[UCDP开发文档] 一、轨迹模块

This documentation is to introduce the trajectory module in UCDP software, including functionality, data type and API.

1. Module Directory

| - planner/
| - - TrajectoryController.py
| - - TrajectoryWindow.py
| - - csv/
| - - pic/
| - - scenarios/
| - - - NCAP/
| - - - Userdefined/
| - - toolbox/
| - - - toolbox_FileList.py
| - - - toolbox_IniRefPosition.py
| - - - toolbox_Path.py
| - - - toolbox_PathOffset.py
| - - - toolbox_SceneView.py
| - - - toolbox_SetWidth.py
| - - - toolbox_TimeLapse.py
| - - - toolbox_TrajectoryTree.py
| - - - toolbox_Trigger.py
| - - trajectory/
| - - - trajectory.py
| - - - chechdescription.py
| - - - descriptionplugin.py
| - - - trajectoryhandler.py
| - - - plugin/
| - - - - trajectpry.plugin
| - - - trglib/
| - - - - trigger.py
| - - - - TrgDistance.py
| - - - - TrgGate.py
| - - - - TrgNone.py
| - - - trjlib/
| - - - - description.py
| - - - - basic/
| - - - - - TrjArc.py
| - - - - - TrjClothoid.py
| - - - - - TrjLine.py
| - - - - - TrjPause.py
| - - - - - TrjSimpleCutin.py
| - - - - NCAP/
| - - - - - C2C/
| - - - - - - TrjNCAP_CCRb.py
| - - - - - - TrjNCAP_CCRm.py
| - - - - - - TrjNCAP_CCFtap.py
| - - - - - - TrjNCAP_CCFtapVUT.py
| - - - - - CP/
| - - - - - - TrjNCAP_CPNA.py

2. Functionality Overview

This module is particularly created for trajectory generator. As shown in the GUI, an action in the toolbar is triggered to create a related description(Line, Arc, Cutin, etc), which is displayed in the QTreeWidget and defined via certain parameters. A complete and executable trajectory composed of descriptions is calculated automatically and can be save as local files.
其他窗口的主要功能为:Scenario View 中同步显示QTreeWidget 中定义好的轨迹;TimeLapse显示轨迹的时域信息;Current Edit Trajectory显示当前编辑的轨迹的文字信息。
For other widgets, trajectory determined by descriptions is shown in Scenario View in real-time; and trajectory in time domain is figured in TimeLapse including velocity, acceleration and displacement; Current Edit Trajectory gives some text information about the trajectory.

What is description or trajectory? Following picture may help you understand this.
A description is used to describe a part of trajectory, which must have a definite start speed and end speed. In addition, acceleration and heading angle at any point or any time in this part of trajectory is clear. In this way, we call this part of trajectory a description.

However, not all descriptions can make up a correct and executable trajectory for a self-driving platform. In our opinion, a trajectory must have a zero start speed and must stop statically at the end point. In another word, a trajectory must meet the following requirements:

1. Zero start speed and end speed;
2. Speed and heading angle must be continuous throughout the travel time.
In this way, descriptions can compose a trajectory only when thier start speed and end speed have a smooth connection as well as their heading angle.

3. API Documentation

3.1 AbstractDescription


class AbstractDescription(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self, id: int= None, keywords: List[str] = list(), validFlag: bool= False):
        self.duration: float = 0.0
        self._id: int = id
        self._state: str = self.inistate()
        self._keywords: List[str] = keywords
        self._validFlag: bool = validFlag


AbstractDescription is the abstract base class of all descriptions, providing defination, modification, verification and state-feedback of a description. In UCDP, a trajectory can be made up of various descriptions with different properties, also named after description paramaters. With these parameters, coordinate, speed, acceleration and heading angle at any point and any time in the trajectory is definite. Specifically, parameters are classified into required parameters and optional parameters, defined in __init__ and __slots__, respectively. Example shows the required and optimal parameters in a LineDescription.

class LineDescription(AbstractDescription):
    __slots__ = [
    def __init__(self, speedStart: float = 0.0):
        super(LineDescription, self).__init__()
        self.speedStart: float = speedStart

3.1.1 Property

public duration: float

Time spent from start point to end point throughout the description.

private id: int

Serial number for every description in a trajectory in order.

private state: str

Movement state of a description, e.g., constant speed movement, uniform variable speed movement.

private keywords: list

Optional parameters used to help defined the description.

private validFlag: bool

Wthether the description is valid or not.

3.1.2 Method

public abstract str typename()

This method returns the name of description

public abstract int optionalnumbers()

Typically, there are several optional parameters in __slots__, but not all are required. This method indicates how many parameters are needed.
e.g., Start Speed is a required parameter for a Line Description, and __slots__=[End Speed, Displacement, Acceleration] contains all optional parameters. For a uniformly variable linear motion, if we already know the Start Speed, we only need to choose 2 parameters in __slots__ as auxiliary to help define a Line Description.

public abstract void checkrequired(**kwargs)
param kwargs: 字典类型,所有的键与必选参数同名,所有的值对应用户输入的必选参数的值。

When user try to assign values to the required parameters, the method is uesd to check if these values are correct. kwargs is a dict and contains all the required parameter names(key) and their values(value).
e.g., if a description has a required parameter named “SpeedStart”, You can use assert to check wthether the parameter is positive or you can throw an Exception.

assert kwargs["SpeedStart"] > 0.0, \
 "Start speed must be positive"

public abstract void checkoptional(**kwargs)

该方法使用与 checkrequired(**kwargs)相似。
See public void checkrequired(**kwargs)

public abstract float calculatespeedstart()

Returns the start speed of description.

public abstract float calculatespeedend()

Returns the end speed of description. If the end speed is one of required/optional parameters, you can return it here. However, if you cannot get the end speed directly, you’ve to calculate this with other known parameters.
e.g., you can use start speed, acceleration and displacement to calculate end speed in a uniformly variable linear motion.

public abstract float calculateacceleration()

This method is particularly for uniformly variable linear motion description to get an acceleration in description. If acceleration is one of required parameter, just return it here. Otherwise, calculate it with other known parameters.

public abstract float calculatecurvelength()

Returns the total length of description. If curve length is one of required parameter, just return it here. Otherwise, calculate it with other known parameters.

public abstract float calculateduration()

例如:对于一个匀变速直线运动,有两种方法可以获得时间,1). 已知初速度、末速度和加速度求时间;2). 已知初速度、末速度和位移求时间。
Returns the total time spent in description. To get this value, you may need to check some parameter values and definations. assert and Exception can be used here.
e.g., for a uniformly variable linear motion, you get two ways to obtain duration, 1). start speed, end speed and acceleration; 2). start speed, end speed and displacement;

def calculateduration(self) -> float:
   assert abs(self.speedStart) + abs(self.calculatespeedend()) != 0.0, \
       "SpeedStart and SpeedEnd can not set to zero simultaneously"
   if self.calculateacceleration() < 1e-10:
       duration = 2 * self.calculatecurvelength() / (self.speedStart + self.calculatespeedend())
       duration = (self.calculatespeedend() - self.speedStart) / self.calculateacceleration()
   self.duration = duration
   assert duration > 0.0, \
       "Travel time must be positive"
   return duration

public abstract float calculateangle()

This method is particularly for a circular motion to get the central angle of an arc-related description. For line description, return 0.

public abstract str calculatestate()

The default method is complemented based on a uniform variable speed movement.

  def calculatestate(self) -> str:
      TODO: to calculate the state of description
      # the default method is complemented by a uniform variable speed movement
      :return: Acceleration, Deceleration, Constant, Static
      state = self.inistate()
      acceleration = self.calculateacceleration()
      if abs(acceleration) < 1e-10:
          state = "Constant"
      elif acceleration > 1e-10:
          state = "Acceleration"
      elif acceleration < -1e-10:
          state = "Deceleration"
      return state

public abstract Tuple[float] headingandxy(distance: float)
return: (x, y, heading, math.cos(heading), math.sin(heading))

To calculate the heading and coordinate x and y at a given distance point in description.

public abstract Dict[str, List[Union[str, float]]] requiredUItransfer()
returns a dict which connect the UI data and description required parameters;

以LineDescription为例,dict({SpeedStart [km/h]: 36})为必选参数dict({speedStart:10})的界面代理参数,3.6为界面代理参数值与speedStart属性值的转换比例;*Duration [s]为duration属性在界面的代理对象,*表示只读属性。
e.g., for LineDescription, dict({SpeedStart [km/h]: 36}) is a proxy parameter in UI for required parameter dict({speedStart:10}) and 3.6 is a coefficient to transer SpeedStart [km/h] value to speedStart. *Duration [s] is a proxy for duration and * means readonly property.

def requiredUItransfer(self):
    return {
        "SpeedStart [km/h]": ["speedStart", 3.6],
        "*Duration [s]": ["duration", 1]


public abstract Dict[str, List[Union[str, float]]] optionalUItransfer()
returns a dict which connect the UI data and description optional parameters;

以LineDescription为例,dict({SpeedEnd [km/h]: 36})为可选参数dict({speedEnd:10})的界面代理参数,3.6为界面代理参数值与speedEnd属性值的转换比例;self.calculatespeedend为获取speedEnd的回调函数。
e.g., for LineDescription, dict({SpeedEnd [km/h]: 36}) is a proxy parameter in UI for required parameter dict({speedEnd:10}) and 3.6 is a coefficient to transer SpeedEnd [km/h] value to speedEnd. self.calculatespeedend is a callback to obtain speedEnd value.

def optionalUItransfer(self):
    return {"SpeedEnd [km/h]": ["speedEnd", 3.6, self.calculatespeedend],
            "Distance [m]": ["distance", 1, self.calculatecurvelength],
            "Acceleration [m/s^2]": ["acceleration", 1, self.calculateacceleration]}


public abstract numpy.ndarray calculatecoordinate(id: int, timeStepSize: float)
param timeStepSize: 轨迹的采样时间步长;
param id: Description在Trajectory中的编号;
return: [x, y, velocity, heading, headingx, headingy, timeStamp, acceleration, distance, id]

现在,我们需要定义一下simple/basic descriptioncomposite description
如果在一个Description类中没有依赖到其他的Description,那么成这类Description为simple/basic description,反之则为composite description
对于simple/basic description,再实现或重写该方法的时候往往给需要进行一些数学运算来确定返回值,比如对于一个匀变速运动,可能就需要用下面的公式。
然而对于composite description来说,可以采用Trajectory 类中的一些方法将若干simple/basic description或者composite description直接组合拼接,得到一个全新的、更复杂的Description。这将在Trajectory 类的介绍中详细说明。

This is a core method to calculate coordinate x and y, velocity, acceleration, heading and distance of all trajectory points at a fixed sample time(timeStepSize).
Here, we need to introduce simple/basic description and composite description.
If a description class does not depend on other description classes, it is called a simple/basic description. For these descriptions, user may need to realize some mathematic calculation for movement states in this method, e.g., for a uniform variable speed movement, following formula may need. This abstract method is implemented by default with a uniform variable speed movement.
If a description class depends on other description classes, it is called a composite description. For these descriptions, user can use Trajectory class to easily assemble other basic or composite descriptions in this method. More details can be found in Trajectory.

public abstract AbstractTrigger gettrigger()

返回一个AbstractTrigger类型的触发条件。仅当该Description为composite description且独立构成一条完整的标准测试轨迹时重写该方法。
This method returns a specific trigger pattern(See AbstractTrigger) and overrides only when description is a composite description and included in an executable standard test trajectory alone.

public void checkmovingforward()

This method checks whether self-driving in forward direction. Exceptions can be raised here.

public void checklongitudinalacceleration()

To check whether the longitudinal acceleration is within range.

public void checklateralacceleration()

To check whether the lateral acceleration is within range.

private void setrequired(**kwargs)
param kwargs: 含义与checkrequired(**kwargs)形参含义相同;

Once user finishes inputing values for required parameters, firstly to check whether these values can be transfer to float type; then call checkrequired(**kwargs). If no exception raised, required parameters are assigned new values.

private void setoptional(**kwargs)
param kwargs: 含义与checkoptional(**kwargs)形参含义相同;

Once user choose optional parameters and finishes inputing values, firstly call optionalnumbers(), secondly check data type for float transfer, then call checkreoptional(**kwargs), finnally call clearoptional() to clear previously chosen optional parameters and assign values to new optional parameters.

public Dict[str, float] getrequired()

returns required parameters in __dict__

public Dict[str, float] getoptional()

returns defined optional parameters in __slots__

public void clearoptional()


public void setattributes(requiredKwargs: dict, optionalKwargs: dict):


public Dict[str, float] getdescriptionkwargs():

return the UI proxy paramters of required parameters, readonly parameters and optional parameters.

public str inistate():

returns initial state of description, user defined.

public override __str__():

override __str__ to get description class name, required parameters and optional parameters.

3.1.3 Demo Show LineDescription
Source code please see TrjLine.py
Here is how to use:

line = LineDescription()
line.setattributes({"speedStart": 5.0}, {"speedEnd": 10.0, "acceleration": 2.0})
points = line.calculatecoordinate(0, 0.01)
  1. Firstly to instantiate a LineDescription;
  2. Then, to set description parameters, including required parameters and optional parameters, you can try different parameters or combinations to see what will happen;
  3. Thirdly, to calculate the description coordinates, you’ve to assign description id and sample time(timeStepSize);
  4. If you can run step1 to 3 successfully, you’ve defined a line description successfully and one more thing significant is to change its valid flag:
line.validFlag = True
  1. Now, you can get all description parameters:

and the output is

{'SpeedStart [km/h]': 18.0, '*Duration [s]': 2.5, 'SpeedEnd [km/h]': 36.0, 'Distance [m]': 18.75, 'Acceleration [m/s^2]': 2.0}

These values can be used in UI directly cause the units have been transfered.
6. Futhermore, all description movement states are stored in var points. For example, you can get coordinates information from points[:, 0] and points[:, 1]

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1])# plot x and y coordinate

or you can view velocity in time domain:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(points[:, 6], points[:, 2]) # plot time and velocity

More information in var points please see:

public abstract numpy.ndarray calculatecoordinate(id: int, timeStepSize: float) NCAP_CCRmDescription
Source code please see NCAP_CCRm.py
NCAP CCRm 是标准的AEB测试工况,该轨迹由四段LineDecription构成,id为0的一段为匀加速度,id为1的为匀速段,该段为正式试验段,id为2的为匀速段,该段为试验结束但在正式减速前的缓冲段,id为3的为匀减速段。
NCAP CCRm is a standard test for AEB functions. This trajectory is made up of four line descriptions, id=0: acceleration, id=1: constant speed (under test), id=2: constant speed (test over before deceleration), id=3: deceleration.

Similarly, instantiate, assign values and calculate:

ccrb = NCAP_CCRmDescription()
ccrb.setattributes({"acceleration": 2.0, "ATPSpeed": 10.0, "deceleration": -2.0, "VUTSpeed": 20.0,
             "stayLength": 10.0, "observationTime": 5.0, "lngTechValue": 2.0}, {})
points = ccrb.calculatecoordinate(0, 0.01)

ccrb.validFlag = True

and output is

{'Acceleration [m/s^2]': 2.0, 'ATPSpeed [km/h]': 36.0, 'Deceleration [m/s^2]': -2.0, 'VUTSpeed [km/h]': 72.0, 'StayLength [m]': 10.0, 'ObservationTime [s]': 5.0, 'LongitudinalTeach [m]': 2.0, '*Duration [s]': 16.0}

time vs velocity:
time vs distance:

3.2 AbstractTrigger

AbstractTrigger is the base class for all triggers, including DistanceTrigger, GateTrigger, NoneTrigger now.

3.2.1 Class Property

DistanceTrigger: int = 0:

Distance Trigger type id.

GateTrigger: int = 1:

Gate Trigger type id.

NoneTrigger: int = 3:

空触发的类型编号, 使用空触发类型可避免方法返回None类型。
None Trigger type id, to avoid returning None type.

3.2.2 Method

public abstract int type()

返回Trigger的类型编号, 0: DistanceTrigger, 1: GateTrigger, 3: NoneTrigger。
returns the type id of trigger.

public abstract str strtriggername()

returns th name of trigger.

public abstract str strtriggername()

returns th name of trigger.

public abstract Dict[str, List[Union[str, float]]] interfaceUItransfer()

returns a dict which connect the UI data and trigger parameters.

public abstract checktrigger(trigger: Dict[str, float])
param trigger: configuration parameters of trigger in dict;

to check whether the trigger configureation parameters set by users are correct.

public abstract Dict[str, float] triggervalues(self):

returns the current configuration parameters fo trigger.

public settrigger(trigger: Dict[str, float]):
param trigger: configuration parameters of trigger.

为trigger参数设置值,首先调用checktrigger(trigger: Dict[str, float])校核参数,然后尽心设置。
to set the configuration parameters for current trigger. Firstly, checktrigger(trigger: Dict[str, float]) is called then to set trigger attributes.

public override __str__:

override __str__ to return the name and configuration parameters of trigger.





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