
本文为西班牙卡塔赫纳理工大学(作者:Josena LopezHerrera)的博士论文,共231页。














In this dissertation, new elements aredescribed that have been added to the methodology of Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning(FIR), elements that allow the prediction of the future behavior of timeseries. In the identification of systems, very good results of using thismethodology had been reported earlier. Therefore, it was decided to evaluatethe methodology also in the context of predicting time series, a more complexundertaking, because of the impossibility of exerting the systems that generatethese time series through their inputs.

In order to determine whether themethodology could be used in the analysis of time series, a comparative studyof different methodologies was made, including connectionist methods, as wellas linear and nonlinear predictors. This study allowed to characterize thetypes of time series that FIR predicts well. It turns out that FIR exploits allthe information that is contained in the available training data of time seriesthat are quasistationary with deterministic elements.

Due to the qualitative nature of themethodology, predictions were initially obtained that were ambiguous. In orderto overcome these difficulties, new elements of prediction were introduced. Theformula used for calculating the relative distances and the absolute weights ofthe five nearest neighbors was modified, and new confidence measures (based onsimilarity and proximity) were incorporated, measures that allow to estimatethe prediction error without necessity of knowing the true value of the series.The proximity measure is based on a distance function, whereas the similaritymeasure is based on the similarity between fuzzy sets. A generalization of theclassical equivalence function is used that is based on definitions ofcardinality and difference of the theory of fuzzy sets, originally proposed byDubois and Prade.

Two new techniques of prediction weredeveloped that make use of these confidence measures. These methods allow toselect, at every time instant, the best qualitative prediction model.These newtechniques allow to improve the prediction of a quasistationary time series. Bydynamically changing the qualitative model, the prediction error can be reducedconsiderably in non{stationary time series that operate in multiple regimes.

The relation between the degree ofdeterioration of the accumulated confidence measure and the horizon ofpredictability of a signal was evaluated in a quantitative fashion. It wasshown that the similarity measure is more sensitive to the prediction errorthan the proximity measure.

Also presented are first results obtainedwhen applying the methodology to the problems of the design of intelligent sensorsand predictive controllers.

This thesis is structured into eightchapters and two appendices. In Chapter 1, the principal focus of theinvestigation is described as well as its antecedents.

In Chapter 2, the parameters areestablished that allow to classify the time series that are analyzed in thisinvestigation. The chapter also offers a brief review of the methodologies thatare being used in time series analysis.

In Chapter 3, the state of the art of theFuzzy Inductive Reasoning methodology is presented.

A study comparing the performance of FIRwith that of the best known time series prediction methods is presented inChapter 4.

Two new measures of the prediction qualityare introduced in the FIR methodology. The results of this investigation are presentedin Chapter 5. The theoretical foundations of these measures are described, andtheir application to different types of time series is shown.

In Chapter 6, the results of applying theprediction quality measures, introduced in the previous chapter, to the problemof improving the prediction capability of FIR in the case of nonstationary timeseries are presented.

In order to evaluate up to which point aprediction is reliable, Chapter 7 introduces measures of accumulated predictionquality that can be used to estimate the horizon of predictability inquasi{stationary time series.

In Chapter 8, the contributions obtained inthis dissertation related to the FIR methodology are summarized. Itsapplications as a methodology for designing intelligent sensors and predictivecontrollers are presented in Appendices A and B.

  1. 引言、研究动机与回顾
  2. 时间序列建模与仿真
  3. 时间序列预测的模糊归纳推理
  4. 时间序列预测方法的比较
  5. 模糊归纳推理中预测的收敛性度量
  6. 利用动态掩码分配提高模糊归纳推理的预测能力
  7. 可预测范围的估计
  8. 结论
    附录A 使用具有前瞻功能的智能传感器进行预警
    附录B 信号预测控制






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