原图片名为”Basler acA2040-120um (22196470)_20180521_135316631_0001“,而我需要将他们更改为“img_fx1_fy1_1”这样的格式.其中的数字是随着图片的序号而改变的。
files = dir('*.bmp');% read all bmp files under the path
len=length(files);%read the bmp files' amount
for i=1:len
oldname=files(i).name; %oldname
newname=strcat('Img_', oldname); % newname
command = ['RENAME' 32 , oldname,32 newname];
% when a space is included in name, the '"'is inneed.
% 32 is equal to space in ASCII.
% the oldname path can default but rebulit the path of newname is forbiden.
% help rename in dos:
% RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2
% REN [drive:][path]filename1 filrname2
% Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your
% destination file.