


本文为荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(作者:Joris Derksen)的硕士论文,共251页。

无线电探测和测距系统(雷达)是海军用于探测、跟踪和识别敌我目标的主要传感器,雷达系统对于感知周围战场环境信息是必不可少的。雷达的性能可以显著地受到系统部署环境的影响。在某些大气条件下,折射效应会导致电磁波传导(electromagnetic ducts)、雷达探测漏洞、跳跃盲区和/或阴影区增加。这些现象会导致战术上的优势和劣势。例如,其中一个优点是,电磁传导导致目标可检测范围扩大,从而提供更多的响应时间来对进入的敌对目标采取行动。其中一个缺点是,敌方目标在雷达漏洞和跳跃盲区仍然不能被探测到,这些区域通常与电磁传导效应共存。




本文针对北海天气条件的不同情况,研究了水平和时间分辨率对雷达性能评估精度的敏感性,通过比较“地面真实”性能评估和“破坏”评估完成以上工作(这里的“破坏”是指人为降低精度的数据)。在本文中,地面真实性定义为基于高分辨率NWP HARMONIE4数据的采用雷达传播模型AREPS3(3.6版)进行的评估。然后将这些评估的真相与基于水平或时间分辨率降低的相同HARMONIE数据集的评估进行比较,使用多种测量精度进行比较。地面真实性的结果也与基于单垂直轮廓和标准大气廓线的评估进行了比较。本文分析了41种不同的场景,每种场景中的舰船位置、雷达部署方位和天气条件均不同。从KNMI可获取的数据中,具有不同的天气变化,如寒冷天气锋面(8x)、温暖天气锋面(8x)、暖区(1x)、相对暖空气在水中的平流、高气压系统和平静海面条件,这些数据都是北海地区全年中非常典型的气象数据。


为了获得以下的结论,原始HARMONIENWP数据需要被输入到AREPS模型中。因此,开发了一种新的环境模型,该模型适应HARMONIE NWP数据,从而适用于雷达性能评估,并且可以被AREPS使用。使用NWP输入数据模拟如下:沿传播路径集成垂直NWP轮廓到垂直轮廓上;用Monin-Obukhov相似理论(MOST)计算表面层的折射率分布;将上下轮廓的数据混合在一起。该模型提供了沿传播路径的真实折射率分布。虽然它适合于本论文的研究目的,但它尚未被验证用于实际操作使用。









Within navies, radio detection and rangingsystems (radars) are the primary sensors for the detection, tracking andsometimes classification of friendly and hostile targets. They are essentialfor creating an operational picture of the surroundings and situationalawareness. The performance of radars can be significantly influenced by theenvironment in which the systems are deployed. Under certain atmosphericcondition refractive effects result in electromagnetic ducts, radar holes,skipping zones and/or increased shadow zones. These phenomena can lead totactical advantages and disadvantages. For example, an advantage is that ductslead to extended detection ranges thereby providing more response time to actagainst incoming hostile targets. A disadvantage is that hostile targets canremain undetected in radar holes and skipping zones that generally coexist withthe developed duct. As the environment can significantly affect the performanceof radars, it is highly desirable to be able to assess radar performance underprevailing conditions. The ability to assess radar performance allows navies tofully benefit from the tactical advantages and to minimise the effects of thedisadvantages that accompany certain atmospheric conditions. It also helps avoidfalse situational awareness. Over the years models for modelling radar propagation1and performance have matured to the extent that they produce sufficientlyaccurate results provided that the environmental data input is alsosufficiently accurate. With the successful development of these models attentionshifted to methods for obtaining this environmental data. In large air masses overfast bodies of water away from the coast a single vertical refractivity profilesuffices for accurate radar performance assessment. Such a profile can easilybe obtained by means of a single radiosonde balloon measurement. Nearcoastlines however three dimensional (3D) refractivity data is required in manycases. Using a single profile in these cases may result in
erroneous assessments. Obtaining 3D atmospheric data for radar assessmentpurposes does not come without challenges. Because of this, it is important toget a sense of the required accuracy and resolution of input data, depending onatmospheric conditions, to assess radar performance sufficiently accurate. Incases where 3D data is obtained by numerical weather prediction (NWP) systems,assessment of the minimal 3D data resolution requirement allows the reductionof data file size. Currently NWP data file sizes are too big to send to navyships by satellite communication (SATCOM) on a regular basis. This makes theuse of NWP data, to a certain extent, unsuitable for operational use. Thisthesis studies the performance assessment accuracy sensitivity to horizontaland temporal data resolution for different cases of North Sea weather conditions. This is done by comparing “groundtruth” radar performance assessments with “spoiled” assessment2.For this thesis, the ground truths are defined as the assessments computed bythe radar propagation model AREPS3 (version 3.6) on the basis of high resolutionNWP HARMONIE4 data. These truths are then compared to assessments based on setsof the same HARMONIE data which are reduced in horizontal or temporalresolution. Comparisons are made using several measures of accuracy. The groundtruths are also compared to the assessments based on a single vertical profileand a standard atmosphere profile. In total 41 different cases are analysed. Casescenarios differed in ship position, radar deployment azimuths and weatherconditions. In the available data from the KNMI, weather conditions variedbetween cold weather fronts (8x), warm weather fronts (8x), a warm sector (1x),advection of relatively warm air over water, high pressure systems and calmconditions, which is a fairly representative data set for the conditions overthe North Sea throughout the year. The actual radar performance assessments areobtained using AREPS. AREPS is an advanced propagation model that computes, forexample, propagation losses versus range and height and detection probabilities(coverage) versus range and height for any specific radar, environment andtarget combination. The radar used was for all scenarios a 3300 MHz medium rangesurveillance radar and the target was a small fighter with a radar crosssection of 2 m2. Theradar system and target were modelled using the integrated radar and targetmodel in AREPS. In order to acquiring the results that are summarised below,raw HARMONIE NWP data needed to be fed into AREPS. For this a new environmentalmodel was developed that adapts HARMONIE NWP data so that it is suitable forradar performance assessment and can be used by AREPS5. Using NWP input datathe model subsequently: integrates vertical NWP profiles to vertical profilesalong the propagation path; computes the refractivity profile of the surfacelayer using Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST); and blends the lower andupper profiles together. The model provides realistic refractivity profilesalong the propagation path. Whilst it is suitable for the purpose of thisthesis, it is has not yet been validated for operational use. Converting therequired atmospheric data into data suitable for radar performance assessment, obtainingthe ground truth assessments and the spoiled assessments of the differentexamined scenarios and comparing these, allowed the assessment accuracysensitivity to data input resolution to be studied. Results show that in thereviewed cases near a cold or warm weather front or in a warm sector,assessments based on a single profile compared well with the ground truth.Hence, in these cases a single profile measured by, for example, a radiosondewill suffice for radar performance assessment. In scenarios where warm dry airadvected over cooler water the accuracy of the performance assessment decreasessignificantly at coarser resolutions. In only one of the nine scenarios a singleprofile sufficed. Using a single profile in the other eight scenarios resultedin erroneous assessment, which may have dramatic consequences if relied upon.For example, detection range prediction errors of over 150 km occurred. It is clear that in these casesacquiring 3D atmospheric data is a must. Results for assessments in thevicinity of high pressure systems were similar to that of the scenarios wherewarm dry advected over cooler water. In these cases only two out of the eight scenariosallowed the use of a single profile for accurate radar assessment. Sevenscenarios were analysed in which it was expected that no anomalous propagationwould occur. This expectation was based on the evaluation of the weathercharts. In the absence of propagation anomalies, it was also expected that inthese cases a single profile would suffice. This was true for only five out ofthe seven cases. Hence, one cannot dependably predict if a single profile willsuffice merely by looking at weather charts. Comparing assessments based on asingle profile to the assessments based on a standard profile showed that, ingeneral, a single profile provides more accurate radar performance assessmentsthan the standard profile. This said, when 3D data is a must, both assessments willbe significantly in error. Investigating the sensitivity of assessment accuracyto temporal resolution was done by comparing the ground truth to assessments basedon atmospheric data with the same spatial resolution but of a different time.The results show that a single measurement every 24 hours is not sufficient inmany cases. Current practice in the RNLN, however, is to carry out atmosphericmeasurements only once every 24 hours. In many of the viewed cases a temporal resolutionof no less than 1 hour is required. This said, in cases where a single profilesuffices the required temporal resolution can be reduced, and in some cases to24 hours. In this thesis no actual minimum required resolutions areestablished. To do so many more scenarios should be evaluated. These scenariosshould differ in radar parameters, target parameters and/or weather conditions.Also the minimum required resolution depends on the required accuracy which mayvary with application. Besides the research described above, other goals ofthis thesis were to provide clear and understandable documentation on radarpropagation through an inhomogeneous atmosphere and to give recommendations tothe Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) concerning radar performance assessment. Thisthesis can be used as a general overview on radar propagation, for educationalpurposes and as an introduction to further research. For the RNLN, the most importantrecommendation is to start using NWP data for radar performance assessment. Theuse of a single measured refractivity profile, which is current practice, canlead to erroneous assessments and potentially to dramatic operationalconsequences. As no minimum required resolution is yet defined, it isrecommended, although logistically challenging, that the maximum resolution ofavailable atmospheric (NWP) data is used and that the data is updated everyhour.

1 引言

2 雷达传播机制

3 对流层传播

4 雷达传播建模方法

5 环境建模

6 评估数据分辨率对灵敏度影响的方法

7 精度灵敏度与数据分辨率:结果、分析与讨论

8 结论与建议

9 对荷兰皇家海军操作使用的建议

附录A 雷达性能评估

附录B 相似性函数


附录D 实验场景设置









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