private static List generateByChance(int ai[]){int j;Random random;ArrayList arraylist;List list;int i1;int j1;int k1;int i = 0;j = ai.length;if (j != 10)throw new IllegalArgumentException("chances' length must be 10 ");int k = 0;do{if (k >= j){if (i != 100)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the sum of chances must be 100 ");break;}int l = ai[k];i += l;k++;} while (true);long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();random = new Random(l1);arraylist = new ArrayList();list = MyApplication.getInstance().getAllQuestions();i1 = list.size();j1 = 0;k1 = 1;_L2:int i2;int j2;if (j1 >= j)return arraylist;i2 = ai[j1];if (i2 != 0)break; /* Loop/switch isn't completed */j2 = k1;_L3:j1++;k1 = j2;if (true) goto _L2; else goto _L1_L1:ArrayList arraylist1 = new ArrayList();String s = String.valueOf(j1 + 1);String s1 = (new StringBuilder(s)).append(".").toString();int l2 = 0;do{if (l2 >= i1){if (arraylist1.size() < i2)throw new IllegalArgumentException("the chance must be less than the max count!");break;}Question question = (Question)list.get(l2);boolean flag;if (question.getLabel().startsWith(s1))flag = arraylist1.add(question);l2++;} while (true);int i3 = 0;do{int j3 = arraylist1.size();int k2 = random.nextInt(j3);Question question1 = (Question)arraylist1.get(k2);if (!arraylist.contains(question1)){boolean flag1 = arraylist.add(question1);Object obj = arraylist1.remove(k2);question1.setExamIndex(k1);question1.setSelectedIndex(-1);k1++;i3++;}} while (i3 != i2);j2 = k1; goto _L3if (true) goto _L2; else goto _L4_L4:}得到这个代码 怎么还有goto语句的呢??