
1.什么是SSD ?

SSD 其实就是 System State Dump, 系统即时状态 DUMP 的首字母组合
### sqlplus -prelim "/as sysdba"
SQL>oradebug setmypid
SQL>oradebug dump systemstate 266
SQL>-- 等上 30 秒到 1 分钟
SQL>oradebug dump systemstate 266
SQL>oradebug tracefile_name


[oracle@oracle11gdg ~]$ sqlplus -prelim "/as sysdba"
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jan 31 09:04:00 2024
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> oradebug setmypid
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug dump systemstate 266
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug dump systemstate 266
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug tracefile_name


[oracle@oracle11gdg ~]$ cat /oracle/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/fermdg/fermdg/trace/fermdg_ora_2803.trc |grep "oracle@oracle11gdg"
Unix process pid: 2803, image: oracle@oracle11gdg
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2641, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (PMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2643, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (PSP0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2645, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (VKTM)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2649, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (GEN0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2651, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DIAG)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2653, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DBRM)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2655, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DIA0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2657, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMAN)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2659, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DBW0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2661, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (LGWR)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2663, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (CKPT)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2665, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (SMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2667, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (RECO)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2669, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2671, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMNL)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2673, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (D000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2675, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (S000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2691, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2693, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC1)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2695, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC2)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2697, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC3)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2699, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (NSA2)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2704, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (QMNC)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2721, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (CJQ0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2744, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (Q000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2746, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (Q001)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2641, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (PMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2643, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (PSP0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2645, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (VKTM)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2649, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (GEN0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2651, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DIAG)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2653, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DBRM)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2655, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DIA0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2657, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMAN)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2659, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (DBW0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2661, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (LGWR)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2663, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (CKPT)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2665, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (SMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2667, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (RECO)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2669, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMON)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2671, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (MMNL)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2673, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (D000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2675, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (S000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2691, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2693, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC1)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2695, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC2)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2697, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (ARC3)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2699, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (NSA2)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2704, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (QMNC)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2721, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (CJQ0)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2744, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (Q000)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2746, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (Q001)



*** 2024-01-31 09:05:06.233
Processing Oradebug command 'dump systemstate 266'
SYSTEM STATE (level=10, with short stacks)
System global information:
     processes: base 0x14a4f6220, size 150, cleanup 0x14a50bdb0
     allocation: free sessions 0x14a5c4af8, free calls (nil)
     control alloc errors: 0 (process), 0 (session), 0 (call)
     PMON latch cleanup depth: 0
     seconds since PMON''s last scan for dead processes: 25
     system statistics:
0 OS CPU Qt wait time
7 Requests to/from client
48 logons cumulative
24 logons current
7113 opened cursors cumulative
24 opened cursors current
16 user commits
0 user rollbacks
126 user calls
43087 recursive calls
286 recursive cpu usage
11 pinned cursors current
2 user logons cumulative
2 user logouts cumulative
86317 session logical reads
0 session logical reads in local numa group
0 session logical reads in remote numa group
0 session stored procedure space
233 CPU used when call started
356 CPU used by this session
15783 DB time
0 cluster wait time
1558029 concurrency wait time
0 application wait time
1928652 user I/O wait time
0 scheduler wait time
72259291 non-idle wait time
6127 non-idle wait count
1730810902 in call idle wait time
0 session connect time
0 process last non-idle time
13305384 session uga memory
34008568 session uga memory max
249 messages sent
249 messages received
511 background timeouts
0 remote Oradebug requests
187634576 session pga memory
203625360 session pga memory max
0 recursive system API invocations
2 enqueue timeouts
5 enqueue waits
0 enqueue deadlocks
2435 enqueue requests
49 enqueue conversions
2416 enqueue releases
0 global enqueue gets sync
0 global enqueue gets async
0 global enqueue get time
0 global enqueue releases
4099 physical read total IO requests
84 physical read total multi block requests
0 physical read requests optimized
0 physical read total bytes optimized
0 physical read partial requests
112552448 physical read total bytes
0 physical write requests optimized
0 physical write total bytes optimized
0 cell writes to flash cache
0 cell overwrites in flash cache
0 cell partial writes in flash cache
632 physical write total IO requests
32 physical write total multi block requests
40330752 physical write total bytes
152883200 cell physical IO interconnect bytes
0 spare statistic 1
0 spare statistic 2
0 spare statistic 3
0 spare statistic 4
0 spare statistic 5
0 spare statistic 6
0 spare statistic 7
0 spare statistic 8
0 spare statistic 9
0 spare statistic 10
0 spare statistic 11

0 spare statistic 12
0 IPC CPU used by this session
0 gcs messages sent
0 ges messages sent
0 global enqueue CPU used by this session
1270 max cf enq hold time
1320 total cf enq hold time
43 total number of cf enq holders
519 db block gets
519 db block gets from cache
84 db block gets from cache (fastpath)
0 db block gets direct
85798 consistent gets
85798 consistent gets from cache
67000 consistent gets from cache (fastpath)
15462 consistent gets - examination
0 consistent gets direct
707108864 logical read bytes from cache
5564 physical reads
5564 physical reads cache
0 physical read flash cache hits
0 physical reads direct
3206 physical read IO requests
45580288 physical read bytes
472 db block changes
12 consistent changes
0 recovery blocks read
0 recovery blocks read for lost write detection
0 recovery blocks skipped lost write checks
0 physical writes
0 physical writes direct
0 physical writes from cache
0 physical write IO requests
0 flash cache inserts
0 physical reads direct temporary tablespace
0 physical writes direct temporary tablespace
0 physical write bytes
0 flash cache eviction: invalidated
0 flash cache eviction: buffer pinned
0 flash cache eviction: aged out
0 flash cache insert skip: not current
0 flash cache insert skip: DBWR overloaded
0 flash cache insert skip: exists
0 flash cache insert skip: not useful
0 flash cache insert skip: modification
0 flash cache insert skip: corrupt
0 db corrupt blocks detected
0 db corrupt blocks recovered
0 physical writes non checkpoint
0 summed dirty queue length
0 DBWR checkpoint buffers written
0 DBWR thread checkpoint buffers written
0 DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffers written
0 DBWR parallel query checkpoint buffers written
0 DBWR object drop buffers written
0 DBWR transaction table writes
0 DBWR undo block writes
0 DBWR revisited being-written buffer
0 DBWR lru scans
1 DBWR checkpoints
0 DBWR fusion writes
0 prefetch clients - keep
0 prefetch clients - recycle
0 prefetch clients - default
0 prefetch clients - 2k
0 prefetch clients - 4k
0 prefetch clients - 8k
0 prefetch clients - 16k
0 prefetch clients - 32k
3 change write time
0 exchange deadlocks
5579 free buffer requested
0 dirty buffers inspected
0 pinned buffers inspected
0 hot buffers moved to head of LRU
0 free buffer inspected
0 commit cleanout failures: write disabled
2 commit cleanout failures: block lost
0 commit cleanout failures: cannot pin
0 commit cleanout failures: hot backup in progress
0 commit cleanout failures: buffer being written
0 commit cleanout failures: callback failure
110 commit cleanouts
108 commit cleanouts successfully completed
0 recovery array reads
0 recovery array read time
2 CR blocks created
0 current blocks converted for CR
1 switch current to new buffer
0 write clones created in foreground
0 write clones created in background
0 write clones created for recovery
0 checkpoint clones created for ADG recovery
0 recovery block gets from cache
2371 physical reads cache prefetch
36 physical reads prefetch warmup
0 prefetched blocks aged out before use
0 prefetch warmup blocks aged out before use
0 prefetch warmup blocks flushed out before use
0 physical reads retry corrupt
0 physical reads direct (lob)
0 physical writes direct (lob)
0 cold recycle reads
895 shared hash latch upgrades - no wait
0 shared hash latch upgrades - wait
0 physical reads for flashback new
0 flashback cache read optimizations for block new
0 flashback direct read optimizations for block new
0 blocks encrypted
0 blocks decrypted
760 calls to kcmgcs
0 calls to kcmgrs
286 calls to kcmgas
9156 calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss
0 redo blocks read for recovery
0 redo k-bytes read for recovery
0 redo k-bytes read for terminal recovery
330 redo entries
79800 redo size
0 redo entries for lost write detection
0 redo size for lost write detection
0 redo size for direct writes
0 redo buffer allocation retries
48520 redo wastage
142 redo writes
259 redo blocks written
11 redo write time
9 redo blocks checksummed by FG (exclusive)
0 redo blocks checksummed by LGWR
0 redo log space requests
0 redo log space wait time
0 redo ordering marks
17 redo subscn max counts
0 redo write broadcast ack time
0 redo write broadcast ack count
0 redo write broadcast lgwr post count
1 redo synch time
17138 redo synch time (usec)
6530 redo synch time overhead (usec)
7 redo synch time overhead count (<2 msec)
1 redo synch time overhead count (<8 msec)
0 redo synch time overhead count (<32 msec)
0 redo synch time overhead count (<128 msec)
0 redo synch time overhead count (>=128 msec)
9 redo synch writes
1 redo synch long waits
0 redo synch poll writes
0 redo synch polls
8 redo write info find
0 redo write info find fail
32853 redo KB read
0 redo KB read (memory)
0 redo KB read for transport
0 redo KB read (memory) for transport
47243 file io service time
1786212 file io wait time
0 gc cr blocks served
0 gc cr block flush time
0 gc read wait time
0 gc read waits
0 gc read wait failures
0 gc read wait timeouts
0 gc current blocks served
0 gc current block pin time
0 gc current block flush time
0 gc cr blocks received
0 gc cr block receive time
0 gc current blocks received
0 gc current block receive time
0 gc local grants
0 gc remote grants
0 gc kbytes sent
0 gc kbytes saved
0 gc blocks compressed
0 gc blocks lost
0 gc claim blocks lost
0 gc blocks corrupt
0 gc CPU used by this session
0 gc reader bypass grants
0 gc force cr disk read
0 gc cr block build time
0 gc cr block send time
0 gc current block send time
0 total number of slots
0 Effective IO time
0 Number of read IOs issued
1 background checkpoints started
0 background checkpoints completed
0 ADG parselock X get attempts
0 ADG parselock X get successes
0 read-only violation count
0 number of map operations
0 number of map misses
0 flashback log writes
0 flashback log write bytes
0 cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized file creation
0 cell physical IO bytes saved during optimized RMAN file restore
0 cell physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload
0 cell physical IO bytes saved by storage index
0 cell physical IO bytes sent directly to DB node to balance CPU usage
0 cell smart IO session cache lookups
0 cell smart IO session cache hits
0 cell smart IO session cache soft misses
0 cell smart IO session cache hard misses
0 cell smart IO session cache hwm
0 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to user
0 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to open fail
0 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to no cell mem
0 cell num smart IO sessions in rdbms block IO due to big payload
0 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to user
0 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to cellsrv
0 cell num smart IO sessions using passthru mode due to timezone
0 cell num smart file creation sessions using rdbms block IO mode
0 cell num block IOs due to a file instant restore in progress
0 cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan
0 cell num bytes in passthru during predicate offload
0 cell num bytes in block IO during predicate offload
0 cell num fast response sessions
0 cell num fast response sessions continuing to smart scan
0 cell num smartio automem buffer allocation attempts
0 cell num smartio automem buffer allocation failures
0 cell statistics spare1
0 cell statistics spare2
0 cell statistics spare3
0 cell statistics spare4
0 cell statistics spare5
0 cell statistics spare6
2 Batched IO vector read count
15 Batched IO vector block count
1 Batched IO single block count
0 Batched IO zero block count
28 Batched IO block miss count
2 Batched IO double miss count
0 Batched IO (full) vector count
0 Batched IO (space) vector count
1 Batched IO (bound) vector count
12 Batched IO same unit count
1 Batched IO buffer defrag count
0 Batched IO slow jump count
0 shared io pool buffer get success
0 shared io pool buffer get failure
0 temp space allocated (bytes)
0 serializable aborts
0 transaction lock foreground requests
0 transaction lock foreground wait time
0 transaction lock background gets
0 transaction lock background get time
21372 undo change vector size
0 transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied
0 transaction tables consistent read rollbacks
2 data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied
69009 no work - consistent read gets
0 cleanouts only - consistent read gets
2 rollbacks only - consistent read gets
0 cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets
0 RowCR attempts
0 RowCR hits
0 RowCR - row contention
0 RowCR - resume
6 rollback changes - undo records applied
0 transaction rollbacks
18 immediate (CURRENT) block cleanout applications
0 immediate (CR) block cleanout applications
70 deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applications
0 commit txn count during cleanout
1 active txn count during cleanout
1 cleanout - number of ktugct calls
0 immediate CR cleanouts (index blocks)
0 deferred CUR cleanouts (index blocks)
0 Commit SCN cached
0 Cached Commit SCN referenced
0 Block Cleanout Optim referenced
0 min active SCN optimization applied on CR
0 auto extends on undo tablespace
0 drop segment calls in space pressure
0 total number of undo segments dropped
0 doubling up with imu segment
0 tune down retentions in space pressure
0 steps of tune down ret. in space pressure
0 space was found by tune down
0 space was not found by tune down
0 commit batch/immediate requested
0 commit batch requested
0 commit immediate requested
0 commit batch/immediate performed
0 commit batch performed
0 commit immediate performed
0 commit wait/nowait requested
0 commit nowait requested
0 commit wait requested
0 commit wait/nowait performed
0 commit nowait performed
0 commit wait performed
0 global undo segment hints helped
0 global undo segment hints were stale
0 local undo segment hints helped
0 local undo segment hints were stale
0 undo segment header was pinned
6 IMU commits
6 IMU Flushes
0 IMU contention
0 IMU recursive-transaction flush
0 IMU undo retention flush
1 IMU ktichg flush
0 IMU bind flushes
0 IMU mbu flush
0 IMU pool not allocated
0 IMU CR rollbacks
17464 IMU undo allocation size
10460 IMU Redo allocation size
0 IMU- failed to get a private strand
0 Misses for writing mapping
0 segment dispenser load tasks
0 segment dispenser load empty
0 segment dispenser allocations
0 segment cfs allocations
0 segment chunks allocation from disepnser
0 segment total chunk allocation
0 TBS Extension: tasks created
0 TBS Extension: tasks executed
0 TBS Extension: files extended
0 TBS Extension: bytes extended
6 total number of times SMON posted
0 SMON posted for undo segment recovery
0 SMON posted for txn recovery for other instances
0 SMON posted for instance recovery
0 SMON posted for undo segment shrink
0 SMON posted for dropping temp segment
0 segment prealloc tasks
0 segment prealloc ops
0 segment prealloc bytes
0 segment prealloc time (ms)
0 segment prealloc ufs2cfs bytes
310 table scans (short tables)
0 table scans (long tables)
0 table scans (rowid ranges)
0 table scans (cache partitions)
0 table scans (direct read)
513415 table scan rows gotten
8183 table scan blocks gotten
27077 table fetch by rowid
326 table fetch continued row
19240 cluster key scans
19684 cluster key scan block gets
1550 rows fetched via callback
0 cell scans
0 cell blocks processed by cache layer
0 cell blocks processed by txn layer
0 cell blocks processed by data layer
0 cell blocks processed by index layer
0 cell commit cache queries
0 cell transactions found in commit cache
0 cell blocks helped by commit cache
0 cell blocks helped by minscn optimization
0 chained rows skipped by cell
0 chained rows processed by cell
0 chained rows rejected by cell
0 cell simulated physical IO bytes eligible for predicate offload
0 cell simulated physical IO bytes returned by predicate offload
0 cell CUs sent uncompressed
0 cell CUs sent compressed
0 cell CUs sent head piece
0 cell CUs processed for uncompressed
0 cell CUs processed for compressed
0 cell IO uncompressed bytes
0 queue update without cp update
0 index crx upgrade (prefetch)
0 index crx upgrade (found)
1 index crx upgrade (positioned)
0 leaf node splits
0 leaf node 90-10 splits
0 branch node splits
0 root node splits
0 failed probes on index block reclamation
0 recursive aborts on index block reclamation
0 index reclamation/extension switch
0 native hash arithmetic execute
0 native hash arithmetic fail
0 lob reads
0 lob writes
0 lob writes unaligned
0 cell index scans
0 index fast full scans (full)
0 index fast full scans (rowid ranges)
0 index fast full scans (direct read)
19130 index fetch by key
16101 index scans kdiixs1
0 queue splits
0 queue flush
0 queue position update
0 queue single row
0 queue ocp pages
0 queue qno pages
3 heap block compress
0 HSC OLTP Space Saving
0 HSC OLTP Compressed Blocks
0 HSC IDL Compressed Blocks
0 HSC Compressed Segment Block Changes
76 HSC Heap Segment Block Changes
0 HSC OLTP Non Compressible Blocks
0 HSC OLTP positive compression
0 HSC OLTP negative compression
0 HSC OLTP recursive compression
0 HSC OLTP inline compression
0 HSC OLTP Drop Column
0 HSC OLTP Compression skipped rows
0 HSC OLTP compression block checked
0 Heap Segment Array Inserts
0 Heap Segment Array Updates
0 securefile allocation bytes
0 securefile allocation chunks
0 securefile direct read bytes
0 securefile direct write bytes
0 securefile direct read ops
0 securefile direct write ops
0 securefile inode read time
0 securefile inode write time
0 securefile inode ioreap time
0 securefile bytes non-transformed
0 securefile number of non-transformed flushes
0 securefile bytes encrypted
0 securefile bytes cleartext
0 securefile compressed bytes
0 securefile uncompressed bytes
0 securefile bytes deduplicated
0 securefile create dedup set
0 securefile destroy dedup set
0 securefile add dedupd lob to set
0 securefile rmv from dedup set
0 securefile reject deduplication
0 securefile dedup prefix hash match
0 securefile number of flushes
0 securefile dedup flush too low
0 securefile dedup callback oper final
0 securefile dedup hash collision
0 securefile dedup fits inline
0 securefile dedup wapp cache miss
0 EHCC CUs Compressed
0 EHCC Query Low CUs Compressed
0 EHCC Query High CUs Compressed
0 EHCC Archive CUs Compressed
0 EHCC Compressed Length Compressed
0 EHCC Decompressed Length Compressed
0 EHCC Rows Compressed
0 EHCC Rows Not Compressed
0 EHCC CU Row Pieces Compressed
0 EHCC CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Query Low CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Query High CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Archive CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Compressed Length Decompressed
0 EHCC Decompressed Length Decompressed
0 EHCC Columns Decompressed
0 EHCC Total Columns for Decompression
0 EHCC Total Rows for Decompression
0 EHCC Pieces Buffered for Decompression
0 EHCC Total Pieces for Decompression
0 EHCC DML CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Normal Scan CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Turbo Scan CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Rowid CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Analyze CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Dump CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Check CUs Decompressed
0 EHCC Analyzer Calls
0 EHCC Used on ZFS Tablespace
0 EHCC Used on Pillar Tablespace
0 EHCC Conventional DMLs
0 EHCC Block Compressions
0 EHCC Attempted Block Compressions
22 sql area purged
104 sql area evicted
51 CCursor + sql area evicted
0 No. of Encrypt ops
0 No. of Decrypt ops
0 No. of XS Sessions Created
0 No. of XS Sessions Attached
0 No. of Namespaces Created
0 No. of User Callbacks Executed
0 No. of Roles Enabled or Disabled
0 No. of Principal Cache Misses
0 No. of Principal Invalidations
0 Number of NONE redactions
0 Number of FULL redactions
0 Number of PARTIAL redactions
0 Number of FORMAT_PRESERVING redactions
0 Number of RANDOM redactions
0 Number of REGEXP redactions
0 DX/BB enqueue lock foreground requests
0 DX/BB enqueue lock foreground wait time
0 DX/BB enqueue lock background gets
0 DX/BB enqueue lock background get time
0 Clusterwide global transactions
0 Clusterwide global transactions spanning RAC nodes
0 Forwarded 2PC commands across RAC nodes
0 GTX processes spawned by autotune
0 GTX processes stopped by autotune
6975 session cursor cache hits
752 session cursor cache count
0 java call heap total size
0 java call heap total size max
0 java call heap used size
0 java call heap used size max
0 java call heap live size
0 java call heap live size max
0 java call heap object count
0 java call heap object count max
0 java call heap live object count
0 java call heap live object count max
0 java call heap gc count
0 java call heap collected count
0 java call heap collected bytes
0 java session heap used size
0 java session heap used size max
0 java session heap live size
0 java session heap live size max
0 java session heap object count
0 java session heap object count max
0 java session heap live object count
0 java session heap live object count max
0 java session heap gc count
0 java session heap collected count
0 java session heap collected bytes
183 cursor authentications
0 queries parallelized
0 DML statements parallelized
0 DDL statements parallelized
0 DFO trees parallelized
0 Parallel operations not downgraded
0 Parallel operations downgraded to serial
0 Parallel operations downgraded 75 to 99 pct
0 Parallel operations downgraded 50 to 75 pct
0 Parallel operations downgraded 25 to 50 pct
0 Parallel operations downgraded 1 to 25 pct
0 PX local messages sent
0 PX local messages recv'd
0 PX remote messages sent
0 PX remote messages recv'd
31319 buffer is pinned count
64641 buffer is not pinned count
0 no buffer to keep pinned count
0 workarea memory allocated
1366 workarea executions - optimal
0 workarea executions - onepass
0 workarea executions - multipass
0 LOB table id lookup cache misses
110 parse time cpu
170 parse time elapsed
3018 parse count (total)
1014 parse count (hard)
1 parse count (failures)
0 parse count (describe)
0 frame signature mismatch
8280 execute count
3913 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
1212 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
8 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
0 bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink
0 bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink
0 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink
0 bytes via SQL*Net vector to client
0 bytes via SQL*Net vector from client
0 bytes via SQL*Net vector to dblink
0 bytes via SQL*Net vector from dblink
2408 sorts (memory)
0 sorts (disk)
18425 sorts (rows)
0 OTC commit optimization attempts
0 OTC commit optimization hits
0 OTC commit optimization failure - setup
0 cell flash cache read hits
0 Workload Capture: size (in bytes) of recording
0 Workload Capture: dbtime
0 Workload Capture: user calls
0 Workload Capture: user calls flushed
0 Workload Capture: unreplayable user calls
0 Workload Capture: user txns
0 Workload Capture: user logins
0 Workload Capture: unsupported user calls
0 Workload Capture: errors
0 Workload Replay: dbtime
0 Workload Replay: network time
0 Workload Replay: think time
0 Workload Replay: time gain
0 Workload Replay: time loss
0 Workload Replay: user calls
0 Workload Replay: deadlocks resolved
 (WS) size: 184102 (0) wsid: 5 state: 2 pool: 3
   (WS_REPL_LIST) main_prev: 0x119ff9f88 main_next: 0x11dfaf048 aux_prev: 0x11dfaef10 aux_next: 0x62f64108
   curnum: 184102 auxnum: 181314
   cold: 11dfaf048 hbmax: 92050 hbufs: 0
   (WS_WRITE_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e8a8 main_next: 0x147c6e8a8 aux_prev: 0x147c6e8b8 aux_next: 0x147c6e8b8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_XOBJ_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e8d8 main_next: 0x147c6e8d8 aux_prev: 0x147c6e8e8 aux_next: 0x147c6e8e8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_XRNG_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e908 main_next: 0x147c6e908 aux_prev: 0x147c6e918 aux_next: 0x147c6e918
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_REQ_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e938 main_next: 0x147c6e938 aux_prev: 0x147c6e948 aux_next: 0x147c6e948
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2WRT_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e968 main_next: 0x147c6e968 aux_prev: 0x147c6e978 aux_next: 0x147c6e978
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2REPL_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e998 main_next: 0x147c6e998 aux_prev: 0x147c6e9a8 aux_next: 0x147c6e9a8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2KEEP_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6e9c8 main_next: 0x147c6e9c8 aux_prev: 0x147c6e9d8 aux_next: 0x147c6e9d8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
 (WS) fbwanted: 0
 (WS) bgotten: 2797 sumwrt: 0
 (WS) pwbcnt: 5, last: 28
 (WS) size: 184101 (0) wsid: 6 state: 2 pool: 3
   (WS_REPL_LIST) main_prev: 0x119f6fa48 main_next: 0x11dff9f88 aux_prev: 0x11dff9e50 aux_next: 0x62faf180
   curnum: 184101 auxnum: 181327
   cold: 11dff9f88 hbmax: 92050 hbufs: 0
   (WS_WRITE_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6efa8 main_next: 0x147c6efa8 aux_prev: 0x147c6efb8 aux_next: 0x147c6efb8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_XOBJ_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6efd8 main_next: 0x147c6efd8 aux_prev: 0x147c6efe8 aux_next: 0x147c6efe8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_XRNG_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6f008 main_next: 0x147c6f008 aux_prev: 0x147c6f018 aux_next: 0x147c6f018
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_REQ_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6f038 main_next: 0x147c6f038 aux_prev: 0x147c6f048 aux_next: 0x147c6f048
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2WRT_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6f068 main_next: 0x147c6f068 aux_prev: 0x147c6f078 aux_next: 0x147c6f078
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2REPL_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6f098 main_next: 0x147c6f098 aux_prev: 0x147c6f0a8 aux_next: 0x147c6f0a8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
   (WS_L2KEEP_LIST) main_prev: 0x147c6f0c8 main_next: 0x147c6f0c8 aux_prev: 0x147c6f0d8 aux_next: 0x147c6f0d8
   curnum: 0 auxnum: 0
 (WS) fbwanted: 0
 (WS) bgotten: 2781 sumwrt: 0
 (WS) pwbcnt: 3, last: 28
Orapids on dead process list: [count = 0]
  SO: 0x14a50acf8, type: 2, owner: (nil), flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
   proc=0x14a50acf8, name=process, file=ksu.h LINE:12721, pg=0
  (process) Oracle pid:1, ser:0, calls cur/top: (nil)/(nil)
            flags : (0x20) PSEUDO
            flags2: (0x0),  flags3: (0x10)
            intr error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
            intr queue: empty
    ksudlp FALSE at location: 0
  (post info) last post received: 0 0 0
              last post received-location: No post
              last process to post me: none
              last post sent: 0 0 0
              last post sent-location: No post
              last process posted by me: none
    (latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0x0
    O/S info: user: , term: , ospid:  (DEAD)
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 0, image: PSEUDO
    SO: 0x6000c8c8, type: 5, owner: 0x14a50acf8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
     proc=(nil), name=kss parent, file=kss2.h LINE:138, pg=0
      SO: 0x145f8eda8, type: 87, owner: 0x6000c8c8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
       proc=0x14a51b878, name=circuit holder, file=kmc.h LINE:2770, pg=0
      (circuit holder) disp = 0x145f8ed20 (0, 1), proc = 0x14a51b878 (17, 1)
  PSO child state object changes :
Dump of memory from 0x000000014A4F6D98 to 0x000000014A4F6FA0
14A4F6D90                   00000000 00000000          [........]
14A4F6DA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]
  Repeat 31 times
  SO: 0x14a50bdb0, type: 2, owner: (nil), flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
   proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=process, file=ksu.h LINE:12721, pg=0
  (process) Oracle pid:2, ser:1, calls cur/top: 0x14a8fa178/0x14a8fa178
            flags : (0xe) SYSTEM
            flags2: (0x0),  flags3: (0x10)
            intr error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
            intr queue: empty
    ksudlp FALSE at location: 0
  (post info) last post received: 0 0 69
              last post received-location: kso2.h LINE:473 ID:ksoreq_reply
              last process to post me: 0x14a527060 2 2
              last post sent: 0 0 26
              last post sent-location: ksa2.h LINE:285 ID:ksasnd
              last process posted by me: 0x14a50ce68 1 6
    (latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0x0


    Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: 0x14a5b3778
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 2641
    OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 2641, image: oracle@oracle11gdg (PMON)
    Short stack dump:
    SO: 0x148219768, type: 14, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x1 c: 0x1
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=channel handle, file=ksr2.h LINE:367, pg=0
    (broadcast handle) 0x148219768 flag: (2) ACTIVE SUBSCRIBER,
                       owner: 0x14a50bdb0 - ospid: 2641
                       event: 1, last message event: 1,
                       last message waited event: 1,
                       next message: (nil)(0), messages read: 0
                      channel: (0x1482298d8) PMON actions channel [name: 2]
                               scope: 7, event: 1, last mesage event: 0,
                               publishers/subscribers: 0/1,
                               messages published: 0
                               heuristic msg queue length: 0
    SO: 0x1482195b8, type: 14, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x1 c: 0x1
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=channel handle, file=ksr2.h LINE:367, pg=0
    (broadcast handle) 0x1482195b8 flag: (2) ACTIVE SUBSCRIBER,
                       owner: 0x14a50bdb0 - ospid: 2641
                       event: 1, last message event: 14,
                       last message waited event: 14,
                       next message: (nil)(0), messages read: 1
                      channel: (0x1482375a0) scumnt mount lock [name: 159]
                               scope: 1, event: 20, last mesage event: 14,
                               publishers/subscribers: 0/18,
                               messages published: 1
                               heuristic msg queue length: 0
    SO: 0x14a73cfb0, type: 4, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=session, file=ksu.h LINE:12729, pg=0
    (session) sid: 1 ser: 1 trans: (nil), creator: 0x14a50bdb0
              flags: (0x51) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
              flags2: (0x409) -/-/INC
              DID: 0002-, short-term DID:
              txn branch: (nil)
              edition#: 0              oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: (nil), psql: (nil), user: 0/SYS
    ksuxds FALSE at location: 0
    service name: SYS$BACKGROUND
    Current Wait Stack:
     0: waiting for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=36 seq_num=37 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=0.914842 sec, exc=0.914842 sec, total=0.914842 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec, heur=1 min 27 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        in_wait=1 iflags=0x5a0
    Wait State:
      fixed_waits=0 flags=0x22 boundary=(nil)/-1
    Session Wait History:
        elapsed time of 0.000216 sec since current wait
     0: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=35 seq_num=36 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.003027 sec, exc=3.003027 sec, total=3.003027 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000238 sec of elapsed time
     1: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=34 seq_num=35 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.000363 sec, exc=3.000363 sec, total=3.000363 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000236 sec of elapsed time
     2: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=33 seq_num=34 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.000329 sec, exc=3.000329 sec, total=3.000329 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000235 sec of elapsed time
     3: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=32 seq_num=33 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.003136 sec, exc=3.003136 sec, total=3.003136 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000197 sec of elapsed time
     4: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=31 seq_num=32 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.001110 sec, exc=3.001110 sec, total=3.001110 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000249 sec of elapsed time
     5: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=30 seq_num=31 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.001402 sec, exc=3.001402 sec, total=3.001402 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000161 sec of elapsed time
     6: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=29 seq_num=30 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.003723 sec, exc=3.003723 sec, total=3.003723 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000132 sec of elapsed time
     7: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=28 seq_num=29 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.003809 sec, exc=3.003809 sec, total=3.003809 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.001109 sec of elapsed time
     8: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=27 seq_num=28 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.001426 sec, exc=3.001426 sec, total=3.001426 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000510 sec of elapsed time
     9: waited for 'pmon timer'
        duration=0x12c, =0x0, =0x0
        wait_id=26 seq_num=27 snap_id=1
        wait times: snap=3.003669 sec, exc=3.003669 sec, total=3.003669 sec
        wait times: max=3.000000 sec
        wait counts: calls=1 os=1
        occurred after 0.000235 sec of elapsed time
    Sampled Session History of session 1 serial 1
    The sampled session history is constructed by sampling
    the target session every 1 second. The sampling process
    captures at each sample if the session is in a non-idle wait,
    an idle wait, or not in a wait. If the session is in a
    non-idle wait then one interval is shown for all the samples
    the session was in the same non-idle wait. If the
    session is in an idle wait or not in a wait for
    consecutive samples then one interval is shown for all
    the consecutive samples. Though we display these consecutive
    samples  in a single interval the session may NOT be continuously
    idle or not in a wait (the sampling process does not know).

    The history is displayed in reverse chronological order.

    sample interval: 1 sec, max history 120 sec
      [93 samples,                                         09:03:34 - 09:05:06]
        idle wait at each sample
    temporary object counter: 0
      Virtual Thread:
      kgskvt: 0x14aeeee50, sess: 0x14a73cfb0 sid: 1 ser: 1
      vc: (nil), proc: 0x14a50bdb0, id: 1
      consumer group cur: _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_ (upd? 0), mapped: _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_, orig:
      vt_state: 0x100, vt_flags: 0x4030, blkrun: 0, numa: 1
      inwait: 0, short wait event: 0 posted_run: 0
      location where insched last set: kgskthrrun
      location where insched last cleared: kgskthrrun1
      location where inwait last set: NULL
      location where inwait last cleared: NULL
      is_assigned: 0, in_sched: 0 (0)
      qcls: (nil), qlink: FALSE
      vt_active: 0 (pending: 0)
      vt_pq_active: 0, dop: 0
      used quanta (usecs):
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      cpu start time: 0
      idle time: 0, active time: 0 (cg: 0)
      cpu yields:
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      cpu waits:
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      cpu wait time (usecs):
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      io waits:
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      io wait time:
      stmt: 0, accum: 0, mapped: 0, tot: 0
      ASL queued time outs: 0, time: 0 (cur 0, cg 0)
      PQQ queued time outs: 0, time: 0 (cur 0, cg 0)
      Queue timeout violation: 0
      calls aborted: 0, num est exec limit hit: 0
      undo current: 0k max: 0k
      I/O credits acquired:small=0 large=0
      I/O credits waiting for:small=0 large=0
      KTU Session Commit Cache Dump for IDLs:
      KTU Session Commit Cache Dump for Non-IDLs:
      KKS-UOL used : 0 locks(used=0, free=0)
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3928
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       FSO mutex uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3978
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       FSO mutex uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa39c8
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       FSO mutex uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3a18
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       FSO mutex uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
      KGL-UOL SO Cache(total=0, free=0)
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3670
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa36c8
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3720
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3778
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa37d0
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3828
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
      KGX Atomic Operation Log 0x149aa3880
       Mutex (nil)(0, 0) idn 0 oper NONE(0)
       Library Cache uid 1 efd 0 whr 0 slp 0
       oper=0 pt1=(nil) pt2=(nil) pt3=(nil)
       pt4=(nil) pt5=(nil) ub4=0
    SO: 0x148219408, type: 14, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x1 c: 0x1
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=channel handle, file=ksr2.h LINE:367, pg=0
    (broadcast handle) 0x148219408 flag: (2) ACTIVE SUBSCRIBER,
                       owner: 0x14a50bdb0 - ospid: 2641
                       event: 2, last message event: 29,
                       last message waited event: 29,
                       next message: (nil)(0), messages read: 1
                      channel: (0x148229770) system events broadcast channel [name: 1]
                               scope: 2, event: 46, last mesage event: 29,
                               publishers/subscribers: 0/20,
                               messages published: 1
                               heuristic msg queue length: 0
    SO: 0x1484461a8, type: 24, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: -/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=ksz parent, file=ksz2.h LINE:454, pg=0
    SO: 0x14a8fa178, type: 3, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=call, file=ksu.h LINE:12725, pg=0
    (call) sess: cur 14a73cfb0, rec 0, usr 14a73cfb0; flg:20 fl2:1; depth:0
    svpt(xcb:(nil) sptn:0x2 uba: 0x00000000.0000.00)
    ksudlc FALSE at location: 0
    SO: 0x1483cbc48, type: 20, owner: 0x14a50bdb0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x1 c: 0x1
     proc=0x14a50bdb0, name=OS proc request holder, file=kso2.h LINE:522, pg=0
    (osp req holder)
  PSO child state object changes :
Dump of memory from 0x000000014A4F6FA0 to 0x000000014A4F71A8
14A4F6FA0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  [................]
        Repeat 31 times
14A4F71A0 00000000 00000000                    [........]
  SO: 0x14a50ce68, type: 2, owner: (nil), flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3
   proc=0x14a50ce68, name=process, file=ksu.h LINE:12721, pg=0
  (process) Oracle pid:3, ser:1, calls cur/top: 0x14a8fa458/0x14a8fa458
            flags : (0x6) SYSTEM
            flags2: (0x0),  flags3: (0x10)
            intr error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
            intr queue: empty
    ksudlp FALSE at location: 0
  (post info) last post received: 0 0 26
              last post received-location: ksa2.h LINE:285 ID:ksasnd
              last process to post me: 0x14a523e38 2 2
              last post sent: 0 0 69
              last post sent-location: kso2.h LINE:473 ID:ksoreq_reply
              last process posted by me: 0x14a5a5758 1 0
    (latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0x0


SYSTEM STATE DUMP(SSD)对于系统级等待夯死是非常好的工具,可以收集所有oracle系统进程的状态,等待的事件等等。可以在极端故障时,先收集SSD信息,然后处理问题,便于后续分析。

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