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原创 [Computer Vision 10] Shape and motion from image streams under orthography: A factorization method

The Rank TheoremRegistered Measurement Matrix D_2m*n: m views, n points (normalized points: coordinate origin locates at the centroid of 3D object); --> Singular value decomposition: D is at most o...

2018-06-20 05:36:45 425 1

原创 [Computer Vision 9] Structure-from-Motion Revisited

Review of Structure-from-MotionCorrespondence Search:Find scene overlap in the input images, identify projection of the matched points between overlapping images.Feature extraction --> Matching --&...

2018-06-19 18:39:29 435

原创 [Computer Vision 8] Fixing the Locally Optimized RANSAC

LO-RANSAC AlgorithmThe locally optimized RANSAC adds an optimization step after the verification phase, if a so-far-the-best model is found.Speeding up Local OptimizationTo reduce the time consumption...

2018-06-16 22:45:38 465

原创 [Computer Vision 7] Adaptive As-Natural-As-Possible Image Stitching

Local Homography ModelOnly in overlapping region: The local homograph is estimated by including a offset weight.H at the location p_j: h_j = argmin Σ ω_i,j ||Ah_j||^2 (p_i: matching points, Wj =  diag...

2018-06-16 19:24:13 899

原创 [Computer Vision 6] ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF

ORB: Oriented FAST keypoints and Rotated BRIEF descriptorsRelated WorksFAST keypoints:  Using Harris corner filter to find corner keypoints. SIFT and SURF can achieve orientation variant but computati...

2018-06-15 06:07:04 173

原创 安装ROS时发生依赖问题

在install apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full 出现系统产生的依赖问题的时候,先去ros网站上检查一下安装版本是不是与系统相符。如果是当前ROS版本不支持的系统版本, 无论用aptitude 还是分别安装各个依赖的package,都会出现各种各样的问题。奉劝大家按照ros网站上的步骤来,不要看一些比较过时的书或者教程了,不然会走不少弯路。rosw...

2018-06-14 02:52:10 2266

原创 [Computer Vision 5] KAZE Features

Related WorksThe Gaussian Kernel: filter original image by increasing scales (simplest multi-scale image processing)Coarser scales <--->reduction of noise <---> reduction of localization a...

2018-06-08 18:42:53 290

原创 [Computer Vision 4] Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints

Detection of Scale-space ExtremaDetection location that are invariant to scale: search for stable features across all possible scales.L(x,y,σ) = G(x,y,σ) ∗ I(x,y): L function of scale space of image, ...

2018-05-29 20:52:52 227

原创 [Computer Vision 3] The Plenoptic Function and the Elements of Early Vision

The Plenoptic FunctionThe image information available from a single viewing position, is defined by the pencil of light rays passing through the pupil. The plenoptic function describes the information...

2018-05-29 20:52:42 723

原创 [Computer Vision 2] Turning Corners into Cameras: Principles and Methods

Previous Non-line-of-sight methods:ToF (Time of Flights) camera:Using a laser to illuminate a point which is accessible both from observer and hidden space, then we can infer the distance, reflectance...

2018-05-29 20:52:29 416

原创 [Computer Vision 1] Accidental pinhole and pinspeck cameras: revealing the scene outside the picture

Pinhole CameraImage I(x) = T(x)*S(x), T(x): [0,1],aperture function: light through pinhole; S(x): image formed by a pinhole cameraShape image = Small aperture T(x)Night: various illumination sources, ...

2018-05-29 20:52:16 281



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