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原创 Windows Data Types

大多数指针类型名称都以P或LP前缀开始。句柄引用已加载到内存中的资源。ATOM Atom. For more information, see Atoms.BOOL Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).BOOLEAN Boolean variable (should be TRUE or FALSE).BYTE Byte (8 bits)...

2019-09-22 17:51:48 156

原创 QT学习


2019-09-17 13:32:48 230

原创 文件系统:Data Decompression Library:数据解压库函数

Data Decompression LibraryThis overview describes concepts relating to data compression and describes the decompression functions.About the Data Decompression LibraryUsing the Data Decompression Li...

2019-09-16 00:34:39 233

原创 文件存储:File I\O

A file is the basic unit of storage that enables a computer to distinguish one set of information from another. This overview describes the file input and output (I/O) operations and the information ...

2019-09-16 00:27:00 424

原创 文件存储:File Mapping 文件映射

The following topics describe file mapping and how to use the file-mapping functions:About File MappingUsing File MappingFile Mapping ReferenceThe following elements are used with file mapping:...

2019-09-16 00:26:14 770

原创 文件存储:Single-Instance Store 单实例存储

Single-Instance StoreSingle-instance store, or SIS, is an architecture designed to maintain duplicate files with a minimum of disk, cache, and backup media overhead. Single-instance store backup, or ...

2019-09-16 00:25:20 373

原创 文件存储:Tape Backup 磁带备份

The tape functions enable backup applications to read from and write to a tape, initialize a tape, and retrieve tape or tape drive information.磁带函数使备份应用程序能够对磁带进行读写、初始化磁带以及检索磁带或磁带驱动器信息。About Tape Ba...

2019-09-16 00:24:25 1109

原创 文件存储:File Systems 文件系统

Applications rely on file systems to store and retrieve information on mass storage devices. File systems provide the underlying support that applications need to create and access files and directo...

2019-09-16 00:23:19 1553

原创 SDK

Contents of the Platform SDKThe Platform SDK is composed of the Windows SDK and the .NET Enterprise Server SDKs. 平台SDK由Windows SDK和.NET企业服务器SDK组成Windows SDK:The following is an alphabetical listin...

2019-09-16 00:22:06 174

原创 File Storage:文件存储

A file is the basic unit of storage that enables a computer to distinguish one set of information from another. Files are stored on a variety of media, such as floppy disks, hard disks, tapes, CDs, a...

2019-09-16 00:20:30 2927

原创 Windows User Interface

Buttons–》Button按钮CaretsCombo BoxesCommon Dialog Box LibraryCursors–》Cursors:光标Dialog Boxes–》DialogueBox:对话框Edit Controls–》Edit Controls:编辑控件HooksIcons:图标Keyboard Accelerat...

2019-09-16 00:17:21 229

原创 Icons:图标

An icon is a picture that consists of a bitmap image combined with a mask to create transparent areas in the picture. The term icon can refer to either of the following: 图标是由位图图像和掩码组成的图片,用于在图片中创建透明区域...

2019-09-16 00:11:52 1117

原创 SDK第一课(Windows SDK编程入门)

SDK (Software Development Kit) 软件开发工具包Windows应用接口程序接口(API)(应用程序<--------->操作系统<--------->输出输入设备)A:API(Application Programming Interface,应用编程接口)B:内核对象(用户模式和内核模式权限级别)内核:M0到M3用户:M0和M3(最...

2019-09-09 14:16:38 8484

原创 SDK第二课(用SDK开发Windows程序)

SDK开发Windows步骤11WinMain函数111设计、注册窗口类11创建并显示窗口11消息循环11编写过程函数11#include <windows.h>//窗口类WNDCLASStypedef struct{ UINT style; //窗口的类型 WNDPROC lpfnWndProc; //注册过程函数...

2019-09-09 14:15:06 448



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