
Part 1 Types and Construction of


A Transformer is a device that changes ac electric

energy at one voltage level into ac electric energy at another

voltage level through the action of a magnetic field . It consists

of two or more coil of wire wrapped around a common ferromagnetic

core . These coils are (usually) not ditected. The only connection

between the coil is the common magnetic flux present within the

core .

One of the tranformer windings is connected to a

source of ac electric power ,and the secong (perhaps third)

transformer winding supplies electric power to loads. The

transformer winding connected to the power source is called the

primary winding or input winding, and the winding connected to the

loads is called the secondary winding or output winding. If these

is a third winding on the transformer, it is called the tertiary


Power transformer are constructed on one of two

types of cores . One type of construction consists of a simple

rectangular laminated piece of steel with the transformer windings

wrapped around two sides of the rectangle .This type of

construction is known as core form. The other type consists of a

three-legged laminated core with the windings wrapped around the

center leg . This type of construction is known as shell form .In

either case ,the core is constructed of thin laminations

electrically isolated from each other in order to reduce eddy

currents to a minimun.

The primary and secondary windings in a physical

transformer are wrapped one on top of the other with the

low-voltage winding innermost. Such an arrangement serves two

purposes:1.It simplifies the problem of insulating the high-voltage

winding from the core .2.It results in much less leakage flux than

would be the two windings were separated by a distence on core.

Power transformers are giwen a

variety of differrent names , depending on their use in power

systems.A transformer connected to the output of a genertator and

used to step its voltage up to transformission levels is sometimes

called a unit transformer . The transformer at the other end of

transmission line ,which steps the voltage down from

transformission levels to distrbution levels, is

called a substation transformer .Finally ,the transformer that

takes the distribution voltage and steps it down to final voltage

at which the power is actually used is called a distribution

transformer.All these devices are essentially the same-the only

difference amony them is their intended use.

In addition to the various power transformer, two

special-purpose transformers are used with electric machinery and

power systems. The first of these special transformers is a device

specially designed to sample a high voltage and produce a low

secondary voltage directly proprotional to it.Such a transformer is

called a potentional to its primary voltage;the difference between

a potential transformer and a power transformer is that the

potential transformer is designed to handle only a very small

current . The second type of special transformer is a device

designed to provide a secondary current much smaller than but

directly proportional to its primary current. This device is called

a current transformer.

Part 2 The Ideal Transformer

An ideal transformer is a lossless device with an

input winding and an output winding.The relationships between the

input voltage and the output voltage ,and between the input current

and the output current,are given by two simple equations.

A transformer has turns of wire on its primary side

and  rurns of wire on its secondary side .The

relationship between the voltage (t) applied to the primary side of

the transformer and the volatge (t) produced on the secondary side



where a is defined to be the turns ratio of the

transformer :


The relationship between the current (t)flowing

into the pramary side of the transformer and the current (t)flowing

out of the secondary side of the transformer is


or (8-4)

in terns of phasor quantities, these equations



and (8-6)

Notice that the phase angle of is the same as the

angle of ,and the phase angle of is the same as the phase angle of

. The turns ratio of the the ideal transformer affects the

magnitudes of the volatage and currents ,but not their angles.

Equations (8-1)to (8-2) describe the relationships

between the magnitudes and angles of the voltages and currents on

the primary and sencondary sides of the transformer ,but they leave

one question unanswered :Given that the primary circuit’s voltage

is positive at a specific end of the coil ,what will the polarity

of the secondary circuit’s voltage be?’In real transformers ,it

would only be possible to tell the secondary’s polarity if the

transformer were opened and its windings examined

. To avoid this necessity, transformers utilize the dot convention

.The dots appearing at one end of each winding serve to tell the

polarity of the volatage and current on the secondary side of the

transformer.The relationship is as follows:

(1)If the primary voltage is positive at the dotted

end of the winding with respect to the undotted,then the secondary

voltage will be positive at the dotted end also. Voltage polarities

are the same with respect to the dots on each side of the core.

(2)If the primary current of the transformer flows

into the dotted end of the primary winding ,the sencondary current

will flow out of the dotted end of the secondary winding .

Part 3 The Equivalent Circuit of a


The losses that occur in real transformers have

to be accounted for in any accurate model of transformer behavior

.The major items to be considered in the construction of such a

model are .

(1)Copper( )losses. Copper losses are the resistive

heating loses in the primary and secondary windings of the

transformer. They are proportional to square of the current in the


(2)Eddy current losses .Eddy current losses are

resistive heating losses in the core of the transformer.

(3)Hysteresis losses.These losses are associated

with the rearrangement of the magnetic domains in the core during

each half-cycle.

(4)Leakage flux .The fluxes which escape the core

and pass through only one of the transformer windings are leakage

fluxes. These escaped fluxes produce a self-inductance in the

primary and sencondary coils,and the effects of this inductance

must be accounted for.

It is possible to construct an equivalent circuit

that takes into account all the majou imperections in real

transformers. Each major imperfection will be considered in turn

,and its effect will be included in the transformer model .

The easiest effect to model is the copper losses

.Copper losses are resistive losses in the primary and secondary

windings of the transformer core . They are modeled by placing a

resistor  in the primary circuit

of the transformer and a resistor in the

secondary circuit.

The leakage flux in the primary winding

produces a voltage and the leskage flux in the

secondary windings produces a voltage .Since much of the

leakage flux path is through air,and since air

has a constant reluctance much higher than the core reluctance, the

flux is directly proportional to primary circuit current

,and the flux is directly proportional to the

sencondary current .



Where is the self-inductance of the primary coil

,and is the selfinductance of the secondary coil . Therefore ,the

leakage flux will be modeled by primary and secondany


How can the core excitation effects be modeled? The

magnetization current  is a

current proportional(in the unsaturrated region) to the voltage

appied to the core ,and lagging the appied voltage by 90,so it can

be modeled by a reactance  connected across the

primary voltage source. The core-loss current is a current

proportional to the voltage applied to the core that is phase with

the applied voltage, so it can be modeled by a resistance connected

across the primary voltage source.(Remember that both these

currents are really nonlinear, so the inductance

and the resistance are at best approximations of

the real exci tation effects.)

The resulting equivalent circuit is shown in

Fig.8-1.Notice that the elements forming the execitation branch are

placed inside the primary resistance and the primary inductance

.This is because the votage actually applied to the core is really

equal to the input voltage less the internal voltage drops of the


Fig.8-1 The model of a real tranformer

Part 4 The


There are sometimes occasion

when it is desirable to change voltage levels by only a samall

amount .For example ,it may be necessary to

increase a voltage from 110V to 120Vor from 13.2kV to 13.8kV. These

small rises may be made necessary by voltage drops that occur in

power systems a long way from the generators.In such circumstances,

it is wastefull and excessively expensive to wind a transformer

with two full windings ,each rated at about the same voltage . A

special-purpose transformer, called an auto transformer,is used


A diagram of a step-up autotransformer is shown in

Fig.8-2a, the two coils of the transformer are showm in the

conventioal manner . In Fig.8-2b, the first winding is shown

connected in an additive manner to the secondwinding . Now the

relationship between the voltage on the second winding is given by

the turns ratio of transformer.However , the voltage at the output

of the whole transformer is the

sun of the voltage on the first winding and the voltage on the

second winding . The first winding here is called the common

winding , because its voltage appears on both sides of the

transformer. The smaller winding is called the series winding

,because it is connected in series with the common winding.



Fig.8-2 A

transformer with its windings connected in the conventional manner

and reconnected as an autotransformer

Because the transformer coils are physically

connected, a different teminology is used for the

autotransformer than for other types of

transformers.The voltage on the common coil is called the common

voltage , and the current in that coil called the common current .

The voltage on series coil is called the series voltage

,and the current in that coil is called the

series current .The voltage and current on the low-voltage side of

the transformer are called  and

respectively,while the corresponding quantities

on the high-voltage side of the transformer are called

and  .The primary side of rhe

autotransformer (the side with power into it )can be either the

highvoltage side or the low-voltage side ,depending on wether the

autotransformer is acting as a step-down or a step-up transformer.

Form Fig.9-2b the voltages and currents in the coils are related by

the equation



The voltages in the coils are related to the

voltages at the teminals by the equations



And the currents in the coils are related to the

currents at the teminals by the equations




第一节 变压器的类型和结构







第二节 理想变压器


设变压器在一次绕组上有匝,在二次绕组上有 匝,则一次侧的电压与二次侧的电压的关系式为




一次绕组的输入电流 (t)与二次绕组的输出电流 (t)之间的关系表达为





和 (8-6)

注意: 的相角等于 的相角,的相角等于





第三节 变压器的等效电路








在一次绕组中,漏磁通 产生一个电压,在二次绕组中的漏磁通 产生一个电压

,由于漏磁通的泄露路径主要经过空气,且空气的磁阻较铁芯的磁阻打的得多,因此,漏磁通 与一次绕组的电流 成正比。漏磁通




式中, 为一次绕组的自感值,为二次绕组的自感值。因此,漏磁通可以采用原边电感和副边电感来表示。



来反映。(不要忘记励磁电流和铁损电流均是非线性的,因此磁化电感 和电阻

至多可以近似反映实际的励磁效应。)推出的等效电路如图8-1所示,构成励磁环节的因素在于原边电阻 和原边电感


图8-1 实际变压器的模型





图8-2 一个按通常方式绕制的变压器(a)和自耦变压器(b)



。串流绕组的电压称为串联电压 ,串联绕组的电流称为串联电流 。变压器低压绕组一侧的电压与电流分别称为 和











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