
Burst Descriptors are composed of an upstream Interval Usage Code, followed by TLV encodings that define the physical-layer characteristics that are to be used during that interval. The upstream interval usage codes are defined in the MAP message section of this specification (see Section 6.4.4 and Table 32). The CMTS MUST comply with
Figure 33 - Top-Level Encoding for Burst Descriptors for Burst Descriptors.
In Figure 33:
Burst Descriptor: Type 4 Burst Descriptors intended for DOCSIS 1.x and/or DOCSIS 2.0/3.0 modems; Type 5 for Burst Descriptors intended for DOCSIS 2.0/3.0 modems only; Type 23 for Burst Descriptors intended for DOCSIS 3.1 modems only.
Length: The number of bytes in the overall object, including the IUC and the embedded TLV items.
IUC: Interval Usage code, defined in Table 32. The IUC is coded on the 4 least-significant bits. The 4 mostsignificant bits are unused (=0).
TLV items: TLV parameters as described in Table 29.
Three different type values are used to describe Burst Descriptors. Type 4 Burst Descriptors are understood by all modems and are only be used to describe IUCs 1 through 6 from Table 32. Type 5 Burst Descriptors are understood by DOCSIS 2.0 or 3.0 modems. A type 5 burst descriptor MUST be used by a CMTS to describe any IUC if any of the following is true: a modulation type other than QPSK or 16-QAM is used, the FEC Error Correction (T) attribute is greater than 10, any portion of the Extended Preamble is used, or any attribute from Table 29 - Upstream Physical-Layer Burst Attributes with a type greater than 11 is present in the descriptor. Type 5 burst descriptors MUST NOT be used by the CMTS to describe IUC 5 or IUC 6 in a Type 2 UCD. Type 23 burst descriptors are not understood by pre-DOCSIS 3.1 CMs.

A Burst Descriptor MUST be included by the CMTS for each Interval Usage Code that is to be used in the allocation MAP. The Interval Usage Code used by the CMTS MUST be one of the values from Table 32 -Allocation MAP Information Elements (IE).

Within each Burst Descriptor is an unordered list of Physical-layer attributes, encoded as TLV values. These attributes are shown in Table 29. The CMTS MUST ensure that the set of burst attributes for all the burst descriptors in the UCD allow any CM not operating in Multiple Transmit Channel Mode on the upstream to be able to request
enough minislots to be able to transmit a maximum size PDU (see Section 6.2.2).
The following requirements apply to Table 29:

  1. The CMTS MUST NOT include any bits from the ‘Extended Preamble Pattern’ TLV encoding of the UCD message channel information field in the ‘Preamble Length’ TLV encoding (type 3) of the UCD message Upstream Physical Layer Burst Attributes field or in the substring of the Preamble Superstring of the ‘Preamble Pattern’ TLV encoding (type 3) of the UCD channel information field, if the ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 1.x)’
    TLV encoding (type 4) is present in the UCD channel information.
  2. The CMTS MUST populate the value of ‘Preamble Length’ TLV encoding (type 3) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field with an integer number of symbols (see [DOCSIS PHYv3.1]).
  3. The CMTS MUST include ‘Maximum Burst Size’ TLV encoding (type 8) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field with a value greater than zero when the interval type is Short Data Grant (IUC 5) or Advanced PHY Short Data Grant (IUC 9) for Type 2 or Type 29 UCDs (see Section
  4. The CMTS MUST populate ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 1.x)’ TLV encoding (type 4) in the UCD channel parameters, with appropriate parameter values such that the number of bytes that fit into any valid number of minislots will not change if the guard time, as configured by ‘Guard Time Size’ TLV encoding (type 9) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ is increased by 1.
  5. The CM MUST ignore ‘Guard Time Size’ TLV encoding (type 9) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA and OFDMA channels.
  6. The CMTS MUST include ‘R-S Interleaver Depth (lr)’ TLV encoding (type 12) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field if it includes ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 2.0/3.0)’ TLV encoding (type 5) in the UCD message ‘channel parameters’ field.
  7. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘R-S Interleaver Depth (lr)’ TLV encoding (type 12) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels or in descriptors encoded in ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 1.x)’ TLV encoding (type 4) of the UCD message ‘channel parameters’ field.
  8. The CMTS MUST include ‘R-S Interleaver Block Size (Br)’ TLV encoding (type 13) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field if it includes ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 2.0/3.0)’ TLV encoding(type 5) in the UCD message ‘channel parameters’ field for DOCSIS 2.0/3.0 TDMA channels.
  9. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘R-S Interleaver Block Size (Br)’ TLV encoding (type 13) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels or in descriptors encoded in ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 1.x)’ TLV encoding (type 4) of the UCD message ‘channel parameters’ field.
  10. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘Preamble Type’ TLV encoding (type 14) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field in descriptors encoded in ‘Burst Descriptor (DOCSIS 1.x)’ TLV encoding(type 4) of the UCD message ‘channel descriptor’ field.
  11. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Spreader on/off’ TLV encoding (type 15) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels.
  12. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘S-CDMA Spreader on/off’ TLV encoding (type 15) in UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for non- S-CDMA channels.
  13. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Codes per Subframe’ TLV encoding (type 16) in the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels.
  14. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘S-CDMA Codes per Subframe’ TLV encoding (type 16) in the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for non-S-CDMA channels.
  15. The CMTS MUST include ‘S-CDMA Framer Interleaving Step Size’ TLV encoding (type 17) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels.
  16. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘S-CDMA Framer Interleaving Step Size’ TLV encoding (type 17) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for non-S-CDMA channels.
  17. The CMTS MUST include ‘TCM Encoding’ TLV encoding (type 18) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for S-CDMA channels.
  18. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘TCM Encoding’ TLV encoding (type 18) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for non-S-CDMA channels.
  19. The CMTS MUST set the pilot pattern index to 0 when the bit-loading configured in ‘OFDMA Profile’ TLV encoding (type 21) of the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field is ‘no bit loading’ (value 0).
  20. The CMTS SHOULD include ‘OFDMA IR Power Control’ TLV encoding (type 22) in the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for OFDMA channels.
  21. The CMTS MUST NOT include ‘OFDMA IR Power Control’ TLV encoding (type 22) in the UCD message ‘upstream physical layer burst attributes’ field for TDMA and S-CDMA channels. Example of UCD Encoded TLV Data
An example of UCD encoded TLV data is given in Figure 34
在这里插入图片描述 Example of UCD Encoding of Channel parameters for OFDMA Channels
As an example, Table 30 shows only the Channel Parameter TLVs in a UCD that supply the information for the CM to derive an unambiguous subcarrier to minislot mapping for the OFDMA channel illustrated in Figure 35. Note that the figure is for the purpose of example only and does not reflect a realistic OFDMA channel configuration. Other essential TLVs contained in the UCD are not shown in this example. From this information, the position of minislots in the OFDMA frame can be determined and projected into the future. The OFDMA Timestamp Snapshot TLV, not shown in this example, allows the CMTS to convey to the CM unambiguous minislot numbering of the mapped-out minislot positions in the OFDMA frames. According to the subcarrier numbering convention, the first (lowest in spectral frequency) subcarrier in the OFDMA band is numbered 0. Note that the Subcarrier Exclusion Band and Unused Subcarrier TLVs identify every subcarrier that is excluded or unused. All other subcarriers are mapped to minislots where minislots are composed of contiguous subcarriers in an OFDMA frame. In the example, there are 8 contiguous subcarriers per minislot.
在这里插入图片描述 Subcarrier to Minislot Mapping for OFDMA Channels
The CM MUST derive a subcarrier to minislot mapping from the total number of available subcarriers, number of subcarriers per minislot as indicated by the Subcarrier Spacing TLV value, exclusion bands, and unused subcarriers specified in the UCD message.

The CMTS MUST specify all exclusion bands and unused subcarriers that are not intended to be included within a minislot. All subcarriers that are not part of exclusion bands or unused subcarriers are assumed to be part of minislots that are composed of Q contiguous subcarriers, where Q equals 8 or 16 depending on the Subcarrier Spacing TLV. Thus, there should be no ambiguity in how the CM maps subcarriers to minislots. The CM MUST NOT use the UCD if there is ambiguity in the subcarrier to minislot mapping. Required Burst Attributes on OFDMA Channels
The CMTS MUST include the following burst attributes for various IUCs that can have burst descriptors in a Type 51 UCD:
IUC 1 and IUC 2: no burst attributes specific to IUC 1 and IUC 2 are included in the UCD.
IUC 3: Preamble Length, Preamble Value Offset, Nir.
NOTE: Including OFDMA IR Power Control is recommended but not mandatory.
IUC 4: Preamble Length, Preamble Value Offset, Nfr.
IUC 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13: OFDMA Profile. (Not all data IUCs are required in a Type 51 UCD. IUC 13 is required per Section 10.5.1.)
Probes: There is no IUC associated with probes; other parameters specific to probe transmissions are defined in [DOCSIS PHYv3.1] and the P-MAP message or are incorporated in UCD channel parameters. Example of OFDMA Profile Encoding
Using the artificial example of Figure 35 and assuming the minislot mapping for an OFDMA channel shown there,assume this bit-loading and pilot pattern for data IUC5:
• There are six minislots across the band.
• The first two minislots in an OFDMA frame (starting lowest in spectral frequency) use 64-QAM and pilot pattern 2.
• The third minislot in an OFDMA frame uses 256-QAM and pilot pattern 1.
• The fourth through sixth minislot in an OFDMA frame use 1024-QAM and pilot pattern 2.
Thus, the entire encoding for the burst descriptor associated with IUC5 is as follows:


突发描述符的组成有上行间隔使用代码(upstream Interval Usage Code),然后是TLV编码,TLV编码定义了在该间隔期间要使用的物理层特性。上行间隔使用代码在本规范的MAP消息部分中定义(请参阅第6.4.4节和表32)。 CMTS必须遵守图33-突发描述符的顶级编码(Top-Level Encoding for Burst Descriptors)。
突发描述符:4类突发描述符用于DOCSIS 1.x和/或DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0调制解调器;类型5的突发描述符仅适用于DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0调制解调器;类型23的突发描述符仅适用于DOCSIS 3.1调制解调器。
IUC:间隔使用码,在表32中定义。IUC在4位最低有效位上编码。 4个最高有效位未使用(= 0)。
TLV项目:TLV参数,如表29-上行物理层突发属性(Upstream Physical-Layer Burst Attributes)中所述。
三种不同的类型值用于描述突发描述符。所有调制解调器都可以理解类型4突发描述符,并且仅用于描述表32中的IUC 1至6。DOCSIS 2.0或3.0调制解调器可以理解类型5突发描述符。如果满足以下任一条件,则CMTS必须使用5型突发描述符来描述任意IUC:使用除QPSK或16-QAM以外的调制类型,FEC纠错(T)属性大于10,使用任何扩展前导码(Extended Preamble)的一部分,或者描述符中存在表29中类型大于11的任何属性。 CMTS不得使用5型突发描述符来描述2型UCD中的IUC 5或IUC 6。DOCSIS 3.1之前的CM无法理解类型23的突发描述符。

对于要在分配MAP中使用的每个间隔使用代码,CMTS必须包括一个突发描述符。 CMTS使用的间隔使用代码必须是表32-分配MAP信息元素(Allocation MAP Information Elements (IE).)中的值之一。

1.如果UCD信道消息中存在“突发描述符(DOCSIS 1.x)”TLV编码(类型4),则CMTS不得在UCD消息上行物理层突发属性字段(UCD message Upstream Physical Layer Burst Attributes field)的“前同步码长度”(Preamble Length)TLV编码(类型3)的UCD消息信道信息字段(UCD channel information field)的“扩展前导码模式”(Extended Preamble Pattern)TLV编码中,或UCD信道信息字段的“前同步码模式”(Preamble Pattern)TLV编码(类型3)的子串中包含任何bits。 。
2. CMTS必须在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”(upstream physical layer burst attributes)字段中使用整数符号(an integer number of symbols)填充“前同步码长度”(Preamble Length)TLV编码(类型3)的值(请参见[DOCSIS PHYv3.1])。
3.在类型2或类型29 UCD中,当间隔类型是短数据授权(IUC 5)或高级PHY短数据授权(IUC 9)时,CMTS必须在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包含“最大突发大小”(Maximum Burst Size)TLV编码(类型8),且其值应大于零。(请参阅第7.节)。
4. CMTS必须在UCD信道参数中填充“突发描述符(DOCSIS 1.x)” TLV编码(类型4),并带有合适的参数值,以使当UCD消息“上游物理层突发属性”中定义的 “保护时间大小” (Guard Time Size)TLV编码(类型9)配置的保护时间增加1时,适合任何有效数量的小时隙的字节数不会发生变化。
5.对于S-CDMA和OFDMA信道,CM必须忽略UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中的“保护时间大小”(Guard Time Size)TLV编码(类型9)。
6.如果CMTS在UCD消息“信道参数”字段中包含“突发描述符(DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0)”TLV编码(类型5),则必须在UCD消息“上游物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ RS交织器深度(lr)”(R-S Interleaver Depth (lr))TLV编码(类型12)。
7. CMTS不得在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息上行物理层突发属性字段中或在UCD消息“信道参数”字段的突发描述符(DOCSIS 1.x) TLV编码(类型4)的描述符编码中包含“R-S交织器深度(lr)”TLV编码(类型12)。
8.在DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0 TDMA信道中,如果CMTS在UCD消息“信道参数”字段中包含“突发描述符(DOCSIS 2.0 / 3.0)”TLV编码(类型5),则必须在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ RS交织器块大小(Br)”(R-S Interleaver Block Size (Br))TLV编码(类型13)。
9. CMTS不得在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段或UCD消息“信道参数”字段的“突发描述符(DOCSIS 1.x)”TLV编码(类型4)的描述符编码中包括“ RS交织器块大小(Br)”TLV编码(类型13)。
10. CMTS不得在UCD消息“信道描述符”字段的“突发描述符”(DOCSIS 1.x)TLV编码的描述符中的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“前导类型”(Preamble Type)TLV编码(type 14)。
11. CMTS必须在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ S-CDMA扩频器开/关”(S-CDMA Spreader on/off)TLV编码(类型15)。
12.对于非S-CDMA信道,CMTS不得在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ S-CDMA扩频器开/关” TLV编码(类型15)。
13. CMTS必须在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“每子帧S-CDMA码”(S-CDMA Codes per Subframe)TLV编码(类型16)。
14.对于非S-CDMA信道,CMTS不得在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“每子帧S-CDMA码” TLV编码(类型16)。
15. CMTS必须在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ S-CDMA成帧器交织步长”(S-CDMA Framer Interleaving Step Size’)TLV编码(类型17)。
16. CMTS不得在非S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ S-CDMA成帧器交织步长” TLV编码(类型17)。
17. CMTS必须在S-CDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ TCM编码” (TCM Encoding)TLV编码(类型18)。
18.对于非S-CDMA信道,CMTS不得在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包含“ TCM编码” TLV编码(类型18)。
19.当UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段的“ OFDMA配置文件”(OFDMA Profile)TLV编码(类型21)中的位加载配置(the bit-loading configured)为“无位加载”(no bit loading)即值为0时,CMTS必须将导频模式索引设置为0。
20. CMTS应该在OFDMA信道的UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包括“ OFDMA IR功率控制”(OFDMA IR Power Control)TLV编码(类型22)。
21.对于TDMA和S-CDMA信道,CMTS不得在UCD消息“上行物理层突发属性”字段中包含“ OFDMA IR功率控制”TLV编码(类型22)。 UCD编码的TLV数据示例
在这里插入图片描述 OFCD信道的信道参数的UCD编码示例
举例来说,表30仅显示了UCD中的信道参数TLV,这些参数为CM提供信息,以便CM为图35所示的OFDMA信道得出明确的子载波到小时隙的映射。注意,该图仅出于示例目的并且不反映现实的OFDMA通道配置。此示例中未显示UCD中包含的其他基本TLV。根据该信息,可以确定OFDMA帧中的小时隙的位置并预测到未来走向。在该示例中未显示的OFDMA timestamp snapshot TLV,允许CMTS将在OFDMA帧中给出的minislot位置的明确minislot编号传送给CM。根据子载波编号约定,OFDMA频带中的第一个(频谱频率最低)子载波编号为0。请注意,子载波排除频带和未使用的子载波TLV里标识了每个被排除或未使用的子载波。所有其他子载波都映射到小时隙,其中小时隙由OFDMA帧中的连续子载波组成。在该示例中,每个小时隙有8个连续的子载波。

在这里插入图片描述 OFDMA信道子载波到最小时隙的映射

CMTS必须详细说明所有不打算包含在一个小时隙内的排除频带和未使用的子载波。假定所有不属于排除频带或未使用子载波的子载波都是由Q个连续子载波组成的小时隙的一部分,其中Q等于8或16,具体的值取决于子载波间隔TLV。因此,在CM如何将子载波映射到小时隙上应该没有歧义。如果子载波到小时隙映射中存在歧义,则CM不得使用UCD。 OFDMA信道上的必需突发属性
CMTS必须为各种IUC包括以下突发属性,这些IUC在Type 51 UCD中可以具有突发描述符:
IUC 1和IUC 2:UCD中不包含特定于IUC 1和IUC 2的突发属性。
IUC 3:前同步码长度(Preamble Length),前同步码值偏移(Preamble Value Offset),Nir。
注意:建议但不强制包括OFDMA IR功率控制。
IUC 4:前同步码长度,前同步码值偏移量,Nfr。
IUC 5、6、9、10、11、12、13:OFDMA配置文件。 (在Type 51 UCD中并非所有数据IUC都必需。根据第10.5.1节的要求IUC13是必需的。)
探针(probe):没有与探针相关的IUC;在[DOCSIS PHYv3.1]中定义了特定于探测传输的其他参数,P-MAP消息或将合并到UCD信道参数中。 OFDMA配置文件编码示例





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