Granddaddy of Python web frameworks, Zope 1 was released in 1999
Python 1.0 - January 1994 增加了 lambda, map, filter and reduce.
Python 2.0 - October 16, 2000,加入了内存回收机制,构成了现在Python语言框架的基础
Python 2.4 - November 30, 2004, 同年目前最流行的WEB框架Django 诞生
Python 2.5 - September 19, 2006
Python 2.6 - October 1, 2008
Python 2.7 - July 3, 2010
In November 2014, it was announced that Python 2.7 would be supported until 2020, and reaffirmed that there would be no 2.8 release as users were expected to move to Python 3.4+ as soon as possible
Python 3.0 - December 3, 2008 (这里要解释清楚 为什么08年就出3.0,2010年反而又推出了2.7?是因为3.0不向下兼容2.0,导致大家都拒绝升级3.0,无奈官方只能推出2.7过渡版本)
Python 3.1 - June 27, 2009
Python 3.2 - February 20, 2011
Python 3.3 - September 29, 2012
Python 3.4 - March 16, 2014
Python 3.5 - September 13, 2015
Python 3.6 - 2016-12-23 发布python3.6.0版
XML Bitmap XML Bitmap 是一个用XML定义的文件放在资源目录,定义的对象是图片,为bitmap定义别名,这个文件可以给bitmap定义一些额外的属性。例如:抖动。 文件存放位置: res/drawable/filename.xml 语法: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? bitmap xmlns: 更多
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