【计算机科学术语表 Glossary for Computer Science 1-A-Z】2、A篇




AC adapter: Notebook computers use AC adapters that are typically outside the system unit. They plug into a standard wall outlet, convert AC to DC, provide power to drive the system components, and can recharge batteries.

Access: Refers to the responsibility of those who have data to control who is able to use that data.

Access speed: Measures the amount of time required by the storage device to retrieve data and programs.

Accounting: The organizational department that records all financial activity from billing customers to paying employees.

Accounts payable: The activity that shows the money a company owes to its suppliers for the materials and services it has received.

Accounts receivable: The activity that shows what money has been received or is owed by customers.

Accuracy: Relates to the responsibility of those who collect data to ensure that the data is correct.

Active display area: The diagonal length of a monitor’s viewing area.

Activity tracker: A wearable computer that typically monitors daily exercise and sleep patterns.

Additive manufacturing: See 3D printing.

Address: Located in the header of an e-mail message; the e-mail address of the persons sending, receiving, and, optionally, anyone else who is to receive copies.

Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET): A national computer network from which the Internet developed.

Agile development: A development methodology that starts by getting core functionality of a program working, then expands on it until the customer is satisfied with the results.

All-in-one desktop: A desktop computer that has the monitor and system unit housed together in the same case (e.g., Apple’s iMac).

Analog: Continuous signals that vary to represent different tones, pitches, and volume.

Analog signals: Signals that represent a range of frequencies, such as the human voice. They are a continuous electronic wave signal as opposed to a digital signal that is either on or off.

Android: Mobile operating system originally developed by Android Inc., and later purchased by Google.

Antispyware: See Spy removal programs.

Antivirus program: A utility program that guards a computer system from viruses or other damaging programs.

App: See Application software.

App store: A website that provides access to specific mobile apps that can be downloaded either for a nominal fee or free of charge.

Application generation subsystem: Provides tools to create data entry forms and specialized programming languages that interface or work with common languages, such as C or Visual Basic (VB).

Application generator: Also called program coder; provides modules of prewritten code to accomplish various tasks, such as calculation of overtime pay.

Application software: Also referred to as apps. Software that can perform useful work, such as word processing, cost estimating, or accounting tasks. The user primarily interacts with application software.

Arithmetic-logic unit (ALU): The part of the CPU that performs arithmetic and logical operations.

Arithmetic operation: Fundamental math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Artificial intelligence (AI): A field of computer science that attempts to develop computer systems that can mimic or simulate human thought processes and actions.

Artificial reality: See Virtual reality.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): Binary coding scheme widely used on all computers, including personal computers. Eight bits form each byte, and each byte represents one character.

Aspect ratio: The width of a monitor divided by its height. Common aspect ratios for monitors are 4:3 (standard) and 16:9 (wide screen).

Assembly language: A step up from machine language, using names instead of numbers. These languages use abbreviations or mnemonics, such as ADD, that are automatically converted to the appropriate sequence of 1s and 0s.

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL): One of the most widely used types of telephone high-speed connections (DSL).

Attachment: A file, such as a document or worksheet, that is attached to an e-mail message.

Attribute: A data field that represents an attribute (description or characteristic) of some entity (person, place, thing, or object). For example, an employee is an entity with many attributes, including his or her last name, address, phone, etc.

Authentication: The process of ensuring the identity of a user.

Automated design tool: Software package that evaluates hardware and software alternatives according to requirements given by the systems analyst. Also called computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools.


《计算机科学导论 Computing Essentials 2021 (2021英文精编版)》,Timothy J. O’Leary, Linda I. O’Leary, Daniel A. O’Leary 著,北京,机械工业出版社,2020年9月。

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