了一番。 


Low-and-middle income countries now **account for** more than 80% of global IHD deaths.

In East Europe, IHD was **the third leading cause of** death accounting for 8.8% of total deaths.

In contrast, in Central Asia IHD was the eighth cause of death after HIV/AIDS, malaria, lower respiratory tract infections, diarrhoeal disease, perinatal conditions, measles, cerebrovascular disease, accounting for only 3.2% total deaths. 


There is a 2.3 to 2.7-fold increase in IHD mortality for every decade of life for men and a 2.9 to 3.7-fold increase for women.

IHD mortality progressively increased with age.

There is a progressive increase in IHD mortality with age, which fits an exponential trend.
IHD mortality progressively increased with age, which fits an exponential trend.

an order of magnitude higher than


IHD Mortality rates were lower among women than men for each country.

Rates for men are 23%—115% higher than those for women in all countries. 
The greatest disparities between the sexes are in countries that have low rates of stroke mortality (France, Austria, and Switzerland). 

Countries that have high rates of stroke mortality in men **generally** have high rates in women as well.

The rate varies by more than sixfold in both men and women, with the highest rates in Bulgaria and the lowest in Switzerland. 

Of the 21 countries experiencing a decline in stroke mortality in men, women experienced an even greater decline in 15 countries; only in Hong Kong, Singapore, Northern Ireland, the United States, and Japan did men improve at a faster rate than women. There was no difference in the yearly percentage declines for men and women in England and Wales. 


IHD mortality were exceedingly high in a few Eastern European and Central Asia countries. 

IHD Mortality rate **varies by more than sixfold** among countries, with the highest rates in Uzbekistan and the lowest in Estonia. 

There was a 10-fold difference in IHD mortality rates between the highest and lowest countries.

There is more than 20-fold variation in IHD mortality rates between countries.

In general, eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,  and Romania) have the highest rates and the Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) together with the Netherlands, the United States, Canada, and Switzerland have the lowest rates. 

A comparison of 2017 age-standardized mortality rates in 7 Eastern European countries and 9 Central Asian countries indicates a wide variation for IHD mortality, with Uzbekistan having rates 3.8 times of Estonia which has the lowest rates.

In 2017, the ASIR of breast cancer in high SDI countries remained the highest, with up to 40.99 (42.21–39.76), which is about four times higher than those in the low SDI countries.
2017年,高SDI国家乳腺癌ASIR最高,达到40.99(42.21 39.76),是低SDI国家的4倍左右。

The spectrum is wide, with some countries such as Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Ukraine having a mortality ratio that is approximately 20-fold that of other countries such as Japan.


Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Azerbaijan showed the largest increase in IHD mortality, with an increase by more than 50%.
Uzbekistan、Ukraine 和 Azerbaijan IHD死亡率呈上升幅度最大,增幅超过50%。

The largest increase was observed in Saudi Arabia, and the ASIR was increased by 226% , followed by China and Taiwan, with an increase of 189%. 

The largest increase was observed in Uzbekistan, and the ASR was increased by 226%, followed by Ukraine and Azerbaijan, with an increase of 189% and 115%, respectively.

The eastern European countries have all ==experienced== **either an increase** (Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria) **or virtually no change** (Yugoslavia, Romania, and Czechoslovakia) in stroke mortality rates since 1970 (Table 2). 

**In contrast,** most other countries **experienced a decrease** in stroke mortality rates, with Japan, the United States, and Australia all experiencing improvements of >5%/yr for both men and women.

In the period 2000-2017 all countries **experienced a decline** in IHD mortality except Uzbekistan.

IHD mortality rates have declined in all countries except Uzbekistan during the period 2000-2017.

**The increase** in IHD mortality in Uzbekistan has been **dramatic** in comparison with the other 6 Central Asia countries. 

**The improvements** in IHD mortality in Estonia has been **dramatic** in comparison with the other Eastern European countries.

Trends in IHD mortality rates for the same period show a similar pattern. **In contrast to** stroke mortality rates, however, 

Increases in IHD mortality rates were observed in ==eastern European countries==, with all other countries except Singapore experiencing declines, although not to the extent as for ==Central Asia==.
For example, the decline in IHD mortality was >2%/yr in seven countries for men and in nine countries for women while the decline in stroke mortality was >7%/yr in Central Asia for both men and women.

Over the last 25 years, age-standardised IHD mortality **has fallen by more than half** in high income countries, but **the trend is flat or increasing** in some low-and-middle income countries. 

 **A decrease** in age-standardised mortality rates is seen in most countries in Western Europe, but countries in Eastern Europe have **a flat pattern** (Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic) and **an increasing trend** can be seen in some Central Asian countries (e.g. Kyrgyzstan).

Fifteen countries **showed evidence of** ==a recent plateauing of trends== in at least one age group for men, as did 12 countries for women. 

Almost all countries in the EU have demonstrated very large and significant decreases in death rates from CHD in the last three decades among both men and women when all ages were considered together. In many countries, age-standardized mortality rates in 2005–09 were less than half what they were in 1980–84.

Recent decades have seen very large **declines in** CVD and CHD mortality specifically, across the EU, with rates of CVD mortality falling by >30% in both sexes and CHD mortality falling by a third in men and over a quarter in women between 1985–89 and 2000–04. 
近几十年来,在整个欧盟,CVD和CHD的死亡率有了很大的下降,在1985-89年和2000-04年间,欧盟男性和女性心血管疾病死亡率下降了> 30%,其中男性冠心病死亡率下降了三分之一,女性冠心病死亡率下降了超过四分之一。

A very notable exception to this was Greece, where for both men and women, it was the only country to record a net increase in age-standardized CHD mortality rates for those aged <45 years. 

The overall age-adjusted cancer death rate rose during most of the 20th century, peaking in 1991 at 215 cancer deaths per 100,000 people, mainly because of the tobacco epidemic. 


As of 2016, the rate had dropped to 156 per 100,000 (a decline of 27%) because of reductions in smoking, as well as improvements in early detection and treatment. 


This decline translates into more than 2.6 million fewer cancer deaths from 1991 to 2016, progress that has been driven by steady declines in death rates for the four most common cancer types lung, colorectal, breast, and prostate.






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