LLVM PASS 分析【1】:Rotate Loops

1. Introduction

1.1 循环相关概念

通常情况下,一个Natural Loop(自然循环),有一个Entry Block(Header)和几个指向Header的回边的基本快(Latch),常常几个Latch共享一个Header. 实际上这种Loop结构是不方便后续的处理,常常需要简化成只有一个Latch的结构,在loop exit 之前增加加入一个PHI节点,这个loop形式又叫做Loop-closed SSA form,简称(LCSSA).


1.2 Loop Rotate 可视化


void main() {
  int ret = 0;
  for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
    ret += j;


void main() {
  int ret = 0;  | 基本块 0  PreHeader
  int j = 0;    | 基本块 0  PreHeader
  while(j < 4){ | 基本块 1  Header
    ret += j;   | 基本块 2  
    j++;        | 基本块 3  Latch  
  return ;      | 基本块 4  Exit


Loop Rotate 将执行顺序改编为 if-do-while结构,从CFG图里面可以看出,直觉上可以看出,Rotate以后的,通过插入前后两个基本块,使得循环主体变得相对独立,也就是Loop-closed。

void main() {
  int ret = 0;  | 基本块 0  
  int j = 0;    | 基本块 0  
  if(j<4)       | 基本块 0
    ret += j;   | 基本块 1 Header
    j++;        | 基本块 1 Header
   }while(j<4); | 基本块 2 Latch 
  return 0;     | 基本块 3 Exit


2. 源码分析

Rotate Loops相关文件有:

LoopRotation.cpp 是Pass相关代码,
LoopRotationUtils.cpp 是真正Loops Rotate 动作的代码。

2.1 Pass 相关代码


char LoopRotateLegacyPass::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(LoopRotateLegacyPass, "loop-rotate", "Rotate Loops",false, false)
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(LoopRotateLegacyPass, "loop-rotate", "Rotate Loops", false,false)
Pass *llvm::createLoopRotatePass(int MaxHeaderSize) {
  return new LoopRotateLegacyPass(MaxHeaderSize);



class LoopRotateLegacyPass : public LoopPass {
  unsigned MaxHeaderSize;
  static char ID; // Pass ID, replacement for typeid
  LoopRotateLegacyPass(int SpecifiedMaxHeaderSize = -1) : LoopPass(ID) {
    if (SpecifiedMaxHeaderSize == -1)
      MaxHeaderSize = DefaultRotationThreshold;
      MaxHeaderSize = unsigned(SpecifiedMaxHeaderSize);

  // LCSSA form makes instruction renaming easier.
  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
    if (EnableMSSALoopDependency) {
  • LoopRotateLegacyPass 是一个Loop Pass.
  • 分析强制依赖于AssumptionCacheTracker,TargetTransformInfoWrapperPass。
  • 根据EnableMSSALoopDependency开关,决定需不需要MemorySSAWrapperPass。
  • MaxHeaderSize: 代表


  bool runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) override {
    if (skipLoop(L))
      return false;
    Function &F = *L->getHeader()->getParent();

    auto *LI = &getAnalysis<LoopInfoWrapperPass>().getLoopInfo();
    const auto *TTI = &getAnalysis<TargetTransformInfoWrapperPass>().getTTI(F);
    auto *AC = &getAnalysis<AssumptionCacheTracker>().getAssumptionCache(F);
    auto *DTWP = getAnalysisIfAvailable<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>();
    auto *DT = DTWP ? &DTWP->getDomTree() : nullptr;
    auto *SEWP = getAnalysisIfAvailable<ScalarEvolutionWrapperPass>();
    auto *SE = SEWP ? &SEWP->getSE() : nullptr;
    const SimplifyQuery SQ = getBestSimplifyQuery(*this, F);
    Optional<MemorySSAUpdater> MSSAU;
    if (EnableMSSALoopDependency) {
      MemorySSA *MSSA = &getAnalysis<MemorySSAWrapperPass>().getMSSA();
      MSSAU = MemorySSAUpdater(MSSA);
    return LoopRotation(L, LI, TTI, AC, DT, SE,
                        MSSAU.hasValue() ? MSSAU.getPointer() : nullptr, SQ,
                        false, MaxHeaderSize, false);
  • runOnLoop(),主要获取LoopRotation需要的相关依赖信息,包括LoopInfo,TargetTransformInfo,AssumptionCacheTracker,DominatorTree,ScalarEvolution,MemorySSA(可选)并调用LoopRotation(LoopRotationUtils.cpp)构造函数。

2.2 Loops Rotate 动作相关代码

LoopRotation 类:

class LoopRotate {
  const unsigned MaxHeaderSize;
  LoopInfo *LI;
  const TargetTransformInfo *TTI;
  AssumptionCache *AC;
  DominatorTree *DT;
  ScalarEvolution *SE;
  MemorySSAUpdater *MSSAU;
  const SimplifyQuery &SQ;
  bool RotationOnly;
  bool IsUtilMode;

  LoopRotate(unsigned MaxHeaderSize, LoopInfo *LI,
             const TargetTransformInfo *TTI, AssumptionCache *AC,
             DominatorTree *DT, ScalarEvolution *SE, MemorySSAUpdater *MSSAU,
             const SimplifyQuery &SQ, bool RotationOnly, bool IsUtilMode)
      : MaxHeaderSize(MaxHeaderSize), LI(LI), TTI(TTI), AC(AC), DT(DT), SE(SE),
        MSSAU(MSSAU), SQ(SQ), RotationOnly(RotationOnly),
        IsUtilMode(IsUtilMode) {}
  bool processLoop(Loop *L);
  bool rotateLoop(Loop *L, bool SimplifiedLatch);
  bool simplifyLoopLatch(Loop *L);



bool LoopRotate::processLoop(Loop *L) {
  // Save the loop metadata.
  MDNode *LoopMD = L->getLoopID();

  bool SimplifiedLatch = false;

  // Simplify the loop latch before attempting to rotate the header
  // upward. Rotation may not be needed if the loop tail can be folded into the
  // loop exit.
  if (!RotationOnly)
    SimplifiedLatch = simplifyLoopLatch(L);

  bool MadeChange = rotateLoop(L, SimplifiedLatch);
  assert((!MadeChange || L->isLoopExiting(L->getLoopLatch())) &&
         "Loop latch should be exiting after loop-rotate.");

  // Restore the loop metadata.
  // NB! We presume LoopRotation DOESN'T ADD its own metadata.
  if ((MadeChange || SimplifiedLatch) && LoopMD)
  return MadeChange || SimplifiedLatch;

processLoop 先简化simplifyLoopLatch,最后真正的rotateLoop,将信息保存,还回值表示是否rotateLoop成功。


bool LoopRotate::simplifyLoopLatch(Loop *L) {
  BasicBlock *Latch = L->getLoopLatch();
  if (!Latch || Latch->hasAddressTaken())
    return false;
  BranchInst *Jmp = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Latch->getTerminator());
  if (!Jmp || !Jmp->isUnconditional())
    return false;

  BasicBlock *LastExit = Latch->getSinglePredecessor();
  if (!LastExit || !L->isLoopExiting(LastExit))
    return false;

  BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(LastExit->getTerminator());
  if (!BI)
    return false;

  if (!shouldSpeculateInstrs(Latch->begin(), Jmp->getIterator(), L))
    return false;

  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Folding loop latch " << Latch->getName() << " into "
                    << LastExit->getName() << "\n");

  // Hoist the instructions from Latch into LastExit.
  Instruction *FirstLatchInst = &*(Latch->begin());
  LastExit->getInstList().splice(BI->getIterator(), Latch->getInstList(),
                                 Latch->begin(), Jmp->getIterator());

  // Update MemorySSA
  if (MSSAU)
    MSSAU->moveAllAfterMergeBlocks(Latch, LastExit, FirstLatchInst);

  unsigned FallThruPath = BI->getSuccessor(0) == Latch ? 0 : 1;
  BasicBlock *Header = Jmp->getSuccessor(0);
  assert(Header == L->getHeader() && "expected a backward branch");

  // Remove Latch from the CFG so that LastExit becomes the new Latch.
  BI->setSuccessor(FallThruPath, Header);

  // Nuke the Latch block.
  assert(Latch->empty() && "unable to evacuate Latch");
  if (DT)

  if (MSSAU && VerifyMemorySSA)

  return true;


/// Rotate loop LP. Return true if the loop is rotated.
/// \param SimplifiedLatch is true if the latch was just folded into the final
/// loop exit. In this case we may want to rotate even though the new latch is
/// now an exiting branch. This rotation would have happened had the latch not
/// been simplified. However, if SimplifiedLatch is false, then we avoid
/// rotating loops in which the latch exits to avoid excessive or endless
/// rotation. LoopRotate should be repeatable and converge to a canonical
/// form. This property is satisfied because simplifying the loop latch can only
/// happen once across multiple invocations of the LoopRotate pass.
bool LoopRotate::rotateLoop(Loop *L, bool SimplifiedLatch) {
  // If the loop has only one block then there is not much to rotate.
  if (L->getBlocks().size() == 1)
    return false;

  BasicBlock *OrigHeader = L->getHeader();
  BasicBlock *OrigLatch = L->getLoopLatch();

  BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(OrigHeader->getTerminator());
  if (!BI || BI->isUnconditional())
    return false;

  // If the loop header is not one of the loop exiting blocks then
  // either this loop is already rotated or it is not
  // suitable for loop rotation transformations.
  if (!L->isLoopExiting(OrigHeader))
    return false;

  // If the loop latch already contains a branch that leaves the loop then the
  // loop is already rotated.
  if (!OrigLatch)
    return false;

  // Rotate if either the loop latch does *not* exit the loop, or if the loop
  // latch was just simplified. Or if we think it will be profitable.
  if (L->isLoopExiting(OrigLatch) && !SimplifiedLatch && IsUtilMode == false &&
    return false;

  // Check size of original header and reject loop if it is very big or we can't
  // duplicate blocks inside it.
    SmallPtrSet<const Value *, 32> EphValues;
    CodeMetrics::collectEphemeralValues(L, AC, EphValues);

    CodeMetrics Metrics;
    Metrics.analyzeBasicBlock(OrigHeader, *TTI, EphValues);
    if (Metrics.notDuplicatable) {
          dbgs() << "LoopRotation: NOT rotating - contains non-duplicatable"
                 << " instructions: ";
      return false;
    if (Metrics.convergent) {
      LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LoopRotation: NOT rotating - contains convergent "
                           "instructions: ";
      return false;
    if (Metrics.NumInsts > MaxHeaderSize)
      return false;

  // Now, this loop is suitable for rotation.
  BasicBlock *OrigPreheader = L->getLoopPreheader();

  // If the loop could not be converted to canonical form, it must have an
  // indirectbr in it, just give up.
  if (!OrigPreheader || !L->hasDedicatedExits())
    return false;

  // Anything ScalarEvolution may know about this loop or the PHI nodes
  // in its header will soon be invalidated. We should also invalidate
  // all outer loops because insertion and deletion of blocks that happens
  // during the rotation may violate invariants related to backedge taken
  // infos in them.
  if (SE)

  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LoopRotation: rotating "; L->dump());
  if (MSSAU && VerifyMemorySSA)

  // Find new Loop header. NewHeader is a Header's one and only successor
  // that is inside loop.  Header's other successor is outside the
  // loop.  Otherwise loop is not suitable for rotation.
  BasicBlock *Exit = BI->getSuccessor(0);
  BasicBlock *NewHeader = BI->getSuccessor(1);
  if (L->contains(Exit))
    std::swap(Exit, NewHeader);
  assert(NewHeader && "Unable to determine new loop header");
  assert(L->contains(NewHeader) && !L->contains(Exit) &&
         "Unable to determine loop header and exit blocks");

  // This code assumes that the new header has exactly one predecessor.
  // Remove any single-entry PHI nodes in it.
  assert(NewHeader->getSinglePredecessor() &&
         "New header doesn't have one pred!");

  // Begin by walking OrigHeader and populating ValueMap with an entry for
  // each Instruction.
  BasicBlock::iterator I = OrigHeader->begin(), E = OrigHeader->end();
  ValueToValueMapTy ValueMap, ValueMapMSSA;

  // For PHI nodes, the value available in OldPreHeader is just the
  // incoming value from OldPreHeader.
  for (; PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I); ++I)
    ValueMap[PN] = PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(OrigPreheader);

  // For the rest of the instructions, either hoist to the OrigPreheader if
  // possible or create a clone in the OldPreHeader if not.
  Instruction *LoopEntryBranch = OrigPreheader->getTerminator();

  // Record all debug intrinsics preceding LoopEntryBranch to avoid duplication.
  using DbgIntrinsicHash =
      std::pair<std::pair<Value *, DILocalVariable *>, DIExpression *>;
  auto makeHash = [](DbgVariableIntrinsic *D) -> DbgIntrinsicHash {
    return {{D->getVariableLocation(), D->getVariable()}, D->getExpression()};
  SmallDenseSet<DbgIntrinsicHash, 8> DbgIntrinsics;
  for (auto I = std::next(OrigPreheader->rbegin()), E = OrigPreheader->rend();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (auto *DII = dyn_cast<DbgVariableIntrinsic>(&*I))

  while (I != E) {
    Instruction *Inst = &*I++;

    // If the instruction's operands are invariant and it doesn't read or write
    // memory, then it is safe to hoist.  Doing this doesn't change the order of
    // execution in the preheader, but does prevent the instruction from
    // executing in each iteration of the loop.  This means it is safe to hoist
    // something that might trap, but isn't safe to hoist something that reads
    // memory (without proving that the loop doesn't write).
    if (L->hasLoopInvariantOperands(Inst) && !Inst->mayReadFromMemory() &&
        !Inst->mayWriteToMemory() && !Inst->isTerminator() &&
        !isa<DbgInfoIntrinsic>(Inst) && !isa<AllocaInst>(Inst)) {

    // Otherwise, create a duplicate of the instruction.
    Instruction *C = Inst->clone();

    // Eagerly remap the operands of the instruction.
    RemapInstruction(C, ValueMap,
                     RF_NoModuleLevelChanges | RF_IgnoreMissingLocals);

    // Avoid inserting the same intrinsic twice.
    if (auto *DII = dyn_cast<DbgVariableIntrinsic>(C))
      if (DbgIntrinsics.count(makeHash(DII))) {

    // With the operands remapped, see if the instruction constant folds or is
    // otherwise simplifyable.  This commonly occurs because the entry from PHI
    // nodes allows icmps and other instructions to fold.
    Value *V = SimplifyInstruction(C, SQ);
    if (V && LI->replacementPreservesLCSSAForm(C, V)) {
      // If so, then delete the temporary instruction and stick the folded value
      // in the map.
      ValueMap[Inst] = V;
      if (!C->mayHaveSideEffects()) {
        C = nullptr;
    } else {
      ValueMap[Inst] = C;
    if (C) {
      // Otherwise, stick the new instruction into the new block!

      if (auto *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(C))
        if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::assume)
      // MemorySSA cares whether the cloned instruction was inserted or not, and
      // not whether it can be remapped to a simplified value.
      ValueMapMSSA[Inst] = C;

  // Along with all the other instructions, we just cloned OrigHeader's
  // terminator into OrigPreHeader. Fix up the PHI nodes in each of OrigHeader's
  // successors by duplicating their incoming values for OrigHeader.
  for (BasicBlock *SuccBB : successors(OrigHeader))
    for (BasicBlock::iterator BI = SuccBB->begin();
         PHINode *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BI); ++BI)
      PN->addIncoming(PN->getIncomingValueForBlock(OrigHeader), OrigPreheader);

  // Now that OrigPreHeader has a clone of OrigHeader's terminator, remove
  // OrigPreHeader's old terminator (the original branch into the loop), and
  // remove the corresponding incoming values from the PHI nodes in OrigHeader.

  // Update MemorySSA before the rewrite call below changes the 1:1
  // instruction:cloned_instruction_or_value mapping.
  if (MSSAU) {
    ValueMapMSSA[OrigHeader] = OrigPreheader;
    MSSAU->updateForClonedBlockIntoPred(OrigHeader, OrigPreheader,

  SmallVector<PHINode*, 2> InsertedPHIs;
  // If there were any uses of instructions in the duplicated block outside the
  // loop, update them, inserting PHI nodes as required
  RewriteUsesOfClonedInstructions(OrigHeader, OrigPreheader, ValueMap,

  // Attach dbg.value intrinsics to the new phis if that phi uses a value that
  // previously had debug metadata attached. This keeps the debug info
  // up-to-date in the loop body.
  if (!InsertedPHIs.empty())
    insertDebugValuesForPHIs(OrigHeader, InsertedPHIs);

  // NewHeader is now the header of the loop.
  assert(L->getHeader() == NewHeader && "Latch block is our new header");

  // Inform DT about changes to the CFG.
  if (DT) {
    // The OrigPreheader branches to the NewHeader and Exit now. Then, inform
    // the DT about the removed edge to the OrigHeader (that got removed).
    SmallVector<DominatorTree::UpdateType, 3> Updates;
    Updates.push_back({DominatorTree::Insert, OrigPreheader, Exit});
    Updates.push_back({DominatorTree::Insert, OrigPreheader, NewHeader});
    Updates.push_back({DominatorTree::Delete, OrigPreheader, OrigHeader});

    if (MSSAU) {
      MSSAU->applyUpdates(Updates, *DT);
      if (VerifyMemorySSA)

  // At this point, we've finished our major CFG changes.  As part of cloning
  // the loop into the preheader we've simplified instructions and the
  // duplicated conditional branch may now be branching on a constant.  If it is
  // branching on a constant and if that constant means that we enter the loop,
  // then we fold away the cond branch to an uncond branch.  This simplifies the
  // loop in cases important for nested loops, and it also means we don't have
  // to split as many edges.
  BranchInst *PHBI = cast<BranchInst>(OrigPreheader->getTerminator());
  assert(PHBI->isConditional() && "Should be clone of BI condbr!");
  if (!isa<ConstantInt>(PHBI->getCondition()) ||
      PHBI->getSuccessor(cast<ConstantInt>(PHBI->getCondition())->isZero()) !=
          NewHeader) {
    // The conditional branch can't be folded, handle the general case.
    // Split edges as necessary to preserve LoopSimplify form.

    // Right now OrigPreHeader has two successors, NewHeader and ExitBlock, and
    // thus is not a preheader anymore.
    // Split the edge to form a real preheader.
    BasicBlock *NewPH = SplitCriticalEdge(
        OrigPreheader, NewHeader,
        CriticalEdgeSplittingOptions(DT, LI, MSSAU).setPreserveLCSSA());
    NewPH->setName(NewHeader->getName() + ".lr.ph");

    // Preserve canonical loop form, which means that 'Exit' should have only
    // one predecessor. Note that Exit could be an exit block for multiple
    // nested loops, causing both of the edges to now be critical and need to
    // be split.
    SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 4> ExitPreds(pred_begin(Exit), pred_end(Exit));
    bool SplitLatchEdge = false;
    for (BasicBlock *ExitPred : ExitPreds) {
      // We only need to split loop exit edges.
      Loop *PredLoop = LI->getLoopFor(ExitPred);
      if (!PredLoop || PredLoop->contains(Exit) ||
      SplitLatchEdge |= L->getLoopLatch() == ExitPred;
      BasicBlock *ExitSplit = SplitCriticalEdge(
          ExitPred, Exit,
          CriticalEdgeSplittingOptions(DT, LI, MSSAU).setPreserveLCSSA());
    assert(SplitLatchEdge &&
           "Despite splitting all preds, failed to split latch exit?");
  } else {
    // We can fold the conditional branch in the preheader, this makes things
    // simpler. The first step is to remove the extra edge to the Exit block.
    Exit->removePredecessor(OrigPreheader, true /*preserve LCSSA*/);
    BranchInst *NewBI = BranchInst::Create(NewHeader, PHBI);

    // With our CFG finalized, update DomTree if it is available.
    if (DT) DT->deleteEdge(OrigPreheader, Exit);

    // Update MSSA too, if available.
    if (MSSAU)
      MSSAU->removeEdge(OrigPreheader, Exit);

  assert(L->getLoopPreheader() && "Invalid loop preheader after loop rotation");
  assert(L->getLoopLatch() && "Invalid loop latch after loop rotation");

  if (MSSAU && VerifyMemorySSA)

  // Now that the CFG and DomTree are in a consistent state again, try to merge
  // the OrigHeader block into OrigLatch.  This will succeed if they are
  // connected by an unconditional branch.  This is just a cleanup so the
  // emitted code isn't too gross in this common case.
  DomTreeUpdater DTU(DT, DomTreeUpdater::UpdateStrategy::Eager);
  MergeBlockIntoPredecessor(OrigHeader, &DTU, LI, MSSAU);

  if (MSSAU && VerifyMemorySSA)

  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "LoopRotation: into "; L->dump());

  ++NumRotated;  // NumRotated这个是STATICS宏表达的次数,用于统计信息
  return true;

3. 参考资料

[1] llvm-9.0.0源码
[2] https://www.llvm.org/devmtg/2009-10/ScalarEvolutionAndLoopOptimization.pdf
[3] https://reviews.llvm.org/D22630

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污点分析是一种静态程序分析技术,用于确定程序哪些变量可以被恶意输入或其他安全漏洞所利用。LLVM是一个广泛使用的编译器基础设施,可以用于实现污点分析。下面是一个简单的LLVM Pass,它实现了简单的污点分析。 首先,我们需要定义一个Pass类,该类继承自llvm::FunctionPass。然后,我们需要在runOnFunction函数实现我们的污点分析逻辑。在这个例子,我们将通过检查函数的参数和指令来确定哪些变量是受污染的。 ```c++ #include "llvm/IR/Function.h" #include "llvm/Pass.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h" using namespace llvm; namespace { struct TaintAnalysis : public FunctionPass { static char ID; TaintAnalysis() : FunctionPass(ID) {} bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override { // 遍历函数的所有基本块 for (auto &BB : F) { // 遍历基本块的所有指令 for (auto &I : BB) { // 如果指令是一个存储指令 if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(&I)) { // 如果存储指令的源操作数是一个指针类型 if (auto *Ptr = dyn_cast<PointerType>(SI->getOperand(1)->getType())) { // 如果指针指向的类型是整数类型 if (auto *IntTy = dyn_cast<IntegerType>(Ptr->getElementType())) { // 如果整数类型的位宽为8 if (IntTy->getBitWidth() == 8) { // 输出受污染的指针值和存储的值 errs() << "Tainted pointer value: " << *SI->getOperand(1) << "\n"; errs() << "Tainted value: " << *SI->getOperand(0) << "\n"; } } } } } } return false; } }; } char TaintAnalysis::ID = 0; static RegisterPass<TaintAnalysis> X("taint-analysis", "Taint Analysis Pass"); ``` 我们在runOnFunction函数遍历函数的所有基本块和指令。我们检查每个存储指令,以确定它是否存储了一个指向整数类型的指针,并且该整数类型具有8位的位宽。如果是的话,我们输出受污染的指针值和存储的值。 最后,我们将该Pass注册到LLVM,以便在编译时运行。我们使用static RegisterPass来注册我们的Pass,并将其命名为“taint-analysis”。 现在,我们可以使用LLVM编译器运行我们的Pass,以便对C或C++程序进行污点分析。例如,假设我们有以下C程序: ```c++ #include <stdio.h> void foo(int *ptr) { int x = *ptr; printf("The value of x is: %d\n", x); } int main() { int y = 42; foo(&y); return 0; } ``` 我们可以使用以下命令编译程序并运行我们的Pass: ``` clang -Xclang -load -Xclang MyPass.so -c test.c ``` 这将生成一个名为“test.o”的目标文件,并使用我们的Pass进行污点分析。如果程序存在受污染的指针,我们的Pass将输出它们的值。在这个例子,我们应该得到以下输出: ``` Tainted pointer value: i32* %ptr Tainted value: i32 42 ```


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