面向所有人的 Python 课【Python for Everybody】课程笔记简介


很久没用使用Python编程了,在小破站上看到了密歇根大学的Python for Everybody课程的相关信息,心血来潮想借这个课程温习一遍Python,感谢Dr. Chuck!



Python for Everybody
【中英字幕】Python for everybody-不可错过的五星推荐python入门课程!


PY4E - Book - Python for Everybody


Python for Everybody (PY4E)



Couser 1: 零基础程序设计(Python 入门)【Getting Started with Python】

模块1 第一章 我们为什么要编程?【Why we Program?】

These are the course-wide materials as well as the first part of Chapter One where we explore what it means to write programs. We finished Chapter One and had the quiz and first assignment in the third week of the class. Throughout the course, you may want to come back and look at these materials. This section should not take you an entire week.

模块2 安装 Python【Installing Python】

In this module you will set things up so you can write Python programs. Not all activities in this module are required for this class so please read the “Using Python in this Class” material for details.
在这个模块中,您将进行设置,以便能够编写 Python 程序。本模块中的并非所有活动都是本课程所必需的,因此请阅读“在本课程中使用 Python”的材料以获取详细信息。

模块3 第一章 我们为什么要编程?(延续)【Why We Program(continued)】

In the first chapter, we try to cover the “big picture” of programming so you get a “table of contents” of the rest of the book. Don’t worry if not everything makes perfect sense the first time you hear it. This chapter is quite broad and you would benefit from reading the chapter in the book in addition to watching the lectures to help it all sink in. You might want to come back and re-watch these lectures after you have finished a few more chapters.

模块4 第二章 变量和表达式【Variables and Expressions】

In this chapter we cover how a program uses the computer’s memory to store, retrieve and calculate information.

模块5 第三章 条件式【Conditional Code】

In this section we move from sequential code that simply runs one line of code after another to conditional code where some steps are skipped. It is a very simple concept - but it is how computer software makes “choices”.

模块6 第四章 函数【Functions】

This is a relatively short chapter. We will learn about what functions are and how we can use them. The programs in the first chapters of the book are not large enough to require us to develop functions, but as the book moves into more and more complex programs, functions will be an essential way for us to make sense of our code.

模块7 第五章 循环和迭代【Loops and Iteration】

Loops and iteration complete our four basic programming patterns. Loops are the way we tell Python to do something over and over. Loops are the way we build programs that stay with a problem until the problem is solved.

Couser 2: Python 数据结构【Python Data Structures】

模块1 第六章 字符串【Strings】

In this class, we pick up where we left off in the previous class, starting in Chapter 6 of the textbook and covering Strings and moving into data structures. The second week of this class is dedicated to getting Python installed if you want to actually run the applications on your desktop or laptop. If you choose not to install Python, you can just skip to the third week and get a head start.

模块2 单元:安装并使用 Python【Unit: Installing and Using Python】

In this module you will set things up so you can write Python programs. We do not require installation of Python for this class. You can write and test Python programs in the browser using the “Python Code Playground” in this lesson. Please read the “Using Python in this Class” material for details.

模块3 第七章 文件【Files】

Up to now, we have been working with data that is read from the user or data in constants. But real programs process much larger amounts of data by reading and writing files on the secondary storage on your computer. In this chapter we start to write our first programs that read, scan, and process real data.

模块4 第八章 列表【Lists】

As we want to solve more complex problems in Python, we need more powerful variables. Up to now we have been using simple variables to store numbers or strings where we have a single value in a variable. Starting with lists we will store many values in a single variable using an indexing scheme to store, organize, and retrieve different values from within a single variable. We call these multi-valued variables “collections” or “data structures”.

模块5 第九章 字典【Dictionaries】

The Python dictionary is one of its most powerful data structures. Instead of representing values in a linear list, dictionaries store data as key / value pairs. Using key / value pairs gives us a simple in-memory “database” in a single Python variable.

模块6 第十章 元组【Tuples】

Tuples are our third and final basic Python data structure. Tuples are a simple version of lists. We often use tuples in conjunction with dictionaries to accomplish multi-step tasks like sorting or looping through all of the data in a dictionary.

模块7 毕业【Graduation】

To celebrate your making it to the halfway point in our Python for Everybody Specialization, we welcome you to attend our online graduation ceremony. It is not very long, and it features a Commencement speaker and very short commencement speech.

Couser 3: 使用 Python 访问网络数据【Using Python to Access Web Data】

模块1 开始【Getting Started】

In this section you will install Python and a text editor. In previous classes in the specialization this was an optional assignment, but in this class it is the first requirement to get started. From this point forward we will stop using the browser-based Python grading environment because the browser-based Python environment (Skulpt) is not capable of running the more complex programs we will be developing in this class.

模块2 第十一章 正则表达式【Regular Expressions】

Regular expressions are a very specialized language that allow us to succinctly search strings and extract data from strings. Regular expressions are a language unto themselves. It is not essential to know how to use regular expressions, but they can be quite useful and powerful.

模块3 第十二章 网络和套接字【Networks and Sockets】

In this section we learn about the protocols that web browsers use to retrieve documents and web applications use to interact with Application Program Interfaces (APIs).

模块4 第十二章 浏览网页的程序【Programs that Surf the Web】

In this section we learn to use Python to retrieve data from web sites and APIs over the Internet.

模块5 第十三章 Web服务和XML【Web Services and XML】

In this section, we learn how to retrieve and parse XML (eXtensible Markup Language) data.

模块6 第十三章 JSON和REST架构【JSON and the REST Architecture】

In this module, we work with Application Program Interfaces / Web Services using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format.
在本模块中,我们使用JavaScript对象表示法(JSON)数据格式处理应用程序接口/ Web服务。

Couser 4: 通过 Python 使用数据库【Using Databases with Python】

模块1 面向对象Python【Object Oriented Python】

To start this class out we cover the basics of Object Oriented Python. We won’t be writing our own objects, but since many of the things we use like BeautifulSoup, strings, dictionaries, database connections all use Object Oriented (OO) patterns we should at least understand some of its patterns and terminology.

模块2 基本结构化查询语言【Basic Structured Query Language】

We learn the four core CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) to manage data stored in a database.

模块3 数据模型和关系SQL【Data Models and Relational SQL】

In this section we learn about how data is stored across multiple tables in a database and how rows are linked (i.e., we establish relationships) in the database.

模块4 SQL中的多对多关系【Many-to-Many Relationships in SQL】

In this section we explore how to model situations like students enrolling in courses where each course has many students and each student is enrolled in many courses.

模块5 数据库和可视化【Databases and Visualization】

In this section, we put it all together, retrieve and process some data and then use the OpenStreetMaps API to visualize our data.
在本节中,我们将把它们放在一起,检索和处理一些数据,然后使用OpenStreetMaps API来可视化我们的数据。

Couser 5: 结业项目:使用 Python 检索、处理和可视化数据【Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python】

模块1 欢迎来到结业项目【Welcome to the Capstone】

Congratulations to everyone for making it this far. Before you begin, please view the Introduction video and read the Capstone Overview. The Course Resources section contains additional course-wide material that you may want to refer to in future weeks.

模块2 构建搜索引擎【Building a Search Engine】

This week we will download and run a simple version of the Google PageRank Algorithm and practice spidering some content. The assignment is peer-graded, and the first of three optional Honors assignments in the course. This a continuation of the material covered in Course 4 of the specialization, and is based on Chapter 16 of the textbook.
本周我们将下载并运行一个简单版本的Google PageRank算法,并练习爬行一些内容。该作业由同行评分,是本课程三个可选荣誉作业中的第一个。这是本专业课程4所涵盖材料的延续,并以教科书第16章为基础。

模块3 探索数据来源(项目)【Exploring Data Sources(Project)】

The optional Capstone project is your opportunity to select, process, and visualize the data of your choice, and receive feedback from your peers. The project is not graded, and can be as simple or complex as you like. This week’s assignment is to identify a data source and make a short discussion forum post describing the data source and outlining some possible analysis that could be done with it. You will not be required to use the data source presented here for your actual analysis.

模块4 搜索和建模电子邮件数据【Spidering and Modeling Email Data】

In our second optional Honors assignment, we will retrieve and process email data from the Sakai open source project. Video lectures will walk you through the process of retrieving, cleaning up, and modeling the data.

模块5 获取新数据源(项目)【Accessing New Data Sources(Project)】

The task for this week is to make a discussion thread post that reflects the progress you have made to date in retrieving and cleaning up your data source so can perform your analysis. Feedback from other students is encouraged to help you refine the process.

模块6 可视化电子邮件数据【Visualizing Email Data】

In the final optional Honors assignment, we will do two visualizations of the email data you have retrieved and processed: a word cloud to visualize the frequency distribution and a timeline to show how the data is changing over time.

模块7 可视化新数据源(项目)【Visualizing new Data Sources(Project)】

This week you will discuss the analysis of your data to the class. While many of the projects will result in a visualization of the data, any other results of analyzing the data are equally valued, so use whatever form of analysis and display is most appropriate to the data set you have selected.





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