
import sys    #The sys module contains functions related to the Python interpreter and its environment.
from typing import List    #The typing library is a library that helps us implement type annotations

import numpy as np     #This code requires NumPy
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession      #Provides users with a unified entry point to use Spark's features

def parseVector(line: str) -> np.ndarray:   #The return type is ndarray(Vector)
    return np.array([float(x) for x in line.split(' ')])  #Separate the strings of numbers in spaces and store them separately in np.array

def closestPoint(p: np.ndarray, centers: List[np.ndarray]) -> int: #Calculates the distance from a point to the center of each cluster, returning the index of the nearest cluster
    bestIndex = 0          #init the ordinal number of the nearest cluster = 0
    closest = float("+inf")      #Define a closest node first value is +infinite
    for i in range(len(centers)):   #Calculates the distance of a data node from each cluster center
        tempDist = np.sum((p - centers[i]) ** 2)  #Updating the cluster center 
        if tempDist < closest:  #Function, when the cluster center is updated less than the threshold, returns the cluster center coordinates.
            closest = tempDist
            bestIndex = i
    return bestIndex  # returns the cluster center index

if __name__ == "__main__":  #main function

    if len(sys.argv) != 4:   #If the number of command line parameters entered is not 4
        print("Usage: kmeans <file> <k> <convergeDist>", file=sys.stderr) #Used to redirect error messages to file(screen).The error is indicated in red font
        sys.exit(-1)         #Exits abnormally from the main thread and outputs -1

    print("""WARN: This is a naive implementation of KMeans Clustering and is given
       as an example! Please refer to examples/src/main/python/ml/kmeans_example.py for an
       example on how to use ML's KMeans implementation.""", file=sys.stderr) #  The warn is indicated in red font
    #builder create a SparkSession called PythonKMeans(appName)
    spark = SparkSession\
        .getOrCreate()   #Get it if you have it, create it if you don't

    lines = spark.read.text(sys.argv[1]).rdd.map(lambda r: r[0])  #Read the second parameter(file) and use r[0](row) as a result of map corresponding to the primary color in rdd
    data = lines.map(parseVector).cache()      #Each row in the text is a node, and each node is converted to Vector
    K = int(sys.argv[2])     #The number of K(clusters) is the third argument to the command line
    convergeDist = float(sys.argv[3])    #Sets the upper limit on the sum of the distances between the old and new cluster centers when the iteration is stopped
#K cluster centers are randomly selected, and the parameter False is set to not put back after taking out the sample
    kPoints = data.takeSample(False, K, 1)  
    tempDist = 1.0   #The sum of each iteration, the sum of the distance between the center of the old and new clusters, is initially set to 1

    while tempDist > convergeDist:  #Start the iteration and stop the iteration when the temp_dist is less than or equal to the converge_dist
        closest = data.map(      #The nearest cluster center point of each point is calculated by the map operation, and an rdd is returned, and the elements in the rdd are
            lambda p: (closestPoint(p, kPoints), (p, 1)))  #(closestPoint(p,1)) tuples. The role of 1 in (p,1) is to facilitate later counting the number of points in a cluster
        pointStats = closest.reduceByKey(  #Use the reduceByKey operation to add x and y of the points in each cluster, respectively.
            lambda p1_c1, p2_c2: (p1_c1[0] + p2_c2[0], p1_c1[1] + p2_c2[1]))  #where the values of p1_c1 [1] and p2_c2 [1] are 1, respectively, and the effect of adding them is to count the number of points or members in a cluster
        newPoints = pointStats.map(        #Computes the new center of each cluster, which is to divide the values of x and y that precede each cluster by the number of points in each cluster
            lambda st: (st[0], st[1][0] / st[1][1])).collect()   #where st[0] is the id of the cluster, st[1][0] is the summarized x and y, and st[1][1] is the number of cluster points
 #Calculates the sum of the Euclidean distances between the new individual cluster centers and the old cluster centers
        tempDist = sum(np.sum((kPoints[iK] - p) ** 2) for (iK, p) in newPoints)
 #Updates the center of each cluster with the coordinates of the newly obtained cluster center
        for (iK, p) in newPoints:
            kPoints[iK] = p
 #Prints out the center point coordinates of the resulting cluster
    print("Final centers: " + str(kPoints))
 #Stop the spark session





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