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原创 gitlog

git 使用记录合并多个commitgit rebase -i HEAD~[num] // num为第几个commit,即从当前commit回溯num个commit的范围将想要合并的commit前标签改为fixupwq保存退出拉取远程分支git fetch [storage name] [branch name] // storage name为当前远程仓库别git remote show // 展示当前远程仓库别名...

2022-03-16 14:54:31 100

原创 Linux脚本01

工作log记录提取全英文部分#!/usr/bin/env bashdate=1008base=/voicedata2/dataresource/exp/dest=/voicedata2/dataresource/$date/if [-d $date];then echo 'dir exits';else mkdir $date && echo 'make dir';fisuffix=eng${date}cd $basefilelist=$(find . -type

2021-10-08 14:03:37 95


For model use, record some format for grammar model.JSGFRules:Start with #, the second used to define the grammar name for usage outside the file<cmd1> for define the rules. IF Public <cmd> , cmd could be used outside the file| for the or

2021-08-30 10:51:59 287

原创 2021-08-25 kaldi

Kaldi Learning RecordTwo parts in speech recognitionPrenounciation modelGrammar modelChapter 2: Basic of Kaldi\egs/yesnoperl script for multi jobs and print the output to the log at the same time utils/run.pl JOB=1:5 log commandrun.sh the main sc

2021-08-25 17:51:49 344

原创 2021-07-22

Daily logproxy and connection error[111]:I have encountered this while doing spiders and git pushSearched for it to find this is the proxy problem.Fix:Found what proxy I haveexport | grep proxyIn .bashrcalias unproxy=" unset ALL_proxy; unset al

2021-08-03 10:53:58 66

原创 MySql & python

Today I want to build a database for storing my records data.My developing environment is ubuntu 18.04Before the developingInstall MySql on ubuntu. So mysql is seen as a server service on my ubuntu, to install it with sudo apt-get install mysql-server

2021-07-23 16:24:48 106

原创 qt & QtUdpSocket

Today’s basic job is to watch over a machine and doing basic communication.How to watch over if the machine is online?Basic Idea: Because we are transferring Datagrams, so use QSocket.hasPendingDataGrams(). However the socket states changes very quickl

2021-07-22 17:24:52 94

原创 2021-07-16

Linux Service工作需要后台自启一个小python程序,环境ubuntu 18.04 ,也就是去了rc的版本写在.profile里配合自动登陆,需要图像界面启动才能启动,不稳定/etc/init.d 么的用,未排查具体原因/etc/systemd/system/my.service 非常好用记录一下service的用法基本框架:参考这篇博客Service Details(如果不知道怎么写,可以看同目录下其他服务照猫画虎)# 一些重要的区块[Unit]# 定义启动顺序,下

2021-07-19 14:54:37 2441

原创 日常log00

记录一些杂活过程中的学习远程下载:在linux下一般用scp这个命令来通过ssh传输文件。1、从服务器上下载文件scp username@servername:/path/filename /var/www/local_dir(本地目录)例如scp root@ #把192.168.0.101上的/var/www/test.txt 的文件下载到/var/www/local_dir(本地目录)2、上传本地文件到服务器scp /pa

2021-07-07 10:37:19 118

原创 Daily drooling-01

python decoratorWhat is a python decorator?Usually the decorator is hinted with @and looks like this, @_name_of_dectoration_func before the function needs to be decorated.What is decorator really doing?It’s actually calling anther function that seals

2021-06-24 16:12:37 59

原创 ROS 3d modelling learning

7 -DOF(7 degrees of freedom)TOOLS:urdfA ros package using .xml file to illustrate a robot model.labelslink : To build a link for robots.<link name="<name>"><inertial> ... </inertial><visual>...</visual> //visu

2021-06-24 13:54:49 94

原创 qtcreator udp

QUdpScoket LearningconnectFrom qtdoc,{static] QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection)Note: You must use the SIGNAL()

2021-06-23 14:40:57 151 1

原创 Mobile Security

Local SecurityRFID: Composed of a coil and a circuit. Coil is for powering the chip and wireless communication. Circuit is embedded with pregames (and data). Mostly used for resource locator.Insecurities:Unaware to people for no interacting is require

2021-06-23 11:20:07 128

原创 ross working space

ROS working spaces configurationI have many packages with different dependencies and needs to set more than one catkin_ws for my packages.mkdir workspace_roscd workspace_rosmkdir src && cd srccatkin_initcd ..catkin_makecd develFind the _s

2021-06-18 14:56:23 62


Install cartographer with ros on ubuntu 18.04This is my own record on installing ros with cartographer on ubuntu 18.04. For working station setup I have repeated this procedure for many times and bumped into almost same errors every time.Set up ros reso

2021-06-15 18:23:01 360 1

原创 Telemetry In Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

1. Types of telemetryObvious sensors like accelerometerHidden sensors like touching screen or clicking buttonsInternal measures like CPU utilization.It’s practically that could be used as collecting data for device.2. Ad and DisAdAd:telemetry col

2021-05-09 17:39:27 89

原创 cudart64_110.dll not found windows解决方法

cudart64_110.dll not found 如何解决记录一下我个人的tf-gpu安装历程安装CUDA和cudnn, 很简单按照官网指示对照自己的python版本安装和下载即可。我的版本是python3.8.9,CUDA 11.2, cudnn 对照CUDA11.0+即可安装tf,我安装了清华镜像最新版 tensorflow 2.4python -m pip --upgrade tensorflow-gpu -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn

2021-04-14 21:39:53 8837 2



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