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package cn.sven.bcvs.douyu;

import cn.sven.bcvs.utils.GetKafkaProducer;
import cn.sven.bcvs.utils.WriteFile;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord;
import org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient;
import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshake;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Date;

public class DouyuClient {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new DouyuClient().crawl();

    public void crawl() throws Exception {
        final Producer<String, String> producer = GetKafkaProducer.get();

        WebSocketClient websocketclient = new WebSocketClient(new URI("wss://danmuproxy.douyu.com:8506/"
        ), new Draft_6455()) {
            public void onOpen(ServerHandshake handshakedata) {
                try {
                    Thread heartBeatThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            while (true) {
                                try {
                                }  catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {


            public void onMessage(String message) {

            public void onMessage(ByteBuffer bytes) {
                Charset charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
                CharBuffer charBuffer = charset.decode(bytes);
                String str = charBuffer.toString();
                if (str.contains("txt")) {
                    String name = str.substring(str.indexOf("nn@=") + 4, str.indexOf("/", str.indexOf("nn@="))).replace("\001", "");
                    String danmu = str.substring(str.indexOf("txt@=") + 5, str.indexOf("/", str.indexOf("txt@="))).replace("\001", "");
                    String owner = str.substring(str.indexOf("bnn@=") + 5, str.indexOf("/", str.indexOf("bnn@="))).replace("\001", "");
                    if (owner.isEmpty()) owner = "N";
                    long timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
                    String msg = name + "\001" + owner + "\001" + danmu + "\001" + timestamp;
                    producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>("yyf", null, msg));


            public void onClose(int i, String s, boolean b) {

            public void onError(Exception e) {

    public byte[] login() throws IOException {
        String message = "type@=loginreq/roomid@=9999/";
        return douyuRequestEncode(message);

    public byte[] joinGroup() throws IOException {
        String message = "type@=joingroup/rid@=9999/gid@=-9999/";
        return douyuRequestEncode(message);

    public byte[] heartBeat() throws IOException {
        String message = "type@=mrkl/";
        return douyuRequestEncode(message);

    public byte[] douyuRequestEncode(String message) throws IOException {
        int dataLen1 = message.length() + 9;//4 字节小端整数,表示整条消息(包括自身)长度(字节数)。
        int dataLen2 = message.length() + 9;//消息长度出现两遍,二者相同。
        int send = 689;//689 客户端发送给弹幕服务器的文本格式数据,暂时未用,默认为 0。保留字段:暂时未用,默认为 0。
        byte[] msgBytes = message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        int end = 0;
        byte[] endBytes = new byte[1];
        endBytes[0] = (byte) (end & 0xFF);

        ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        return bytes.toByteArray();

    public byte[] intToBytesLittle(int value) {
        return new byte[]{
                (byte) (value & 0xFF),
                (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF),
                (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF),
                (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF)

 * Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Nathan Rajlich
 *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
 *  obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
 *  files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
 *  restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
 *  copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 *  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 *  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
 *  conditions:
 *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 *  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

package cn.sven.bcvs.douyu;

import org.java_websocket.WebSocketImpl;
import org.java_websocket.drafts.Draft;
import org.java_websocket.enums.*;
import org.java_websocket.exceptions.*;
import org.java_websocket.extensions.DefaultExtension;
import org.java_websocket.extensions.IExtension;
import org.java_websocket.framing.*;
import org.java_websocket.handshake.*;
import org.java_websocket.protocols.IProtocol;
import org.java_websocket.protocols.Protocol;
import org.java_websocket.util.Base64;
import org.java_websocket.util.Charsetfunctions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * Implementation for the RFC 6455 websocket protocol
 * This is the recommended class for your websocket connection
public class Draft_6455 extends Draft {

	 * Handshake specific field for the key
	private static final String SEC_WEB_SOCKET_KEY = "Sec-WebSocket-Key";

	 * Handshake specific field for the protocol
	private static final String SEC_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol";

	 * Handshake specific field for the extension
	private static final String SEC_WEB_SOCKET_EXTENSIONS = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions";

	 * Handshake specific field for the accept
	private static final String SEC_WEB_SOCKET_ACCEPT = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept";

	 * Handshake specific field for the upgrade
	private static final String UPGRADE = "Upgrade" ;

	 * Handshake specific field for the connection
	private static final String CONNECTION = "Connection";

	 * Logger instance
	 * @since 1.4.0
	private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Draft_6455.class);

	 * Attribute for the used extension in this draft
	private IExtension extension = new DefaultExtension();

	 * Attribute for all available extension in this draft
	private List<IExtension> knownExtensions;

	 * Attribute for the used protocol in this draft
	private IProtocol protocol;

	 * Attribute for all available protocols in this draft
	private List<IProtocol> knownProtocols;

	 * Attribute for the current continuous frame
	private Framedata currentContinuousFrame;

	 * Attribute for the payload of the current continuous frame
	private final List<ByteBuffer> byteBufferList;

	 * Attribute for the current incomplete frame
	private ByteBuffer incompleteframe;

	 * Attribute for the reusable random instance
	private final Random reuseableRandom = new Random();

	 * Attribute for the maximum allowed size of a frame
	 * @since 1.4.0
	private int maxFrameSize;

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with default extensions
	 * @since 1.3.5
	public Draft_6455() {
		this( Collections.<IExtension>emptyList() );

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with custom extensions
	 * @param inputExtension the extension which should be used for this draft
	 * @since 1.3.5
	public Draft_6455(IExtension inputExtension ) {
		this( Collections.singletonList( inputExtension ) );

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with custom extensions
	 * @param inputExtensions the extensions which should be used for this draft
	 * @since 1.3.5
	public Draft_6455(List<IExtension> inputExtensions ) {
		this( inputExtensions, Collections.<IProtocol>singletonList( new Protocol( "" ) ));

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with custom extensions and protocols
	 * @param inputExtensions the extensions which should be used for this draft
	 * @param inputProtocols the protocols which should be used for this draft
	 * @since 1.3.7
	public Draft_6455(List<IExtension> inputExtensions , List<IProtocol> inputProtocols ) {
		this(inputExtensions, inputProtocols, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with custom extensions and protocols
	 * @param inputExtensions the extensions which should be used for this draft
	 * @param inputMaxFrameSize the maximum allowed size of a frame (the real payload size, decoded frames can be bigger)
	 * @since 1.4.0
	public Draft_6455(List<IExtension> inputExtensions , int inputMaxFrameSize) {
		this(inputExtensions, Collections.<IProtocol>singletonList( new Protocol( "" )), inputMaxFrameSize);

	 * Constructor for the websocket protocol specified by RFC 6455 with custom extensions and protocols
	 * @param inputExtensions the extensions which should be used for this draft
	 * @param inputProtocols the protocols which should be used for this draft
	 * @param inputMaxFrameSize the maximum allowed size of a frame (the real payload size, decoded frames can be bigger)
	 * @since 1.4.0
	public Draft_6455(List<IExtension> inputExtensions , List<IProtocol> inputProtocols, int inputMaxFrameSize ) {
		if (inputExtensions == null || inputProtocols == null || inputMaxFrameSize < 1) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		knownExtensions = new ArrayList<IExtension>( inputExtensions.size());
		knownProtocols = new ArrayList<IProtocol>( inputProtocols.size());
		boolean hasDefault = false;
		byteBufferList = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
		for( IExtension inputExtension : inputExtensions ) {
			if( inputExtension.getClass().equals( DefaultExtension.class ) ) {
				hasDefault = true;
		knownExtensions.addAll( inputExtensions );
		//We always add the DefaultExtension to implement the normal RFC 6455 specification
		if( !hasDefault ) {
			knownExtensions.add( this.knownExtensions.size(), extension );
		knownProtocols.addAll( inputProtocols );
		maxFrameSize = inputMaxFrameSize;

	public HandshakeState acceptHandshakeAsServer( ClientHandshake handshakedata ) throws InvalidHandshakeException {
//		int v = readVersion( handshakedata );
//		if( v != 13 ) {
//			log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsServer - Wrong websocket version.");
//			return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;
//		}
		HandshakeState extensionState = HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;
		String requestedExtension = handshakedata.getFieldValue(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_EXTENSIONS);
        for( IExtension knownExtension : knownExtensions ) {
            if( knownExtension.acceptProvidedExtensionAsServer( requestedExtension ) ) {
                extension = knownExtension;
                extensionState = HandshakeState.MATCHED;
                log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsServer - Matching extension found: {}", extension);
		HandshakeState protocolState = containsRequestedProtocol(handshakedata.getFieldValue(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL));
		if (protocolState == HandshakeState.MATCHED && extensionState == HandshakeState.MATCHED) {
			return HandshakeState.MATCHED;
		log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsServer - No matching extension or protocol found.");
		return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;

	 * Check if the requested protocol is part of this draft
	 * @param requestedProtocol the requested protocol
	 * @return MATCHED if it is matched, otherwise NOT_MATCHED
	private HandshakeState containsRequestedProtocol(String requestedProtocol) {
		for( IProtocol knownProtocol : knownProtocols ) {
			if( knownProtocol.acceptProvidedProtocol( requestedProtocol ) ) {
				protocol = knownProtocol;
				log.trace("acceptHandshake - Matching protocol found: {}", protocol);
				return HandshakeState.MATCHED;
		return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;

	public HandshakeState acceptHandshakeAsClient( ClientHandshake request, ServerHandshake response ) throws InvalidHandshakeException {
		if (! basicAccept( response )) {
			log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsClient - Missing/wrong upgrade or connection in handshake.");
			return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;
		if( !request.hasFieldValue( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_KEY ) || !response.hasFieldValue( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_ACCEPT ) ) {
			log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsClient - Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key or Sec-WebSocket-Accept");
			return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;

		String seckeyAnswer = response.getFieldValue( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_ACCEPT );
		String seckeyChallenge = request.getFieldValue( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_KEY );
		seckeyChallenge = generateFinalKey( seckeyChallenge );

		if( !seckeyChallenge.equals( seckeyAnswer ) ) {
			log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsClient - Wrong key for Sec-WebSocket-Key.");
			return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;
		HandshakeState extensionState = HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;
		String requestedExtension = response.getFieldValue(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_EXTENSIONS);
		for( IExtension knownExtension : knownExtensions ) {
			if( knownExtension.acceptProvidedExtensionAsClient( requestedExtension ) ) {
				extension = knownExtension;
				extensionState = HandshakeState.MATCHED;
				log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsClient - Matching extension found: {}",extension);
		HandshakeState protocolState = containsRequestedProtocol(response.getFieldValue(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL));
		if (protocolState == HandshakeState.MATCHED && extensionState == HandshakeState.MATCHED) {
			return HandshakeState.MATCHED;
		log.trace("acceptHandshakeAsClient - No matching extension or protocol found.");
		return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED;

	 * Getter for the extension which is used by this draft
	 * @return the extension which is used or null, if handshake is not yet done
	public IExtension getExtension() {
		return extension;

	 * Getter for all available extensions for this draft
	 * @return the extensions which are enabled for this draft
	public List<IExtension> getKnownExtensions() {
		return knownExtensions;

	 * Getter for the protocol which is used by this draft
	 * @return the protocol which is used or null, if handshake is not yet done or no valid protocols
	 * @since 1.3.7
	public IProtocol getProtocol() {
		return protocol;

	 * Getter for the maximum allowed payload size which is used by this draft
	 * @return the size, which is allowed for the payload
	 * @since 1.4.0
	public int getMaxFrameSize() {
		return maxFrameSize;

	 * Getter for all available protocols for this draft
	 * @return the protocols which are enabled for this draft
	 * @since 1.3.7
	public List<IProtocol> getKnownProtocols() {
		return knownProtocols;

	public ClientHandshakeBuilder postProcessHandshakeRequestAsClient( ClientHandshakeBuilder request ) {
		request.put( UPGRADE, "websocket" );
		request.put( CONNECTION, UPGRADE ); // to respond to a Connection keep alives
		byte[] random = new byte[16];
		reuseableRandom.nextBytes( random );
		request.put( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_KEY , Base64.encodeBytes( random ) );
		request.put( "Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13" );// overwriting the previous
		StringBuilder requestedExtensions = new StringBuilder();
		for( IExtension knownExtension : knownExtensions ) {
			if( knownExtension.getProvidedExtensionAsClient() != null && knownExtension.getProvidedExtensionAsClient().length() != 0 ) {
				if (requestedExtensions.length() > 0) {
					requestedExtensions.append( ", " );
				requestedExtensions.append( knownExtension.getProvidedExtensionAsClient() );
		if( requestedExtensions.length() != 0 ) {
			request.put(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_EXTENSIONS, requestedExtensions.toString() );
		StringBuilder requestedProtocols = new StringBuilder();
		for( IProtocol knownProtocol : knownProtocols ) {
			if( knownProtocol.getProvidedProtocol().length() != 0 ) {
				if (requestedProtocols.length() > 0) {
					requestedProtocols.append( ", " );
				requestedProtocols.append( knownProtocol.getProvidedProtocol() );
		if( requestedProtocols.length() != 0 ) {
			request.put(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL, requestedProtocols.toString() );
		return request;

	public HandshakeBuilder postProcessHandshakeResponseAsServer( ClientHandshake request, ServerHandshakeBuilder response ) throws InvalidHandshakeException {
		response.put( UPGRADE, "websocket" );
		response.put( CONNECTION, request.getFieldValue( CONNECTION) ); // to respond to a Connection keep alives
		String seckey = request.getFieldValue(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_KEY);
		if( seckey == null )
			throw new InvalidHandshakeException( "missing Sec-WebSocket-Key" );
		response.put( SEC_WEB_SOCKET_ACCEPT, generateFinalKey( seckey ) );
		if( getExtension().getProvidedExtensionAsServer().length() != 0 ) {
			response.put(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_EXTENSIONS, getExtension().getProvidedExtensionAsServer() );
		if( getProtocol() != null && getProtocol().getProvidedProtocol().length() != 0 ) {
			response.put(SEC_WEB_SOCKET_PROTOCOL, getProtocol().getProvidedProtocol() );
		response.setHttpStatusMessage( "Web Socket Protocol Handshake" );
		response.put( "Server", "TooTallNate Java-WebSocket" );
		response.put( "Date", getServerTime() );
		return response;

	public Draft copyInstance() {
		ArrayList<IExtension> newExtensions = new ArrayList<IExtension>();
		for( IExtension iExtension : getKnownExtensions() ) {
			newExtensions.add( iExtension.copyInstance() );
		ArrayList<IProtocol> newProtocols = new ArrayList<IProtocol>();
		for( IProtocol iProtocol : getKnownProtocols() ) {
			newProtocols.add( iProtocol.copyInstance() );
		return new Draft_6455( newExtensions, newProtocols, maxFrameSize );

	public ByteBuffer createBinaryFrame( Framedata framedata ) {
		getExtension().encodeFrame( framedata );
		if (log.isTraceEnabled())
			log.trace( "afterEnconding({}): {}" , framedata.getPayloadData().remaining(), ( framedata.getPayloadData().remaining() > 1000 ? "too big to display" : new String( framedata.getPayloadData().array() ) ) );
		return createByteBufferFromFramedata( framedata );

	private ByteBuffer createByteBufferFromFramedata( Framedata framedata ) {
		ByteBuffer mes = framedata.getPayloadData();
		boolean mask = role == Role.CLIENT;
		int sizebytes = getSizeBytes(mes);
		ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate( 1 + ( sizebytes > 1 ? sizebytes + 1 : sizebytes ) + ( mask ? 4 : 0 ) + mes.remaining() );
		byte optcode = fromOpcode( framedata.getOpcode() );
		byte one = ( byte ) ( framedata.isFin() ? -128 : 0 );
		one |= optcode;
			one |= getRSVByte(1);
			one |= getRSVByte(2);
			one |= getRSVByte(3);
		buf.put( one );
		byte[] payloadlengthbytes = toByteArray( mes.remaining(), sizebytes );
		assert ( payloadlengthbytes.length == sizebytes );

		if( sizebytes == 1 ) {
			buf.put( ( byte ) ( payloadlengthbytes[0] | getMaskByte(mask) ) );
		} else if( sizebytes == 2 ) {
			buf.put( ( byte ) ( ( byte ) 126 | getMaskByte(mask)));
			buf.put( payloadlengthbytes );
		} else if( sizebytes == 8 ) {
			buf.put( ( byte ) ( ( byte ) 127 | getMaskByte(mask)));
			buf.put( payloadlengthbytes );
		} else {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Size representation not supported/specified");
		if( mask ) {
			ByteBuffer maskkey = ByteBuffer.allocate( 4 );
			maskkey.putInt( reuseableRandom.nextInt() );
			buf.put( maskkey.array() );
			for( int i = 0; mes.hasRemaining(); i++ ) {
				buf.put( ( byte ) ( mes.get() ^ maskkey.get( i % 4 ) ) );
		} else {
			buf.put( mes );
			//Reset the position of the bytebuffer e.g. for additional use
		assert ( buf.remaining() == 0 ) : buf.remaining();
		return buf;

	private Framedata translateSingleFrame( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws IncompleteException, InvalidDataException {
		if (buffer == null)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		int maxpacketsize = buffer.remaining();
		int realpacketsize = 2;
		translateSingleFrameCheckPacketSize(maxpacketsize, realpacketsize);
		byte b1 = buffer.get( /*0*/ );
		boolean fin = b1 >> 8 != 0;
		boolean rsv1 = ( b1 & 0x40 ) != 0;
		boolean rsv2 = ( b1 & 0x20 ) != 0;
		boolean rsv3 = ( b1 & 0x10 ) != 0;
		byte b2 = buffer.get( /*1*/ );
		boolean mask = ( b2 & -128 ) != 0;
		int payloadlength = ( byte ) ( b2 & ~( byte ) 128 );
		Opcode optcode = toOpcode( ( byte ) ( b1 & 15 ) );

		if( !( payloadlength >= 0 && payloadlength <= 125 ) ) {
			TranslatedPayloadMetaData payloadData = translateSingleFramePayloadLength(buffer, optcode, payloadlength ,maxpacketsize, realpacketsize);
			payloadlength = payloadData.getPayloadLength();
			realpacketsize = payloadData.getRealPackageSize();
		realpacketsize += ( mask ? 4 : 0 );
		realpacketsize += payloadlength;
		translateSingleFrameCheckPacketSize(maxpacketsize, realpacketsize);

		ByteBuffer payload = ByteBuffer.allocate( checkAlloc( payloadlength ) );
		if( mask ) {
			byte[] maskskey = new byte[4];
			buffer.get( maskskey );
			for( int i = 0; i < payloadlength; i++ ) {
				payload.put( ( byte ) ( buffer.get( /*payloadstart + i*/ ) ^ maskskey[i % 4] ) );
		} else {
			payload.put( buffer.array(), buffer.position(), payload.limit() );
			buffer.position( buffer.position() + payload.limit() );

		FramedataImpl1 frame = FramedataImpl1.get( optcode );
		frame.setFin( fin );
		frame.setRSV1( rsv1 );
		frame.setRSV2( rsv2 );
		frame.setRSV3( rsv3 );
		frame.setPayload( payload );
		if (log.isTraceEnabled())
			log.trace( "afterDecoding({}): {}", frame.getPayloadData().remaining(), ( frame.getPayloadData().remaining() > 1000 ? "too big to display" : new String( frame.getPayloadData().array() ) ) );
		return frame;

     * Translate the buffer depending when it has an extended payload length (126 or 127)
     * @param buffer the buffer to read from
     * @param optcode the decoded optcode
     * @param oldPayloadlength the old payload length
     * @param maxpacketsize the max packet size allowed
     * @param oldRealpacketsize the real packet size
     * @return the new payload data containing new payload length and new packet size
     * @throws InvalidFrameException thrown if a control frame has an invalid length
     * @throws IncompleteException if the maxpacketsize is smaller than the realpackagesize
     * @throws LimitExceededException if the payload length is to big
    private TranslatedPayloadMetaData translateSingleFramePayloadLength(ByteBuffer buffer, Opcode optcode, int oldPayloadlength, int maxpacketsize, int oldRealpacketsize) throws InvalidFrameException, IncompleteException, LimitExceededException {
        int payloadlength = oldPayloadlength,
				realpacketsize = oldRealpacketsize;
    	if( optcode == Opcode.PING || optcode == Opcode.PONG || optcode == Opcode.CLOSING ) {
            log.trace( "Invalid frame: more than 125 octets" );
            throw new InvalidFrameException( "more than 125 octets" );
        if( payloadlength == 126 ) {
            realpacketsize += 2; // additional length bytes
            translateSingleFrameCheckPacketSize(maxpacketsize, realpacketsize);
            byte[] sizebytes = new byte[3];
            sizebytes[1] = buffer.get( /*1 + 1*/ );
            sizebytes[2] = buffer.get( /*1 + 2*/ );
            payloadlength = new BigInteger( sizebytes ).intValue();
        } else {
            realpacketsize += 8; // additional length bytes
            translateSingleFrameCheckPacketSize(maxpacketsize, realpacketsize);
            byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
            for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
                bytes[i] = buffer.get( /*1 + i*/ );
            long length = new BigInteger( bytes ).longValue();
            payloadlength = ( int ) length;
        return new TranslatedPayloadMetaData(payloadlength, realpacketsize);

	 * Check if the frame size exceeds the allowed limit
	 * @param length the current payload length
	 * @throws LimitExceededException if the payload length is to big
	private void translateSingleFrameCheckLengthLimit(long length) throws LimitExceededException {
		if( length > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
			log.trace("Limit exedeed: Payloadsize is to big...");
			throw new LimitExceededException("Payloadsize is to big...");
		if( length > maxFrameSize) {
			log.trace( "Payload limit reached. Allowed: {} Current: {}" , maxFrameSize, length);
			throw new LimitExceededException( "Payload limit reached.", maxFrameSize );
		if( length < 0 ) {
			log.trace("Limit underflow: Payloadsize is to little...");
			throw new LimitExceededException("Payloadsize is to little...");

	 * Check if the max packet size is smaller than the real packet size
	 * @param maxpacketsize the max packet size
	 * @param realpacketsize the real packet size
	 * @throws IncompleteException if the maxpacketsize is smaller than the realpackagesize
	private void translateSingleFrameCheckPacketSize(int maxpacketsize, int realpacketsize) throws IncompleteException {
		if( maxpacketsize < realpacketsize ) {
			log.trace( "Incomplete frame: maxpacketsize < realpacketsize" );
			throw new IncompleteException( realpacketsize );

	 * Get a byte that can set RSV bits when OR(|)'d.
	 * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
	 * +-+-+-+-+-------+
	 * |F|R|R|R| opcode|
	 * |I|S|S|S|  (4)  |
	 * |N|V|V|V|       |
	 * | |1|2|3|       |
	 * @param rsv Can only be {0, 1, 2, 3}
	 * @return byte that represents which RSV bit is set.
	private byte getRSVByte(int rsv){
		if(rsv == 1) // 0100 0000
			return 0x40;
		if(rsv == 2) // 0010 0000
			return 0x20;
		if(rsv == 3) // 0001 0000
			return 0x10;
		return 0;

	 * Get the mask byte if existing
	 * @param mask is mask active or not
	 * @return -128 for true, 0 for false
	private byte getMaskByte(boolean mask) {
		return mask ? ( byte ) -128 : 0;

	 * Get the size bytes for the byte buffer
	 * @param mes the current buffer
	 * @return the size bytes
	private int getSizeBytes(ByteBuffer mes) {
		if (mes.remaining() <= 125) {
			return 1;
		} else if (mes.remaining() <= 65535) {
			return 2;
		return 8;

	public List<Framedata> translateFrame( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws InvalidDataException {
		while( true ) {
			List<Framedata> frames = new LinkedList<Framedata>();
			Framedata cur;
			if( incompleteframe != null ) {
				// complete an incomplete frame
				try {
					int availableNextByteCount = buffer.remaining();// The number of bytes received
					int expectedNextByteCount = incompleteframe.remaining();// The number of bytes to complete the incomplete frame

					if( expectedNextByteCount > availableNextByteCount ) {
						// did not receive enough bytes to complete the frame
						incompleteframe.put( buffer.array(), buffer.position(), availableNextByteCount );
						buffer.position( buffer.position() + availableNextByteCount );
						return Collections.emptyList();
					incompleteframe.put( buffer.array(), buffer.position(), expectedNextByteCount );
					buffer.position( buffer.position() + expectedNextByteCount );
					cur = translateSingleFrame( ( ByteBuffer ) incompleteframe.duplicate().position( 0 ) );
					frames.add( cur );
					incompleteframe = null;
				} catch ( IncompleteException e ) {
					// extending as much as suggested
					ByteBuffer extendedframe = ByteBuffer.allocate( checkAlloc( e.getPreferredSize() ) );
					assert ( extendedframe.limit() > incompleteframe.limit() );
					extendedframe.put( incompleteframe );
					incompleteframe = extendedframe;

			while( buffer.hasRemaining() ) {// Read as much as possible full frames
				try {
					cur = translateSingleFrame( buffer );
					frames.add( cur );
				} catch ( IncompleteException e ) {
					// remember the incomplete data
					int pref = e.getPreferredSize();
					incompleteframe = ByteBuffer.allocate( checkAlloc( pref ) );
					incompleteframe.put( buffer );
			return frames;

	public List<Framedata> createFrames( ByteBuffer binary, boolean mask ) {
		BinaryFrame curframe = new BinaryFrame();
		curframe.setPayload( binary );
		curframe.setTransferemasked( mask );
		try {
		} catch ( InvalidDataException e ) {
			throw new NotSendableException( e );
		return Collections.singletonList( ( Framedata ) curframe );

	public List<Framedata> createFrames( String text, boolean mask ) {
		TextFrame curframe = new TextFrame();
		curframe.setPayload( ByteBuffer.wrap( Charsetfunctions.utf8Bytes( text ) ) );
		curframe.setTransferemasked( mask );
		try {
		} catch ( InvalidDataException e ) {
			throw new NotSendableException( e );
		return Collections.singletonList( ( Framedata ) curframe );

	public void reset() {
		incompleteframe = null;
		if( extension != null ) {
		extension = new DefaultExtension();
		protocol = null;

	 * Generate a date for for the date-header
	 * @return the server time
	private String getServerTime() {
		Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
		SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
				"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US );
		dateFormat.setTimeZone( TimeZone.getTimeZone( "GMT" ) );
		return dateFormat.format( calendar.getTime() );

	 * Generate a final key from a input string
	 * @param in the input string
	 * @return a final key
	private String generateFinalKey( String in ) {
		String seckey = in.trim();
		String acc = seckey + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
		MessageDigest sh1;
		try {
			sh1 = MessageDigest.getInstance( "SHA1" );
		} catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) {
			throw new IllegalStateException( e );
		return Base64.encodeBytes( sh1.digest( acc.getBytes() ) );

	private byte[] toByteArray( long val, int bytecount ) {
		byte[] buffer = new byte[bytecount];
		int highest = 8 * bytecount - 8;
		for( int i = 0; i < bytecount; i++ ) {
			buffer[i] = ( byte ) ( val >>> ( highest - 8 * i ) );
		return buffer;

	private byte fromOpcode( Opcode opcode ) {
		if( opcode == Opcode.CONTINUOUS )
			return 0;
		else if( opcode == Opcode.TEXT )
			return 1;
		else if( opcode == Opcode.BINARY )
			return 2;
		else if( opcode == Opcode.CLOSING )
			return 8;
		else if( opcode == Opcode.PING )
			return 9;
		else if( opcode == Opcode.PONG )
			return 10;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Don't know how to handle " + opcode.toString() );

	private Opcode toOpcode( byte opcode ) throws InvalidFrameException {
		switch(opcode) {
			case 0:
				return Opcode.CONTINUOUS;
			case 1:
				return Opcode.TEXT;
			case 2:
				return Opcode.BINARY;
			// 3-7 are not yet defined
			case 8:
				return Opcode.CLOSING;
			case 9:
				return Opcode.PING;
			case 10:
				return Opcode.PONG;
			// 11-15 are not yet defined
				throw new InvalidFrameException( "Unknown opcode " + ( short ) opcode );

	public void processFrame( WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame ) throws InvalidDataException {
		Opcode curop = frame.getOpcode();
		if( curop == Opcode.CLOSING ) {
			processFrameClosing(webSocketImpl, frame);
		} else if( curop == Opcode.PING ) {
			webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketPing( webSocketImpl, frame );
		} else if( curop == Opcode.PONG ) {
			webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketPong( webSocketImpl, frame );
		} else if( !frame.isFin() || curop == Opcode.CONTINUOUS ) {
            processFrameContinuousAndNonFin(webSocketImpl, frame, curop);
		} else if( currentContinuousFrame != null ) {
			log.error( "Protocol error: Continuous frame sequence not completed." );
			throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Continuous frame sequence not completed." );
		} else if( curop == Opcode.TEXT ) {
			processFrameText(webSocketImpl, frame);
		} else if( curop == Opcode.BINARY ) {
			processFrameBinary(webSocketImpl, frame);
		} else {
			log.error( "non control or continious frame expected");
			throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "non control or continious frame expected" );

     * Process the frame if it is a continuous frame or the fin bit is not set
     * @param webSocketImpl the websocket implementation to use
     * @param frame the current frame
     * @param curop the current Opcode
     * @throws InvalidDataException if there is a protocol error
    private void processFrameContinuousAndNonFin(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame, Opcode curop) throws InvalidDataException {
        if( curop != Opcode.CONTINUOUS ) {
        } else if( frame.isFin() ) {
            processFrameIsFin(webSocketImpl, frame);
        } else if( currentContinuousFrame == null ) {
            log.error( "Protocol error: Continuous frame sequence was not started." );
            throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Continuous frame sequence was not started." );
        //Check if the whole payload is valid utf8, when the opcode indicates a text
        if( curop == Opcode.TEXT && !Charsetfunctions.isValidUTF8( frame.getPayloadData() ) ) {
            log.error( "Protocol error: Payload is not UTF8" );
            throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.NO_UTF8 );
        //Checking if the current continuous frame contains a correct payload with the other frames combined
        if( curop == Opcode.CONTINUOUS && currentContinuousFrame != null ) {

	 * Process the frame if it is a binary frame
	 * @param webSocketImpl the websocket impl
	 * @param frame the frame
	private void processFrameBinary(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame) {
		try {
			webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketMessage( webSocketImpl, frame.getPayloadData() );
		} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
			logRuntimeException(webSocketImpl, e);

	 * Log the runtime exception to the specific WebSocketImpl
	 * @param webSocketImpl the implementation of the websocket
	 * @param e the runtime exception
	private void logRuntimeException(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, RuntimeException e) {
		log.error( "Runtime exception during onWebsocketMessage", e );
		webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketError( webSocketImpl, e );

	 * Process the frame if it is a text frame
	 * @param webSocketImpl the websocket impl
	 * @param frame the frame
	private void processFrameText(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame) throws InvalidDataException {
		try {
			webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketMessage( webSocketImpl, Charsetfunctions.stringUtf8( frame.getPayloadData() ) );
		} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
			logRuntimeException(webSocketImpl, e);

	 * Process the frame if it is the last frame
	 * @param webSocketImpl the websocket impl
	 * @param frame the frame
	 * @throws InvalidDataException if there is a protocol error
	private void processFrameIsFin(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame) throws InvalidDataException {
		if( currentContinuousFrame == null ) {
			log.trace( "Protocol error: Previous continuous frame sequence not completed." );
			throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Continuous frame sequence was not started." );
		if( currentContinuousFrame.getOpcode() == Opcode.TEXT ) {
			((FramedataImpl1) currentContinuousFrame).setPayload( getPayloadFromByteBufferList() );
			((FramedataImpl1) currentContinuousFrame).isValid();
			try {
				webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketMessage( webSocketImpl, Charsetfunctions.stringUtf8( currentContinuousFrame.getPayloadData() ) );
			} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
				logRuntimeException(webSocketImpl, e);
		} else if( currentContinuousFrame.getOpcode() == Opcode.BINARY ) {
			((FramedataImpl1) currentContinuousFrame).setPayload( getPayloadFromByteBufferList() );
			((FramedataImpl1) currentContinuousFrame).isValid();
			try {
				webSocketImpl.getWebSocketListener().onWebsocketMessage( webSocketImpl, currentContinuousFrame.getPayloadData() );
			} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
				logRuntimeException(webSocketImpl, e);
		currentContinuousFrame = null;

	 * Process the frame if it is not the last frame
	 * @param frame the frame
	 * @throws InvalidDataException if there is a protocol error
	private void processFrameIsNotFin(Framedata frame) throws InvalidDataException {
		if( currentContinuousFrame != null ) {
			log.trace( "Protocol error: Previous continuous frame sequence not completed." );
			throw new InvalidDataException( CloseFrame.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Previous continuous frame sequence not completed." );
		currentContinuousFrame = frame;

	 * Process the frame if it is a closing frame
	 * @param webSocketImpl the websocket impl
	 * @param frame the frame
	private void processFrameClosing(WebSocketImpl webSocketImpl, Framedata frame) {
		int code = CloseFrame.NOCODE;
		String reason = "";
		if( frame instanceof CloseFrame ) {
			CloseFrame cf = ( CloseFrame ) frame;
			code = cf.getCloseCode();
			reason = cf.getMessage();
		if( webSocketImpl.getReadyState() == ReadyState.CLOSING ) {
			// complete the close handshake by disconnecting
			webSocketImpl.closeConnection( code, reason, true );
		} else {
			// echo close handshake
			if( getCloseHandshakeType() == CloseHandshakeType.TWOWAY )
				webSocketImpl.close( code, reason, true );
				webSocketImpl.flushAndClose( code, reason, false );

	 * Clear the current bytebuffer list
	private void clearBufferList() {
		synchronized (byteBufferList) {

	 * Add a payload to the current bytebuffer list
	 * @param payloadData the new payload
	private void addToBufferList(ByteBuffer payloadData) {
		synchronized (byteBufferList) {

	 * Check the current size of the buffer and throw an exception if the size is bigger than the max allowed frame size
	 * @throws LimitExceededException if the current size is bigger than the allowed size
	private void checkBufferLimit() throws LimitExceededException {
		long totalSize = getByteBufferListSize();
		if( totalSize > maxFrameSize ) {
			log.trace("Payload limit reached. Allowed: {} Current: {}", maxFrameSize, totalSize);
			throw new LimitExceededException(maxFrameSize);

	public CloseHandshakeType getCloseHandshakeType() {
		return CloseHandshakeType.TWOWAY;

	public String toString() {
		String result = super.toString();
		if( getExtension() != null )
			result += " extension: " + getExtension().toString();
		if ( getProtocol() != null )
			result += " protocol: " + getProtocol().toString();
		result += " max frame size: " + this.maxFrameSize;
		return result;

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
		if (this == o) return true;
		if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

		Draft_6455 that = (Draft_6455) o;

		if (maxFrameSize != that.getMaxFrameSize()) return false;
		if (extension != null ? !extension.equals(that.getExtension()) : that.getExtension() != null) return false;
		return protocol != null ? protocol.equals(that.getProtocol()) : that.getProtocol() == null;

	public int hashCode() {
		int result = extension != null ? extension.hashCode() : 0;
		result = 31 * result + (protocol != null ? protocol.hashCode() : 0);
		result = 31 * result + (maxFrameSize ^ (maxFrameSize >>> 32));
		return result;

	 * Method to generate a full bytebuffer out of all the fragmented frame payload
	 * @return a bytebuffer containing all the data
	 * @throws LimitExceededException will be thrown when the totalSize is bigger then Integer.MAX_VALUE due to not being able to allocate more
	private ByteBuffer getPayloadFromByteBufferList() throws LimitExceededException {
		long totalSize = 0;
		ByteBuffer resultingByteBuffer;
		synchronized (byteBufferList) {
			for (ByteBuffer buffer : byteBufferList) {
				totalSize += buffer.limit();
			resultingByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( (int) totalSize );
			for (ByteBuffer buffer : byteBufferList) {
				resultingByteBuffer.put( buffer );
		return resultingByteBuffer;

	 * Get the current size of the resulting bytebuffer in the bytebuffer list
	 * @return the size as long (to not get an integer overflow)
	private long getByteBufferListSize() {
		long totalSize = 0;
		synchronized (byteBufferList) {
			for (ByteBuffer buffer : byteBufferList) {
				totalSize += buffer.limit();
		return totalSize;

	private class TranslatedPayloadMetaData {
		private int payloadLength;
		private int realPackageSize;

		private int getPayloadLength() {
			return payloadLength;

		private int getRealPackageSize() {
			return realPackageSize;

		TranslatedPayloadMetaData(int newPayloadLength, int newRealPackageSize) {
			this.payloadLength = newPayloadLength;
			this.realPackageSize = newRealPackageSize;

package cn.sven.bcvs

import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.AggregateFunction
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringSchema
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.{ListState, ListStateDescriptor}
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.KeyedProcessFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.function.WindowFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.windows.TimeWindow
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaConsumer
import org.apache.flink.util.Collector

import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.util
import java.util.Properties
import scala.collection.convert.ImplicitConversions.`list asScalaBuffer`

object MyFlink {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
    val props = new Properties
    val in = new FileInputStream("D:\\mywork\\bigdata\\src\\main\\resources\\kafka.properties")

    import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
    val consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer("yyf", new SimpleStringSchema(), props)
    val ds = env.addSource(consumer)


    val count = ds.map(line => {
      val arr = line.split("\001")
      Message(arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3).toLong)
      // ps:assignAscendingTimestamps这个方法一般不在生产环境下使用。
      .timeWindow(Time.hours(1), Time.minutes(10))
      .aggregate(new CountMsg,new WindowMsg)
      .process(new KeyedProcessFunction[Long, MsgCount, String] {
        private var itemState: ListState[MsgCount] = _
        override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
          itemState = getRuntimeContext.getListState(new ListStateDescriptor[MsgCount]("item-state",

        override def processElement(value: MsgCount, ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Long, MsgCount, String]#Context, out: Collector[String]): Unit = {
          //注册一个定时器  +1 是延迟时间
          ctx.timerService().registerEventTimeTimer(value.windowEnd + 1)

        override def onTimer(timestamp: Long, ctx: KeyedProcessFunction[Long, MsgCount, String]#OnTimerContext, out: Collector[String]): Unit = {
          val allItems: util.ArrayList[MsgCount] = new util.ArrayList[MsgCount]()
          val iterator = itemState.get().iterator()
          while (iterator.hasNext) {
          val sortedItems = allItems.sortBy(_.ucount)(Ordering.Int.reverse).take(10)



   * <IN> – The type of the values that are aggregated (input values) 输入类型:Message样例类
   * <ACC> – The type of the accumulator (intermediate aggregate state). 聚合类型:Int
   * <OUT> – The type of the aggregated result 输出类型:Int
  class CountMsg() extends AggregateFunction[Message, Int, Int] {
    override def createAccumulator(): Int = 0

    override def add(value: Message, accumulator: Int): Int = accumulator + 1

    override def getResult(accumulator: Int): Int = accumulator

    override def merge(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b

   * 类型形参:
      IN – The type of the input value. 输入类型:要聚合的参数,这里是弹幕数量
      OUT – The type of the output value. 输出类型:以样例类输出,MsgCount
      KEY – The type of the key. keyby的key类型:uname:String
  class WindowMsg() extends WindowFunction[Int,MsgCount,String,TimeWindow] {
    override def apply(key: String, window: TimeWindow, input: Iterable[Int], out: Collector[MsgCount]): Unit = {

   * @param uname 用户名
   * @param uowner 牌子
   * @param umsg 弹幕
   * @param timestamp 时间戳
  case class Message(uname: String, uowner: String, umsg: String, timestamp: Long)

   * @param uname 用户名
   * @param ucount 弹幕数
   * @param windowEnd 结束时间戳
  case class MsgCount(uname: String, ucount: Int, windowEnd: Long)



ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(续2106856,15,1667817000000), MsgCount(改名字能中奖吗rua,11,1667817000000), MsgCount(我是究极大穷逼,8,1667817000000), MsgCount(ForeverYeon,7,1667817000000), MsgCount(猪脚炖花生米,7,1667817000000), MsgCount(醉卧丨美人兮,6,1667817000000), MsgCount(幽古刹千年钟痴人说梦,5,1667817000000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,5,1667817000000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,5,1667817000000), MsgCount(羽川翼酱,4,1667817000000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,15,1667817600000), MsgCount(续2106856,15,1667817600000), MsgCount(幽古刹千年钟痴人说梦,13,1667817600000), MsgCount(改名字能中奖吗rua,12,1667817600000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,11,1667817600000), MsgCount(菩提呆,10,1667817600000), MsgCount(雪花凋零之时,10,1667817600000), MsgCount(我是究极大穷逼,9,1667817600000), MsgCount(教授与喷子齐飞,9,1667817600000), MsgCount(团团转圈,9,1667817600000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,25,1667818200000), MsgCount(幽古刹千年钟痴人说梦,18,1667818200000), MsgCount(我很怂但我不说,16,1667818200000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,15,1667818200000), MsgCount(续2106856,15,1667818200000), MsgCount(斋森美世,15,1667818200000), MsgCount(菩提呆,13,1667818200000), MsgCount(GoldIsSilence,13,1667818200000), MsgCount(z急了急了急了急了,13,1667818200000), MsgCount(改名字能中奖吗rua,12,1667818200000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,29,1667818800000), MsgCount(nokalo,22,1667818800000), MsgCount(法国奶爸,21,1667818800000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,19,1667818800000), MsgCount(幽古刹千年钟痴人说梦,18,1667818800000), MsgCount(会打篮球的酷酷的萌萌,18,1667818800000), MsgCount(GoldIsSilence,17,1667818800000), MsgCount(斋森美世,17,1667818800000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,16,1667818800000), MsgCount(疯青蛙,16,1667818800000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,35,1667819400000), MsgCount(nokalo,25,1667819400000), MsgCount(法国奶爸,23,1667819400000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,23,1667819400000), MsgCount(斋森美世,21,1667819400000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,20,1667819400000), MsgCount(丶残忍的慈悲丶,19,1667819400000), MsgCount(暴走的小苹果,19,1667819400000), MsgCount(GoldIsSilence,18,1667819400000), MsgCount(幽古刹千年钟痴人说梦,18,1667819400000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,45,1667820000000), MsgCount(斋森美世,33,1667820000000), MsgCount(法国奶爸,28,1667820000000), MsgCount(nokalo,28,1667820000000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,26,1667820000000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,25,1667820000000), MsgCount(歌无峎Like,25,1667820000000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,24,1667820000000), MsgCount(疯青蛙,24,1667820000000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,24,1667820000000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(分狂的石头,49,1667820600000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,35,1667820600000), MsgCount(斋森美世,35,1667820600000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,30,1667820600000), MsgCount(黄浦江底走一遭,30,1667820600000), MsgCount(法国奶爸,29,1667820600000), MsgCount(歌无峎Like,29,1667820600000), MsgCount(丶残忍的慈悲丶,26,1667820600000), MsgCount(CASIOfx991CN,26,1667820600000), MsgCount(nokalo,25,1667820600000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,41,1667821200000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,38,1667821200000), MsgCount(斋森美世,36,1667821200000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,33,1667821200000), MsgCount(黄浦江底走一遭,30,1667821200000), MsgCount(法国奶爸,29,1667821200000), MsgCount(nokalo,29,1667821200000), MsgCount(CASIOfx991CN,29,1667821200000), MsgCount(008号,27,1667821200000), MsgCount(丶残忍的慈悲丶,26,1667821200000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,46,1667821800000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,37,1667821800000), MsgCount(008号,36,1667821800000), MsgCount(毒蘑菇奇诺比奥,33,1667821800000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,29,1667821800000), MsgCount(黄浦江底走一遭,28,1667821800000), MsgCount(玖窝小神,28,1667821800000), MsgCount(斋森美世,27,1667821800000), MsgCount(小灬撸神,25,1667821800000), MsgCount(nokalo,24,1667821800000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,48,1667822400000), MsgCount(008号,39,1667822400000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,36,1667822400000), MsgCount(毒蘑菇奇诺比奥,32,1667822400000), MsgCount(玖窝小神,29,1667822400000), MsgCount(westzizi,29,1667822400000), MsgCount(拾巟,27,1667822400000), MsgCount(ZEUSDJOE,26,1667822400000), MsgCount(飘来荡去犀利强,25,1667822400000), MsgCount(斋森美世,25,1667822400000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,43,1667823000000), MsgCount(008号,37,1667823000000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,36,1667823000000), MsgCount(westzizi,33,1667823000000), MsgCount(陈彦川,31,1667823000000), MsgCount(看直播的剑鱼,25,1667823000000), MsgCount(拾巟,25,1667823000000), MsgCount(歌无峎Like,24,1667823000000), MsgCount(毒蘑菇奇诺比奥,24,1667823000000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,24,1667823000000))
bArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,39,1667823600000), MsgCount(陈彦川,34,1667823600000), MsgCount(westzizi,31,1667823600000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,30,1667823600000), MsgCount(008号,29,1667823600000), MsgCount(Oeng晴芯,27,1667823600000), MsgCount(看直播的剑鱼,25,1667823600000), MsgCount(林羽青,25,1667823600000), MsgCount(愿大家平安喜乐丶,24,1667823600000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,23,1667823600000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(永恒之光xx,40,1667824200000), MsgCount(陈彦川,34,1667824200000), MsgCount(westzizi,32,1667824200000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,29,1667824200000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,27,1667824200000), MsgCount(Oeng晴芯,27,1667824200000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,27,1667824200000), MsgCount(林羽青,27,1667824200000), MsgCount(毒蘑菇奇诺比奥,26,1667824200000), MsgCount(佩达拉,26,1667824200000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(TLoop,51,1667824800000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,44,1667824800000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,38,1667824800000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,37,1667824800000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,36,1667824800000), MsgCount(陈彦川,34,1667824800000), MsgCount(CLian,31,1667824800000), MsgCount(zk1015,30,1667824800000), MsgCount(分狂的石头,28,1667824800000), MsgCount(晨霜攀黛瓦啊,28,1667824800000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(TLoop,52,1667825400000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,46,1667825400000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,43,1667825400000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,42,1667825400000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,42,1667825400000), MsgCount(CLian,40,1667825400000), MsgCount(陈彦川,34,1667825400000), MsgCount(我是究极大穷逼,33,1667825400000), MsgCount(zk1015,32,1667825400000), MsgCount(晨霜攀黛瓦啊,30,1667825400000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(TLoop,63,1667826000000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,45,1667826000000), MsgCount(CLian,45,1667826000000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,44,1667826000000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,43,1667826000000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,41,1667826000000), MsgCount(我是究极大穷逼,35,1667826000000), MsgCount(FangPige,32,1667826000000), MsgCount(zk1015,31,1667826000000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,28,1667826000000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(TLoop,63,1667826600000), MsgCount(CLian,50,1667826600000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,40,1667826600000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,36,1667826600000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,36,1667826600000), MsgCount(FangPige,36,1667826600000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,34,1667826600000), MsgCount(浮生一丝暖暖Aria,32,1667826600000), MsgCount(zk1015,31,1667826600000), MsgCount(我是究极大穷逼,29,1667826600000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(TLoop,63,1667827200000), MsgCount(CLian,53,1667827200000), MsgCount(FangPige,42,1667827200000), MsgCount(熊瞎子老岑,41,1667827200000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,39,1667827200000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,37,1667827200000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,32,1667827200000), MsgCount(寅子蛋糕,30,1667827200000), MsgCount(zk1015,26,1667827200000), MsgCount(sai1024,26,1667827200000))
ArrayBuffer(MsgCount(FangPige,58,1667827800000), MsgCount(TLoop,55,1667827800000), MsgCount(CLian,53,1667827800000), MsgCount(每次取名字都好纠结啊,37,1667827800000), MsgCount(熊瞎子老岑,37,1667827800000), MsgCount(沙漠中的胖头鱼,36,1667827800000), MsgCount(sai1024,34,1667827800000), MsgCount(偷心小贼魔理沙,31,1667827800000), MsgCount(永恒之光xx,25,1667827800000), MsgCount(黄浦江底走一遭,25,1667827800000))
评论 1




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