



  • 页面没有接口交互,代码复制粘贴直接可用,很多无用代码注释并没有删除,做的是模拟数据
  • H5端没有注册key,注册key可以自行百度
  • 复杂功能已经实现,其余就是调用接口赋值,大家都会
  • 项目中应用图片我给你们打包好啦,我讲究不?
  • 效果视频见我另一个文章
  • 好用务必给我一个srart


	<!-- @tap="clickMap" -->
	<view class="map_wrap">
		<u-picker :show="showPicker" :columns="columnsMapIdList" keyName="vehicleNo"
		<map class="mapCarMonitor" id="mapCarMonitor" style="width: 100%;" :latitude="mapCenter.latitude"
			:longitude="mapCenter.longitude" :markers="markers" :scale="12" @controltap="controltap">
		<view class="carformTab">
			<view class="carformTab-c">
				<view class="carformTab-t" v-for="(item,index) in tabList" :key="index" @click="activeTab(item,index)">
					<view style="overflow: unset;">
						<view :class="{active:index == current,carName:true}">
						<view class="carCount">
						<view :class="{activebg:index == current,carLine:true}"></view>
		<view class="coverFoot">
			<view class="coverFoot-title">
				<view class="coverFoot-title-info">
					<view class="title-info-left">
						<view class="title-info-left-i" @click="showDownMenu">
							<view class="left-name">
							<view class="left-icon">
								<image class="left-icon-img" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/xiala.png"></image>
						<!-- <view class="selectDown" v-show="showMenu">
								<view class="selectDownItem" v-for="(item,index) in carOptions" :key='item.id'
							</view> -->
					<view class="title-info-right" @click="goCarMonitor">
				<view class="font-24 conmmon-class-two title-time">
					<view class="conmmon-class-one time-icon">
						<image class="imageClass" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/time.png"></image>
					<view class="title-time-count">
						08-25 22:22:58
					<view class="title-time-speed">
				<view class="font-24 conmmon-class-two title-time">
					<view class="conmmon-class-one time-icon">
						<image class="imageClass" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/weizhi.png"></image>
					<view class="">
				<view class="font-24 conmmon-class-two title-time">
					<view class="conmmon-class-one time-icon">
						<image class="imageClass" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/gantanhao.png"></image>
					<view class="abnormal-class">
			<view class="footRoute">
				<view class="title-time">
					<view class="car-class">
						<image class="car-class-i" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/car4.png"></image>
					<view class="car-info">
				<view class="start-location font-24 title-time">
					<view class="line-class">

					<view class="conmmon-class-one route-start-icon">
					<view class="">
				<view class="font-24 conmmon-class-two title-time">
					<view class="conmmon-class-one route-end-icon">
					<view class="">
				<view class="footRoute-con">
	import {
	} from '@/api/carManage/carDriving'
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				showPicker: false,
				columnsMapIdList: [
						label: '雪月夜',
						id: 2021
					}, {
						label: '冷夜雨',
						id: 804
				// 默认请求全部地图数据
				params: {
					"pageParamVO": {
						"curPage": 1,
						"pageSize": 9999,
					"type": 0,
					"vehicleIdList": [],
					"orgId": 0,
					"groupId": 0
				// 运行车辆数组
				goingCarsList: [],
				// 停止车辆数组
				stopCarsList: [],
				// 报警车辆数组
				warningCarsList: [],
				mapCenter: {
					longitude: "",
					latitude: "",
				carDatas: {
					name: '黑W12345',
				// carOptions: [{
				// 		id: 123,
				// 		name: '选项1'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 1233,
				// 		name: '选项2'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 12351,
				// 		name: '选项333'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 12352,
				// 		name: '选项345'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 12353,
				// 		name: '选项23456'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 12354,
				// 		name: '选项5'
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 12354555,
				// 		name: '选项123'
				// 	}
				// ],
				// showMenu: false,
				tabList: [{
					name: '全部',
					count: 999
				}, {
					name: '运行',
					count: 999
				}, {
					name: '停止',
					count: 999
				}, {
					name: '报警',
					count: 999
				current: 0,
				title: 'map',
				markers: [],
				// controls: [{ // 控件
				// 	id: 99,
				// 	position: { // 控件位置
				// 		left: 160,
				// 		top: 120
				// 	},
				// 	iconPath: 'https://hellouniapp.dcloud.net.cn/static/location.png' // 控件图标
				// }],
				address_info: "",
				address_info_recomd: "",
				address: ""
		onReady() {
			// 1.页面准备好后,获取到map组件的执行上下文。注意:这里是取的map的id属性
			this.mapContext = uni.createMapContext("mapCarMonitor", this);
			// this.getByAllCarIdList()
		onShow() {
		onLoad() {

		methods: {
			// 获取车辆id下拉数组
			getByAllCarIdList() {
				findByAllCarIdList().then(res => {
					this.columnsMapIdList[0] = res.result
			// 获取地图点位
			getMarkers(params) {
				// findByAllCarInfo(params).then(res => {
				// 	console.log(res)
					// 运行车辆数组
					// this.goingCarsList = []
					// 停止车辆数组
					// this.stopCarsList = []
					// 报警车辆数组
					// this.warningCarsList = []
					// 对返回数组进行处理,符合地图渲染要求
					const markersList = []
					// const result = res.result.monitArr
					const result = [{
							"aInfo": "",
							"accStatus": 0,
							"alarmStatus": 0,
							"alarmStr": "",
							"area": "",
							"cameraChannel": 0,
							"commids": "",
							"dArr": [],
							"direction": 0,
							"driverInfo": "",
							"eInfo": "",
							"eqSourceID": 0,
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							"gpsTimeStr": "01-01 00:00:00",
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							"h2": "",
							"h3": "",
							"h4": "",
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							"isLcd": 0,
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							"isStandardVideo": 0,
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							"loadWeight": -1,
							"lon": 124.71941,
							"odo": 0,
							"oil": "",
							"oilIsException": 0,
							"oilUpLatestGpsTime": "",
							"oilUpLatestLat": "",
							"oilUpLatestLon": "",
							"onlineStatus": 0,
							"openDoorInfo": [],
							"placeName": "",
							"pointInfo": "",
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							"t2": "",
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							"t4": "",
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								"ta": "",
								"wayArr": []
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							"area": "",
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							"eInfo": "",
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							"h2": "",
							"h3": "",
							"h4": "",
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							"isStandardEquip": 0,
							"isStandardVideo": 0,
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							"loadWeight": -1,
							"lon": 124.71941,
							"odo": 0,
							"oil": "",
							"oilIsException": 0,
							"oilUpLatestGpsTime": "",
							"oilUpLatestLat": "",
							"oilUpLatestLon": "",
							"onlineStatus": 0,
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							"placeName": "",
							"pointInfo": "",
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							"status": 2,
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							"t1": "",
							"t2": "",
							"t3": "",
							"t4": "",
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							"oilUpLatestLat": "",
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							"t2": "",
							"t3": "",
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							"t2": "",
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							"gpsTimeStr": "09-13 16:10:59",
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							"h2": "",
							"h3": "",
							"h4": "",
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							"oilUpLatestLat": "",
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							"pointInfo": "",
							"regName": "黑AA6K97",
							"speed": "8",
							"status": 1,
							"stopInfo": "",
							"t1": "",
							"t2": "",
							"t3": "",
							"t4": "",
							"tArr": [{
								"s": 0,
								"ta": "",
								"wayArr": []
							"telPhone": "",
							"tempExp": 0,
							"vStatus": "ACC开,3D定位,天线正常,CSQ:23",
							"vehicleId": 1986,
					// const result = res.result.monitArr
					// 根据车辆不同状态,渲染不同图标
					let carIcon1 = '../../../static/images/carDriving/car1.png'
					let carIcon2 = '../../../static/images/carDriving/car2.png'
					let carIcon3 = '../../../static/images/carDriving/car3.png'
					let carIcon = ''
					for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
						// 判断车辆状态不同,渲染不同图标1运行,2停止,3报警
						if (result[i].status == 1) {
							carIcon = carIcon1
							// 将不同状态车辆单独放置对应数组,避免tab栏切换再次请求
							// 运行车辆数组
							// this.goingCarsList.push({
							// 	id: result[i].vehicleId,
							// 	longitude: result[i].lon,
							// 	latitude: result[i].lat,
							// 	iconPath: carIcon,
							// 	width: 22,
							// 	height: 20,
							// 	callout: {
							// 		content: result[i].regName,
							// 		display:'ALWAYS',
							// 		fontSize: 14,
							// 		borderRadius: 5,
							// 		color:'#000',
							// 		bgColor: '#ffffff',
							// 		padding: 4,
							// 		borderRadius:4,
							// 		textAlign: 'center'
							// 	}
							// })
						} else if (result[i].status == 2) {
							carIcon = carIcon2
							// 停止车辆数组
							// this.stopCarsList.push({
							// 	id: result[i].vehicleId,
							// 	longitude: result[i].lon,
							// 	latitude: result[i].lat,
							// 	iconPath: carIcon,
							// 	width: 22,
							// 	height: 20,
							// 	callout: {
							// 		content: result[i].regName,
							// 		display:'ALWAYS',
							// 		fontSize: 14,
							// 		borderRadius: 5,
							// 		color:'#000',
							// 		bgColor: '#ffffff',
							// 		padding: 4,
							// 		borderRadius:4,
							// 		textAlign: 'center'
							// 	}
							// })
						} else {
							carIcon = carIcon3
							// 报警车辆数组
							// this.warningCarsList.push({
							// 	id: result[i].vehicleId,
							// 	longitude: result[i].lon,
							// 	latitude: result[i].lat,
							// 	iconPath: carIcon,
							// 	width: 22,
							// 	height: 20,
							// 	callout: {
							// 		content: result[i].regName,
							// 		display:'ALWAYS',
							// 		fontSize: 14,
							// 		borderRadius: 5,
							// 		color:'#000',
							// 		bgColor: '#ffffff',
							// 		padding: 4,
							// 		borderRadius:4,
							// 		textAlign: 'center'
							// 	}
							// })
						// 全部车辆数组
							id: result[i].vehicleId,
							longitude: result[i].lon,
							latitude: result[i].lat,
							iconPath: carIcon,
							width: 22,
							height: 20,
							callout: {
								content: result[i].regName,
								display: 'ALWAYS',
								fontSize: 14,
								borderRadius: 5,
								color: '#000',
								bgColor: '#ffffff',
								padding: 4,
								borderRadius: 4,
								textAlign: 'center'
					// 拿到请求数据后,把数据传给点聚合功能;
					this.setMarkersAndCluster(markersList) // 3、调用聚合功能 
					// 渲染地图
					// this.markers = markersList
					// 赋值tab栏数量
					// this.tabList[0].count = res.result.stat.allCnt
					// this.tabList[1].count = res.result.stat.runCnt
					// this.tabList[2].count = res.result.stat.stopCnt
					// this.tabList[3].count = res.result.stat.alarmCnt
					this.tabList[0].count = 4
					this.tabList[1].count = 4
					this.tabList[2].count = 0
					this.tabList[3].count = 0
					// 设置地图中心点,默认取数组第一条数据
					this.mapCenter = {
						longitude: this.markers[0].longitude,
						latitude: this.markers[0].latitude,
				// }).catch(err => {
				// 	console.log('错误')
				// 	console.log(1234)
				// })

				// let markesData = [{
				// 		id: 1,
				// 		longitude: 126.603150,
				// 		latitude: 45.817123,
				// 		iconPath: '../../../static/images/carDriving/car2.png',
				// 		width: 22,
				// 		height: 20,
				// 		callout: {
				// 			content: '首都机场',
				// 			display:'ALWAYS',
				// 			fontSize: 14,
				// 			borderRadius: 5,
				// 			color:'#000',
				// 			bgColor: '#ffffff',
				// 			padding: 4,
				// 			borderRadius:4,
				// 			textAlign: 'center'
				// 		}
				// 	},
				// 	{
				// 		id: 2,
				// 		longitude: 126.692688,
				// 		latitude: 45.733888,
				// 		iconPath: '../../../static/images/carDriving/car1.png',
				// 		width: 22,
				// 		height: 20,
				// 		callout: {
				// 			content: '首都机场',
				// 			display:'ALWAYS',
				// 			fontSize: 14,
				// 			borderRadius: 5,
				// 			color:'#000',
				// 			bgColor: '#ffffff',
				// 			padding: 4,
				// 			borderRadius:4,
				// 			textAlign: 'center'
				// 		}
				// 	}
				// ]
				// this.markers = markesData
				// this.mapCenter = {
				// 	longitude: this.calculateCenter(markesData).longitude,
				// 	latitude: this.calculateCenter(markesData).latitude,
				// }
				// this.mapCenter={
				// 	longitude: 126.661995,
				// 	latitude: 45.742227,
				// }
			// 聚合功能
			setMarkersAndCluster(markerList) {
				// 1.组装数据之后,并赋值给地图上的marker
				this.markers = Array.from(markerList).map((item, i) => {
					return {
						width: 41,
						height: 41,
						iconPath: '../../../static/images/carDriving/car1.png',
						joinCluster: true, // 这个属性很重要,必须要
						callout: { // 自定义标记点上方的气泡窗口
							content: '***聚合1',
							display: 'ALWAYS', // 'BYCLICK':点击显示; 'ALWAYS':常显
							padding: 5,
							textAlign: 'center',
							color: '#C2874D',
							borderRadius: 4
						// label: { // 为标记点旁边增加标签
						// 	content: '你好,marker',
						// 	borderColor: '#ff0000',
						// 	bgColor: '#ffffff'
						// },

				// 2.初始化点聚合的配置,未调用时采用默认配置
					enableDefaultStyle: false, // 是否启用默认的聚合样式(是否用自定义图标)
					zoomOnClick: true,
					gridSize: 60,
					complete(res) {
						console.log('initMarkerCluster', res)

				// 3.发生聚合时,给聚合点设置marker标签
				this.mapContext.on('markerClusterCreate', res => {
					const clusters = res.clusters // 新产生的聚合簇
					const zhou = clusters.map(item => {
						const {
							center, // 聚合点的经纬度数组
							clusterId, // 聚合簇id
							markerIds // 已经聚合了的标记点id数组
						} = item
						return {
							width: 50,
							height: 50,
							clusterId, // 必须有
							iconPath: 'https://mapapi.qq.com/web/lbs/javascriptGL/demo/img/marker_blue.png',
							borderRadius: 8,
							joinCluster: true,
							label: { // 定制聚合点样式
								content: markerIds.length + '',
								fontSize: 14,
								width: 18,
								height: 18,
								color: '#ffffff',
								bgColor: '#C2874D',
								borderRadius: 6,
								textAlign: 'center',
								anchorX: 25,
								anchorY: -60,

					// 4. 添加聚合簇标签
						markers: zhou,
						clear: false, //是否先清空地图上所有的marker
			// 计算地图的中心点
			calculateCenter(markesData) {
				var sumLongitude = 0;
				var sumLatitude = 0;
				for (var i = 0; i < markesData.length; i++) {
					sumLongitude += markesData[i].longitude;
					sumLatitude += markesData[i].latitude;
				var averageLongitude = sumLongitude / markesData.length;
				var averageLatitude = sumLatitude / markesData.length;
				return {
					longitude: averageLongitude,
					latitude: averageLatitude
			confirmHandler(e) {
				this.showPicker = false
			// 判断是否展开下拉框
			showDownMenu() {
				this.showPicker = true
			// itemClick(item) {
			// 	console.log(item)
			// 	this.showMenu = !this.showMenu
			// 	this.carDatas.name = item.name
			// },
			// 切换导航栏
			activeTab(item, index) {
				if (item.count < 1 && index != 0) {
						icon: 'none',
						title: '暂无' + item.name + '车辆'
				this.current = index
			// 跳转车辆导航页
			goCarMonitor() {
					url: '/pages/carManage/carDrivingTrajectory/index',
<style scoped lang="scss">
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		/* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
		height: 100vh;
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		height: 100%;

	// view {
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	// }

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				height: 100%;
				overflow: unset;
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				position: relative;

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			height: 52rpx;
			line-height: 72rpx;
			overflow: unset;
			// margin: 16rpx 0 2rpx 0;

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			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;
			position: absolute;
			top: -0rpx;
			left: 68rpx;
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			overflow: unset;
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			font-weight: bold;

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				font-weight: bold;
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				display: flex;
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		align-items: center;

		.title-time-speed {
			margin-left: 20rpx;

	.abnormal-class {
		color: #FF3131;

	.footRoute {
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		height: 290rpx;
		margin-top: 168rpx;
		background-color: #fff;
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	<view class="map_wrap">
		<u-datetime-picker title="开始日期" :show="showpickerStart" @cancel="showpickerStart = false" v-model="pickerValue" mode="datetime" :formatter="formatter"
			ref="datetimePicker" @confirm="confirmPickerstart"></u-datetime-picker>
		<u-datetime-picker title="结束日期" :show="showpickerEnd" @cancel="showpickerEnd = false" v-model="pickerValue" mode="datetime" :formatter="formatter"
				ref="datetimePicker1" @confirm="confirmPickerend"></u-datetime-picker>
		<map class="mapCarDriving" id="mapCarDriving" style="width: 100%;" :markers="markers" :polyline="polyline"
			:include-points="polyline[0].points" :scale="16" :latitude="polyline[0].points[0].latitude"
		<view class="card-roll-content">
				<view class="card-roll-1 card-roll-common">
					2023-09-07 07:56:29
				<view class="card-roll-2 card-roll-common">
				<view class="card-roll-3 card-roll-common">
				<view class="card-roll-4 card-roll-common">
			<view class="drivingContent" v-show="isQuery">
				<view class="carId">
					<view class="carId-name">
					<view class="carId-number">
				<view class="carId-time lineClass">
				<view class="carId-time dateClass">
					<view :class="{active:index == current,carName:true}" :key="item.name"
						v-for="(item,index) in timeData" @click="checkDate(index)">
			<view class="drivingDataContent" v-show="!isQuery">
				<view class="drivingData-bg">
					<view v-if="!isDtail" class="button-group-left button-group-common" @click="speedReturn">
						<view class="group-left-font">
						<view class="group-left-icon">
							<image class="icon-img-up-speed"
					<view v-if="!isDtail" class="button-group-right button-group-common" @click="queryPop">
						<view class="group-right-font">
						<view class="group-right-icon">
							<image class="icon-img-query"
					<view class="start-icon-content">
						<image v-show="!isDtail" class="icon-img-up"
							src="../../../static/images/carDriving/up.png" @click="upDetail"></image>
						<image v-show="isDtail" class="icon-img-down"
							src="../../../static/images/carDriving/down.png" @click="upDetail"></image>
						<image v-show="!isStart && !isDtail" class="icon-img-start"
							src="../../../static/images/carDriving/start.png" @click="handleStartMove"></image>
						<image v-show="isStart && !isDtail" class="icon-img-start"
							src="../../../static/images/carDriving/start1.png" @click="handleStopMove"></image>
					<view class="carId">
						<view class="carId-name">
						<view class="carId-number">
					<view class="carId-info">
						<view class="carId-info-1">
							<view class="carId-info-1-speed">
							<view class="">
						<view class="carId-info-2">
							<view class="carId-info-2-time">
							<view class="">
						<view class="carId-info-3">
							<view class="carId-info-3-count">
							<view class="">
					<view class="carId-info-trip" v-show="isDtail">
						<view class="trip-content ">
							<view class="trip-common">
								<view class="trip-left">
									<view class="trip-left-icon">
									<view class="trip-left-name">
								<view class="trip-right">
									2023-09-05 14:17:14
							<view class="trip-adreass">
						<view class="trip-content ">
							<view class="trip-common">
								<view class="trip-left">
									<view class="trip-left-icon trip-left-icon-end">
									<view class="trip-left-name">
								<view class="trip-right">
									2023-09-05 14:17:14
							<view class="trip-adreass">
				<view class="driving-tips" v-show="isDtail">
					<view class="driving-tips-title">
						<view class="driving-tips-ticon">
							<image class="icon-img-down"
						<view class="driving-tips-name">
						<view class="driving-tips-count">
					<view class="driving-tips-content">
				<view class="driving-tips" v-show="isDtail">
					<view class="driving-tips-title">
						<view class="driving-tips-ticon">
							<image class="icon-img-down"
						<view class="driving-tips-name">
					<view class="driving-tips-content">
				<view class="driving-tips driving-tips-fast" v-show="isDtail">
					<view class="fast-left">
						<view class="">
							<image class="fast-left-icon"
						<view class="fast-left-name">
					<view class="fast-info">
						<view class="fast-info-1">
							<view class="fast-info-1-item">
							<view class="fast-info-1-item-name">
						<view class="fast-info-2">
							<view class="fast-info-2-item">
							<view class="fast-info-2-item-name">
						<view class="fast-info-3">
							<view class="fast-info-3-item">
							<view class="fast-info-3-item-name">
			<view class="foot" v-if="isQuery">
				<view class="foot-com" @click="cancel">
				<view class="foot-com foot-query" @click="queryData">
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				showpickerStart: false,
				showpickerEnd: false,
				pickerValue: Number(new Date()),
				mapContext: null, //地图对象
				nextPointIndex: 1, //下一个坐标点的索引
				durationTime: 1000, //相邻两点动画持续时长默认1秒
				polyline: [{
					width: 8,
					points: [],
					arrowLine: true,
					color: '#3591FC',
				markers: [{
					id: 1,
					width: 40,
					height: 40,
					latitude: 0,
					longitude: 0,
					iconPath: 'https://mapapi.qq.com/web/lbs/javascriptGL/demo/img/car.png',
					anchor: {
						x: 0.5,
						y: 1
				isDtail: false, //是否显示详情
				isQuery: true, //未点击查询时展示框
				isStart: false, //是否播放行车轨迹
				timeData: [{
					name: '今天'
				}, {
					name: '昨天'
				}, {
					name: '三天内'
				}, {
					name: '自定义'
				current: 0,
				title: 'map',
				latitude: 39.909, // 默认纬度
				longitude: 116.39742, // 默认经度(北京天安门)
				covers: [{
					id: 110,
					latitude: 39.909,
					longitude: 116.39742,
					iconPath: 'https://mapapi.qq.com/web/lbs/javascriptGL/demo/img/car.png',
					width: "20",
					height: "20"
				// controls: [{ // 控件
				// 	id: 99,
				// 	position: { // 控件位置
				// 		left: 160,
				// 		top: 120
				// 	},
				// 	iconPath: 'https://hellouniapp.dcloud.net.cn/static/location.png' // 控件图标
				// }],
				// address_info: "",
				// address_info_recomd: "",
				// address: ""
		onReady() {
			this.mapContext = uni.createMapContext('mapCarDriving', this)
		onLoad(option) {
			this.getTrack() //获取轨迹信息(只做演示,未进行远程请求)
		methods: {
			formatter(type, value) {
				if (type === 'year') {
					return `${value}年`
				if (type === 'month') {
					return `${value}月`
				if (type === 'day') {
					return `${value}日`
				return value
			confirmPickerend(e) {
				this.endTime = e.value
				this.showpickerEnd = false
			confirmPickerstart(e) {
				this.startTime = e.value
				this.showpickerStart = false
				this.showpickerEnd = true
			// 展示详情数据
			upDetail() {
				// 如果处于播放形成轨迹时,禁止打开详情
				if (this.isStart) {
						icon: 'none',
						title: '请停止播放新城轨迹后查看详情'
				this.isDtail = !this.isDtail
			// 切换日期选择tab
			checkDate(index) {
				this.current = index
				if(index === 3){
					this.showpickerStart = true
			// 倍速切换
			speedReturn() {
			// 显示隐藏查询条件弹框
			queryPop() {
				this.isQuery = !this.isQuery
			// 查询方法
			queryData() {
				this.isQuery = !this.isQuery
			// 取消返回上一页
			cancel() {
					delta: 1 //返回上个页面
			getTrack() {
				this.polyline[0].points = [{
						latitude: 39.997761,
						longitude: 116.478935
						latitude: 39.997825,
						longitude: 116.478939
						latitude: 39.998549,
						longitude: 116.478912
						latitude: 39.998555,
						longitude: 116.478998
						latitude: 39.998566,
						longitude: 116.479282
						latitude: 39.998528,
						longitude: 116.479658
						latitude: 39.998453,
						longitude: 116.480151
						latitude: 39.998302,
						longitude: 116.480784
						latitude: 39.998184,
						longitude: 116.481149
						latitude: 39.997997,
						longitude: 116.481573
						latitude: 39.997846,
						longitude: 116.481863
						latitude: 39.997718,
						longitude: 116.482072
						latitude: 39.997718,
						longitude: 116.482362
						latitude: 39.998935,
						longitude: 116.483633
						latitude: 39.998968,
						longitude: 116.48367
						latitude: 39.999861,
						longitude: 116.484648
				// this.durationTime = Math.ceil(30000 / this.polyline[0].points.length) //默认播放全程使用30秒,计算相连两点动画时长
			// initMapData() {
			// },
			initMarkers() {
				this.markers[0].latitude = this.polyline[0].points[0].latitude
				this.markers[0].longitude = this.polyline[0].points[0].longitude
			handleStartMove() {
				this.isStart = true
			handleStopMove() {
				this.isStart = false
			movePoint() {
					duration: 30000,
					markerId: this.markers[0].id,
					path: this.polyline[0].points
					duration: 800,
					markerId: this.markers[0].id,
					autoRotate: true, // 移动过程中自动旋转marker
					rotate:15,  // marker旋转角度
					moveWithRotate: false, // 小车平移与旋转同时进行
					destination: {
						latitude: this.polyline[0].points[this.nextPointIndex].latitude,
						longitude: this.polyline[0].points[this.nextPointIndex].longitude
					animationEnd: res => {
						if (this.nextPointIndex < this.polyline[0].points.length - 1) {
							if (this.isStart) {
						} else {
							this.nextPointIndex = 1
							this.isStart = false
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	.icon-img-query {
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		height: 20rpx;
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	.start-icon-content {
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		height: 34rpx;
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		.icon-img-start {
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			width: 100%;
			height: 80rpx;
			position: absolute;
			top: -96rpx;
			left: -2rpx;

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			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			margin-bottom: 20rpx;

			.carId-name {
				font-size: 36rpx;
				font-weight: bold;

			.carId-number {
				font-size: 24rpx;

		.carId-time {
			font-size: 28rpx;
			font-weight: bold;
			padding-top: 20rpx;

		.dateClass {
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;

			.carName {
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;
				width: 142rpx;
				height: 54rpx;
				font-size: 28rpx;
				border-radius: 27rpx;
				background-color: #E5E5E5;
				color: #666666;

			.active {
				color: #ffffff;
				background-color: #048AFB;

	.drivingDataContent {
		position: absolute;
		width: 690rpx;
		// height: 242rpx;
		bottom: 20rpx;
		left: 50%;
		margin-left: -345rpx;
		box-sizing: border-box;
		background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
		border-radius: $borderRadius;
		box-shadow: $box-shaow-common;

		.drivingData-bg {
			box-sizing: border-box;
			border-radius: $borderRadius;
			padding: 30rpx 40rpx 40rpx;
			background-color: $bgF;
			box-shadow: $box-shaow-common;

		.driving-tips {
			height: 160rpx;
			background-color: $bgF;
			border-radius: $borderRadius;
			box-sizing: border-box;
			padding: 20rpx;
			margin-top: 20rpx;
			box-shadow: $box-shaow-common;

			.driving-tips-title {
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;

				.driving-tips-ticon {
					width: 50rpx;
					height: 50rpx;
						width: 50rpx;
						height: 50rpx;

			.driving-tips-count {
				font-size: 30rpx;
				font-weight: bold;
				color: #666666;
				margin-left: 10rpx;

			.driving-tips-content {
				margin-top: 10rpx;
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;
				color: #999999;

		.driving-tips-fast {
			height: 200rpx;

			.fast-left {
				display: flex;
				align-items: center;

				.fast-left-icon {
					width: 50rpx;
					height: 50rpx;

				.fast-left-name {
					font-size: 15px;
					font-weight: bold;
					color: #666666;
					margin-left: 5px;

			.fast-info {
				display: flex;
				justify-content: space-around;
				margin-top: 18rpx;

				.fast-info-3 {
					text-align: center;

				.fast-info-3-item {
					font-size: 36rpx;
					font-weight: bold;
					color: #222222;

				.fast-info-3-item-name {
					font-size: 22rpx;
					font-weight: bold;
					color: #999999;
					margin-top: 18rpx;

		.carId {
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			margin-bottom: 20rpx;

			.carId-name {
				font-size: 36rpx;
				font-weight: bold;

			.carId-number {
				font-size: 24rpx;

		.carId-info {
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			margin-top: 50rpx;

			.carId-info-3 {
				display: flex;
				flex-direction: column;
				align-items: center;
				font-size: 22rpx;
				color: #999999;

			.carId-info-1-speed {
				font-size: 36rpx;
				font-weight: bold;
				color: #048AFB;
				padding-bottom: 20rpx;

			.carId-info-2-time {
				font-size: 36rpx;
				font-weight: bold;
				color: #31CF93;
				padding-bottom: 20rpx;

			.carId-info-3-count {
				font-size: 36rpx;
				font-weight: bold;
				color: #E66F57;
				padding-bottom: 20rpx;


	.carId-info-trip {
		.trip-common {
			display: flex;
			justify-content: space-between;
			align-items: center;

		.trip-content {
			margin-top: 20rpx;

			.trip-left {
				display: flex;
				justify-content: center;
				align-items: center;

				.trip-left-icon {
					width: 22rpx;
					height: 22rpx;
					background-color: #31cf93;
					border-radius: 50%;

				.trip-left-icon-end {
					background-color: #e8ae32;

				.trip-left-name {
					color: #666666;
					font-size: 28rpx;
					font-weight: bold;
					margin-left: 16rpx;

			.trip-right {
				color: #999999;
				font-size: 24rpx;

		.trip-adreass {
			color: #666666;
			font-size: 24rpx;
			letter-spacing: 4rpx;
			line-height: 30rpx;
			margin-top: 20rpx;
			word-break: break-all;
			text-overflow: ellipsis;
			word-wrap: break-word;
			white-space: pre-wrap;

		.trip-end {}

	.foot {
		display: flex;
		justify-content: space-between;
		position: absolute;
		width: 690rpx;
		height: 100rpx;
		bottom: 10rpx;
		left: 50%;
		margin-left: -345rpx;

		.foot-com {
			width: 332rpx;
			height: 74rpx;
			display: flex;
			font-size: 30rpx;
			color: #999999;
			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;
			background-color: #ffffff;
			border-radius: 20rpx;
			box-shadow: $box-shaow-common;

		.foot-query {
			background-color: #048AFB;
			color: #ffffff;



	<view class="map_wrap">
		<!-- <u-picker :show="showPicker" @cancel="showPicker = false" :columns="columnsMapIdList" keyName="vehicleNo"
			@confirm="confirmHandler"></u-picker> -->
		<!-- <song-data-picker :map="{text:'vehicleNo',value:'vehicleId'}" ref="songPicker"
			style="position: absolute;top: -1000px;" :localdata="columnsMapIdList" popup-title="请选择车辆" :openSearch="true"
			:searchFn="mySearchFn" :openInputSearch="true" @nodeclick="nodeclick" @change="changeSelect"></song-data-picker> -->
		<view class="carList-content" v-show = "showCarListPop">
			<view class="icon-class">
				<uni-icons color="#949292" class="icon-class-closed" @click="showCarListPop = false" type="closeempty" size="20"></uni-icons>
			<view class="class-search">
				<uni-easyinput class="uni-mt-5" suffixIcon="search" v-model="vehicleNo" placeholder="请搜索车辆" @iconClick="iconClick"></uni-easyinput>
			<view class="carList">		
				<view v-for="(item,index) in columnsMapIdList" :key="index" @click="chooseCar(item,1)">
					<view class="carList-flexd">
						<view class="icon-class">
							<uni-icons color="#949292" class="icon-class-right" type="right" size="20"></uni-icons>
		<u-datetime-picker title="开始日期" :show="showpickerStart" @cancel="showpickerStart = false" v-model="pickerValue"
			mode="datetime" :formatter="formatter" ref="datetimePicker" @confirm="confirmPickerstart"></u-datetime-picker>
		<u-datetime-picker title="结束日期" :show="showpickerEnd" @cancel="showpickerEnd = false" v-model="pickerValue"
			mode="datetime" :formatter="formatter" ref="datetimePicker1" @confirm="confirmPickerend"></u-datetime-picker>
		<map :show-location="false" :enable-poi="true" :enable-traffic="enableTraffic" class="mapCarDriving"
			id="mapCarDriving" :enable-satellite="enableSatellite" style="width: 100%;" :markers="markers"
			:polyline="polyline" :include-points="polyline[0].points" :show-scale="true" :scale="mapScale"
			:latitude="mapCenter.latitude" :longitude="mapCenter.longitude">
		<!-- <view class="card-roll-content" v-show="isStart">
			<view class="card-roll-1 card-roll-common">
				2023-09-07 07:56:29
			<view class="card-roll-2 card-roll-common">
			<view class="card-roll-3 card-roll-common">
			<view class="card-roll-4 card-roll-common">
		</view> -->
		<view class="other-content">
			<view class="mapReturn" @click="enableSatellite = !enableSatellite">
				<image class="map-icon-img" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/GIS.png'"></image>
			<view class="trafficlight" @click="enableTraffic = !enableTraffic">
				<image class="trafficlight-icon-img" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/trafficlight.png'">
			<view class="omit">
				<image class="omit-icon-img" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/omit.jpg'"></image>
		<view class="amplify-content">
			<view class="amplify-plus" @click="amplifyPlus">
				<u-icon name="plus" color="#999999" size="24"></u-icon>
			<view class="amplify-min" @click="amplifyMin">
				<u-icon name="minus" color="#999999" size="24"></u-icon>
		<view class="postion-content" @click="postionMarkerCenter">
			<image class="postion-icon-img" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/postion.png'"></image>
		<view class="postion-scale">
			<view class="scale-count">
		<view class="drivingContent" v-show="isQuery">
			<view class="carId">
				<view class="carId-name" @click="showDownMenu">
					<view class="">
					<view class="">
						<image class="left-icon-img" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/xiala.png'"></image>
				<view class="carId-number">

			<view class="carId-time lineClass">
			<view class="carId-time dateClass">
				<view :class="{active:index == current,carName:true}" :key="item.name" v-for="(item,index) in timeData"
		<view class="drivingDataContent" v-show="!isQuery">
			<view class="drivingData-bg">
				<view v-if="!isDtail" class="button-group-left button-group-common">
					<view class="button-group-left-i" @click="speedReturn">
						<view class="group-left-font">
						<view class="group-left-icon">
							<image class="icon-img-up-speed" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/speed.png'">
					<view class="selectDown" v-show="showMenu">
						<view class="selectDownItem" v-for="(item,index) in carOptions" :key='item.id' @click="itemClick(item)">
				<view v-if="!isDtail" class="button-group-right button-group-common" @click="queryPop">
					<view class="group-right-font">
					<view class="group-right-icon">
						<image class="icon-img-query" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/query.png'"></image>
				<view class="start-icon-content">
					<image v-show="!isDtail" class="icon-img-up" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/up.png'"
					<image v-show="isDtail" class="icon-img-down" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/down.png'"
					<image v-show="!isStart" class="icon-img-start" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/start.png'"
					<image v-show="isStart" class="icon-img-start" :src="globalConfig.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/start1.png'"
				<view class="carId">
					<view class="carId-name">
					<view class="carId-number">
				<!-- <view class="carId-info">
					<view class="carId-info-1">
						<view class="carId-info-1-speed">
						<view class="">
					<view class="carId-info-2">
						<view class="carId-info-2-time">
						<view class="">
					<view class="carId-info-3">
						<view class="carId-info-3-count">
						<view class="">
				</view> -->
				<view class="carId-info-trip" v-show="isDtail">
					<view class="trip-content ">
						<view class="trip-common">
							<view class="trip-left">
								<view class="trip-left-icon">
								<view class="trip-left-name">
							<view class="trip-right">
						<view class="trip-adreass">
					<view class="trip-content ">
						<view class="trip-common">
							<view class="trip-left">
								<view class="trip-left-icon trip-left-icon-end">
								<view class="trip-left-name">
							<view class="trip-right">
						<view class="trip-adreass">
			<!-- <view class="driving-tips" v-show="isDtail">
				<view class="driving-tips-title">
					<view class="driving-tips-ticon">
						<image class="icon-img-down" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/warn.png"></image>
					<view class="driving-tips-name">
					<view class="driving-tips-count">
				<view class="driving-tips-content">
			<view class="driving-tips" v-show="isDtail">
				<view class="driving-tips-title">
					<view class="driving-tips-ticon">
						<image class="icon-img-down" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/heat.png"></image>
					<view class="driving-tips-name">
				<view class="driving-tips-content">
			</view> -->
			<!-- <view class="driving-tips driving-tips-fast" v-show="isDtail">
				<view class="fast-left">
					<view class="">
						<image class="fast-left-icon" src="../../../static/images/carDriving/fast.png"></image>
					<view class="fast-left-name">
				<view class="fast-info">
					<view class="fast-info-1">
						<view class="fast-info-1-item">
						<view class="fast-info-1-item-name">
					<view class="fast-info-2">
						<view class="fast-info-2-item">
						<view class="fast-info-2-item-name">
					<view class="fast-info-3">
						<view class="fast-info-3-item">
						<view class="fast-info-3-item-name">
			</view> -->
		<view class="foot" v-if="isQuery">
			<view class="foot-com" @click="cancel">
			<view class="foot-com foot-query" @click="queryData">

	import {
	} from '@/api/carManage/carDriving'
	import {
	} from "@/utils/timeString.js"
	import {
	} from '../../api/login'
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				globalConfig: getApp().globalData.config, // 默认设置项
				showPicker: false,
				carName: '',
				columnsMapIdList: [],
				latitude: '',
				longitude: '',
				enableTraffic: false, //是否展示路况信息
				enableSatellite: false,
				// carParams:{
				//     pageParamVO: {
				//         pageSize: 8000,
				//         curPage: 1
				//     },
				//     vehicleid: '',
				//     startTime: startCurrentDateTime,
				//     endTime: endTCurrentDateTime,
				//     isShare: 0,
				//     isRevised: 0
				// },
				mapScale: 16,
				scaleCount: '100M', //比例尺数值
				carOptions: [{
						id: 0.5,
						name: '0.5倍速'
						id: 1,
						name: '1倍速'
						id: 2,
						name: '2倍速'
						id: 4,
						name: '4倍速'
				showMenu: false,
				watchScale: null,
				carInfoDetail: {
					splace: '',
					eplace: '',
					maxSpeed: '',
					avgSpeed: '',
					minSpeed: '',
					allodo: '',
					stime: '',
					etime: '',
					vehicleNo: ''
				carParams: {
					runtype: 0, //运行类型 0表示全部,1表示运行,48表示停车
					interval: 0, //间隔时间
					vehicleId: '', //车辆Id
					beginTime: startCurrentDateTime, //开始时间
					endTime: endTCurrentDateTime, //结束时间
					pageParamNewVO: {
						curPage: 1, //当前页
						pageSize: 8000 //页条目数
					} //分页参数
				// 请求回来的车辆信息
				// carDataInfo:{},
				startPlaceInfo: {},
				endPlaceInfo: {},
				showpickerStart: false,
				showpickerEnd: false,
				pickerValue: Number(new Date()),
				mapContext: null, //地图对象
				nextPointIndex: 1, //下一个坐标点的索引
				durationTime: 1000, //相邻两点动画持续时长默认1秒
				speedMultiple: 1, //默认轨迹播放倍速
				polyline: [{
					width: 6,
					points: [],
					arrowLine: true,
					color: '#ffb676',
				// 默认地图中心点坐标,每次小车移动都将其跟踪到中心点
				mapCenter: {
					latitude: 45.754301,
					longitude: 126.617981,
				markers: [{
					id: 1,
					width: 13,
					height: 13,
					// width: 40,
					// height: 40,
					latitude: 45.754301,
					longitude: 126.617981,
					// iconPath: getApp().globalData.config.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/car.png',
					iconPath: getApp().globalData.config.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/drivingCar.png',
					anchor: {
						x: 0.5,
						y: 1
				wait: 800,
				timer: null,
				timeInterval: null, //间隔几秒设置一次地图中心点
				isDtail: false, //是否显示详情
				isQuery: false, //未点击查询时展示框
				isStart: false, //是否播放行车轨迹
				timeData: [{
					name: '今天'
				}, {
					name: '昨天'
				}, {
					name: '三天内'
				}, {
					name: '自定义'
				current: 0,
				title: 'map',
				// controls: [{ // 控件
				// 	id: 99,
				// 	position: { // 控件位置
				// 		left: 160,
				// 		top: 120
				// 	},
				// 	iconPath: 'https://hellouniapp.dcloud.net.cn/static/location.png' // 控件图标
				// }],
				// address_info: "",
				// address_info_recomd: "",
				// address: ""
		watch: {
			// 监听地图比例尺变化
			mapScaleCur: {
				handler(newScale, oldScale) {
					// console.log(newScale)
					switch (newScale) {
						case 3:
							this.scaleCount = '1000KM'
						case 4:
							this.scaleCount = '500KM'
						case 5:
							this.scaleCount = '200KM'
						case 6:
							this.scaleCount = '100KM'
						case 7:
							this.scaleCount = '50KM'
						case 8:
							this.scaleCount = '50KM'
						case 9:
							this.scaleCount = '20KM'
						case 10:
							this.scaleCount = '10KM'
						case 11:
							this.scaleCount = '5KM'
						case 12:
							this.scaleCount = '2KM'
						case 13:
							this.scaleCount = '1KM'
						case 14:
							this.scaleCount = '500M'
						case 15:
							this.scaleCount = '200M'
						case 16:
							this.scaleCount = '100M'
						case 17:
							this.scaleCount = '50M'
						case 18:
							this.scaleCount = '50M'
						case 19:
							this.scaleCount = '20M'
						case 20:
							this.scaleCount = '10M'

				immediate: true
		onShow() {
			// 重置时间戳
			this.current = 0
			this.carParams.beginTime = startCurrentDateTime
			this.carParams.endTime = endTCurrentDateTime
			this.speedMultiple = 1
			this.mapScale = 16
			this.enableTraffic = false
		mounted() {
		onReady() {

		onLoad(options) {
			let that = this
			// console.log(options)
			this.carParams.vehicleId = options.vehicleId
			this.carName = options.carName
			// 默认查询当日车辆轨迹信息
			// 因小程序无法监听地图手指缩放,只能使用定时器解决
			that.watchScale = setInterval(()=>{
					success(res) {
						// console.log(Math.floor(res.scale))
						// 监听比例尺变化
						that.mapScaleCur= Math.floor(res.scale)
		onHide() {
			// 页面隐藏
			// 暂停轨迹回放
			this.isStart = false
		onUnload() {
		methods: {
			// 选择下拉倍速
			itemClick(item) {
				// console.log(item)
				let wait = 800
				this.showMenu = false
				if (item.id == 0.5) {
					this.wait = wait / item.id
				if (item.id == 1) {
					this.wait = wait / item.id / 1
				if (item.id == 2) {
					this.wait = wait / item.id / 5
				if (item.id == 4) {
					this.wait = wait / item.id / 20
				// this.wait = this.wait / item.id
				// console.log(this.wait)
				this.speedMultiple = item.id
				// this.carDatas.name = item.name
			// 地图视野发生变化
			// regionchange(obj){
			// 	console.log(obj)
			// 	console.log('视野发生变化')
			// 	// 获取地图缩放级别,设置比例尺
			// 	this.mapContext.getScale({
			// 		success(res) {
			// 			console.log(res)
			// 			this.mapScale= Math.floor(res.scale)
			// 		}
			// 	 })
			// },
			// 处理带搜索条件的picker组件
			// mySearchFn(searchList, searchWord) {
			// 	return searchList.filter(x => x.searchText.includes(searchWord));
			// },
			// 之所以使用changeSelect及nodeclick两个方法,是组件缺陷,无法活动自定义字段
			// changeSelect(e) {
			// 	console.log(e)
			// 	if (e.detail.value[0].vehicleId) {
			// 		this.confirmHandler(e.detail.value[0])
			// 	}
			// },
			// nodeclick(e) {
			// 	console.log(e)
			// 	this.confirmHandler(e)
			// },
			amplifyPlus() {
				if (this.mapScale > 20) {
					this.mapScale = 20
			amplifyMin() {
				if (this.mapScale < 3) {
					this.mapScale = 3
			chooseCar(e) {
				// console.log(e)
				// 调用接口,获取当前车辆数据信息,同时将该车辆定位地图中心点
				this.showCarListPop = false
				this.carParams.vehicleId = e.vehicleId
				this.carName = e.vehicleNo
			// 判断是否展开下拉框
			showDownMenu() {
				this.showCarListPop = true
				// this.$refs.songPicker.show()
					title: '加载中...',
					mask: true
				findByAllCarIdList({vehicleNo:this.vehicleNo}).then(res => {
					// 将数据处理成组件需要格式
					const resArr = res.result.slice(0,100)
					// 赋值picker组件
					this.columnsMapIdList = resArr
					// this.columnsMapIdList = res.result
			// 获取车辆id下拉数组
			getByAllCarIdList(vehicleNo) {
				findByAllCarIdList().then(res => {
					// console.log(res)
					// 将数据处理成组件需要格式
					const resArr = res.result.slice(0,100)
					// 赋值picker组件
					this.columnsMapIdList = resArr
			formatter(type, value) {
				if (type === 'year') {
					return `${value}年`
				if (type === 'month') {
					return `${value}月`
				if (type === 'day') {
					return `${value}日`
				return value
			confirmPickerend(e) {
				if (e.value > (this.carParams.beginTime + 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) {
						icon: 'none',
						title: '请查询10日内信息'
				this.carParams.endTime = e.value
				if (this.carParams.endTime < this.carParams.beginTime) {
						icon: 'none',
						title: '结束时间不能小于开始时间'
				this.showpickerEnd = false
			confirmPickerstart(e) {
				// console.log(e)
				if (e.value > new Date()) {
						icon: 'none',
						title: '开始时间不能大于当前时间'
				this.carParams.beginTime = e.value
				this.showpickerStart = false
				this.showpickerEnd = true
			// 展示详情数据
			upDetail() {
				this.isDtail = !this.isDtail
			// 切换日期选择tab
			checkDate(index) {
				this.current = index
				if (index === 0) {
					this.carParams.beginTime = startCurrentDateTime
					this.carParams.endTime = endTCurrentDateTime
				if (index === 1) {
					this.carParams.beginTime = yesterdayStartDateTime
					this.carParams.endTime = yesterdayEndDateTime
				if (index === 2) {
					this.carParams.beginTime = threeDaysStartDateTime
					this.carParams.endTime = endTCurrentDateTime
				if (index === 3) {
					this.showpickerStart = true
			// 倍速切换
			speedReturn() {
				this.showMenu = !this.showMenu
			// 显示隐藏查询条件弹框
			queryPop() {
				this.isQuery = !this.isQuery
			// 查询方法
			queryData() {
				this.nextPointIndex = 1
				this.isStart = false
				this.isQuery = true
				// 调用接口获取范围时间内车辆轨迹

			// 取消返回上一页
			cancel() {
					delta: 1 //返回上个页面
			getTrack(params) {
				// 每次获取数据前对上次数据进行初始化
				this.mapContext = uni.createMapContext('mapCarDriving', this)
				// 未查询到轨迹信息还原地图坐标
				this.polyline = [{
						width: 8,
						points: [],
						arrowLine: true,
						color: '#ffb676',
					this.mapCenter = {
						latitude: 45.754301,
						longitude: 126.617981,
				this.markers = [{
					id: 1,
					width: 13,
					height: 13,
					// width: 40,
					// height: 40,
					latitude: 45.754301,
					longitude: 126.617981,
					// iconPath: getApp().globalData.config.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/car.png',
					iconPath: getApp().globalData.config.baseImgUrl + 'carDriving/drivingCar.png',
					anchor: {
						x: 0.5,
						y: 1
				getTrackInfoList(params).then(res => {
					// console.log(res)
					// 未查询到行车轨迹不打开轨迹播放弹框
					if (res.result.data.length <= 1) {
							icon: 'none',
							title: '当前日期未查询到车辆行车轨迹'
						this.mapScale = 16
					// 展示数据赋值
					this.carInfoDetail.splace = res.result.splace
					this.carInfoDetail.eplace = res.result.eplace
					this.carInfoDetail.maxSpeed = res.result.maxSpeed
					this.carInfoDetail.minSpeed = res.result.minSpeed
					this.carInfoDetail.allodo = res.result.allodo
					this.carInfoDetail.stime = res.result.stime
					this.carInfoDetail.etime = res.result.etime
					this.carInfoDetail.avgSpeed = res.result.avgSpeed
					this.carInfoDetail.vehicleNo = res.result.vehicleNo
					// 查询到数据,隐藏查询条件
					this.isQuery = false
					const pointsList = []
					const result = res.result.data
					this.startPlaceInfo = res.result.startPlaceName
					this.EndPlaceInfo = res.result.endPlaceName
					// 循环处理数据,得到地图需要的数据结构
					for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
							latitude: result[i].lat,
							longitude: result[i].lon,
							direction: result[i].direction,
							speed: result[i].speed,
					this.polyline[0].points = pointsList
					// this.durationTime = Math.ceil(30000 / this.polyline[0].points.length)
					// console.log(this.durationTime)
					// console.log(123)
					// }
			initMarkers() {
				// 查询到结果后,将车辆定位到地图中间
				this.markers[0].latitude = this.polyline[0].points[0].latitude
				this.markers[0].longitude = this.polyline[0].points[0].longitude
				this.mapCenter = {
					latitude: this.polyline[0].points[0].latitude,
					longitude: this.polyline[0].points[0].longitude,
			handleStartMove() {
				this.isStart = true
				// 每次移动,都将车定位到地图中间
				this.timeInterval = setInterval(() => {
					this.mapCenter = {
						latitude: this.polyline[0].points[this.nextPointIndex].latitude,
						longitude: this.polyline[0].points[this.nextPointIndex].longitude,
				}, 2000);
				// 判断轨迹点的多少,轨迹点比较少行驶距离较短,地图比例放大
				if (this.polyline[0].points.length < 300) {
					this.mapScale = 18
				} else {
					this.mapScale = 14
			handleStopMove() {
				this.isStart = false
			// 计算两点间角度,改变图标方向
			calcAngle(start, end) {
				let y = Math.sin(end.longitude - start.longitude) * Math.cos(end.latitude);
				let x =
					Math.cos(start.latitude) * Math.sin(end.latitude) -
					Math.sin(start.latitude) * Math.cos(end.latitude) * Math.cos(end.longitude - start.longitude);
				let angle = Math.atan2(y, x);
				angle = (180 * angle) / Math.PI;
				return angle;
			// 定位地图中心位置
			postionMarkerCenter() {
				this.mapCenter.latitude = this.latitude ? this.latitude : 45.754301
				this.mapCenter.longitude = this.longitude ? this.longitude : 126.617981
			movePoint() {
				let that = this
				// 每次移动坐标都存储当前坐标,方便定位坐标点到地图中间
				that.latitude = that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex - 1].latitude
				that.longitude = that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex - 1].longitude
				// console.log(that.wait)
				// 获取地图缩放级别,设置比例尺
				// that.mapContext.getScale({
				// 	success(res) {
				// 		console.log(res)
				// 		that.mapScale= Math.floor(res.scale)
				// 	}
				//  })
				// console.log(that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex - 1].speed / that.speedMultiple)
								// duration: Math.floor(that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex - 1].speed * that
								// .speedMultiple), //两点间播放速度
								// duration: that.durationTime, //两点间播放速度speed
								duration: that.wait, //两点间播放速度speed
								markerId: that.markers[0].id,
								autoRotate: false, // 移动过程中自动旋转marker
								rotate: 0, // marker旋转角度
								// rotate: that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex].direction, // marker旋转角度
								// rotate: that.calcAngle(that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex-1],that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex]), // marker旋转角度
								moveWithRotate: false, // 小车平移与旋转同时进行
								destination: {
									latitude: that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex].latitude,
									longitude: that.polyline[0].points[that.nextPointIndex].longitude
								animationEnd: res => {
									if (that.nextPointIndex < that.polyline[0].points.length - 1) {
										if (that.isStart) {
									} else {
										that.nextPointIndex = 1
										that.isStart = false
										// 移动结束后,将车辆定位到地图初始位置,可重复播放
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			width: 80%;
			margin: 0 auto;
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				padding: 16rpx;
				display: flex;
				justify-content: space-between;
				align-items: center;
  • 6
  • 13
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 7
要在uniapp中使用百度地图实现定位功能并兼容小程序,你需要按照以下步骤操作: 1. 在百度地图开放平台申请一个应用,并获取到AK(Access Key)。 2. 在uniapp的manifest.json文件中添加以下代码: ``` "mp-baidu": { "appid": "your-appid", "apiKey": "your-apiKey" } ``` 将your-appid和your-apiKey替换成你申请得到的AK信息。 3. 在需要使用定位功能的页面中,引入百度地图组件: ``` <template> <view> <mp-baidu-map :longitude="longitude" :latitude="latitude" :markers="markers" :show-location="true"></mp-baidu-map> </view> </template> <script> import mpBaiduMap from '@/components/mp-baidu-map/mp-baidu-map.vue' export default { components: { mpBaiduMap }, data () { return { longitude: 116.404, latitude: 39.915, markers: [{ id: 1, longitude: 116.404, latitude: 39.915, title: 'Marker' }] } }, onReady () { uni.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: (res) => { this.longitude = res.longitude this.latitude = res.latitude this.markers[0].longitude = res.longitude this.markers[0].latitude = res.latitude } }) } } </script> ``` 在onReady生命周期函数中,调用uni.getLocation获取当前位置的经纬度信息,并将其赋值给longitude和latitude变量。然后将这些信息传递给mp-baidu-map组件,以显示当前位置的地图。 注意:这里的经纬度是使用GCJ-02坐标系获取的,如果需要使用WGS-84坐标系,可以将type参数设置为wgs84。 4. 在小程序平台中,需要在app.json文件中声明mp-baidu组件: ``` "usingComponents": { "mp-baidu-map": "@/components/mp-baidu-map/mp-baidu-map" } ``` 以上就是在uniapp中使用百度地图实现定位功能并兼容小程序的步骤。


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 7




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


