R语言-《Learning R》-Chapter15 : Distribution and Modeling-随机数字+线性回归

1. Random Numbers(随机数字)

## 随机数:从177个随机数
> sample(7)
[1] 5 2 7 4 3 6 1
## 随机数:从175个随机数
> sample(7, 5)
[1] 7 2 6 3 4
> sample(7, 10, replace = TRUE)
 [1] 7 3 5 2 7 5 2 3 4 5
> sample(.leap.seconds, 4)
[1] "1991-01-01 08:00:00 CST"
[2] "1999-01-01 08:00:00 CST"
[3] "1992-07-01 08:00:00 CST"
[4] "1988-01-01 08:00:00 CST"
> sample(colors(), 4)
[1] "darkgoldenrod3" "mediumorchid"  
[3] "indianred2"     "gold2"         
## 随机数并且限定暑假的概论(13, 21)最大
> weights <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 8, 3, 1, 1)
> sample(month.abb, 1, prob = weights)
[1] "Jun"
> sample(month.abb, 1, prob = weights)
[1] "Dec"
> sample(month.abb, 1, prob = weights)
[1] "Jul"
## 5 uniform random numbers between 0 and 1
## 5 uniform random numbers between 1 and 10
runif(5, 1,10) 
## 5 normal random numbers with mean 0 and std dev 1
## 5 normal random numbers with mean 3 and std dev 7
rnorm(5, 3, 7) 
## 随机数的算法
> ?RNG
> RNGkind()
[1] "Mersenne-Twister"
[2] "Inversion"       
## 设定seed,确定每次的随机数字
> set.seed(105)
> runif(5)
[1] 0.09791495 0.99563352
[3] 0.32055252 0.39772641
[5] 0.55322525
> set.seed(105)
> runif(5)
[1] 0.09791495 0.99563352
[3] 0.32055252 0.39772641
[5] 0.55322525
## You can also specify different generation algorithms,
   though this is very advanced usage,so don’t do that 
   unless you know what you are doing.

2. A First Model: Linear Regressions(线性回归)

> library(learningr)
> gonorrhoea
## The function for calculating them is concisely if not clearly named:lm, short for “linear model.” 
## 查看分组变量的levels
> lapply(Filter(is.factor, gonorrhoea), levels)
 [1] "0 to 4"     "5 to 9"     "10 to 14"   "15 to 19"  
 [5] "20 to 24"   "25 to 29"   "30 to 34"   "35 to 39"  
 [9] "40 to 44"   "45 to 54"   "55 to 64"   "65 or more"

[1] "American Indians & Alaskan Natives"
[2] "Asians & Pacific Islanders"        
[3] "Hispanics"                         
[4] "Non-Hispanic Blacks"               
[5] "Non-Hispanic Whites"               

[1] "Female" "Male"  
> model1 <- lm(Rate ~ Year + Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender, gonorrhoea)
> model1

lm(formula = Rate ~ Year + Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender, data = gonorrhoea)

                    Age.Group5 to 9  
                  Age.Group10 to 14  
                  Age.Group15 to 19  
                  Age.Group20 to 24  
                  Age.Group25 to 29  
                  Age.Group30 to 34  
                  Age.Group35 to 39  
                  Age.Group40 to 44  
                  Age.Group45 to 54  
                  Age.Group55 to 64  
                Age.Group65 or more  
EthnicityAsians & Pacific Islanders  
       EthnicityNon-Hispanic Blacks  
       EthnicityNon-Hispanic Whites  
## 数据解读:For example,  the  "0  to  4  age  group"  is  missing,  
   and  the  "American  Indians  &  AlaskanNatives ethnicity" is also
## 原因:These “missing” categories are included in the "intercept". 
   In the following output, the intercept value of 5,540 people infected with
   gonorrhoea per 100,000 people 
     applies to "0- to 4-year-old" "female" "American Indians and Alaskan Natives"  
     in the  "year 0".   
## The "0- to 4-year-old" "female" "American Indians and Alaskan Natives"
   group was chosen because it consists of the first level of each of the factor variables. 
> summary(model1)

lm(formula = Rate ~ Year + Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender, data = gonorrhoea)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-376.74 -130.62   37.12   90.69 1467.06 

                                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                          5540.496  14866.406   0.373  0.70952    
Year                                   -2.770      7.400  -0.374  0.70826    
Age.Group5 to 9                        -0.614     51.268  -0.012  0.99045    
Age.Group10 to 14                      15.268     51.268   0.298  0.76596    
Age.Group15 to 19                     415.698     51.268   8.108 3.05e-15 ***
Age.Group20 to 24                     546.820     51.268  10.666  < 2e-16 ***
Age.Group25 to 29                     291.098     51.268   5.678 2.15e-08 ***
Age.Group30 to 34                     155.872     51.268   3.040  0.00247 ** 
Age.Group35 to 39                      84.612     51.268   1.650  0.09940 .  
Age.Group40 to 44                      49.506     51.268   0.966  0.33463    
Age.Group45 to 54                      27.364     51.268   0.534  0.59372    
Age.Group55 to 64                       8.684     51.268   0.169  0.86555    
Age.Group65 or more                     1.178     51.268   0.023  0.98168    
EthnicityAsians & Pacific Islanders   -82.922     33.093  -2.506  0.01249 *  
EthnicityHispanics                    -49.000     33.093  -1.481  0.13924    
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Blacks          376.204     33.093  11.368  < 2e-16 ***
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Whites          -68.263     33.093  -2.063  0.03958 *  
GenderMale                            -17.892     20.930  -0.855  0.39298    
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01* ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 256.3 on 582 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4913,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.4765 
F-statistic: 33.07 on 17 and 582 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
## 考虑Year没用太多意义,予以删除
## In the next example, "." means the terms that were already in the formula, 
    and "–" (minus) means remove this next term”:
> model2 <- update(model1, ~ . - Year)
> summary(model2)

lm(formula = Rate ~ Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender, data = gonorrhoea)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-377.59 -128.45   34.64   92.22 1472.60 

                                    Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)                          -25.104     43.117  -0.582
Age.Group5 to 9                       -0.614     51.230  -0.012
Age.Group10 to 14                     15.268     51.230   0.298
Age.Group15 to 19                    415.698     51.230   8.114
Age.Group20 to 24                    546.820     51.230  10.674
Age.Group25 to 29                    291.098     51.230   5.682
Age.Group30 to 34                    155.872     51.230   3.043
Age.Group35 to 39                     84.612     51.230   1.652
Age.Group40 to 44                     49.506     51.230   0.966
Age.Group45 to 54                     27.364     51.230   0.534
Age.Group55 to 64                      8.684     51.230   0.170
Age.Group65 or more                    1.178     51.230   0.023
EthnicityAsians & Pacific Islanders  -82.922     33.069  -2.508
EthnicityHispanics                   -49.000     33.069  -1.482
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Blacks         376.204     33.069  11.376
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Whites         -68.263     33.069  -2.064
GenderMale                           -17.892     20.915  -0.855
(Intercept)                          0.56064    
Age.Group5 to 9                      0.99044    
Age.Group10 to 14                    0.76579    
Age.Group15 to 19                   2.91e-15 ***
Age.Group20 to 24                    < 2e-16 ***
Age.Group25 to 29                   2.10e-08 ***
Age.Group30 to 34                    0.00245 ** 
Age.Group35 to 39                    0.09915 .  
Age.Group40 to 44                    0.33427    
Age.Group45 to 54                    0.59345    
Age.Group55 to 64                    0.86545    
Age.Group65 or more                  0.98166    
EthnicityAsians & Pacific Islanders  0.01243 *  
EthnicityHispanics                   0.13894    
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Blacks         < 2e-16 ***
EthnicityNon-Hispanic Whites         0.03943 *  
GenderMale                           0.39263    
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01* ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 256.1 on 583 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4912,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.4772 
F-statistic: 35.18 on 16 and 583 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

3. 比较模型

> anova(model1, model2)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: Rate ~ Year + Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender
Model 2: Rate ~ Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender
  Res.Df      RSS Df Sum of Sq      F Pr(>F)
1    582 38243062                           
2    583 38252272 -1   -9209.7 0.1402 0.7083
## 结果分析:The p-value in the righthand column is 0.71, 
   so removing the year term didn’t signif‐icantly affect the model’s fit to
   the data.
## The Akaike and Bayesian information criteria provide alternate methods of comparingmodels, via the AIC and BIC functions. 
> AIC(model1, model2)
       df      AIC
model1 19 8378.252
model2 18 8376.397
> BIC(model1, model2)
       df      BIC
model1 19 8461.794
model2 18 8455.541
## 结果分析:Smaller numbers roughly correspond to “better” models:

4. Plotting and Inspecting Models

## "lm" models have a plot method that lets you check the goodness of fit
   in "six different ways". A slightly better approach is to use the "layout"
   function to see all the plots together. Figure 15-2
> plot_numbers <- 1:6
> layout(matrix(plot_numbers, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
> plot(model1, plot_numbers)
## you can explore the structure of these model variables in
   the usual way:
> unclass(model1)
> str(model1)
## There are many convenience functions for accessing the various components
   of the model, such as formula, nobs, residuals, fitted, and coefficients:
> formula(model1)
Rate ~ Year + Age.Group + Ethnicity + Gender
> nobs(model1)
[1] 600
> head(residuals(model1))
        1         2         3         4         5         6 
 106.0185  106.3325   90.6505 -278.9795 -364.2015 -121.9795 
> head(fitted(model1))
        1         2         3         4         5         6 
-105.7185 -106.3325  -90.4505  309.9795  441.1015  185.3795 
> head(coefficients(model1))
      (Intercept)              Year   Age.Group5 to 9 Age.Group10 to 14 
      5540.496167         -2.770333         -0.614000         15.268000 
Age.Group15 to 19 Age.Group20 to 24 
       415.698000        546.820000 

3.1 ggplot2

> library(ggplot2)
> diagnostics <- data.frame(
+     residuals = residuals(model1),
+     fitted    = fitted(model1) 
+ )
> ggplot(diagnostics, aes(fitted, residuals)) +
+            geom_point() +
+            geom_smooth(method = "loess")
## The real beauty of using models is that you can predict outcomes based on whatever model inputs interest you. It’s more fun when you have a time variable in the model so that you can predict the future, but in this case we can take a look at infection rates for specific demographics. In a completely self-interested fashion, I’m going to look at the infection rates for 30- to 34-year-old non-Hispanic white people:
> new_data <- data.frame(
+     Age.Group = "30 to 34",
+     Ethnicity = "Non-Hispanic Whites"
+ )
> predict(model4, new_data)
## The model predicts an infection rate of 54 people per 100,000. 
## Let’s compare it to the data for that group:
> subset(
+     gonorrhoea,
+     Age.Group == "30 to 34" & Ethnicity == "Non-Hispanic Whites"
+ )
    Year Age.Group           Ethnicity Gender Rate
7   2007  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites   Male 41.0
19  2007  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites Female 45.6
127 2008  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites   Male 35.1
139 2008  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites Female 40.8
247 2009  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites   Male 34.6
259 2009  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites Female 33.8
367 2010  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites   Male 40.8
379 2010  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites Female 38.5
487 2011  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites   Male 48.0
499 2011  30 to 34 Non-Hispanic Whites Female 40.7
## 数据解读:The data points range from 34 to 48, so the prediction is a little bit high




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