java ftp 删除_FTPClient如何删除目录?

我找到工作的唯一方法是依靠“WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile”,它会给一个异常柜面与文件的文件夹或文件夹,所以我创建了一个新interenal方法deletedirectory递归 这里是代码

public void delete(string deleteFile)




/* Create an FTP Request */

ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(host + "/" + deleteFile);

/* Log in to the FTP Server with the User Name and Password Provided */

ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass);

/* When in doubt, use these options */

ftpRequest.UseBinary = true;

ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = true;

/* Specify the Type of FTP Request */

ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DeleteFile;

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse();

/* Resource Cleanup */


ftpRequest = null;


catch (Exception ex) {






catch { }





/* Delete Directory*/

private void deleteDirectory(string directoryName)




//Check files inside

var direcotryChildren = directoryListSimple(directoryName);

if (direcotryChildren.Any() && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(direcotryChildren[0])))


foreach (var child in direcotryChildren)


delete(directoryName + "/" + child);



/* Create an FTP Request */

ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(host + "/" + directoryName);

/* Log in to the FTP Server with the User Name and Password Provided */

ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass);

/* When in doubt, use these options */

ftpRequest.UseBinary = true;

ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = true;

/* Specify the Type of FTP Request */

ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.RemoveDirectory;

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse();

/* Resource Cleanup */


ftpRequest = null;


catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }




/* List Directory Contents File/Folder Name Only */

public string[] directoryListSimple(string directory)




/* Create an FTP Request */

ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(host + "/" + directory);

/* Log in to the FTP Server with the User Name and Password Provided */

ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass);

/* When in doubt, use these options */

ftpRequest.UseBinary = true;

ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = true;

/* Specify the Type of FTP Request */

ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse();

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpStream = ftpResponse.GetResponseStream();

/* Get the FTP Server's Response Stream */

StreamReader ftpReader = new StreamReader(ftpStream);

/* Store the Raw Response */

string directoryRaw = null;

/* Read Each Line of the Response and Append a Pipe to Each Line for Easy Parsing */

try { while (ftpReader.Peek() != -1) { directoryRaw += ftpReader.ReadLine() + "|"; } }

catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }

/* Resource Cleanup */




ftpRequest = null;

/* Return the Directory Listing as a string Array by Parsing 'directoryRaw' with the Delimiter you Append (I use | in This Example) */

try { string[] directoryList = directoryRaw.Split("|".ToCharArray()); return directoryList; }

catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }


catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }

/* Return an Empty string Array if an Exception Occurs */

return new string[] { "" };


/* List Directory Contents in Detail (Name, Size, Created, etc.) */

public string[] directoryListDetailed(string directory)




/* Create an FTP Request */

ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(host + "/" + directory);

/* Log in to the FTP Server with the User Name and Password Provided */

ftpRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass);

/* When in doubt, use these options */

ftpRequest.UseBinary = true;

ftpRequest.UsePassive = true;

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = true;

/* Specify the Type of FTP Request */

ftpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails;

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse)ftpRequest.GetResponse();

/* Establish Return Communication with the FTP Server */

ftpStream = ftpResponse.GetResponseStream();

/* Get the FTP Server's Response Stream */

StreamReader ftpReader = new StreamReader(ftpStream);

/* Store the Raw Response */

string directoryRaw = null;

/* Read Each Line of the Response and Append a Pipe to Each Line for Easy Parsing */

try { while (ftpReader.Peek() != -1) { directoryRaw += ftpReader.ReadLine() + "|"; } }

catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }

/* Resource Cleanup */




ftpRequest = null;

/* Return the Directory Listing as a string Array by Parsing 'directoryRaw' with the Delimiter you Append (I use | in This Example) */

try { string[] directoryList = directoryRaw.Split("|".ToCharArray()); return directoryList; }

catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }


catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); }

/* Return an Empty string Array if an Exception Occurs */

return new string[] { "" };


public class FTPUtil { private FTPClient ftpClient=null; private boolean result = false; private FileInputStream fis; String ftpHost = ""; String port = 21 String ftpUserName = "ftpuser11; String ftpPassword = "1234561"; /** * 登录服务器 * @param ftpInfo * @return * @throws IOException */ public FTPClient login() throws IOException { ftpClient = new FTPClient(); ftpClient.connect(ftpHost); boolean login = ftpClient.login(ftpUserName,ftpPassword); int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) { ftpClient.disconnect(); } if(login){ System.out.println("ftp连接成功!"); }else{ System.out.println("ftp连接失败!"); } //ftpClient.setControlEncoding("GBK"); return ftpClient; } /** * 字符串作为文件上传指定目录 下 * @param content 源字符串 * @param uploadDir 上传目录 * @param ftpFileName 上传文件名称 * @throws Exception */ public void ftpUploadByText(String content ,String uploadDir,String ftpFileName) throws Exception{ try { ftpClient = this.login(); //创建目录 createDir(ftpClient,uploadDir); // 设置上传目录 这个也应该用配置文件读取 ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(uploadDir); ftpClient.setBufferSize(1024); ftpClient.setControlEncoding("GBK"); // 设置文件类型(二进制) ftpClient.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); String fileName = new String(ftpFileName.getBytes("GBK"),"iso-8859-1"); OutputStream os = ftpClient.storeFileStream(fileName); byte[] bytes = content.getBytes(); os.write(bytes); os.flush(); os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ftpClient.disconnect(); ftpClient = null; e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ ftpClient.disconnect(); ftpClient = null; } } /** * 移动文件 * @param ftpInfo * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean moveFile(FTPInfo ftpInfo)throws Exception { boolean flag = false; try { ftpClient = this.login(); flag = this.moveFile(ftpClient, ftpInfo.getChangeWorkingDirectoryPath(), ftpInfo.getFilePath()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { try { ftpClient.disconnect(); ftpClient = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("关闭FTP连接发生异常!", e); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } return flag; } /** * 删除文件 * @param ftpInfo * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean deleteFile(FTPInfo ftpInfo)throws Exception { boolean flag = false; try { ftpClient = this.login(); flag = this.deleteByFolder(ftpClient, ftpInfo.getChangeWorkingDirectoryPath()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { try { ftpClient.disconnect(); ftpClient = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("关闭FTP连接发生异常!", e); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } return flag; } /** * 实现文件的移动,这里做的是一个文件夹下的所有内容移动到新的文件, * 如果要做指定文件移动,加个判断判断文件名 * 如果不需要移动,只是需要文件重命名,可以使用ftp.rename(oleName,newName) * @param ftp * @param oldPath * @param newPath * @return */ public boolean moveFile(FTPClient ftp,String oldPath,String newPath){ boolean flag = false; try { ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(oldPath); ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); //获取文件数组 FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(); //新文件夹不存在则创建 if(!ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(newPath)){ ftp.makeDirectory(newPath); } //回到原有工作目录 ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(oldPath); for (FTPFile file : files) { if(file.isDirectory()) { moveFile(ftp,oldPath+file.getName()+"/" ,newPath+file.getName()+"/"); }else{ //转存目录 flag = ftp.rename(oldPath+new String(file.getName().getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1"), newPath+"/"+new String(file.getName().getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1")); } if(flag){ System.out.println(file.getName()+"移动成功"); }else{ System.out.println(file.getName()+"移动失败"); } } ftp.removeDirectory(new String(oldPath.getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("移动文件失败"); } return flag; } /** * 删除FTP上指定文件夹下文件及其子文件方法,添加了对中文目录的支持 * @param ftp FTPClient对象 * @param FtpFolder 需要删除的文件夹 * @return */ public boolean deleteByFolder(FTPClient ftp,String FtpFolder){ boolean flag = false; try { ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(new String(FtpFolder.getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1")); ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(); for (FTPFile file : files) { //判断为文件则删除 if(file.isFile()){ ftp.deleteFile(FtpFolder+new String(file.getName().getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1")); } //判断是文件夹 if(file.isDirectory()){ String childPath = FtpFolder +file.getName()+ "/"; //递归删除子文件夹 deleteByFolder(ftp,childPath); } } //循环完成后删除文件夹 flag = ftp.removeDirectory(new String(FtpFolder.getBytes("GBK"),"ISO-8859-1")); if(flag){ System.out.println(FtpFolder+"文件夹删除成功"); }else{ System.out.println(FtpFolder+"文件夹删除成功"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("删除失败"); } return flag; } /** * 创建目录 * @param createpath * @param sftp */ public void createDir(FTPClient ftpClient,String createpath) throws Exception { try { if(ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(createpath)) { return; } String pathArry[] = createpath.split("/"); StringBuffer filePath = new StringBuffer("/"); for (String path : pathArry) { if (path.equals("")) { continue; } filePath.append(path + "/"); if(!ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath.toString())) { ftpClient.makeDirectory(filePath.toString()); ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(filePath.toString()); } } ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(createpath); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("创建路径错误:" + createpath); } } }




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