NORDIC Thingy:52 蓝牙 BLE 服务协议定义

Thingy: 52 SoC 蓝牙 BLE 服务协议定义

项目文件源于 Thingy_SDK_V2.1.0, 详细说明请见另一篇博客 "Nordic Thingy:52 SDK 安装及编译"

文件: ble_tss.c
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_CONFIG_CHAR        0x0501    /**< The UUID of the config Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_SPKR_CHAR             0x0502    /**< The UUID of the speaker Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_SPKR_STAT_CHAR   0x0503    /**< The UUID of the speaker Status Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TSS_MIC_CHAR               0x0504    /**< The UUID of the microphone Characteristic. */
// EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042
#define TSS_BASE_UUID    {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}} 

文件: ble_tms.c
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_CONFIG_CHAR          0x0401    /**< The UUID of the config Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_TAP_CHAR                 0x0402    /**< The UUID of the tap Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_ORIENTATION_CHAR 0x0403    /**< The UUID of the orientation Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_QUATERNION_CHAR  0x0404    /**< The UUID of the quaternion Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_PEDOMETER_CHAR    0x0405    /**< The UUID of the pedometer Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_RAW_CHAR                 0x0406    /**< The UUID of the raw data Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_EULER_CHAR               0x0407    /**< The UUID of the euler Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_ROT_MAT_CHAR         0x0408    /**< The UUID of the rotation matrix Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_HEADING_CHAR         0x0409    /**< The UUID of the compass heading Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TMS_GRAVITY_CHAR          0x040A    /**< The UUID of the gravity vector Characteristic. */
// EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FF-A974-0042
#define TSS_BASE_UUID    {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}} 

文件: ble_tes.c
#define BLE_UUID_TES_TEMPERATURE_CHAR 0x0201    /**< The UUID of the temperature Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TES_PRESSURE_CHAR        0x0202    /**< The UUID of the pressure Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TES_HUMIDITY_CHAR        0x0203    /**< The UUID of the humidity Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TES_GAS_CHAR                  0x0204    /**< The UUID of the gas Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TES_COLOR_CHAR             0x0205    /**< The UUID of the gas Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TES_CONFIG_CHAR            0x0206    /**< The UUID of the config Characteristic. */
// EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042
#define TSS_BASE_UUID    {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}} 

文件: ble_tcs.c
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_DEVICE_NAME_CHAR   0x0101    /**< The UUID of the device name Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_ADV_PARAMS_CHAR    0x0102    /**< The UUID of the advertising parameters Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_APPEARANCE_CHAR      0x0103    /**< The UUID of the appearance Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_CONN_PARAM_CHAR    0x0104    /**< The UUID of the connection parameters Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_BEACON_PARAM_CHAR  0x0105    /**< The UUID of the beacon Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_CLOUD_PARAM_CHAR   0x0106    /**< The UUID of the cloud token Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_FW_VERSION_CHAR        0x0107    /**< The UUID of the FW version Characteristic. */
#define BLE_UUID_TCS_MTU_CHAR                      0x0108    /**< The UUID of the MTU Characteristic. */
// EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042

#define TSS_BASE_UUID    {{0x42, 0x00, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xFF, 0x52, 0x10, 0x9B, 0x33, 0x49, 0x35, 0x9B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x68, 0xEF}} 

Thingy: 52 Android App 蓝牙 BLE 服务协议定义


源自 Nordic Thingy 52, Android App 源码, 参见文章 "Nordic Thingy:52 Android App 源码及APK"

public static final UUID THINGY_BASE_UUID                                                   = new UUID(0xEF6801009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID THINGY_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE                                       = new UUID(0xEF6801009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID DEVICE_NAME_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                                    = new UUID(0xEF6801019B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID ADVERTISING_PARAM_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                              = new UUID(0xEF6801029B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID APPEARANCE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                                     = new UUID(0xEF6801039B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID CONNECTION_PARAM_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                               = new UUID(0xEF6801049B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID EDDYSTONE_URL_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                                  = new UUID(0xEF6801059B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID CLOUD_TOKEN_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID                                    = new UUID(0xEF6801069B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID FIRMWARE_VERSION_CHARACERISTIC_UUID                                = new UUID(0xEF6801079B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID BATTERY_SERVICE                                                    = UUID.fromString("0000180F-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
    public static final UUID BATTERY_SERVICE_CHARACTERISTIC                                     = UUID.fromString("00002A19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");

    public static final UUID THINGY_ENVIRONMENTAL_SERVICE                                       = new UUID(0xEF6802009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID TEMPERATURE_CHARACTERISTIC                                         = new UUID(0xEF6802019B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID PRESSURE_CHARACTERISTIC                                            = new UUID(0xEF6802029B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID HUMIDITY_CHARACTERISTIC                                            = new UUID(0xEF6802039B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID AIR_QUALITY_CHARACTERISTIC                                         = new UUID(0xEF6802049B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID COLOR_CHARACTERISTIC                                               = new UUID(0xEF6802059B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID CONFIGURATION_CHARACTERISTIC                                       = new UUID(0xEF6802069B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID THINGY_UI_SERVICE                                                  = new UUID(0xEF6803009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID LED_CHARACTERISTIC                                                 = new UUID(0xEF6803019B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID BUTTON_CHARACTERISTIC                                              = new UUID(0xEF6803029B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID THINGY_MOTION_SERVICE                                              = new UUID(0xEF6804009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID THINGY_MOTION_CONFIGURATION_CHARACTERISTIC                         = new UUID(0xEF6804019B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID TAP_CHARACTERISTIC                                                 = new UUID(0xEF6804029B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID ORIENTATION_CHARACTERISTIC                                         = new UUID(0xEF6804039B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID QUATERNION_CHARACTERISTIC                                          = new UUID(0xEF6804049B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID PEDOMETER_CHARACTERISTIC                                           = new UUID(0xEF6804059B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID RAW_DATA_CHARACTERISTIC                                            = new UUID(0xEF6804069B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID EULER_CHARACTERISTIC                                               = new UUID(0xEF6804079B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID ROTATION_MATRIX_CHARACTERISTIC                                     = new UUID(0xEF6804089B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID HEADING_CHARACTERISTIC                                             = new UUID(0xEF6804099B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID GRAVITY_VECTOR_CHARACTERISTIC                                      = new UUID(0xEF68040A9B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID THINGY_SOUND_SERVICE                                               = new UUID(0xEF6805009B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID THINGY_SOUND_CONFIG_CHARACTERISTIC                                 = new UUID(0xEF6805019B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID THINGY_SPEAKER_DATA_CHARACTERISTIC                                 = new UUID(0xEF6805029B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID THINGY_SPEAKER_STATUS_CHARACTERISTIC                               = new UUID(0xEF6805039B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);
    public static final UUID THINGY_MICROPHONE_CHARACTERISTIC                                   = new UUID(0xEF6805049B354933L, 0x9B1052FFA9740042L);

    public static final UUID CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATOIN_DESCRIPTOR                     = new UUID(0x0000290200001000L, 0x800000805f9B34FBL);

    public final static ParcelUuid PARCEL_SECURE_DFU_SERVICE                                    = ParcelUuid.fromString("0000FE59-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
    public final static UUID SECURE_DFU_SERVICE                                                 = UUID.fromString("0000FE59-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
    public static final UUID THINGY_BUTTONLESS_DFU_SERVICE                                      = new UUID(0x8E400001F3154F60l, 0x9FB8838830DAEA50L);
    public static final UUID DFU_DEFAULT_CONTROL_POINT_CHARACTERISTIC                           = new UUID(0x8EC90001F3154F60l, 0x9FB8838830DAEA50L);
    public static final UUID DFU_CONTROL_POINT_CHARACTERISTIC_WITHOUT_BOND_SHARING              = new UUID(0x8EC90003F3154F60l, 0x9FB8838830DAEA50L);
NORDIC Thingy 52 原文手册说明

BLE services

This section focuses on the custom services used in the Thingy firmware together with their configuration parameters.

Thingy configuration service

The Thingy configuration service is responsible for handling all general configuration parameters that are not related to a particular module.

Base UUIDEF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042   
Thingy configuration service0100   
Device name characteristic0101Write/Readmax 10 bytesDevice name as ASCII string.
Advertising param characteristic0102Write/Read3 bytesAdvertising parameters (in units):
  • uint16_t - Adv interval in ms (unit 0.625 ms).
    • min 32 -> 20 ms
    • max 8000 -> 5 s
  • uint8_t - Adv timeout in s (unit 1 s).
    • min 0 -> 0 s
    • max 180 s -> 3 min
Connection param characteristic0104Write/Read8 bytesConnection parameters:
  • uint16_t - Min connection interval (unit 1.25 ms).
    • min 6 -> 7.5 ms
    • max 3200 -> 4 s
  • uint16_t - Max connection interval (unit 1.25 ms).
    • Same as above.
  • uint16_t - Slave latency (number of connection events).
    • Range 0-499
  • uint16_t - Supervision timeout (unit 10 ms).

    • Min 10 -> 100 ms
    • Max 3200 -> 32 s

    The following constraint applies: conn_sup_timeout * 4 > (1 + slave_latency) * max_conn_interval that corresponds to the following Bluetooth Spec requirement: The Supervision_Timeout in milliseconds must be larger than (1 + Conn_Latency) * Conn_Interval_Max * 2, where Conn_Interval_Max is given in milliseconds.

Eddystone URL0105Write/Read3-17 bytesEddystone URL. Data format:
Cloud token0106Write/Readmax 250 bytesCloud token to be used for identification against cloud services.
FW version0107Read3 bytes
  • uint8_t - major
  • uint8_t - minor
  • uint8_t - patch
MTU request0108Write/Read req3 bytesMTU request. Not retained.
  • uint8_t - Peripheral exchange request
    • 0x00 - Peripheral does not send an MTU exchange request. (Default behavior)
    • 0x01 - Peripheral sends an MTU exchange request, when written to 0x01.
  • uint16_t - MTU size requested (23 - 276 bytes).

Environment service

The environment module is responsible for reading the temperature, pressure, humidity, air quality/gas, and light intensity/color sensors, as well as for sending data and configuration. It is running on top of the environment BLE service (ble_tes), the environment sensor drivers, and the environment flash storage with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. The configuration is stored in flash. To turn on sensor reading, enable notifications from the desired characteristic by writing 0x0001 to the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) for that characteristic.

Base UUIDEF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042   
Weather station service0200   
Temperature characteristic0201Notify2 bytesTemperature in Celsius
  • int8_t - integer
  • uint8_t - decimal
Pressure characteristic0202Notify5 bytesPressure in hPa
  • int32_t - integer
  • uint8_t - decimal
Humidity characteristic0203Notify1 bytesRelative humidity in %
  • uint8_t - RH
Gas (Air quality) characteristic0204Notify4 bytes
  • uint16_t - eCO2 ppm
  • uint16_t - TVOC ppb
Color characteristic0205Notify8 bytes
  • uint16_t - Red
  • uint16_t - Green
  • uint16_t - Blue
  • uint16_t - Clear
Configuration characteristic0206Write/Read12 bytes
  • uint16_t - Temperature interval in ms (100 ms - 60 s).
  • uint16_t - Pressure interval in ms (50 ms - 60 s).
  • uint16_t - Humidity interval in ms (100 ms - 60 s).
  • uint16_t - Color interval in ms (200 ms - 60 s).
  • uint8_t - Gas mode
    • 1 = 1 s interval
    • 2 = 10 s interval
    • 3 = 60 s interval
  • Color sensor LED calibration:
    • uint8_t - Red intensity [0 - 255]
    • uint8_t - Green intensity [0 - 255]
    • uint8_t - Blue intensity [0 - 255]

User interface service

The UI module handles the onboard LEDs, buttons, and other potential UI components like a quadrature decoder, touchscreen etc. The UI module runs on top of the UI BLE Service (ble_uis), the LED and button drivers, and the UI flash storage with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. This module enables RGB LED value setting and button event notifications via BLE. Button notification is enabled by writing 0x0001 to the CCCD of the button characteristic.

Base UUIDEF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042   
UI service0300   
LED characteristic0301Write req/ReadMax 5 bytesRGB Value:
  • uint8_t - Mode (retained for BLE connected and disconnected):
    • 0 = Off
    • 1 = Constant
    • 2 = Breathe
    • 3 = One Shot
Constant mode (retained for BLE connected):
  • uint8_t - R intensity (0 - 255)
  • uint8_t - G intensity (0 - 255)
  • uint8_t - B intensity (0 - 255)
Breathe mode (retained for BLE connected):
  • uint8_t - color:
    • 0x01 - RED
    • 0x02 - GREEN
    • 0x03 - YELLOW
    • 0x04 - BLUE
    • 0x05 - PURPLE
    • 0x06 - CYAN
    • 0x07 - WHITE
  • uint8_t - intensity (1-100) [%]
  • uint16_t - delay [ms] (50 ms - 10 s)
One shot mode (retained for BLE connected):
  • uint8_t - color:
    • 0x01 - RED
    • 0x02 - GREEN
    • 0x03 - YELLOW
    • 0x04 - BLUE
    • 0x05 - PURPLE
    • 0x06 - CYAN
    • 0x07 - WHITE
  • uint8_t - intensity (1-100) [%]
Default connected behavior:
  • Mode: Breathe
  • Color: CYAN
  • Intensity: 20%
  • Delay: 3500 ms
Button characteristic0302Notify1 byteBoolean button state:
  • 0: Button released
  • 1: Button pressed
EXT pin characteristic0303Write req/Read4 bytes

External pin control. Range 0 - 255. 0 is off, 255 is on.

PWM is not implemented. So either 0 or 255.

  • uint8_t - MOS_1
  • uint8_t - MOS_2
  • uint8_t - MOS_3
  • uint8_t - MOS_4

Motion service

The motion module is responsible for reading the 9-axis motion sensor and the low power accelerometer, as well as for sending the data and flash storage of the configuration parameters for this module. It is running on top of the motion BLE service (ble_tms) with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. The configuration is stored in flash memory. To turn on sensor reading, enable notifications from the desired characteristic by writing 0x0001 to the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) for that characteristic.

Base UUIDEF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042   
Thingy motion service0400   
Config characteristic0401Write/Read9 bytesMotion configuration:
  • uint16_t - Step counter interval in ms (100 ms - 5 s).
  • uint16_t - Temperature compensation interval in ms (100 ms - 5 s).
  • uint16_t - Magnetometer compensation interval in ms (100 ms - 1 s).
  • uint16_t - Motion processing unit frequency in Hz (5 - 200 Hz).
  • uint8_t - Wake-on-motion
    • 0x00 = Off
    • 0x01 = On
Tap characteristic0402Notify2 bytesDirection and count of taps:
  • uint8_t - Direction:
    • 0x01 = TAP_X_UP
    • 0x02 = TAP_X_DOWN
    • 0x03 = TAP_Y_UP
    • 0x04 = TAP_Y_DOWN
    • 0x05 = TAP_Z_UP
    • 0x06 = TAP_Z_DOWN
  • uint8_t - Count
    • Number of taps in the given direction
Orientation characteristic0403Notify1 byte
  • uint8_t - Orientation
    • 0x00 = Portrait
    • 0x01 = Landscape
    • 0x02 = Reverse portrait
    • 0x03 = Reverse landscape
Quaternion characteristic0404Notify16 bytesAttitude represented with quaternions (2Q30 fixed point):
  • int32_t - w
  • int32_t - x
  • int32_t - y
  • int32_t - z
Step counter characteristic0405Notify8 bytesStep counter:
  • uint32_t - Steps
  • uint32_t - Time [ms]
Raw data characteristic0406Notify18 bytesMotion sensor raw data:
  • Accelerometer
    • int16_t - x [G] (6Q10 fixed point)
    • int16_t - y [G] (6Q10 fixed point)
    • int16_t - z [G] (6Q10 fixed point)
  • Gyroscope
    • int16_t - x [deg/s] (11Q5 fixed point)
    • int16_t - y [deg/s] (11Q5 fixed point)
    • int16_t - z [deg/s] (11Q5 fixed point)
  • Compass
    • int16_t - x [µT] (12Q4 fixed point)
    • int16_t - y [µT] (12Q4 fixed point)
    • int16_t - z [µT] (12Q4 fixed point)
Euler characteristic0407Notify12 bytesAttitude represented in Euler angles (16Q16 fixed point)
  • int32_t - roll [degrees]
  • int32_t - pitch [degrees]
  • int32_t - yaw [degrees]
Rotation matrix char0408Notify18 bytesAttitude in rotation matrix (2Q14 fixed point)
  • int16_t [9] - 3 x 3 matrix
Heading characteristic0409Notify4 bytesHeading (16Q16 fixed point)
  • int32_t - Heading [degrees]
Gravity vector040ANotify12 bytesAttitude represented by a gravity vector:
  • float - x
  • float - y
  • float - z

Sound service

The sound module is responsible for handling both the speaker and the microphone. The sound module is built on top of the sound BLE service (ble_tss) with base UUID EF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042. The configuration is stored in flash.

Base UUIDEF68xxxx-9B35-4933-9B10-52FFA9740042   
Thingy sound service0500   
Config characteristic0501Write/Read2 bytesSound configuration
  • uint8_t - Speaker mode:
    • 0x01 - Frequency and duration.
    • 0x02 - 8-bit PCM
    • 0x03 - Sample
  • uint8_t - Microphone mode
    • 0x01 - ADPCM
    • 0x02 - SPL
Speaker data characteristic0502Write without respMax 273 bytesIn frequency mode:
  • uint16_t - Frequency in Hz (0 - stop forever).
  • uint16_t - Duration in ms (0 = forever).
  • uint8_t - Volume in % (0-100).
In PCM mode:
  • uint8_t [20 - 273] 8-bit PCM samples
In sample mode:
  • uint8_t - sample ID (0x00 - 0x08)
    • 0 Collect_Point_00.wav
    • 1 Collect_Point_01.wav
    • 2 Explosion_02.wav
    • 3 Explosion_04.wav
    • 4 Hit_00.wav
    • 5 Pickup_01.wav
    • 6 Pickup_03.wav
    • 7 Shoot_00.wav
    • 8 Shoot_01.wav
Speaker status characteristic0503Notify1 byteSpeaker status
  • uint8_t - 0x00 - Finished
  • uint8_t - 0x01 - Buffer warning
  • uint8_t - 0x02 - Buffer ready
  • uint8_t - 0x10 - Packet disregarded
  • uint8_t - 0x11 - Invalid command
Microphone characteristic0504NotifyMax 273 bytesADCPM mode
  • ADPCM frame

Battery service

This module is responsible for handling battery level information.

UUID180FNotify/Read1 byte
  • uint8_t State of charge [%] (0-100)
Uses a lookup table to convert from battery voltage to state of charge (SoC). Due to the ADC configuration and battery model, certain percentage values are skipped. Will only update/notify if there is a change in remaining battery level.

DFU service

This module is responsible for running Device Firmware Updates on Thingy.

Secure DFU ServiceFE59   
Base UUID0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb   
DFU Control Point characteristic8EC90001-F315-4F60-9FB8-838830DAEA50Notify/Write1 byte

Steps to put Thingy into Buttonless DFU mode:

  • Enable notifications for the DFU Control point characteristic
  • Write 0x01 to the characteristic





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


