
6.4.2 Time Synchronization (SYNC)
Time Synchronization (SYNC) MUST be transmitted by CMTS at a periodic interval to establish MAC sublayer timing. The CMTS MUST format this message to use an FC field with FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header and FC_PARM = Timing MAC Header, followed by a Packet PDU in the format shown in Figure 30 - Format of Packet
PDU Following the Timing Header.

The CMTS MUST transmit SYNCs on Primary-Capable DS Channels. The CMTS MUST NOT transmit SYNCs on non-Primary Capable DS Channels.
The parameters are as defined below:
CMTS Timestamp: The count state of an incrementing 32-bit binary counter clocked with the CMTS 10.24 MHz
master clock.

The CMTS timestamp represents the count state at the instant that the first byte (or a fixed time offset from the first byte) of the Time Synchronization MAC Management Message is transferred from the Downstream Transmission Convergence Sublayer to the Downstream Physical Media Dependent Sublayer as described in [DOCSIS DRFI].
The CMTS MUST NOT allow a SYNC message to cross an MPEG packet boundary.

6.4.3 Upstream Channel Descriptor (UCD)
An Upstream Channel Descriptor MUST be transmitted by the CMTS at a periodic interval to define the characteristics of a logical upstream channel (Figure 31 - Upstream Channel Descriptor). A separate message MUST be transmitted by the CMTS for each logical upstream that is currently available for use. The CMTS MUST send UCD messages for a given upstream channel on the same downstream channel(s) that it sends the MAP messages for that upstream channel.

The following table describes the linkage between channel types, UCD types, logical channel types, burst descriptor types, and the DOCSIS modes in which a CM is able to use the channel. The table also indicates the sections of the specification in which the particular item is detailed.
The MAC management header for this message has 4 possible values for the Type field and for the Version field.For a Type 5 channel, the CMTS MUST use a value of 51 for the Type field and use a value of 5 for the Version field. For a Type 4 channel, the CMTS MUST use a value of 35 for the Type field and use a value of 4 for the Version field. For Type 3 channels, the CMTS MUST use a value of 29 for the Type field and a value of 3 for the Version field. For Type 1 and Type 2 channels, the CMTS MUST use a value of 2 for the Type field and a value of 1 for the Version field

Depending on the IUC UCD message Type, and Channel Type, burst descriptors can be encoded as either Type 4,Type 5, or Type 23 TLVs. A CMTS MUST NOT use Type 5 TLVs to encode IUCs 1-6 in a UCD with a message Type of 2. If a Type 2 UCD describes a mixed 1.x/2.0 PHY logical channel, the CMTS MUST additionally contain
Type 5 TLV burst descriptors for IUCs 9 and/or 10 and/or 11 providing advanced TDMA data opportunities in the UCD. Advanced TDMA burst descriptor attributes are those that can be included in a Type 5 burst descriptor but cannot be included in a Type 4 burst descriptor. A CMTS MUST use only Type 5 TLVs to encode burst profiles in a UCD with a message Type of 29. A CMTS MUST use only Type 5 TLVs to encode burst profiles in a UCD with a message Type of 35. A CMTS MUST use only Type 23 TLVs to encode burst profiles in a UCD with a message Type of 51.

A Type 29 UCD transmitted by a CMTS MUST contain a Type 5 burst descriptor for ranging, a Type 5 burst descriptor for requests, and a Type 5 burst descriptor for data.

In a Type 29 UCD a CMTS MUST NOT include burst descriptors for IUCs 5 or 6 in a UCD message for a Type 3 Upstream Channel.

In a Type 35 UCD a CMTS MUST include burst descriptors for data grants corresponding to IUCs 5, 6, 9, and 10.
For a Type 35 UCD, the CMTS MAY include:
• Burst attributes that enable SAC Mode 2 and Code Hopping Mode 2.
• Burst attributes associated with IUC 11 that are not intended for UGS.
To make use of the UCD possibilities enumerated above, the channel described by the Type 35 UCD can only be used by DOCSIS 3.0 CMs.

A channel could be shared by DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 2.0 CMs using a UCD of Type 29 and a UCD of Type 35 to describe the same channel corresponding to the same Upstream Channel ID. However, only one set of MAPs pertaining to the UCID is generated and grants are allocated in the MAP. The purpose of this multiple UCD to UCID mapping is for conservation of a logical channel in the case DOCSIS 2.0 CMs and DOCSIS 3.0 CMs operate in the same frequency channel. Because a UCD of Type 29 is not allowed to have burst descriptors for IUC 5 and 6,using a Type 29 UCD for both DOCSIS 2.0 and 3.0 CMs restricts the DOCSIS 3.0 CMs operating in Multiple
Transmit Channel Mode from being commanded to use burst profiles for data transmissions from up to five assigned burst profiles in the UCD message (IUC 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11). Assigning the DOCSIS 2.0 CMs and 3.0 CMs to separate logical channels is a solution subject to disadvantages of loss of statistical multiplexing gain and consumption of a logical channel resource at the CMTS.

For a channel that is described using a UCD of Type 29 and a UCD of Type 35 the CMTS MUST send UCDs that comply with the following:
• Transmission parameters like Minislot size, Modulation rate, Preamble pattern etc. are identical in each of the UCDs in the set.
• Burst attributes corresponding to the same IUC are identical in each of the UCDs in the set (if the corresponding burst profile is present in both UCDs).
• The Configuration Change Count of each UCD is identical and matches the UCD Configuration Change Count in the MAP.
• The UCD29 includes a Type 22 TLV with a value of 1.
• The UCD35 includes a Type 20 TLV with a value of 0 or 1.

When a CM is commanded to another upstream channel without specific UCD configuration information (e.g., in the case of upstream channel override or in the case of a DCC or DBC request without UCD configuration information), the CM MUST look for UCDs containing the assigned UCID in the active downstreams and select from the existing UCDs the UCD with the highest Type value consistent with the CM’s capability. In other words,the CM does not necessarily use the first UCD corresponding to the assigned UCID that it sees. After receiving UCD messages, the CM MUST use the TLV22 bitmap in the UCD (if present) to check if there is another UCD for this UCID with a higher Type value consistent with the CM’s capability. In the case when UCD configuration information is provided in the DCC or DBC Request, the CM uses the UCD configuration information immediately.Similarly, if a CM is acquiring a UCD in preparation for ranging on a saved upstream channel, after a reinitialize MAC event, the CM MUST obtain the UCD containing the saved UCID with the highest Type value consistent with the CM’s capability.

For interoperability, a CMTS SHOULD provide:
• Burst descriptors for IUCs 1, 5, and 6 in a Type 2 UCD describing a Type 1 channel.
• Burst descriptors for IUCs 1, 5, 6, 9, and 10 in a Type 2 UCD describing a Type 2 channel.
• Burst descriptors for IUCs 1, 9, and 10 in a Type 29 UCD.

Type 4 burst descriptors indicate that the preamble of the burst is in accordance to DOCSIS 1.x specifications while Type 5 burst descriptors indicate that the preamble of the burst is in accordance to DOCSIS 2.0 preambles. In particular, preambles for bursts described by Type 4 burst descriptors are sent using the same modulation as that described for the burst. Preambles for bursts described by Type 5 burst descriptors are sent using either QPSK0 or QPSK1 constellations.

A CMTS MUST consider an upstream as a Type 4 Upstream if:
• The Selectable Active Codes Mode 2 and Code Hopping Mode 2 features are enabled,
• IUCs 5 and 6, are associated with Type 5 burst descriptors, or
• Burst attributes associated with IUC 11 are not intended for UGS (though a CMTS can provide UGS opportunities using IUC 11 on a Type 4 Upstream).
A CMTS MUST consider an upstream as a Type 5 Upstream if the channel is an OFDMA channel.
The CMTS MUST NOT consider an upstream as a Type 1 or Type 2 Upstream if any of the following is true about the channel wide parameters:
• S-CDMA mode is enabled,
• The Minislot size is 1 time tick, or
• The value of the Modulation Rate parameter is 32.
The CMTS MUST NOT consider an upstream as a Type 1 or Type 2 Upstream if any of the following is true about any of IUCs 1-4:
• A modulation type other than QPSK or 16-QAM is used,
• The FEC Error Correction (T) parameter is greater than 10,
• Any portion of the extended preamble is used, or
• Any attribute from Table 29 - Upstream Physical-Layer Burst Attributes with a Type greater than 11 is present in the descriptor.

A CM MUST be able to recognize Channel Parameter TLVs with Type 20 and 21 even if the CM is not capable of Selectable Active Codes mode 2 and Code Hopping mode 2. If a CM does not support Selectable Active Codes mode 2 and Code Hopping mode 2, then the CM MUST NOT use a UCD that indicates that these features are active.

To provide for flexibility, the message parameters following the Downstream Channel ID MUST be encoded by the CMTS in a type/length/value (TLV) form in which the type and length fields are each 1 octet long.
A CMTS MUST generate UCDs in the format shown in Figure 31 - Upstream Channel Descriptor, including all of the following parameters:
Configuration Change Count: Incremented by one (modulo the field size) by the CMTS whenever any of the values of this channel descriptor change, excluding the S-CDMA or OFDMA snapshot TLV. If the value of this count in a subsequent UCD remains the same, the CM can quickly decide that the channel operating parameters
have not changed, and may be able to disregard the remainder of the message. This value is also referenced from the MAP.
NOTE: The periodic update of the snapshot association does not represent a change in the operating parameters of the channel; hence the UCD configuration change count will not be incremented.
Minislot Size: The size T of the Minislot for this upstream channel in units of the Timebase Tick of 6.25 microseconds. For channels that can support DOCSIS 1.x CMs, the allowable values are T = 2M, M = 1,…7. That is,T = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128. For DOCSIS 2.0- or 3.0-only Channels, the relationship between M and T remains the
same; but the allowable values are M = 0,1,… 7, with T = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. If the value of T is 1, then the channel will be treated as a DOCSIS 2.0/3.0-only Channel. On S-CDMA and OFDMA channels, this parameter will not have any effect.
Upstream Channel ID: The identifier of the upstream channel to which this message refers. This identifier is arbitrarily chosen by the CMTS at startup, and is only unique within the MAC-Sublayer domain.
NOTE: Upstream Channel ID = 0 is reserved for network management purposes [DOCSIS OSSIv3.0].
Downstream Channel ID: The identifier of the downstream channel on which this message has been transmitted.This identifier is arbitrarily chosen by the CMTS at startup, and is only unique within the MAC-Sublayer domain.
NOTE: Downstream Channel ID = 0 is reserved for network management [DOCSIS OSSIv3.0].All other parameters are coded as TLV tuples. The Type values used by the CMTS MUST be those defined in Table 28 - Channel TLV Parameters, for channel parameters, and Table 29 - Upstream Physical-Layer Burst Attributes, for upstream physical layer burst attributes. The CMTS MUST place burst descriptors (Type 4 and/or Type 5 or Type 23) that appear in the UCD message after all other channel-wide parameters.
The following requirements apply to Table 28:

  1. The CM MUST ignore S-CDMA-specific TLV encodings and operate in TDMA Mode if the value of ‘SCDMA Mode Enable’ TLV encoding (type 7) is 2 (off) or if this TLV encoding is not present in the channel information of the UCD message.
  2. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Spreading Intervals per Frame’ TLV encoding (type 8) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  3. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Codes per Minislot’ TLV encoding (type 9) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  4. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Number of Active Codes’ TLV encoding (type 10) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.5. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Code Hopping Seed’ TLV encoding (type 11) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  5. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA US ratio numerator ‘M’’ TLV encoding (type 12) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  6. The CMTS MUST include ‘US ratio denominator ‘N’’ TLV encoding (Type 13) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  7. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Timestamp Snapshot’ TLV encoding (Type 14) in the UCD message if and only if S-CDMA mode is enabled for the channel.
  8. The CM MUST perform ranging as specified by the ‘Ranging Required’ parameter TLV encoding (type 16) in the UCD message before using a data grant or request opportunity with the new UCD parameters if the value of ‘Ranging Required’ is nonzero and the UCD change count does not match the UCD currently in effect.
  9. The CM MUST maintain its SIDs and not re-register if it is already registered, regardless of the value of the UCD message ‘Ranging Required’ parameter.
  10. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping’ TLV encoding(type 20) in Type 2, 29, or 51 UCD messages.
  11. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping’ TLV encoding (type 20) in Type 35 UCD message if S-CDMA Mode is enabled.
  12. The CM MUST ignore ‘S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping’ TLV encoding (type 20) in a Type 2, Type 29, or Type 51 UCD message where S-CDMA Mode is disabled.
  13. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA selection string for active codes’ TLV encoding (type 21) in the UCD message if ‘S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping’ TLV encoding (type 20) is included in the UCD message with value 2 or 3.
  14. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘S-CDMA selection string for active codes’ TLV encoding (type 21) in the UCD message in a Type 2, Type 29, or Type 51 UCD message.
  15. The CM MUST ignore ‘S-CDMA selection string for active codes’ TLV encoding (type 21) in a Type 2, Type 29, or Type 51 UCD message.
  16. The CMTS MUST include the ‘UCD Change Indicator Bitmask’ TLV encoding (type 24) in all UCD messages describing an OFDMA channel.
  17. The CM MAY use the ‘UCD Change Indicator Bitmask’ TLV encoding (type 24) information in the UCD message to ignore aspects of the UCD configuration change that are indicated as “unchanged”, when the CM has already incorporated a UCD for an Upstream Channel ID and sees an increment of the UCD Configuration Change Count.
  18. The CM MUST NOT use the information in the ‘UCD Change Indicator Bitmask’ TLV encoding (type 24) in the UCD message if the CM missed receiving a UCD with the previous Configuration Change Count value.
  19. The CMTS MUST include the ‘OFDMA Timestamp Snapshot’ TLV encoding (type 25) in the UCD message if and only if the UCD describes an OFDMA channel.
  20. The CMTS MUST list as excluded in the ‘Subcarrier Exclusion Band’ TLV encoding (type 30) in the UCD message subcarriers 0 through 73 and 1974 through 2047 for the 2K FFT.
  21. The CMTS MUST list as excluded in the ‘Subcarrier Exclusion Band’ TLV encoding (type 30) in the UCD message subcarriers 0 through 147 and 3948 through 4095 for the 4K FFT.
  22. The CMTS MUST specify in the ‘Unused Subcarrier Specification’ TLV encoding (type 31) in the UCD message subcarriers in the OFDMA channel which are not in exclusion bands or minislots to be unused carriers in order to have unambiguous mapping of minislots to subcarriers.


6.4.2 Time Synchronization (SYNC)
CMTS必须定期发送时间同步(SYNC),以建立MAC子层时序。 CMTS必须格式化此消息,以使用FC_TYPE = MAC Specific Header和FC_PARM = Timing MAC Header的FC字段,后跟如图30所示格式的数据包PDU。
CMTS必须在具有主要功能的DS信道(primary-capable DS channels)上发送SYNC。 CMTS不得在非主要功能DS信道(non-primary-capable DS channels)上发送SYNC。
CMTS时间戳(CMTS timestamp):以CMTS 10.24 MHz主时钟作为时钟源计时的递增32位二进制计数器的计数状态。
CMTS时间戳表示时间同步MAC管理消息的第一个字节(或从第一个字节开始的固定时间偏移量)从下行传输收敛子层传输到依赖于下行物理媒体的子层的瞬间的计数状态。描述于[DOCSIS DRFI]。CMTS不允许SYNC消息跨越MPEG数据包边界。

6.4.3 Upstream Channel Descriptor (UCD)
CMTS必须以周期性的间隔发送上行信道描述符,以定义逻辑上行信道的特性(图31-上行信道描述符)。 CMTS必须为当前可用的每个逻辑上游发送一条单独的消息。 CMTS必须在给上行信道发送MAP消息的同一下行信道上发送给定上游信道的UCD消息。

下表描述了通道类型(channel types),UCD类型,逻辑通道类型(logical channel types),突发描述符类型(burst descriptor types)和CM能够使用该通道的DOCSIS模式之间的联系。 该表还指出了规范的各个部分,在其中详细介绍了特定项目。
该消息的MAC管理报头在Type字段和Version字段具有4个可能的值。对于Type 5信道,CMTS必须在Type字段(UCD type)中使用值51,在Version字段(UCD version)中使用值5。对于Type 4信道,CMTS必须在Type字段中使用35值,在Version字段中使用4值。对于类型3信道,CMTS必须在类型字段中使用29值,在版本字段中使用3值。对于类型1和类型2通道,CMTS必须在类型字段中使用值2,在版本字段中使用值1

根据IUC UCD消息类型和信道类型,突发描述符可以编码为类型4,类型5或类型23 TLV。 CMTS不得使用类型5 TLV对消息类型(UCD type)为2的UCD中的IUC 1-6进行编码。如果类型2 UCD描述了混合的1.x / 2.0 PHY逻辑信道,则CMTS必须另外包含IUC 9和或10和或11的类型5 TLV突发描述符以在UCD中提供advanced TDMA数据机会。Advanced TDMA突发描述符属性是那些可以包含在类型5突发描述符中但不能包含在类型4突发描述符中的属性。 CMTS只能使用类型5 TLV来编码消息类型为29的UCD中的突发配置文件。CMTS只能使用类型5 TLV来编码消息类型为35的UCD中的突发配置文件。CMTS只能使用类型23TLV来编码消息类型为51的UCD中的突发配置文件。

CMTS发送的29型UCD必须包含用于测距(ranging)的type 5突发描述符,用于请求(request)的type 5突发描述符和用于数据(data)的type 5突发描述符。

在29型UCD中,CMTS不得在type 3上行信道的UCD消息中包含有IUC 5或6的突发描述符。

在35型UCD中,CMTS必须包括突发描述符,用于与IUC 5、6、9和10相对应的数据授权。
•与IUC 11相关联的突发属性,不适用于UGS。
为了利用上面列举的UCD可能性,由Type 35 UCD描述的通道只能由DOCSIS 3.0 CM使用。

DOCSIS 3.0和DOCSIS 2.0 CM可以使用29型的UCD和35型的UCD共享信道,以描述与相同的上行信道ID对应的相同信道。但是,仅生成与UCID有关的一组MAP,并且在MAP中分配了授权。在DOCSIS 2.0 CM和DOCSIS 3.0 CM在同一频道中操作的情况下,此多个UCD到UCID映射的做法的目的是为了保留逻辑信道。因为类型29的UCD不允许具有IUC 5和6的突发描述符,所以对于DOCSIS 2.0和3.0 CM使用29型UCD,这限制了在多传输信道模式下运行的DOCSIS 3.0 CM从UCD信息中请求的用于数据传输的burst文件至多只能分配五个(IUC 5,6,9,10,11)。将DOCSIS 2.0 CM和3.0 CM分配给单独的逻辑信道是一种解决方案,它具有以下缺点:统计复用增益的损失以及CMTS上逻辑信道资源的消耗。

•传输参数(如最小时隙大小(minislot size),调制率(modulation rate),前同步码模式(preamble pattern)等)在集合中的每个UCD中都相同。
•每个UCD的配置更改计数(configuration change count)是相同的,并且与MAP中的UCD配置更改计数匹配。
•UCD29包括值为1的Type 22 TLV。
•UCD35包含值为0或1的Type 20 TLV。

当CM被命令去到没有特定UCD配置信息的另一个上行信道时(例如,在上行信道override的情况下,或者在没有UCD配置信息的DCC或DBC请求的情况下),CM必须在active downstream中寻找包含已分配的UCID的UCD,从现有的UCD中选择具有与CM能力相符的最大Type值的UCD。换句话说,CM不一定使用与其所看到的已分配UCID相对应的第一UCD(first UCD)。收到UCD消息后,CM必须使用UCD中的TLV22位图(bitmap,如果存在)检查该UCID是否存在另一个UCD,且其Type值较高,且与CM的能力相符。如果在DCC或DBC请求中提供了UCD配置信息,则CM立即使用UCD配置信息。类似地,如果CM正在获取UCD,以准备在已保存的上行信道上进行测距,则在重新初始化MAC事件(MAC event)之后, CM必须获得包含已保存的UCID的UCD,其中UCID具有与CM的功能一致的最大Type值。

•类型2 UCD中IUC 1、5和6的突发描述符,描述类型1信道。
•类型2 UCD中IUC 1、5、6、9和10的突发描述符,描述类型2信道。
•29型UCD中IUC 1、9和10的突发描述符。

类型4突发描述符指出突发的前同步码(the preamble of the burst)符合DOCSIS 1.x规范,而类型5突发描述符指示突发的前同步码符合DOCSIS 2.0前同步码。特别地,由4型burst description描述的burst的preamble是使用与描述的burst相同的modulation发送的。由类型5突发描述符描述的突发的前同步码使用QPSK0或QPSK1符号发送。

•启用了可选活动代码模式2(selectable active codes mode)和代码跳跃模式2(code hopping mode)功能,
•IUC 5和6与类型5突发描述符关联,或
•与IUC 11相关联的突发属性不适用于UGS(尽管CMTS可以使用Type 4上行的IUC 11提供来UGS机会)。

•最小插槽大小(Minislot size)为1次刻度,或
•调制速率(Modulation Rate)参数的值为32。

如果以下任何一项与IUC 1-4中的任何一项相同,则CMTS不得将上行视为类型1或类型2:
•FEC纠错(T)参数(FEC Error Correction (T) parameter)大于10,
•使用扩展前导码(extended preamble)的任何部分,或

即使CM不支持可选活动代码模式(Selectable Active Codes mode)2和跳码模式(Code Hopping mode)2,CM也必须能够识别类型20和21的信道参数TLV。如果CM不支持可选活动代码模式2和跳码模式2,那么CM一定不能使用指示这些特性处于活动状态的UCD。

为了提供灵活性,位于下行信道ID后面的消息参数必须由CMTS以类型/长度/值(TLV)格式编码,其中类型和长度字段均为1个八位位组长(1 octet long)。
配置更改计数(Configuration Change Count):每当此通道描述符的任何值更改时(不包括S-CDMA或OFDMA snapshot TLV),CMTS都会将其增加一(字段大小为模)。如果在随后的UCD中此计数的值保持不变,则CM可以快速确定信道操作参数尚未更改,并且可以忽略消息的其余部分。此值也从MAP引用。
Minislot Size:此上行通道的Minislot T的大小,以6.25微秒的时基刻度为单位。对于可以支持DOCSIS 1.x CM的信道,允许值为T = 2M,M = 1,… 7。也就是说,T = 2、4、8、16、32、64或128。对于仅DOCSIS 2.0或3.0的信道,M和T之间的关系保持不变。但是允许值为M = 0,1,… 7,T = 1,2,4,4,8,16,32,64或128。如果T的值为1,则该信道一定为 为仅限DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0的信道。在S-CDMA和OFDMA信道上,此参数将无效。
注意:上行通道ID = 0保留用于网络管理[DOCSIS OSSIv3.0]。
注意:下行信道ID = 0保留用于网络管理[DOCSIS OSSIv3.0]。
所有其他参数都编码为TLV元组。 CMTS使用的类型值必须是在表28中(对于信道参数)和表29中(对于上行物理层突发属性)中定义的值。 CMTS必须将突发描述符(类型4和或类型5或类型23)放置在UCD消息中所有其他信道范围参数之后。
1.如果“ SCDMA模式启用”(‘SCDMA Mode Enable’ ) TLV编码(类型7)的值为2(关闭),或者如果信道信息中不存在此TLV编码,则CM必须忽略S-CDMA专用的TLV编码(S-CDMA-specific TLV),并以TDMA模式运行UCD消息。
2.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“每帧S-CDMA扩展间隔”(S-CDMA Spreading Intervals per Frame) TLV编码(类型8)。
3.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“每小时隙S-CDMA码”(S-CDMA Codes per Minislot)TLV编码(类型9)。
4.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“ S-CDMA激活码数”(S-CDMA Number of Active Codes) TLV编码(类型10)。
5.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“ S-CDMA跳频种子”(S-CDMA Code Hopping Seed) TLV编码(类型11)。
6.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括 ‘S-CDMA US ratio numerator ‘M’’ TLV编码(类型12)。
7.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括 ‘US ratio denominator ‘N’’ TLVTLV编码(类型13)。
8.当且仅当为信道启用了S-CDMA模式时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“ S-CDMA时间戳快照”('S-CDMA Timestamp Snapshot) TLV编码(类型14)。
9.如果“ Ranging Required”的值不为零,并且在使用带有新UCD参数的数据授予或请求机会之前,CM必须按照UCD消息中“ Ranging Required”参数TLV编码(类型16)指定的范围进行测距,另外UCD change count与当前生效的UCD不匹配。
10. CM必须保留其SID,如果已经注册,则无论其UCD消息“ Ranging Required”参数的值如何,都不得重新注册。
11. CMTS不得在类型2、29或51 UCD消息中包括“活动代码和跳码的S-CDMA选择模式” (S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping)TLV编码(类型20)。
12.如果启用了S-CDMA模式,则CMTS必须在类型35 UCD消息中包括“用于活动代码和跳码的S-CDMA选择模式”(S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping)TLV编码(类型20)。
13.在禁用了S-CDMA模式的Type 2,Type 29或Type 51 UCD消息中,CM必须忽略“有效代码和跳码的S-CDMA选择模式”(S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping)TLV编码(类型20)。
14.如果在UCD消息的值为2或3时CMTS中包括“用于有源代码和跳码的S-CDMA选择模式”(S-CDMA selection mode for active codes and code hopping)TLV编码(类型20),则CMTS必须在UCD消息中包括“用于激活代码的S-CDMA选择字符串”(S-CDMA selection string for active codes)TLV编码(类型21)。
15. CMTS不得在类型2,类型29或类型51 UCD消息的UCD消息中包括“活动代码的S-CDMA选择字符串”(S-CDMA selection string for active codes)TLV编码(类型21)。
16. CM必须在类型2,类型29或类型51 UCD消息中忽略“活动代码的S-CDMA选择字符串” (S-CDMA selection string for active codes)TLV编码(类型21)。
17. CMTS必须在描述OFDMA信道的所有UCD消息中包括“ UCD变更指示符位掩码”(UCD Change Indicator Bitmask)TLV编码(类型24)。
Change Count)的增加时,CM可以使用UCD消息中的“ UCD变更指示符位掩码”(UCD Change Indicator Bitmask)TLV编码(类型24)信息来忽略UCD配置变更的那些表示为“未变更”的方面。
19.如果CM错过了接收具有先前配置更改计数值的UCD(a UCD with the previous Configuration Change Count value),则CM不得使用UCD消息中“ UCD更改指示器位掩码”(UCD Change Indicator Bitmask)TLV编码(类型24)中的信息。
20.当且仅当UCD描述OFDMA信道时,CMTS才必须在UCD消息中包括“ OFDMA时间戳快照”(OFDMA Timestamp Snapshot)TLV编码(类型25)。
21.对于2K FFT,CMTS必须列出UCD消息子载波0到73和1974到2047中的被“子载波排除带”(Subcarrier Exclusion Band)TLV编码(类型30)排除的列表。
22.对于4K FFT,CMTS必须列出在UCD消息子载波0至147和3948至4095中的被“子载波排除带”(Subcarrier Exclusion Band)TLV编码(类型30)排除的列表。
23. CMTS必须在OFDMA信道的UCD消息子载波的“未使用的子载波规范”(Unused Subcarrier Specification)TLV编码(类型31)中指定非排除频段或小时隙(minislots)中成为未使用的载波,以便将小时隙明确映射到子载波。

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